Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Proper Positioning

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Posted by Anonymous (Luxemburg) on 06/28/2016

Just sharing a suggestion based own experience thought I can't be totally sure about the cause. I've been hemorrhoid free for a month or so, no swelling anymore. Can't be sure whether the hemorrhoid just went inside or really shrank away. At least it hasn't been there causing annoyance although I lived a normal life.

What I did was: squat sitting at toilet, and no toilet paper, just warm water with shower and drying with a towel. Western style toilets are bad for squat sitting but it is still possible. Just be careful. Use some proper consideration before trying in order to avoid any accidents.

Proper Positioning
Posted by Gaetano (St. Louis, Missouri, Us) on 02/04/2013

The 6" step to allow squatting on the toilet is what seems to work best for me. I'm 19 and my first hemorrhoid appeared two months ago: small protrusion from the anus that retracted within days. The itchiness and minor swelling persisted though. Sitting was uncomfortable and pretty much throughout the whole day my bum was itchy or irritated. I never saw a proper doctor, but from talking to my dad (an ob/gyn) determined it was probably a small internal one. I tried the garlic suppositories (5 days), Candida Cleanse diet (5 days only eating vegetables; didn't do the detox drinks or other supplements), Apple Cider Vinegar, Witch Hazel Wipes, and generic hemorrhoid cream, but nothing seamed to work effectively (though the garlic suppositories did make bowel movements much easier with no straining).

I started using the 6 inch step (two shoeboxes for my tall toilet) and the irritation and itching have declined significantly. Now only a few times per day do I even take notice of any irritation and it is minor and goes away if I don't think about it.

It is more natural for us to squat when defecating. It loosens the muscle in the colon that controls continence and allows an open path for stool with less straining. Non-western countries where squatting is the norm have very low rates of hemorrhoids (compared to America where more than half the population will have them at some point).

Of course a healthy diet and exercise have been shown (more empirically than squatting) to increase ease of bowel movements and prevention of hemorrhoids, but the 6" step is probably the most efficient way of alleviating hemorrhoids.

Google 'squatty potty' or 'slate don't just sit there' for some informational videos/articles on the subject.

Proper Positioning
Posted by Elizabeth (Jacksonville, NC) on 01/17/2009

to avoid straining that produces hemerrhoids, I lean forward on the toilet with "elbows on knees". Some people raise their feet with a 6" stool but "elbows on knees" works the same and your body will naturally bring the movement forth, with no straining on your part. Try it at any time.

If you are constipated, you may need to wait a little while for it to get working. It is the natural position for a bowl movement, like squatting.

Teach "elbows on knees" to your children. Get off the couch and eat whole grains and other fiber.

Proper Positioning
Posted by Heather (Corpus Christi, Texas) on 06/19/2007

I have been plauged for years with hemmroids. I read in an Ayurveda book about propping the legs, so I started keeping a 6" footstool (cheap plantstand purchased in a craft store) by the toilet. I put it in front of the toilet and put my feet on it, and it has given me great relief from hemmroids over the last six months I've been using it.

Proper Positioning
Posted by Nick (Tasmania, Australia) on 08/13/2006

A 6 inch step in front of my toilet bowl to raise my knees while seated on toilet. Passing a motion. It reduces Hemorrhoids and assists with your bowel motions. Saw this a long time ago. Theory is your system works easier with knees raised, as your bowels inside are less restricted in flow. Like Asian squat type toilets. It works. Made a small wooden raised stand. We move to side when not in use..Wife and I used it for 5 years so far and both recommend it. To try idea, at first get eg 2 house bricks. Whist seated on toilet put both feet on one in front. Your knees raise and your "flow" is easier.

Prune Juice

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by SEDERO (West Midlands) on 09/30/2023

I have not yet tried garlic suppositories for my hemorroids but I got also good results by drinking prunes juice SunSweet from tesco ( little bit costy ) 3 boxes ( 1L each) / week. Prunes are rich in Fibres make your stool very soft and allow easy toilet and ease to pressure on veins and arteries in your anus.

Replied by PJ

Yes the prunes have really helped with softening the bowel movement and speeding the process along so there is no long time sitting on the toilet makes hemorrhoids worse. I snack on them throughout the day so I get the right amount in. Dried apricots are good as well.

Psyllium Husk

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Naphora (Sofia, Bulgaria) on 10/30/2013

I am writing to you to add a natural remedy for hemorrhoids. Psyllium husk is a fiber supplement which taken with water becomes jelly-like, softens the stools.

I take three level teaspoons twice a day before meals with 2 cups of water.

Although my external hemorrhoid has not shrunk what I have achieved is no blood no pain for the first time in a long time. I am going to try other remedies in order to shrink the roid, but psyllium husk gave me immediate relief of all pain and blood. I had to take a trip abroad to a distant country - an organized tour. What I did was take my psyllium husk with me. Had no problems at all - regular bowel movements, no pain, no blood, although I spent 7 days site-seeing and travelling by bus with a large group of tourists.

Raw Egg Yolks

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Posted by Anon (Usa) on 10/25/2017

I used to get a small hemorrhoid occasionally that would bleed a little. I found that eating a few raw eggs made it better. I also stopped drinking coffee and sitting too much, and am more careful about how much chocolate I eat as it seems to cause painful ovarian cysts. The eggs seem to have been the key as I can sit for prolonged periods again, and without my legs hurting, as well. I was a heavy coffee drinker with a deficient diet.

Raw Potato

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5 star (5) 

Posted by Selva (Washington) on 08/20/2021

Editor's Choice For hemorrhoids

It is well know in my country of origin that if you peel a small potato and use the center of it to make a suppository like shape and insert it in your anus, you will cure internal hemorrhoids. I saw how it cured a close friend of mine back then.

Raw Potato
Posted by Kathleen (South Africa) on 06/08/2016


To all those who suffer with hemorrhoids, I have felt the pain. Two years ago I stopped mine completely. I read an old Voortrekker health book written by a minister. Low & behold The sweet potato.

Make sure outer area clean not peeled. Cut into pencil length & width, insert into anus, quite painful to start. I used some coconut oil/witch hazel to help insert. What a cure. I hope this helps all of you suffering out there.

Regards, Kate

Raw Potato
Posted by Dale (Wilmington, Delaware) on 05/15/2009

Ukranian village cure for hemorrhoids:

I had a very bad case of hemorrhoids and my wife at the time was from the Ukraine. she advised me to take a fresh potato, grate it with a potato grater and to press the grated potato onto my hemorrhoids. I did this for 3 days and my hemorrhoids were gone, the juice from the potatoes will shrink the hemorrhoids a fresh potato must be used each time. This does work!

Raw Potato
Posted by E.B. (Chattanooga, TN) on 05/24/2007

Remarkable relief from hemorrhoids by using a raw potato. Cut a slice and shape into a suppository, coat with a tiny bit of vitamin e, then insert. (If potato is chilled - even better!) Retain as long as possible, sleep with it if you can. Keep putting a fresh suppository in after every bowel movement. Use for a couple of days and you will be pleasantly surprised! Don't know why it works, but it does!!!

Replied by Glenda

I can tell you why the RED potato with peel works for hemorrhoids.

There is a chemical compound in the peel of a red only potato that causes the blood vessels to constrict, they shrink and pull back internally where they belong, this works very well.

Reduce Abdominal Pressure

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Mike (Kent, UK) on 02/10/2024 26 posts

I think this is a big one. For this and also other conditions like GERD but I'm less confident of that.

In the same way that straining on the loo or carrying excess weight can cause or worsen piles or gerd, I think many things that increase abdominal pressure can do it. Such as regularly having gas, especially if it's bad gas like with IBS.

I just wanted to share this to get opinions and so on, and because I think it might help people. I'm 90% sure it's true but I don't know the extent to which it affects these conditions.

Anyway, just something I wanted to share as I do think this knowledge is helping me :)

Relieving Stress and Pressure

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Posted by Jlb (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 02/11/2015

I read about this a decade or two ago in a book by Louise Hay. The cause can be from 'pressure' in life such as deadlines or other related stress such as too much to do in too little time. At that time I called clients and got more reasonable timelines. My haemorrhoids went away.

I believe that we are not all created equal, and the cause of a problem for one is not necessarily the cause for another. I, for one, do not have a yeast problem, as confirmed by a naturopath, but I recently developed a haemorrhoid and realized I have let pressures creep up on me. I knew what I had to do to remedy the situation.

I hope this information helps someone else.

Rutin, B6

4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Lilly (Texas) on 05/13/2016

I have never suffer from hemorrhoids, I started with itching and then I started to notice a bump about a size of a pea. I immediately started searching for remedies and things to do to make them go away. I tried the tea tree oil it helped but did not make it smaller or better. I tried using a glove of garlic as suppository but did not work either. So I came across this website and read most of the comments here, I know some things work for some people and some don't. But I was on a mission to make these hemorrhoid go away because they are so uncomfortable. Yesterday I went to the store and bought a bottle of vitamin B6 at walmart and the Rutin I couldn't find it at walmart but thankfully a local organic store had it. I took one of each about 4 pm and before I went to bed I took another Rutin. In the morning I noticed that the hemorrhoid shrunk more than half. I then took the Rutin and B6 this morning before work and when I got home the hemorrhoid is almost gone :):):) (this means I am very happy) and I feel great! So thank you for all of you who share these remedies to other people. I will continue to take these for a few weeks.
