Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Carol (Largo, FL) on 07/19/2009

Hi Ted,

I appreciate the time you take to offer so much information on how to cure ailments naturally. I've had toenail fungus for many years and have spent tons of money and still can't get rid of it! I gave your formula of ACV with peroxide, followed by clorox and then tea tree oil mixture and did it for about a month and my toenails are still the same! Also, the tea tree oil burns my skin and it peals all around my nail, which makes my toes look really gross! I want to give the alkalizing a try too see if that helps. I feel I have internal fungus (candida) and that's why I can't get rid off this, because I also have seborrheic dermititis and scalp problems.

Is there something you suggest I should do?

Thanks, Carol

Distilled Vinegar
Posted by Gissel (West Palm Beach, Florida) on 07/15/2009

Distilled vinegar works, I had a toe nail fungus for over 10 years on my big toes, I started to spray pure distilled vinegar into my toe nails every day twice a day for 3 months and I also cleaned underneath my toe nail with the vinegar. today my nails are clear and beautiful. just be patient it will work. Make sure you do it in the morning before you wear your shoes and before you go to sleep, it is very important to have your feet clean

Bleach, Tea Tree, Vicks
Posted by jenn4875 (Houston, Texas) on 07/06/2009

My husband has had toenail fungus for about 6yrs. I started looking up home remedies and heard about tea tree oil, bleach, vics, vinegar, and so on. We tried them individually with ok results. One night we decided to try a combination to see what happens. We put a drop of bleach followed by a drop of tree oil then vics. We covered the feet with socks and he slept with it on. He said it burned some, but not too bad. I have to say, we have gotten the best results by doing this. Every day the area we put it on has turned an orange color and is now soft and comes right off. I have experimented some to see if it's just the bleach and vics or tree oil and vics and so on, but nothing gives results like the combination of the 3. I am recently seeing sights using ACV and I think I'm going to try that too. It seems people are having very good results with that as well. I'll post again in a couple weeks with my results. We have been using this treatment for about a month so far. Good luck with whatever treatment you use.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Kate (Minneapolis, MN) on 06/24/2009

Does anybody know about the effectiveness of grapefruit seed extract for nail fungus? I have used it for a couple of years. It did seem to slow the fungus but not get rid of it. Now I apply it during the day after soaking my toes in ACV (see my previous post).

Posted by rcw8888 (Santa Monica, CA) on 06/12/2009

having some success, for toenail fungus, soaking an hour in cornmeal and warm water. Exact directions are:

line bottom of flat plastic pan with cornmeal one inch and add 1 inch warm water for one half hour, then add enuf warm water to cover your toenails and put your feet in for one hour. Do this once a week. Results in about a year.

Faster, comprehensive solutions will involve eating totally alkaline. Am also trying MMS topically plus DMSO with questionable results. Tried MMS internally 15 drops, 3x per day for 2 weeks as prescribed and have overal improvement in health but uncertain it affected toenails just yet.


Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Sim (Portland, OR) on 06/09/2009

I wonder if blackstrap molasses would work as well as maple syrup as a trojan horse for the baking soda? For one thing, it is way cheaper than maple syrup (anyone notice how the price almost doubled last year when there was a supposed poor yield, but have not come back down at all??), but also this method of heating and allowing to cool and harden and then cutting off a piece in solid form might make the taking of BSM on a daily basis easier for those of us who really have a hard time taking the stuff in liquid form.

Is there any reason why the BSM might prove a less effective trojan horse in which to conceal the baking soda than the maple syrup?

Would the nutrients in the BSM be adversely affected by bringing the BSM to a boil in the manner described?



Posted by Kelly (Cincinnati, OH) on 06/07/2009

a while back I combined two things I'd read on this site for toenail fungus and it worked GREAT. chop a FRESH clove of garlic to release the juice and mix it with a tblsp. of vapo-rub ( store brand ok ). Prepare the nail (toe or finger) by cleaning,cutting as short as possible, and squeezing out any pus if present. then put the garlic/vaporub generously on the nail and wrap with a LOOSE gauze bandage. You will be amazed. The black will clear and new nail will soon grow. Blessings!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Rhonda (Hollister, FL) on 06/06/2009

I have never had a fingernail fungus infection until about a month and a half ago, and it is driving me crazy! I work as a server in a resteraunt, so it is very important that my hands look neat and well groomed, so the customers dont get grossed out! I have bitten my nails since I was a kid, and I decided that it might look better and help me stop biting if I would put fake nails on, long story short, I ended up with fingernail fungus. It started in 1 fingernail, and is now moving to all, but the problem is, my hands get wet everyday, I have to put my hands in our bleach bucket to get towels to wipe down the tables after customers have left, so this has been a real battle!! bleach doesnt help fight in this situation, it seems to make it worse, but the 1/2 apple cider vinegar and 1/2 peroxide is really working, one of my nails is slowly coming off, and each day I soak in the morning, afternoon and evening before bed, and as the nail clears up i keep cutting it off, my other nails i think i caught in time before they got as bad as this one, i dare not try the bleach after, since my hands are in it all day as it is. but the vineger and peroxide are working good, and i can tell whatever kind of fungus this is, it cant stand it!!! wish me luck, because im in for a ride!! but i cant afford the expensive products they have out there, and its just a shame i had to buy a cheap set of nails, and end up with a fungus! I also think the bucket at work doesnt help the matter any either.

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Linda (Clinton, Iowa) on 06/04/2009

Hi, I just wanted to know do you think this treatment would also work for candida?

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Whisper (Timmins, Ontario) on 06/02/2009

In response to Janice from Coloma, please do not double or try to alter the recipe, its simply 1tsp to 3tsp of Maple Syrup, you start at low heat which is a 6 on the dials after it comes to a boil which would be about 2 minutes reduce it to 3 and keep on stirring, caramel brown would be the color once done. Do NOT leave in freezer too long otherwise your going to make it hard as rock.

I currently have two friends who are trying it out, one has been on this for three days now and we are now seeing little dark dots on her planters wart.

Another has sebaceous cyst on his head, he's double the dosage, taking one recipe in the morning and one at night, it being his first day of using this he says "the cysts on my head didn't hurt today" his head was hurting so we'll see what happens in a few days. I'll keep you posted on results of the two people.

Response to Rena, my fungus dried up in three days a noticeable difference could be seen.

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Rena (Mineral Bluff, Georgia) on 05/30/2009

Hi Whisper From Timmins,

I did this recipe to the T for 5 days and still did not notice a difference, and by no means cured. Did your nail fungus get cured after 3 days or did you just notice a difference? At this point I have to give your remedy a big nay. I also remember Janice from Coloma was doing this recipe as well, I would like to hear back from her on this as well, Peace, Rena.

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 05/24/2009

I just tried making a batch of this. I didn't have a real small pot and figured 4 tsp is really not very much so I tried to make it in a metal measuring cup (1/2 cup). I couldn't cook it the five minutes because it foamed up so high I had to take it off the burner. What a hoot! Next time I'll try it in the full cup or buy a really small pot. It's in the freezer now. Hopefully it will come out o.k.

EC: Please let us know if it cures nail fungus.. very curious!

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Whisper (Timmins, Ontario Canada) on 05/22/2009

Sorry I tend to differ from your link that you've posted I don't believe it to be The Jim Kelmun Protocol.

It's the study done by Dr. Tullio Simoncini he is surgeon, specialised in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders. More over he is also Philosopher Doctor.

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Whisper (Timmins, Ontario Canada) on 05/21/2009

Fungus and Cancer:

I've used baking soda and maple syrup to cure fungus that I had on my big toe. In a matter of 3 days of taking one batch of this every day I saw the difference.

What I did, in a small pot I put 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 3 tsp of maple syrup I heated it up on medium (setting at 5) then reduced to 3 to allow it to boil for 5 minutes in all. Do not try to double the recipe otherwise you take away the effectiveness. Before it cools down too much I transfer onto a sandwich bag (not sure if this is wise, but that's what I've used so far) and I've put it in the freezer for about 3 to 4 minutes to let it cool and once cooled it comes off the plastic very easily, now don't let it sit in freezer too long otherwise it'll get real hard. Check it often and when it comes off then its ready to make into small pieces, I find its like making toffee, I twist it so that it looks equal lengthtwise and then take the scissors and cut into small sizes, once that is done I then take half of what I've cut and swallow them down with water. Some have eaten it straight from the pot I can't handle the taste and it seems to work just as well.

I learned this at another site and was wanting to share it since I've gained so much more from this site. APPARENTLY, HEATING it is VERY important. the molecules of the salts and sugars must be bonded by heat. THE FUNGUS OR CANCER loves the sugars of the syrup but then the attached sodium bicarbonate is A LETHAL TROJAN HORSE. I didn't use this for cancer but this information was given along with the fungus.

Iodine, Epsom Salts
Posted by Mel (Orlando, FL) on 05/20/2009

I was wondering if you had good progress/results with the iodine and salts? I've had tremendous progress with vinegar applied by q-tip in the a.m. and iodine by q-tip in the afternoon. I dry my nails with a blow dryer after a shower, and re-apply iodine for the night. How's it going for you?

Posted by Mel (Orlando, FL) on 05/12/2009

I cured (and am still curing) toe and finger nail fugus using decolorized (white/clear) iodine. In combination with simply eating a banana and active yogurt (yogurt that promotes digestive health), I apply the ioding every day to my affected big toe nails, left thumbnail and right ring fingernail. I acquired nail fungus in my left big toe a year ago from a bad ingrown nail. I had a partial nail avulsion to remedy the ingrown nail and then later developed a fungus when the cauterizing had healed. I couldn't afford prescriptions at the time so I started using home remedies such as vinegar gel, over the counter topical lacquers,vapo rub and mouthwash. Everything under the sun. Then I saw this website about 6 months ago. Until I read about decolorized iodine, the fungus in that left big toe had only stabilized using other remedies. Which was good-but I wanted it gone! During that time of trying everything else, it spread to my right big toe and then my left thumbnail. This was all probably because I was not careful in cleaning in treating and spread it due to my own carelessness. Anyhow, I lost those other two nails then it started in my right ring finger. I was determined at that point to find my cure. I started using the iodine on my right ring finger and it stopped the fungus dead in it's tracks! My nail has since grown half in and healthy and is still going. As for where the fungus first started, in my left big toe-that's almost completely grown in and healthy! My right big toe and left thumbnail are well on there way, but taking a bit longer to grow in. Either way, iodine (2-3 drops) 1 or twice a day, a banana and a live active yogurt overy day have been my cure. Promoting digestive health, providing potatssium to help nails grow quicker and healthier and iodine to kill the fungus topically ahve been my miracle workers. The only down side to iodine is that it can be somewhat drying so I suggest using cuticle oil in between treatments. Do not use peroxide in combination with decolorized iodine. It will turn your skin orange! I only used alcohol to clean the affected areas before applying iodine and to sterilize the instruments I am using as well. What really sucks abou this whole thing, is I developed dyshidrosis as a secondary skin disorder from the fungus. That's a whole other story, but dishydrosis is like eczema in a way and it will resolve on it's own once the fungus is completely out of my nails and body.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Araminta (Boise, ID) on 04/30/2009

I want to give my so far so good story on my remedy for toe nail fungus. I did what was reccomended.I used the Distilled Viniger and Hdrogen proxide mix (soaking my toes for 5 min.) Then I dry them off and soak my toes in a 10% / 90 % bleach and H2O mix. Then the tea tree oil.vasoline mix.

I have done this for 4 days now at night before bed. I have seen my pinky toe harden and color slowly start to come back. I have noticed my cutical bed recend, and I am noticing a new nail forming under my old very soft malformed nail. I am so glad I found this site!

I have to confess I mis read the directions and for the first two days I was using a baking soda viniger mix, I think that was helping as well.

Posted by AL (DALLAS, TX, USA) on 04/21/2009


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sally (Toronto, ON) on 04/19/2009

My BF who has been neglecting the toe nail fungus for a couple of years has finally come to the realization that it's not only affecting his toes but possibly his health as well. I read all the posts of others' experiences then went to the natural health store. After a lengthy discussion with the store assistant (who had experienced a mild case of toe nail fungus herself), I bought the following based on her recommendation and the posts I read. My BF started the treatment yesterday:

Probiotics - 1 capsule 2 x/day with meals to re-balance the body's intestinal flora
silica gel - 1 Tbsp per day to strengthen the new nails to come (BF has v. brittle, thin nails)
ACV - sipping approx 2 tsp in 1 lg glass water 3x per day

I have also told BF he needs to cut out the sugars, acidic foods as much as possible. Our diet is pretty healthy, but with the fungus, I think it wouldn't hurt to be more mindful.
Soak feet 2x per day (morning and night) in hot water bath for 10 mins and wash w/ natural anti-bacterial soap. Dry feet and apply cotton pad soaked w/ 50/50 ACV & hydrogen peroxide. Remove after 15 mins. and apply iodine drops and then neem oil (I was told it's stronger than tea tree). We're going to change the procedure in the evening and tape a cotton soaked pad w/ the 50/50 ACV & hydrogen peroxide on the toes overnight.

There was no pinching or fizzing the first night the ACV/hydrogen peroxide was applied as a few people mentioned in their posts.

The ACV used was not _____'s but an unpasteurized, unfiltered one from a local Ontario apple orchard.

Will report back on the results in a week.

Posted by Sam (Toledo, Ohio) on 04/19/2009

My wife has had a toe nail fungus for over 40 years. She has tried several nail solution cures purchased over the internet including the prescription penlac. None of them worked.

Finally I accessed your web site and tried almost all the remedies you have posted including Ted's remedy, tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide, full strength bleach painted on carefully, viniger soaks, etc. Along the way I noticed several observations: All of the above work to some extent because they provide a hostile enviroment for yeast and fungus and initially kill or appear to kill it. They also however kill the skin cells and all irritate the area under the nail and even inflame it after prolonged use and the fungus loves the weakened cells. Most also have water in them which the fungus and yeast love! Finally we settled on a cure which is neither acidic nor basic, which is not an irritant, and which has no water in it and which is on your list of cures and the fungus is gone on one foot and almost completely gone on the other, and the nails are clear and white. Vick's! Vicks! and more Vicks!

Sam's cure: Gob it on each toe at night and cover with a thin cotton half sock or footie. Before showering gob it on, dry and gob more on cover with a clean cotton sock. If time permits gob on during the day and change socks. Stop taking baths, shower only unless you can keep your foot out of the water and keep it gobbed with vicks. The idea is to keep water away from the toe nail and the vick's works the best. The camphor and lack of water will kill it and allow the toe nail to heal. It will take several months but it does work and it works the best. After 40 years it will finally be gone!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Lisa (Boston, MA) on 04/17/2009

I've been trying Ted's remedy for fingernail fungus for over a week and the fungus is still spreading on that nail. If this is going to work, how soon should I see progress? Any other suggestions? Should I clip away the detached fingernail?


Baking Soda
Posted by Myke (Colorado Springs, CO) on 04/13/2009

I have a question about the baking powder treatment. I've read on another site, to only take baking powder for 3 weeks or it will change the ph or alkalinity (I can't remember which), of your body to much and cause other problems. Hopefully the original poster will respond. How often and how long have you been drinking the Baking Powder water mixture? Also confused about the ACV treatment. It seems some people drink it as well as applying topically? Is it safe to drink ACV, and how much per day?

EC: Note: Remedy is baking soda, not baking powder ...

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bruno (Houston, Texas, USA) on 03/20/2009

I have tried several remedies that would work for short periods of time and then, they didn't seem to be as effective. I didn't just do it for a day or two, but for a week or more at a time. Someone told me about [food grade hydrogen peroxide]. I read all about it and thought that it would not be wise to use it but they insisted that it would work and fast. I didn't want to go through another couple of months of testing, so I gave it a try. You only put it on the nail with a Q-tip - don't let it touch the skin. It dries in a minute and reapply. I did this every day, twice a day, and within 3 days it was greatly improving. I dug the gunk out from under the dead part of the nail and the new nail is growing back beautifully. The old nail is still on but as it grows out I'm cutting the gross part off. I'll bet that within a 2 week period of time, the nail will be completely new and the fungus completely gone. It's cheap and fast.

Posted by Julian (Phoenix, Arizona) on 03/13/2009

Take a soft bristle tooth brush, soak in listerine, and brush nails daily before bed. File down thick nfected nails, make sure to disinfect brush and file.

Garlic, OTC, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dean (Jacksonville, Florida) on 03/12/2009

Odorless garlic orally, minimum high MG. once a day for a month.

Apply 'Camphophenique' oil (green bottle) after mixing= 1/3 apple cider vinegar to 2/3 Campho. Or same mixture using pure tea tree oil & ACV. apply to nail making sure there is a potential for it to soak under the edges. Discontinue any nail polish! Polishes seal the fungus in and make applications very difficult to penetrate needed areas.

Dean, (Retired Derm, Army Medical Dept)

Posted by Beth (Memphis, TN) on 03/05/2009

I've read through the nail fungus posts and have heard previously about Vick's working; however, I've been using it for quite a while now on my nail (big toe toenail) (applied at night before bed, put on a sock), and nothing is happening. My problem is that the fungus is at the base of my nail. How do I get to it?? It seems that a large portion of the nail is dead and detatched from the skin towards the top of the nail, so I'm hoping whatever I apply will soak through that opening. I don't think it's working, though. Should I try and cut away what looks like the dead portion of the nail and go from there? Will anything soak through the nail to get to the base?

Sea Salt
Posted by Antonious (West Cov, CALI USA) on 02/21/2009

how do you use it? would soaking the feet in water with salt work?
