Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

| Modified on May 13, 2024
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are common, often causing discomfort due to swollen veins in the rectum and anus. They result from various factors, including straining during bowel movements, constipation, and sometimes parasitic infections. While medical treatments exist, many find relief in natural remedies.

Popular Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Below are home remedies that Earth Clinic readers have found effective:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Known for softening stools. Use topically or internally.
  • Rutin: A bioflavonoid supplement is taken twice daily.
  • Black Peppercorns: Used topically for pain and inflammation.
  • Castor Oil: A soothing oil applied topically.
  • Coconut Oil: Beneficial for pain and inflammation, used internally or externally.
  • Garlic Suppository: Applied once or twice daily.
  • Witch Hazel: An astringent herb available in cleansing pads.
  • Cayenne Pepper: Taken as capsules or tea for circulation and inflammation.
  • Sitz Baths: Add chamomile, comfrey tea, apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, or Epsom salt.
  • Ice Packs: Reduce inflammation, apply for up to ten minutes, repeat as needed.

Supplements for Hemorrhoid Relief

  • Vitamin B6: An affordable supplement.
  • Probiotics: Found in foods like yogurt or as supplements.

Lifestyle Changes for Hemorrhoid Prevention

  • Elevate legs while using the toilet.
  • Incorporate daily exercise, like walking or mini-trampoline use.

The Parasite-Hemorrhoid Connection

Parasites, such as Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium, and Ascaris lumbricoides, can lead to gastrointestinal inflammation and hemorrhoids.

Addressing Root Causes

  • Hemorrhoids from Constipation: Increase fiber intake and hydration.
  • Hemorrhoids from Diarrhea: Avoid apple cider vinegar; try coconut oil instead.
  • Hemorrhoids from Prolonged Sitting: Improve circulation with activities like stair climbing.
  • Hemorrhoids from Childbirth: Use comfrey or lavender essential oil for healing.


Addressing the root cause of hemorrhoids is crucial. Consult a healthcare professional for severe symptoms and explore these home remedies for relief.

Share Your Experience

Please continue reading below to learn which natural remedies helped Earth Clinic with hemorrhoids, and let us know which ones helped you!

Related Links:

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Natural Relief and Prevention: Effective Remedies for Anal Fissures
Natural Remedies for Anal Fistulas: Relief and Healing

30 Seconds Or Less

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by KK (Nairobi) on 06/19/2022

I'm "healed" of my hemorrhoids (the how below).

I've suffered for years, often with recruiting pain. ACV helped me manage my pain: 50/50 acv/water solution on a cotton ball, wedged between my cheeks for around 10 minutes. Plus a repeat 10 minutes of I was still in pain.

Then I read the primary cause of inflamed hemorrhoids is pressure. And sitting on the loo for long is the main cause of that pressure. The recommendations are to take 5 to 10 minutes. I was doing that, occasionally a little longer.

I then found an article that said all mammals, the largest to the smallest, take an average of 12 seconds to poop. Watching my dog poop on walks have me an example of this. When he had more to eliminate, he just did two or more 12 second stops/squats between walking. Never stopped there waiting for the shy ones to come.

This fixed my hemmies instantly and completely. From the first time I pooped like my dog, taking 30 seconds or less on the pot, I have not had any inflammation or pain. Gone completely. After years of suffering!

Try it. Sit, push if you must (don't be scared to push, my dog does. Speed is paramount), as soon as you feel a "break", wipe and get up. If you're a dude, don't pee while sitting, finish pooping, wipe, stand and pee.

That's it. That's what healed me. Three weeks now. Went from daily piles and pain to zero. Try it. 30 seconds or less.

Replied by WOLF
(North Carolina)

Hey, I read this a few months ago and I did LOL! Anyway, I thought, I think there is some logic to this... and yes, you're so right. I was a little scared since my uncle passed away while on the loo. Thanks!

Aloe Vera

8 User Reviews
5 star (8) 

Posted by Lilli (Wa) on 12/02/2017 13 posts

Score another one for Earth Clinic!! I had a recent bout of hemorrhoids and rectal irritation. I've tried the over the counter products which are rarely effective. Lately, I've been experimenting with making my own suppositories. I used an organic virgin coconut oil (VCO) for the base and added a couple drops of tea tree oil. They worked well as a lubricant. But it wasn't until I read the posts about aloe vera that I got fantastic results.

To make the suppositories just melt about two tablespoons of the VCO in a small bowl, sprinkle two or three drops of tea tree oil, and add about a teaspoon of pure aloe vera. Mix then place the bowl in the refrigerator. When the oil begins to harden, scoop a small amount onto a section of plastic wrap and roll it into a small log shape and twist the ends to close. Place the "logs" in the refrigerator to harden. Whenever you need one, use a half or whole section and insert one before bedtime. They are soothing and cooling. I have never had such immediate results. Be persistent...this ailment takes a while to completely heal.

One suggestion: because the suppositories are oil based, wear protective panty liners.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Sara (Cairo) on 02/21/2017

I felt I need to share my experience it will benefit all ppl suffering from hemorrhoids but you need to follow it accurately and keep doing it for at least one week and you will see the miracle results.

Bring Aloe Vera plant, slice it from the middle and scratch the jelly part then add to this jelly mixture any type of hemorrhoids cream then put the mixture in a plastic pay or small cones in the freezer.

Take a small piece every day and put it on the hemorrhoids and you will see the miracle happening as it combines the benefits of the aleo Vera which have healing benefits and the cream then finally ice which helps in reducing the inflammation.

Replied by Lmiller
(Powder Springs, Ga)

I have to second you on this! For me, I cut an actual small chunk of the gel of the leaf (after being chilled in the fridge) and placed it in like a suppository...IMMEDIATE RELIEF! And then the next day, one more time...and I was healed. It was a woah moment for sure to be healed so swiftly. Oh, I've also used organic virgin coconut oil is before. Takes a bit longer, but reduces the inflammation immediately and the horrible burning! Great natural remedies let me tell you!!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Steph (Denver, Colorado) on 03/04/2015

Wow, I now understand the term "pain in the rear"! I had developed a severe thrombosed hemorrhoid 2 years ago. I did pop after awhile and then the year of oozing happened and pain and swelling went down (I would say down 70% on both aspects). Now on year 2 and the fill up of the hemorrhoid happened again. The pain came back, twice as bad. I started buying everything hemorrhoid related again, that I didn't try the 1st time. After a month of irritation and nothing to seem to work on them, I decided to try ACV. At 1st I felt it worked, with just a few moments of sting and then gone. After 3-4 days of this, the stinging started when I applied it and then got worse, so I stopped after a week of pain. I then tried hemorrhoid ointments again. Wow, the pain they brought on was too unbearable. Surgery is not an option, as I know 2 people who had multiple surgery for the same thing and both cases, came back again, so both people told me not to do it, unless you literally can not walk or sit (at all). I do take Rutin (2weeks now, but no help). Yesterday I read about aloe and thought, right, just like everything else, its a gimmick. I felt, why not try, what can it hurt (lol - after irritating it with everything else, specially prep-h), so I went to healthfood store and bought 99%pure aloe gel and 100% safe drinking aloe. I got home and rubbed the gel on the hemorrhoid for the 1st time. I filled the bathtub up, just in case I need a quick rinse to get it off. As I sat and wait for the burn of the century, I wait and wait and wait. Still no burn, actually some relief. I was sitting with amazement. I am now on day two. The pain is 80% gone when I apply. I am waiting to see if aloe helps shrink it. I rub aloe all over the area daily and drink 2 oz of the drink twice a day. If it goes down or improves greatly, I will be amazed. I live in Co and wondered if the cold winter didn't help and made it flare up again. So far I am amazed with what aloe has done. Anything on the market that says hemrroid relief, is a gimmick. Only Witch Hazel and sitz bath, give temp. relief. I do not want temp. relief, I want pure relief. If surgery would work, with no recurrence, then I would take the painful recovery and do it, but that is not the case of most who get it done.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Crew Chief (Silsbee, Texas) on 09/25/2012

Thought I had stomach ulcer. Knawing terrible pain. First I stopped drinking coffee and any caffeine for about a week which was difficult but helped a lot. At the same time I took aloe vera gel caps, garlic caps, fish oil caps, gse, and occasionally very small pieces of fresh garlic clove swallowed whole with meals morning and evening. I ate Campbells chicken noodle, and vegetable soups, rasin bran with very little milk, eggs, and plenty of power aide and water. Followed this for about two weeks and now feel normal. Started feeling some relief within a few days. Now I can drink a cup of coffee(not too strong and with milk added) with my wife in the morning. I was dealing with hemroids at the same time and they have cleared up also. One thing I found to really help hemroids is 100% aloe vera clear jel from Wal Mart and applied to toilet paper for a final clense after b movements. Have a good day!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Naturalrx (Pasadena, Ca) on 05/20/2011

Hello All, I am so grateful I found this site. I was getting desperate to find a remedy that worked in the hope of avoiding a doctor's visit. Well, I tried a little bit of this and a little bit of that as suggested on this site and here's what worked for me. After about a week of bleeding 'roids, I tried the sitz bath, the ACV which helped to calm things externally, but there was still the issue of internal roids with bleeding so I decided to experiment with the aloe vera suggestion and take it a step further. In addition to drinking the Aloe Vera juice, I also filleted a small piece, sprinkled a little cayenne pepper (known to stop bleeding) on it and chilled it. Because the piece of Aloe is so small and also soft it was not very easy to insert bc of the sore tissue. I inserted as best I could and then used a homeopathic suppository to help insert it further. Yes, it was hella' hot, but hardly as painful as the roids. The next morning... Less blood and swelling; so, I tried another application (although this is best used before bedtime in case it's too hot for you, you can wash away some of the hotness because you're still at home! )... The following day... No blood and the swelling was gone. that was over a week ago and no problem yet.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio, Usa) on 02/27/2010

My ex-husband used aloe vera gel to cure his hemorrhoid. He was really sick and didn't have health insurance. I looked up a cure on the net and had aloe and gave him the gel which he inserted. He said the next day the pain was gone and he had been in pain for almost a week! Within a few days the hemorrhoid was gone!

Replied by Pam
(New York)

I have to give the aloe a try.

I have tried a long list of over-the-counter products, herbal teas, stool softener, and the list goes on. It's the burning that is the worst part, it's like a fire in your rectum. I have been brought to tears and rocking myself to sleep from sheer exhaustion from the fight.

I know thinking positively contributes to healing, but it is hard to be so when so many remedies have not worked. I am still willing to try.

Thank you for this suggestion, much appreciated.

Best health,


Aloe Vera
Posted by Steve (Emmett, Idaho)

As an office worker I have suffered from the occasional bout of hemorrhoids. I read in one of my herb books that aloe gel was a good remedy. I like natural remedies so I tried it and it immediately helped relieve the pain and the hemorrhoid healed within a week. It works every time. Apply liberally twice each day. Wash your hands before and after application to avoid infection. What are you waiting for, give it a try, it works! Hemorrhoids can be prevented by improving digestion. Apple Cider Vinegar to the rescue.

Anti-Candida Diet

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Hmmm444 (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 09/05/2010

Editor's Choice I know everyone out there isn't going to like this, but hemorrhoids are symptoms of CANDIDA overgrowth. That's the reason that cleansing the area with apple cider vinegar is often effective - it balances the pH because although it's an acid, it has an alkalizing effect. Drinking apple cider vinegar also helps to alkalize your blood, but you need to eat other alkalizing foods too (and minimize acid forming foods) to experience true alkalization. So, another effective remedy that will not burn the way apple cider vinegar does, is one that also works for women's yeast infections. It was given to me by a conventional doctor and I modified it. The doctor told me that filling a capsule (which you can purchase at a pharmacy or at a health food store) with BORIC ACID and then inserting the capsule into the vagina will balance the pH and stop yeast infections. He said to do it every day that a yeast infection is present, and then once a week afterwards. Tou can buy boric acid at a pharmacy without a prescription. It's a powder. Since I have done this many years ago, I haven't experienced a single yeast infection (touch wood) and I've stopped using the capsules. Later on, I discovered that mixing the boric acid in coconut oil can be used for treating yeast AND hemorrhoids (mix it into a paste and store it in a small glass jar - I use extra virgin, organic coconut oil). The hemorrhoids you are experiencing are really just a kind of yeast infection in your anus. So, if you have hemorrhoids, you need to first look at your diet. Eliminate the easier forms of sugar - stop eating white flour and processed foods - spelt is a DELICIOUS substitute for white flour, and increase your intake of vegetables, particularly fresh. They will add bulk to push food quickly through your system. Drink lots of water, cut out pop and sugary drinks, and add a bit of fresh lemon to your water. Lemon juice will help to alkalize your system too. For fiber, grind a couple of tablespoons of flax seeds in a coffee grinder (I have one dedicated just for flax seeds) and mix with water. You can add a tiny amount of psyllium for bulk, but make sure it's organic, because psyllium is very highly sprayed with pesticides. Take a good probiotic, such as Garden of Life, FAITHFULLY, to repopulate the good flora in your system. Consider doing a gentle cleanse - one where you work up to only green vegetable juices and water for a few days (along with ground flax seeds for fiber). Also, take a good magnesium supplement to soften and regulate your stools. You will know when you are taking enough magnesium when you go number two several times a day but it's not liquid. Prune juice is an excellent addition too. A great magnesium supplement is Calm by Peter Gillingham. Please let me know how this works for you!

Replied by Apileofproblem

I want to add onto what Hmmm444 had discovered: Candida overgrowth is a major cause of hemorrhoid. That was an important finding. To check whether you have candida overgrowth in your body, look at your tongue in the morning. If it has a thick white coating and looks bloated that is a sign.

In TCM, that's traditionally a sign of internal dampness that is the cause of many diseases. It is said that the drying function of the body, called the "Spleen" is failing. Dampness is fertile ground for yeast to overgrow causing flatulence, inflammation and even bleeding. The latter are the body's attempts to rid of the fermentation that these bad bacteria produce. The dampness and candida overgrowth in the intestine also disrupt the normal functions of the bowels resulting in constipation. That's my theory after experiencing hemorrhoid for many years and now tackling it the right way.

Hmmm444 has offered valuable suggestions like cutting down on sugar, white wheat flour (SCD diet forbids it completely as it is the major cause of IBD/IBS), processed and acidic foods.

I want to add an important remedy: GARLIC. (Unless you are allergic to it, you should try it. As for allergy, I wonder if it is the effect of garlic working and perhaps one should go slow and build up the dosage slowly. )

I think garlic is not an ordinary herb but a living force in itself. It produces Allicin only when cut or crushed. Allicin is anti-bacterial and works even on bacteria resistant to the doctor's antibiotics. Garlic also has other numerous ingredients good for the body. This has been well researched by experts over the years.

Garlic kill off candia and dries up the dampness in the intestines. Peel 2 cloves of garlic and chop it into fine pieces. Leave it in the open for 15 minutes to allow the Allicin that destroy bad bacteria to be produced. After 15 minutes consume it and here's the TRICK on how to do it without problem. You see, even though I know for many years that garlic is very good for the body, I deprived myself of raw garlic because I found it quite impossible to eat it by drinking it with liquid because of its very pungent taste.

Now I am able to do so by SWALLOWING the chopped garlic with liquid. I usually take some food like a glass of unsweetened soya milk first; then I wash down the chopped garlic in several gulps. That was easy, my tongue did not get burnt by it. Eat 2 cloves this way, two to three times daily. Next morning when you check your tongue, the white coating would be not be there; that's a good sign. Your hemorrhoid inflammation would be improved and any bleeding due to water retention in that area would be remedied. One doctor even recommended inserting a garlic clove into the rectum at night. I hesitated to do that for a long time but when I tried the method, I found to my surprise there was indeed no or very little irritation.

To end, I think hemorrhoid, IBD, IBS are basically symptoms of the same problem - water retention and overgrowth of bad bacteria - but at different stages of development. I am also a sufferer of IBS for many years and when I use garlic and non-acidic and no-wheat diet, my problem improved. Especially with garlic the improvement has been dramatic.

Replied by Apileofproblem

Further to my post dated 06/15/2011 above, here's more information which hopefully will be helpful for other sufferers.

I think hemorrhoid is a symptom of a more systemic problem - bad intestinal bacteria that putrefies, unload its wastes or toxins, thus causing inflammation and its attendant problems. These disorders are known to us as IBS and IBD.

So, I am going to write this post with a wider scope in mind namely how I treated my IBS & IBD.

There is a news report months back saying that there is now a suspicion in conventional medicine that serious diseases may be caused by bad bacteria in the intestines. I think this is on the right track. The only problem is that even if they finally confirm that bad bacteria are the root culprits, conventional medicine will continue to resort to man-made antibiotics instead of natural ones to kill bad bacteria.

Anyway my own experience in using raw garlic 3 times daily over the last 3 months is that the colon discomfort/pain I used to suffer for more than 30 years is completely gone. Serious.

Months previous to that, I had tried a strict wheat and sugar free diet recommended by SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). That did help but I felt that it was a case of depriving the bad bacteria of food they feed on, thus weakening them. However the diet did not finish them off effectively. The moment I took some bread for example, the symptoms came back the next day.

After 3 months on raw garlic, now I found that I no longer have a problem eating bread, sugar and those foods - even at night - that I was once so sensitive to. This is quite a marvel to say the least.

In the past, I also tried high doses of expensive probiotics but gave up after several months because they were too weak to deal with the bad bacteria. Yet garlic a cheap kitchen spice completely turned my life around. You just have to take it religiously several times daily for a few months. It is known that garlic not only kills off the bad bacteria - Candida, E Coli, even MRSA - but also promotes the good bacteria. There are numerous reports on that over the Internet.

Another wonder herb that I have found to help intestinal inflammation (hemorrhoid included) is WHITE OAK BARK.

Take white oak bark capsules with garlic daily for a few months and you may see your IBS & IBD (hemorrhoids included) go into remission, even for long-standing cases.

It may come as a surprise that the great efficacy of these 2 herbs - raw garlic & white oak bark - for intestinal complaints were strongly recommended in the book "Secrets of the Chinese Herbalists" by Richard Lucas written more than 30 years ago!

However it took me a long time to understand I need to use the correct regimen, that is consuming them on a daily basis in regular dosages for a few months to see dramatic results for chronic cases like mine.

So if you are running out of options, why not give yourself a try with these 2 herbs for 2 to 3 months. If you are successful please come back and let others know.

Replied by Sp
(Gc, Ci)

Hi, How much raw garlic did you consume daily? Did you take a break, say without garlic for 1 or 2 days of the week? Thanks.

Replied by Apileofproblem

I take anything from 2 to 4 cloves of fresh garlic 2 to 3 times daily. For easy consumption, chop them into tiny bits and then gulp them down with water. Try not to sip the garlic slowly because as you know it very pungent. Remember also to take some food before that so that your stomach can take the pungency.

I did not take a break from daily garlic consumption for over 2 months. I have not experienced any problem with it. Some people may have allergy to garlic like getting diarrhea. However as I pointed in my first post, this could be a temporary reaction, so if one go slow taking a little bit and build up the dosage over time, the reaction might go off. Just a suggestion for those allergic to garlic.


If someone can't eat garlic would taking garlic supplements also work?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Drink

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Steve (Indiana) on 11/08/2017

This worked for me. Eliminated my hemorrhoid symptoms completely.

I read this article in July and the first of Nov all my symptoms have abated.

Twice a day, I mix .75 tablespoon ACV, .5 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper and .75 tablespoon filtered honey in 10 to 12 oz of cold water. I do not sip this drink, a couple of chugs would be more approximate description. The honey helps the taste but it doesn't mix easily in the water.

I worked up to .5 teaspoons of Cayenne pepper over a couple of weeks. Expect some discomfort a burning sensation. The burning sensation passes within a couple of minutes and then faster each day. As I grew more accustomed and increasing the dose I was surprised that the burning moved from my stomach, to my ear canals, to the back of my throat. At some point the discomfort lessened to me not noticing other than, hey no burning.

In addition to my symptoms disappearing completely, the occasional bout of late night heartburn also stopped.

I never applied any thing directly to my affected areas once I started drinking this mixture.

I had tried dozens of different approaches over the years, none came close to this.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by The Haitian (New York, New York USA) on 02/05/2009

Avocado seed for Hemorrhoids: grate an avocado seed. pour in some filtered water. strain. add some honey for taste and drink throughout the day and your hemorrhoids are gone. It worked for me. I learned this from somebody who had to wait for surgery while his surgeon was recuperating from an illness. By the time his surgeon return there was no need to go under the knife. People from Haiti should know about this.

Replied by Lisa

How many days did you drink the avocado seed water? And how long do you let it sit before straining it? Thanks

Avoid Blood Thinners

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Wuweizi (New York) on 07/27/2016

Hemorrhoid prevention/cure by avoiding blood thinners/clot preventers (NSAID, fish oil):

I am a 39 y.o. male, 5'11" 160lb, fit and active. Half Asian and very lactose intolerant, I got my first hemorrhoid a couple months ago. It followed tarry stools and toilet straining I attribute to cheap feta cheese that probably had lactose, and also NSAID I took for headache. I believe the toilet strain + NSAID blood thinning caused it. Healed in a week.

Second hemorrhoid occurred a couple months later, with no poor stools, lactose irritation, or other changes I know except for taking 2 capsules of fish oil (each "1200mg fish oil, 360mg total Omega 3 fatty acids DHA EPA") with lunch daily, chewed with food. After five days of this I woke up with what seems to be relapse of the first hemorrhoid. Just woke up with it, didn't even pass stool that morning yet! The fish oil has a warning if one has bleeding problems. This alerted me to the fact that fish oil thins blood and inhibits clotting and blood vessel constriction, and I suspect it causing the spontaneous relapse. I discontinued it and it healed in a week again.

Bacon Grease

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Christina (Vancouver, BC)

Thanks for the great site! You people are providing a wonderful service to humanity. Please accept my contribution (a folk cure for hemorrhoids). My ex-boyfriend (a geologist) was out in the bush when he came down with major hemorrhoids from wading waist deep across a freezing lake. The old prospector he was with told him to rub bacon grease (yum!) on the area. He swears they went away right away!

Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by M_mtz (El Centro, Ca, Usa) on 12/19/2012

Hi All-

Decided to take baking soda to treat a bad bout of heartburn. Thought to take about 1/3 teaspoon morning and evening. Didn't think it would have any effect on a very large semi-external hemorroid which felt like a small pink finger (yikes! ) and was quite surprised when that darn thing vanished almost overnight! So then thought there must be a connection between the two; heartburn & hemmoroids. Anyway, continued the treatment maybe about a week and that was that pretty much it! Had to share!

Hope it can help others! In good health, Martha


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Anonymous :) (United States) on 01/16/2022

Buy a portable bidet bottle. Keeps from irritating them with paper. Wish I had known this earlier in life.
