Oregano Oil
Oregano Oil
Oregano Oil
(River Grove, IL)
I sent in a comment on 5/2/06, and I have an additional comment to make: I noticed some of you have written in and are concerned about how to get rid of the fungal infection in the internal nail. When you use oil of oregano on your nails for treatment of nail fungus, you will notice it is actually absorbed into the entire nail and completely destroys all of the fungus. You will not be disappointed in the results!
(Arlington, Va, Usa)
Unbelievably, I found an over the counter product that WORKS. I have had nail fungus for about 10 years because I have to wear compression stockings, which caused sweating of my feet, and eventually toenail fungus. I initially tried an OTC that turned my infected nails brown and did not cure my fungus. I wish I had never used it.
Years later, I found this website in 2006, and tried Ted's remedy. My nails were growing clear of fungus about half way, and then one nail reverted when the season changed. So it cured one nail, and I started over with the second nail. Somehow, everytime the nail would start to grow out it would revert again.
So then I took a chance on an OTC product named Keractil, by a new company. I actually thought it wouldn't work, but at least I'd give something else a trie after the past two years of failure. I received that product which looked like it came from a small mom and pop shop, but said what the heck. The worst it could do is not work. So I put it on and two weeks later I saw fungus free nail begin to grow. I still followed Ted's remedy with a weekly foot soak of Apple Cider Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide. During the other days and nights I used Keractil. This product is a lifesaver. Almost 4 months later, I am 95% fungus free of the nail. I also learned that this product is used by members of the military because they wear combat boots and thick socks year round. This product is no gimmick, and I am not trying to endorse it. I really want to share a remedy that works well in addition to Ted's remedy. One last thing is to recommend biosil supplements - which speed the growth of hair and nails. Not everyone's nails grow quickly.
Oxine AH
(Waynesboro, Va, Usa)
Ozonated Hemp Oil, Tamanu Drops
I decided to try ozonated oils after reading about them on this site. I bought some ozonated hemp oil and watched my toes turn black. This was a good thing, as it killed the bacteria. I used a different toothbrush for each of the 4 toes affected, and used day and night. It took some time, and although I thought it was effective, I decided to add tamanu oil to the small container of ozonated oil. I mixed them together (half to half approx), and this has made all the difference. It's taken awhile, but they are finally clear. Well, the big toe that started it all, is almost done. There is still a tiny bit of black that needs to come to the top of the toe.
I am super excited that this worked, and wanted to share it. By the way, I'm using ozonated olive oil, but I don't think it really matters. I experimented with several and results were the same. And perhaps tamanu by itself might work. I didn't want to take the chance, since what I was using was working.
Good luck everyone, and I hope this helps someone.
Ozonated Olive Oil

(Hotspot, Texas)
Hi Tassi, what you describe makes me think you may have had a cancer that inflamed and then was dismantled, leaving a space under your skin. I say this because I have used vitamin c on my skin cancers and experienced the swelling and then tissue loss as the cancer tissue is removed. It left a definite divot at the time.
The good thing is that the tissue loss in your face will likely fill back in over time.
(Berkeley, California)
(Berkeley, California)
Pulse Generator
After the skin healed up a small metal pin was placed between the little and fourth toes. The negative electrode was connected to the pin, the positive electrode was placed in the mouth with enough saliva to increase the area of conductance. A small protrusion of pus came to the surface. Charge flow was increased to 20-25mA at 5V. White staphylococcus aureus necrotizing fasciitis became visible right below the surface of the skin.
This infection would have and probably has gone unnoticed for years. Antifungal creams sometimes with corticosteroids were prescribed in the past never completely curing the infection. Possible eczema and sensitivity to fungi were the only conclusions.
For the necrotizing fasciitis a 10 day course of 30 amoxicillin/clavulanic acid pills (500mg/125mg) were prescribed. To increase treatment effectiveness a blue light-emitting diode was directed at the site of infection (blue light phototherapy kills Staphylococcus aureus).
P.S. Treatment with lytic bacteriophages is also possible but mainly for multidrug resistant bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus resists human defensins by production of staphylokinase. Fungi evade the immune system of their hosts by secreting extracellular protein 6.
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing Alcohol
I put the alcohol in an eye-dropper and was careful to get as much under the nail as possible; I also cleaned out dead skin if necessary. I did this twice a day, and also at any time when my feet got wet. I saw progress very soon, and the fungus was completely clear in 6 months. I did not lose the nail as had been predicted. I did not change my diet, stop drinking, or take any special supplements - just the external rubbing alcohol directly on/under the infected toenail.
Worth a try for a month; if you are diligent you will see progress and this has to be the cheapest, easiest way to handle the problem.
Sea Salt
Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup or more of salt to the foot bath depending on how much water you have. Think salty like the Dead Sea - this will kill the fungus.
If hot water hurts your toes you can use warm water. But you might want to dissolve the salt in hot water first so the water becomes super saturated then let cool.
You can go to a local feed store and buy bulk fine mineral salts which are the same thing as the some of the more expensive mineral baths salts(mined from the same place). This way you can get a lot of high quality salt cheaply. Hope this helps you.
Sea Salt
My routine: At night, pack the affected toe(s) in salt, (less than 1/8 of a teaspoon is plenty! ) making sure to get it well under the nail. You can add a drop of water so some of the salt will get into all the crevices the fungus can grow. In the morning, I use baking soda and a nail brush to scrub it clean and then dab some coconut oil on it to keep the nail from becoming too brittle.
First, I noticed that the fungus stopped advancing down the nail. As the nail grew in, it came in white for a bit and then little by little, I saw pink, healthy nail bed growing at the base of the nail, it is firmly attached to the skin and continues to grow in normally.
Sea Salt
(West Cov, CALI USA)
No, you pack the salt under the nail bed.
First, clean it out as much as possible with a nice soak and scrape out any gunk under there. Then cram as much salt under the nail as you can. Use some coconut oil on your skin so the salt doesn't burn it. Repeat each day. Wash, clean out, pack with salt. Within a couple days, you will see new pink nail bed growth. It really works!
Shoe and Sock Tips
(Rustenburg, North West South Africa)