Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained


10 User Reviews
5 star (9) 

Posted by Richard (Winston Salem, North Carolina) on 06/23/2008

Cayenne pepper rememdies: cayenne pepper foot baths will completely cure bad feet, although if you continue to work on hard floors the cure might need to be repeated every so often. Also, cayenne pepper does wonders on hemorrhoids when mixed with an otc ointment (not vaseline). Go very light on this one and be ready to wash it off yourself if you can't stand the burning. I've also tried cayenne pepper in a vaseline salve that I made on the cookstove that completely cured the bursitis in my shoulder.

Replied by Sam
(Nyc, Ny)


WARNING! Be very careful applying cayenne pepper to hemorrhoid directly. Just do it for external ones. I tried it for an internal one once and my rectum became heavily inflamed, very painful for a long period and I urinated blood. And to make things worse, it caused my hemorrhoid to become prolapsed!

Posted by Mario (Davao City, Philippines) on 03/25/2008

Hemorrhoids or piles is something genetic in our family. My paternal grandmother had it, my father, my uncles and aunts, all then of them, had it. In family reunions, hemorrhoids was an intimate, humorous conversation piece among them. Years later, eight of us brothers and sisters would have it too. Two of my brothers underwent painful operations to remove their hemorrhoids. I thought, soon I'd be going through the same ordeal too as I was already bleeding everytime I do my morning rituals. That's when I read about cayenne pepper. I took 3 capsules with meals everyday for three months in 2002. Miracle of miracles, my hemorrhoids disappeared...vanished without a trace. For five years now. I only stopped taking it when I was diagnosed for hyperthyroid. After getting into this website, I think I'll go back to taking cayenne pepper again especially because I am hypertensive and has a high cholesterol nowadays. Will get in touch again after a few weeks. Thanks for a very helpful and inspiring forum like this.

Coconut Oil, Cumin

3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Dibro828 (Mississippi) on 11/01/2013

Healed the worst case of Hemorroids imagined by Coconut oil and Ground Cumin!

Fast relief. No faith required.

Latex glove with a nice dob of Coconut oil at finger tips..."cover" and I mean cover the Coconut oil with Ground Cumin

(Mccormicks from the grocery store works just fine thank you)

squat and apply the ointment inside and outside of rectum...may be warm a few seconds..but the trade off is NO MORE Itching no more burning.

As the coconut oil instantly sooths the rawness of affected area (all around inside and out) the Ground Cumin gets to work reducing the size of the "Roid" or "Roids" by getting the circulation flowing from the blocked up rectum tissue causing the pain n swelling in the first place.

Repeat this AM and PM or 3x day if possible.

Optional: Try

Magic Milk "Tonic"...

Warning (Do not drink Magic Milk if taking blood thinning medications)

Magic Milk "Tonic"

1-8oz cup of milk (warm is mighty good)

1/4 tsp of Ground Curry ...

1/4 tsp Ground Tumeric

1/4 tsp Ground Ginger Root...

For two and three alarm Hemorroids add

1/4 tsp Ground Cumin to this mix.

Sip and enjoy the healing magic!

Replied by Ed

This worked great - exactly as described.

Replied by FR


WARNING & SUCCESS: Not totally sure this was the cause but I've been using the Magic Milk Tonic with all four spices -- curry, turmeric, ginger AND the cumin. Today was the third time I'd taken it and maybe an hour or two after that I was going into the kitchen and all of a sudden felt "pulled" toward the floor to my right side. Only when I grabbed the counter did I feel at all light-headed or dizzy and I never blacked out (I had that experience in junior high and I'm 59 now). It's the only new thing I've been doing recently.

I did a search on Duck, Duck, Go: "Can taking cumin, curry, turmeric or ginger make you lose your balance" and ended up on this page (I'd meant to say AND ginger):

https://www.drugs.com/mtm/turmeric.html and looking under common side effects I found the "dizziness" hyperlink and clicked it and found the "Vertigo" page below with the following comment.

"What is vertigo?

Vertigo is a condition that causes you to feel dizzy. You may feel that you or everything around you is moving or spinning. You may also feel like you are being pulled down or toward your side."

I HAVE had good results with this combination, otherwise. I think I've only taken 1x/day the few times I've taken it. I HAD been contemplating 3x/day just to move on from this more quickly. I was basing that idea on the coconut oil/cumin ointment first mentioned by Dibro828.

Does anyone else have anything similar to report? Now I'm thinking I'll stick with the 1x/day and maybe make it before bed so I can sleep it off. I also think I'll discontinue as soon as possible after total or near-total relief because of this strange side-effect.

I don't take any medications.

Corn Starch

3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Robert (Wilmington, Delaware) on 12/03/2009

Home remedy hemorroid cream - corn starch; cuts out the burning and itchiness, use about 1 teaspoon

Replied by Life's Surprises
(Toronto, On, Ca)

Sigh - growing older had its perks for a little while [driving, moving out, and so on] until a couple years later, when all those things nobody tells you about suddenly decide to throw you a surprise party all at once. One of the attendees: hems. Now, I'm only 23, fairly active, fairly fit, quite healthy in terms of my diet, but one random day the magic H word sprouted up like an unwanted guest that never knew when to leave.

I have absolutely no idea what I did the first time - after struggling for two weeks trying to figure out what it was, expensive prescription suppositories that took a few days but did, kind of sort of a little bit, seem to make it better. Then it went away.

This time, again a random occurrence, [conveniently coinciding with another monthly visitor .. Yippee?] nothing seemed to work. Not the suppositories. Not ACV, in or externally [though it provided temporary pain relief when applied topically, the first time only]. Hmmm, wait, hadn't I dusted my bottom with a talc-free powder last time? That seemed to help a lot. Okay, tried that again... Not so much. And this time was SO much more painful than the first. I was hobbling around the house! But before giving up, I decided to spoon some cornstarch into some TP, pack it on and leave it there. Ta da... Magic remedy. Okay, granted it doesn't fix the problem. But after a day, it was MUCH smaller. After three days, almost gone. And then back and forth, back and forth, didn't really want to disappear entirely.... but regardless, cornstarch HAS been at least an immediate relief in terms of comfort and being able to go about my day without wincing at every step and muscle contraction, and by wicking away the extra moisture, seems to do a LOT to keep the inflammation down.

Definitely, definitely try this first, and add alllll the other wonderful remedies into your regime too. Needless to say, I am sufficiently EVEN MORE terrified of pregnancy/childbirth [since this x393840 is now inevitable], and uncomfortable with the effect on my love life. I mean... Come on, seriously Mother Nature?

PS, here in Canada, I couldn't find Rutin, so I didn't get a chance to try that out :( any advice on where to find it?

Replied by Life's Surprises
(Toronto, On, Ca)

As an update to my previous post: cornstarch DOES seem to be my 'cure' to the dreaded H-word. Any time I've felt it coming on, patting some cornstarch on seems to shrink it within a few hours, and keeping it up gets rid of it entirely in, at most, a few days. It recurred easily for a week or so, then went away and hasn't come back since. I've been patting some cornstarch on preventatively once every day or other day [to keep friction, heat, and moisture down, which seem to be aggravators], and it seems to be working like a charm. Huh.

Corn Starch
Posted by Lynne (Dayton, Oh) on 08/19/2009

I have tried every over the counter medication for hemorrhoids. Needless to say none work, some even made them worse. The best thing I have found is to gently spray your behind with a squirt hygiene bottle, dry the area gently but thoroughly, then apply corn starch all around the hemorrhoid. Sometimes I roll a few cotton balls in the corn starch and press right up against the hemorrhoid. I will wear this all day or night. It has never failed to bring me comfort. I hope it works for yo


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by R (India) on 06/07/2017

Cumin powder for hemorrhoid, piles

Hi, This one gave the best miraculous results for external hemorrhoid & pain, fissures, piles...

just apply paste for cumin in water to area... But I had used aloe vera gel + "arjun" powder (ayurvedic herb) + "jyeshthamadh" powder (ayurvedic herb)

all healing .... also helping in reducing pain, swelling, wounds

wishing all a great health.

Dead Sea Mineral Mud

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sjtx (Utopia, Tx) on 04/23/2012

I developed roids after my second child. Mine are not brought on by constipation but from standing all day without rest or working out in a. M. Then doing cardio class in p. M. several days in a row.

Ice used to work if I caught it on day one. This time it didin't faze it & another appeared. I came to this site & tried the ACV which I love for occasional reflux. Nothing, another popped up. I tried the coconut oil as suppository(frozen & molded) as well externally.... Another popped up overnight. I did the peppercorns for 2 days..... Nothing but no adverse reaction. Bought witch hazel & witch hazel wipes.... No relief. Soaked in epsom salt, soaked in ACV... Now have 5 roids. Losing my mind with frustration at this point. Last night husband suggested putting some hydrocortisone 1% cream. Don't like to use pharma products but was desperate. Got 50% relief from the burning but did nothing for the swelling.

Remembered I had a 5 gallon bucket of Dead Sea Mineral Mud. Tightens my face & body & shrinks my pores so thought "why not, nothing else has helped". Well for me, this is working!!!!!! They have begun to shrink within the first hour & my mood has elevated dramatically!!!!! I have on a sanitary pad so my panties aren't muddied, but this is truly amazing.

Hope this helps someone else when you have tried all else.

Got my Dead Sea Mineral Mud 2 years ago on ebay.

Dietary Changes

18 User Reviews
5 star (17) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Lori (Georgia, US) on 08/14/2014

I stopped coke products about eight weeks ago and hemorrhoids are now gone plus my fingernails are strong and healthy .

Dietary Changes
Posted by Happyhappy (Florida) on 09/17/2013

I had bleeding, internal hemorrhoids for seriously TWO years! I tried every single remedy listed on Earth Clinic and over the counter stuff. I knew I should really go to the doctor, but every time I planned to, they would clear up for a day or two at most. Anyway, this is what worked for me, and I hope I can help someone else out there! It takes a few steps working all together. First, I stopped drinking caffeine, eating any products with sugar or white flour (which we shouldn't eat anyway). Contrary to popular belief, I stopped eating ALL grains such as oatmeal, psyllium fiber supplements, etc. These just seemed to aggravate the situation, which I have learned from perusing the 'net that this is the case for some people (see the bean/salad comments below--I think some people need a less harsh type of fiber). I upped my water intake to at least 8-10 glasses a day (I just wasn't drinking that much). I eat 1 or 2 salads per day. I eat beans almost every day--even if they were from a can--just don't eat the baked kind with the sugary sauces. Very little red meat, mainly chicken breast. I make sure I walk once or twice every day for at least 30 minutes. Very important--do not, do not, do not strain on the toilet, and make sure your legs are close together (graphic? yes, but I think I learned this from another Earth Clinic poster). I think what was most important for me, --I took 2 Triphala capsules in the morning, and then 2 more at night before bed. I also started taking one 200 mcg Chromium Picolinate pill before bed. Within 2 days--whoopee!!!!! No more constipation, and no more bleeding 'rrhoids!! It's been over 1 month now and no symptoms whatsoever. I have 1-2 easy comfortable movements now daily. I have been sorta constipated most of my life, and I truly think some people are prone to this and maybe have a chromium deficiency that is contributing--but I'm reading up on that more. Good luck and happy poopin'!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Dave (Canada) on 08/06/2013

I've been struggling with hemorrhoids all my life, and acne as well, so one time I read that vitamin A can help with acne so I start eating beef liver, pretty decent amount everyday until I found the correct amount to eat everyday for my acne to completely stop. Well, I didn't expect it but it also stopped my hemorrhoids completely. It seems that for me eating a lot more than the recommended amount of vitamin A everyday fixes all my problems.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ed (London, Uk) on 06/25/2013

hi, I've had piles about a year ago and didn't think that I'd be able to get rid of the problem. After a couple of weeks of eating vegetables and drinking lots of water, the small pile disappeared but left me an awful skin tag and an anal fissure. Once the fissure healed, which took months, I've had the skin tag surgically removed under general anasthetics. It took about 4 weeks for the swelling to go down. Now I can't even describe how happy I am that this problem is behind me. I didn't think one day, I would be one of these people reporting a fully successful treatment!

However, you still need to make note of a few tips:
1. DRINK lots of water (keeps everything soft)
2. Take FIBER SUPPLEMENTS (makes everything soft)
3. Try not to sit when you have a no 2. SQUAT instead. (there's no more pressure on your piles)

Good Luck.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Em (San Francisco, Ca) on 05/27/2013

After months of experimenting, and having tried castor oil and ACV, the both gave me temporary relief, reducing the itching and swelling, but not a cure. My most important discovery has been the effect of eliminating coffee. The itching was reduced by 95%. What I ingest definitely affects my hemorrhoids. My thought is that any foods that causes gas or bloating does not agree with my body and therefore I'll try to eliminate it out of my diet as a first step and later I'll see if I can tolerate small amounts.

I have also been using baking soda with a little soap when showering to eliminate any yeast condition that may be aggravating my condition. I'm also eliminating alcohol and other foods to determine whether specific foods are triggers.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Martin (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico) on 02/03/2013

Years back I realized one side of my anus was very swollen and bland to the touch. However, it was not painful at all. What I did was to change my diet immediately to eating mixed vegetables and tuna fish three times a day, and plenty of water. Nothing else. In a few days the condition totally disappeared. The only problem is that my anus remained with some small deformation. Consequently this makes it hard to wipe it clean after evacuation. So far I have controlled this to some extend including a fiber powder supplement on every meal. If anyone knows how to cure this remaining problem please email me omniversed at hotmail. Thanks

Dietary Changes
Posted by Cured (Baltimore, Maryland) on 01/21/2013

Miracle Cure for Hemorroids: Brown Rice Bowl w/ Fajita Chicken, Tomatoes, Red Chili, Guacalmole and Lettuce.This fiber and protein conconction packs only 625 Calories. Delicious also. Cured me year long ailment in 3 days. I eat it four times a week and so far so good.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Josey (Tulsa, Ok) on 09/08/2012

I finally got relief by taking 2 T. Of whole bran fiber a day in water. Not bran flakes, just the fiber. I am amazed.

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