Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Debra (Grosse Pointe Farms, MI) on 02/12/2009

When the nail on my big toe showed fungus, I went to the doctor who could only offer me a medication that can be hard on your liver and, some say, doesn't work for all people or it works only temporarily. Plus, the medication is very expensive. Instead, I got online and found different remedies. I eventually found Ted's cure and decided to give it a try. By the time I found his recipe, my nail had turned black and half of it crumbled off. It was pretty horrible. After following his suggestions, my nail slowly began showing improvement as it grew. It didn't happen quickly, but it worked. My nail is now fully grown and perfect. I can again wear my summer shoes. I continue rubbing a little tea tree oil on that nail and avoid dark nail polishes. I choose a french pedicure instead as a preventative measure.

Grain Alcohol
Posted by Dara (Key Largo, Florida) on 02/12/2009

Fungus /Mold/ Skin Conditions: In regards to the fungus. I have tried grain alcohol (everclare) works great for internal and external fungus. If you have it on your nails, soak 2 times a day for 5 days for approx. 10 to 15 minutes. Gone! Do NOT have any open flames around the alcohol. Works great for jock itch as well. May sting a little. Grain alcohol kills parasites as well. Regular Isopropyl alcohol stimulates parasites to multiply they are called media-redia and ascaria. For more information get Dr. Hilda Clarks book on "Cure for all Cancers"

Oregano Oil
Posted by Cheryl (Manteca, California) on 02/11/2009

Oil of Oregano cure for fungus rash: Oil of Oregano ( has the undiluted, pure oil for $19 oz-I bought this one-very inexpensive) cured what seemed to be fungus-possibly Candida type rash. I suffered with the rash for 14 months, no prescription creams, powders or otc creams helped me. I was at my wits end-the dermatologist took a biopsy-said it was 'like athletes foot/fungus type rash' and prescribed Lamisil pills and cream for 2 months-this did not work. I heard about Oil of Oregano from a radio talk show-Coast to Coast-and, gave it a try. It worked in 3 days-I took it internally and mixed it with extra virgin coconut oil on the skin-it went away. Amazing miracle to me.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tom Winegar (Hakalau, HI) on 02/02/2009

hydrogen peroxide for toenail fungus -YEA

i tried Lamisil but it was too expensive.

i tried Vinegar, and it made the skin on my feet feel great (baby smooth), so no more foot fungus - but it didnt help my toenails.

I tried Vapor Rub but it was stinky and sticky and didnt work well, but maybe helped a bit.

Then i tried Hyrogen Peroxide. It worked! I went on daily foot baths with Hyrogen Peroxide and I am winning the fungus battle. I was diluting too much. Now I use straight 3% and soak as long as I can.

There is no increasing infection, there is only spreading PINK nail health. My 'good' nails look great. My bad nails are improving slowly.

I highly recommend Hydrogen Peroxide for toenail fungus.

I was so happy to find something that worked, the doctors had no good solution.

I want to have pink toenails by the time I am 50!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Laurie (Yellowknife, NWT Canada) on 01/19/2009

I was plagued with fungus on my thumb and index finger on one hand,I had it about 3 years.. the nails were deformed and very thick and cracked, I have a very public job so was quite embarrassed by them... I tried a few over the counter fungal creams but they didn't help..and in searching found Teds remedy.. I'm very impatient and wanted to rush the remedy..but it takes time. I first tried the Lemon grass oil..but having deformed nails then having them turn orange wasn't very pleasant but it did turn the nail beds almost black and may well have helped kill off the fungus..then I did the bleach and vinegar soaking for about a month.. about a table spoon of bleach in 3-5 of water ..and straight cider vinegar ..each once a day for a few minutes....others have said they lost their nails etc.. mine just slowly grew out into healthy's been about 6-8 months and they look just great and you could never tell there had been a problem to begin with.. Thanks Ted..


Vicks, Garlic
Posted by K.Lynn (Mt Healthy, Ohio) on 01/13/2009

Not too long ago I found a remedy for toenail fungus-storebrand vapo rub-. My whole toenail was black/purple and when I cut back the toenail as far as I could and squeezed the toe alot of pus came out at first. Then I put the vapo-rub (idea from this site) and the pus stopped, idid this every night and it slowly got lighter and smaller. But after parusing (spellugh) this site I decided to kick it up a notch and add crushed (in a bowl with a spoon) fresh garlic w/ vapo rub. I put it on my toenail(big glob) and wrapped it w/ loose gauze and first aid tape(hypoallergenic) the fungus was gone in 2 days! NEEDS FRESH APPLICATION EVERY NIGHT BEFORE BED. thankyou earthclinic, God Bless you.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by janedoe (Concord, NH) on 01/07/2009

I was in my first triathlon last August and during my training had damp feet a lot...going from swimming to biking to running. Back in Sept. noticed the fungus. Tried store bought medicine, didn't do a thing. My brother has it on all toes, took oral medicine, didn't work! I found this site in Nov., have been using the acv/hydrogen peroxide, then beach/water soak, then AM teatree oil, PM monastat 7 cream w/bandaid at night, and my nail looks 80% better! I know it takes several months to go away, but I'm convinced this is the best treatment! I give myself a pedicure often, and cut back, and file the nail so that the soaks can get at it. I'm very impressed. Will post again when fungus completely gone! OK, so here's the deal: 50/50 ACV/Hydrogen peroxide, 1capfull of bleach/4 capsful of water, rinse between soaks. Then teatree oil in the AM, and Monastat 7 at night with a bandaid.

Posted by Pineshi (Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada) on 01/07/2009

New Topic - For Toe Nail Fungus

I used honey to get rid of my toenail fungus that I had for two years. I tried Vicks, ACV and water washes and one day, I used unpasteurized honey just to be different. I had read that honey is antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial. My fungus was disappearing right away when I used honey. What I did was wash my feet every day with ACV water wash, hot and applied honey to toes and gauzed up with tape to keep covered for over time to keep from reinfecting self with shoes and socks. The skin and nail tissue was coming off in swathes and eventually the fungus has gone. I keep the wash and gauze for another few months until the nail is all grown in new again. I plan on microwaving the shoes to kill any fungus that might be alive there.

Unpasteurized honey has worked for me.

Posted by Gina (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada) on 12/30/2008

After trying for nearly three years to get rid of a fungus on my toenails, using every home cure and even prescriptions, I read an article in a gardening magazine. Cornmeal cures fungus on your rose garden. Why not use it to cure fungus elsewhere? I sprinkled cornmeal on a wet toenail a few times per week and left it caked on the nail for a while and just walked carefully, barefooted, before wiping it off. It totally cured it. The nail is strong and clear. WooHoo!

Posted by Lee (Garland, Texas) on 12/26/2008

Amonia added to iodine will decolor it. It will also remove iodine stains from surfaces etc.

Distilled Vinegar
Posted by Marilyn (Buena Park, CA) on 12/21/2008

Vinegar soaks (two hours) for nail fungus : I tried soaking my toenails in vinegar and water 50:50 for fifteen minutes at a time after a shower and nothing seemed to be happening. One day while sitting at my computer I decided to soak then rather than take time to soak when I was ready for bed. Two hours went by before I remembered I was soaking my feet, and they were all "pruny". I did it for two hours again two more times in that week, but not on consecutive days, and never again. It has now been about three months, and I now have about 1/8 inch of normal nail growing in. If fifteen minute soaks aren't working, try two-hour soaks! I only did it those three days. Who knows? It may take only one two-hour soak! I don't think the kind of vinegar matters. It's the acid in vinegar that destroys the fungus and all store vinegar is about the same.

Posted by Ingrid (Ft Lauderdale, FL) on 12/13/2008

I had a toe fungus on my big toe. Went to the foot doctor who had me on an antibiotic for 6 months with no results. I then spent 6 months using tree tea oil 2Xs per day, again no result. Finally soaked a cotton ball 2xS per day for 10 minutes with original Listerine--3 days later NO MORE FUNGUS! ALL GONE!!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Richard (Santa Ana, California) on 11/21/2008

WARNING! I tried using the Dremel tool on my thick odd looking toe nail (didn't realize it was a fungus problem). In doing so I released the fungus in a cloud of dust while grinding away at the toe nail. Within a week I had the problem in every toe and in every finger nail! It's now been three years of trying all kinds of remedies without much success. I have learned that this is extremely contagious. It will jump from one finger/toe to another quickly. Do not use the same clippers, file, etc on more that one nail. Thanks for this site. I plan to try several new remedies that I have found here.

Lemongrass Essential Oil
Posted by Carolyn (Northwest, OH) on 11/14/2008


There seems to be a lot of confusion about using Lemongrass oil for nail fungus. I too decided to try it last summer. I had never used essential oils before and was ignorant about proper dilutions. I applied the oil straight out of the bottle to all my nails on both fingers and toes. I applied it twice a day for less than a month. Then I started to have a reaction: I got a very bad rash and had degloving of my fingertips. I was very discouraged because I saw my nails growing out healthy. I stopped that treatment and am now using a diluted blend of different oils (will report back if this new blend works--so far so good).

However, if you wish to try Lemongrass oil, here is how to Properly Dilute the Essential Oil:

Pick a carrier oil such as coconut or grapeseed oil. Measure out one ounce (30 mL) of your carrier oil and add 12 drops only of the essential oil. This will make a 2% dilution.

Never apply undiluted essential oils to the skin until you are sure you will not have a reaction. For nail fungus, it is common to continue applying the oil treatment until the nail is completely grown out: up to a year. So be sure you are not allergic to the oil before you commit to using it!

Posted by Mercy (Woodland Hills, Ca) on 10/28/2008

I recently just googled to see what I can do to get rid of some toe nail fungus. I was using bleach and some over the counter cream and it was working slowly. But I made the mistake of getting a pedicure nad painting my toes. Well it just ran wild. So I saw that using vapor rub worked. So I bought a generic brand at Walmart...same active ingredients and I started using it day and night. I would apply it and put socks on for bed and in the morning right after my shower. I already see the difference. I cannot believe it. My feet are also becoming real smooth. So I let my mom know because she has it real bad too and we are both seeing a lot of improvement. the nail seems to already starting to grow out smooth. I wish more people knew about this so they could stop wasting their time buying expensive creams and medication. I have already been using it for over a week and I am already seeing the difference. I will see at the end of the one tub I bought if I really see any changes. I will keep you posted.

Posted by Megan (Jacksonville, FL) on 10/24/2008

I tried soaking my feet in Listerine after seeing a posting about toe nail fungus. It not only works on toe nails, but will get rid of athlete's foot issues very quickly. And this is much easier than pressing onion, etc. I love this site! I found it looking for Ted's Mange Cure, which is fabulous. Thanks!

Distilled Vinegar
Posted by AMD (V Ville, USA) on 10/22/2008

White Vinegar cured toe nail fungus

Had funky toenail for about 20 + years, tried a lot of remedies to cure it, no joy. Tried the vicks, acv, lavender oil, etc nothing worked. It was really bad by the time I started using white vinegar (distilled) heinz worked for me. To be honest I really was hopeful but not expecting a lot. Well within 3 months my toe nail is cured and healthy looking. I am 45 and have not seen this little chap/ette look healthy since I was about 22.

I just soaked a bit of cotton wool in vinegar, popped it on toe nail and then put a plaster over it. Best done after a shower/bath when nail is soft. After about 3 days of doing this the base of my toe nail (where there was a sliver of healthy nail left..& I use the word "healthy" loosely} got really sore and tender. The skin got red, swollen and kind of spotty. However shortly after that I began to notice a change that has been continuing. 'Tis a miracle!
God bless to all.
