Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

General Feedback

Posted by Sharon (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 12/29/2008

I believe in the natural remedies and so I am open to feedback. I have had constipation off and on for years, and bleed if I eat nuts or get constipated. I have hemorroids and really want to know how to heal them and get my body back to balance. I have been using the Essiac Tea to try to heal the sore rectal area. There is kind of a small scab. I may start using Apple Cider Vinegar. and I know that Castor Oil is good too. I have a tendancy toward candida and I have Epstien Barr and I really want to know what to do. I have dark circles under my eyes and am tired alot and have adrenal fatigue. I sound like a mess. I would love some suggestions.

Replied by Jc

Try eating coconut oil everyday sounds weird but it's good for balancing candida and gut health in general. You can also get it in veg capsules or make them yourself. I have also made my own suppositories by refrigerating coconut oil alone and sometimes with certain food grade essential oils both vaginally and the anal route. Helps me very quickly with flares


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Posted by No more anal tags (Florida) on 05/12/2024

Hemorrel for prolapsed hemorrhoid and anal skin tags

I got the OG covid and delta covid afterwards. Delta was real bad. I lost my sense of smell and in addition got a thromboses hemorrhoid. Basically a blood clot in my anus. It hurt, itched then burst. Never had hemorrhoids before or since. The hemorrhoids were so large it left a prolapsed skin tag like a small bubble outside my anus. It looked and felt horrible.

I vowed this year was the year of fixing physical problems. I tried the castor oil, bout some $50 coconut oil oxygen suppositories and used witch hazel all to no avail. Fed up I decided to have it banded. I was reading online at some forum about different treatments when a British guy answered a post about my same exact problem he's had for 3 years. He bought some stuff off of eBay called Hemorrel with Europa oil whatever that is. Supposedly after 3 weeks and applying twice a day, his prolapsed hemorrhoid shrunk and was now all better.

I've had the same problem for the same amount of time. I searched the internet and found Hemorrel at some Eastern European website. Bought it. Have been using it for a week and a half. My hemorrhoids have shrunk. Half the size they were at the start. It's unbelievable. The product says all natural things. I don't know why it works but it does. You have to apply it outside and in. I just use my finger. Nothing else worked for me. It's a miracle.

Hemorrhoid Surgery Recovery Remedies

Posted by Anna (Chicago,il) on 11/24/2013

Hello, My husband had hemorrids surgery( 2 cut completely) and he is suffering from pain and frustration, this is very painfull, he is staying home, little walks at home and sleep. Please anyone advice about your experience and let me know how can I help him to recover soon.He is taking stool softenera and he doesnt have any constipation thank God. Thank you, Anna from Chicago.

Replied by Ed2010

Drink 15 ml - 30 ml Noni Juice daily. This will soften the stool, relive constipation, minimize Hemmorhoid symptoms. Take HorseChestnut Capsules, this will strength the veins and cure Hemmorhoids. Good Health

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Anna,

So sorry about your husband's troubles! I am wondering how long ago surgery was. The last time I had surgery ("routine laparoscopic surgery") I was surprised at how very bad I felt for a good two weeks. I had had similar surgery in the past and had seemed to bounce back more quickly. For me, I think it was partly a lingering effect of the anesthesia. It can take a while to leave your system and can just leave you feeling bad, low energy, dizzy, nauseated, etc. Hopefully, a little more time will help your husband a lot. Charcoal tablets can be taken internally daily for a time to help with this...4 per day, not within two hours of medication.

Comfrey and or Chickweed salve used externally are soothing and healing to hemorroid surgery.

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper in 5 ounces of grape juice is spicy but a good "pick me up" drink. However, if food is moving through his system too quickly, the cayenne doesn't completely digest and can cause some burning for a short time on the other end.

I hope he feels better soon! Do let us know what you find helps his recovery.

~Mama to Many~


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Posted by Toni (Oregon) on 02/03/2016

Editor's Choice My problem is so bad I came close to bleeding to death a few times this year. I've bled for 8 years, progressively getting worse each year. Have had to have blood transfusion, iron infusions, etc. They scheduled surgery for the end of January. I had two weeks to turn this around (the surgery is nothing short of barbaric and has high rate of risks and long-painful recovery).

A natural-doctor friend told me about Collinsonia Root. I read the comments on Amazon and they were quite impressive. For example, a guy had problems for 20 years, started taking Collinsonia and has had no problem for the last 20. I did a progressive experiment. I first tried ingesting 5 black peppercorns in the morning and at night. Within 24 hours the bleeding was 3/4 less. I added Collinsonia Root and Fargelin (a chinese herb) five days later. Both are said to strengthen the colon wall to prevent hemorrhoids and to shrink the tissue. I've been doing all three for three weeks and the tissue has shrunk. I had massive amounts so it will take time.

But I have had bowel movements with no blood at all...THAT is a miracle. The Collinsonia Root is inexpensive and you take one pill 1-3 times a day. The Fargelin is little round, black pills. You take 4 three times a day. My doctors words were, "I'm astonished by the results." Surgery has been canceled :)

Replied by Jen

Hello Toni, I'm sooo glad to read your write up as we(my husband and I) are in deals need of a natural treatment. I would like to ask you though, which brand of collinsonia root you bought of Amazon, so we can try to get the exact same one since it worked for you. Also please let us know where you got the chinese herb. Please help. Thank you so much.

Replied by Diana

I have been doing research on Fargelin. I purchased some from Amazon because of all of the good reviews but was worried about the arsenic deal. I took it for the first time yesterday but did not do it three pills three times a day. I thought I would work my way up to that. I was curious about how long you took it and if you had any side effects.

Replied by Charity
(faithville, Us)

6 Proven Collinsonia Root Benefits - Healthy Focus

11 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Black Pepper (healthline.com)

here are some links to add to above article on hemorrhoids. I don't have those, but these products look interesting for other health improvements. I know when you feel miserable it is nice to find information without having to go look for it. I may be adding these to my cabinet for occasional use. A nice arsenal is good for us.

Posted by Sally (Saint James City, Fl-florida) on 02/20/2013

I had 2 large hemoroids. I inserted garlic at bedtime the first night and didn't notice any improvement. The second night I soaked a cotton ball in ACV and kept that applied to the area while sleeping. It relieved the itching but didn't reduce the size. The third day I tried Arnica Gel. Its a gel I had purchased after facial surgery to reduce pain, swelling and bruising. I have been applying that externally 3 times a day for the last 2 days, one hemoroid is completely gone and the other is almost gone. The active ingredient in the gel is 7% Arnica Montana. There is also an Arnica Montana supplement I took for my facial surgery to reduce swelling and bruising. I havent tried that for hemoroids, just mentioning it since its available in more forms than just topical.

Posted by Helper (Somewhere Soft, Ca) on 11/11/2012

I was trying so many things to cure myself topically, until I finally got wise and tried this. All of the internet hemorrhoid cures being sold out there have ginger and cayenne. I decided to try making my own.

Mix equal parts ginger and cayenne, and then throw in a dash of turmeric. Fill large gel caps you can get a a health store or online.

I take two pills in the morning, and two at night. You can take one with lunch too.

Make sure to drink a glass or two of water when you take them. This prevents burning your stomach and also drinking lots of water helps soften your stool, not to mention it makes everything in your body work better.

I try to cook with ginger and turmeric whenever possible. I'm not so good with spicy, but if I was, I would cook with cayenne too.

The swelling of the hemorrhoids should start to go away as soon as a day, as long as a week. I think it took two days for me to feel results. I've been taking them a month and I'm completely pain free for weeks now. I can use dry toilet paper (though I never recomend it) and I couldn't even touch myself down there last month without intense pain. I also take magnesium to help keep stool soft since fiber and water weren't cutting it.

This mix also helps with other vascular issues like varicose veins, and joint inflamation.

Good luck!

Replied by Chelle
(South Africa)

Hi. Really appreciate your posting. I'm wanting to help a friend who says he's bleeding "like a stuffed pig". Really suffering. He's 75. Did you use dried ginger and cayenne or fresh ground up into a paste in the capsules? I want to make this for him. Thanks in advance.

Posted by Sunshine44 (Sarasota, Fl, United States) on 09/17/2012

I have been having trouble with bleeding hemorrhoids for the past two years, with increasing frequency and pain. I have tried everything from steroid cream from the doctor, to drugstore cream, coconut oil, probiotics, etc. Then I realized that orange juice and other fruit juices, vinegar, fish oil pills and other vitamins were all making it worse. I have stopped most of them for months, and it helped a bit but not enough. On a hunch, I started drinking one cup of herbal Peppermint tea (tea bags bought at the supermarket) each night for the past 2 weeks and I haven't had any bleeding since and I have no more pain. I am now starting to slowly add some of the things that I have eliminated from my diet and have not had any problems.

I did find on the internet that Peppermint tea is good for hemorrhoids, but they said you need to be careful if you have acid reflux or blood pressure problems. Some sites said it could lower your blood pressure, others said it could raise it. I haven't found any difference but I don't have blood pressure problems. I am hopeful that the tea has healed my hemorrhoids for good and that the tea continues to help. I also hope this helps others with their problem, because I know how painful this can be. Make sure you get Peppermint tea bags and NOT Peppermint oil which will cause more irritation. It is certainly worth a try.

Posted by Mary (Austin, Tx) on 09/15/2012

I feel so grateful for this site!!! I had a strange bad hemmorhoid issue that came on during a very stressful time at age 44. Never before had I ever had such a problem, and it was scary when I found that conventional medicine is all about nasty surgery.

Reading here, I learned about ACV applications, and started doing them and received immediate comfort and a small reduction in swelling. But after 2 weeks of not much change, I chatted with a friend and she raved about a Chinese herbal pill formula with a western name of "Fargolin". I went to a chinese pharmacy in my town and they had several brands - all for only $4-$5 a bottle.

Well, amazingly, after just a couple of doses, the hemorrhoid responded beautifully. My friend said, "yeah, that's normal - just a few days is all it takes. " I asked if I should finish the bottle anyway and she said no, just save it in case you ever need it again. 2 years on, and still hemorrhoid-free!

Replied by Elaine

Hi Mary- to anyone who still has the Hems use this product that Mary mentioned it is called "Fargolin" it is a Chinese Herb. I thought what else did I have to loose I was reading all the comments and trying everything, and when I say everything I was.

The pain became so unbearable – I ordered it and it came the next day, I was a little uncomfortable and nervous but I was like what the hell – within a few min I can honestly say it eased the pressure and pain that I was feeling and the thing was I only used ONE, where as they tell you to take up to FOUR, I did not feel any after effects so I started taking TWO in the morning and TWO at night. So if anybody is down to their wit's end, try this. Oh I forgot the cream did not come yet, but I can see and feel the difference.

Replied by Elaine

Update* Using the cream/pills has shrunk them to the point that I can sit down, I am in no pain, I have used the bathroom with no problem.

So I use two pills in the morning, put the cream on my bum, during the day regular water to keep clean. When I get home before I go to bed I take two more pills along with one White Oak Bark pill, then I cream up my bum.

Try it guys, a few days ago I was in tears could not walk, in bed all day, no energy, was afraid to uses the bathroom because I actually felt like I was passing Glass. Oh and no more bleeding.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Posted by Vanya (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 07/14/2012

Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris for Hemorrhoids

This unique herb helped my husband to get rid of his inflamed and bleeding (on and off) hemorrhoids after 26 years of suffering. I bought him 3 bottles of it because they told us he needs to take it for 3 months with a week break in between. Well, he never even got to the second bottle, his hemorrhoids diminished after taking the herb for about two weeks, but he took the capsules for one month. It has been about two months after he stopped taking it, he still cannot believe they are gone, they are not coming back even after he has constipation or ate a spicy meal. Make yourself a favor, do not buy the most expensive product out there, they are not any better, just buy the cheapest one with the yellow label, I am not affiliated with any websites or anything like that, I am just a happy woman for my husband and want to share our success with other sufferers. The one I bought costs about $7 a bottle, and it worked wonders. I will not stop recommending this herb and spreading the word.

And one more benefit - improved libido! Just don't overdo it, because there is a warning for people with enlarged prostates and pregnant women! Do your research first and try it for yourself, you will be glad you did! God Bless this website!

Replied by Nick
(Detroit, Mi)

Thank you, Vanya. How many capsules he took per day?


Sorry for the late responce.

He took 2 capsules of Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris on empty stomach every morning and 1 capsule in the evening.

Posted by Scaiken (Aiken, Sc) on 04/02/2012

I have had very painful hemorrhoids for four months and have tried a lot of the home remedies mentioned on this site. ACV, Molasses, garlic, witch hazel, Rutin, Vitamin B6, suppositories, etc. To no avail.

Nothing worked until I tried 200 mg. Horse Chestnut Leaf, 800 mg. of Witch Hazel Leaf, and 100mg. Ginger Root. After three weeks of this mixture I am 90% cured and hope to be 100% soon. You can either get this mixtured from Hem-Relief or buy your own individually a lot cheaper.

Posted by Graham (Adelaide, Australia) on 08/14/2011

I have had problems with sore and bleeding hemaroids for many years and I have almost instant relief using Swedish Bitters everytime they flare up..

I halve a cotton wool ball soak it in swedish bitters make into a bullet shape and wipe the affected area, then insert just slightly.. It really stings though but well worth it as within a minute or so all pain has gone.. I hope this helps someone..

Posted by Erin (Tampa, Fl) on 07/21/2011

For hemorrhoids - I have been having good results from taking a cup of strong chamomile tea liberally laced with honey every night. I read that some people had relief from hemorrhoids by eating more honey and also by drinking more chamomile tea, so I figured, why not combine the two? It's been giving me more comfortable morning ablutions. I highly recommend it.

Posted by Ricardo (Portland, , Oregon) on 06/28/2011

I just wanted to add to the post of a home remedy that was given to me recently. Golden seal and Vaseline. Last week I had the worst case of "roids" I have ever encountered. It was so painful to just sit down, and I sit down at work all day long. I told a friend, and he suggested that I take Goldenseal Powder and mix it with Vaseline, and apply it to my infected area. I took it a step further and put the mixture in the freezer to make it nice and cold so it would help reduce the inflammation. Within 2 minutes I notice a dynamic decrease in pain. I have also goldenseal with over the counter Hemorrhoid cream, which I put in the freezer. It works wonders compared to hemorrhoid cream by itself.

I will try the AVC remedies I have read over this post to see how they work.

I just wanted to say, "Thank you, " to all the people who post on this webpage for all their input on holistic and natural home remedies.

In the last 15 years I have lost faith in modern medicine and have found it true in my personal experiences', that common sense and knowledge of TCM can go a long way for maintaining one's personal health. Good luck you all of you and thank you for all of your insights.

Replied by Ken B

Ricardo, I would be very careful about putting Vaseline, which is a Petrol based product on any area of sensitive absorbing skin, or internally. Have a look on Youtube on how to make homemade "vaseline" from Olive Oil and beeswax. This is much safer and the Vitamin E in the Olive Oil will help the skin heal.

Just my thoughts amigo.

Posted by Mama D (Elm Grove, La) on 05/25/2011

I learned this from an obscure magazine artical which I now cannot find in a doctors office.

At least 60 mg Gingko Biloba twice a day for five days to a week. Should start feeling almost complete relief on day three. If they come back in a few months just repeat the regimin.

Posted by Maria (Silver Spring, Usa) on 12/16/2010

I read that hemorrhoids show up when your liver is unable to process all the toxins, as it is overloaded by them. To help your liver take milk thistle capsules of 250 mgs with each meal, and take one capsule of Alpha Lipoic acid every day. When the liver is OK the hemorrhoids will be gone. It took me about a month, but it worked.

Replied by Geo Phil

Thank you Maria for this. Though I have hems for the last few years I did not have any flare ups. However, last few days I got a rather bad thromboses hems and I was wondering what was the cause of this! Now by seeing your post I realised that past few months, probably a year, I did not take any milk thistle. I just ran to my medicine chest and grabbed one. Hope I should be back to normal soon! Thanks again. God bless you.
