Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

Multiple Remedies
Posted by K4thl33n (Wilts, England) on 02/14/2011

I have been using Iodine Tincture for athletes foot, a toe nail infection as well as ezcema on my foot. Since using this tincture (2 months) I have noticed a major improvement in the condition of my feet. The toe nail is repairing itself nicely, the ezcema has almost disappeared and as for the athletes foot, I no longer suffer this ailment.

I am also using magnesium oil twice daily and taking selenium tablets 200mg a day, so between the 3 minerals I seem to be getting back to a healthier body. I am also taking Iodoral twice a day which has improved my energy levels as well as the texture of my hair. All in all Iodine is the missing link to what should be good health but is actually being denied because of ignorance and misunderstanding of its multiple properties and benefits.

On top of this I am also in the process of introducing 100% seaweed supplementation for my garden and allotment as it has been seen to improve growth and health all round. I also wonder if the lack of iodine, selenium, magnesium and other trace minerals is also causing the demise of Birds, Bees and Butterflies as well as many other species who all share our one biological factor - a THYROID GLAND!

Posted by Lynn (San Diego, Ca) on 02/10/2011

I've had mild toenail fungus for 10 yrs (only sympton is thick toenails) yet I had bunion/hammertoe surgery 2 yrs. ago and since then the 2 hammertoenails have been normal; they are flat and thin and look great. Was it the Betadine applied just prior to surgery? They were wrapped for several weeks following the surgery. What made this happen? I need to know?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil
Posted by Sue (New York) on 02/06/2011

To: 09/17/2007: Suzie from Huntington Beach, CA - You don't say if you did the ACV daily soak - or whether you took it orally. Which was it? And what was your formula either way? You were clear with the coconut oil, which I am grateful for! Great story!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mary Moore (Memphis, Tn) on 02/02/2011


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Malcolm (Chapel Hill , North Carolina) on 01/04/2011

Did you get results? Would like to know what happened.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Reasoningforum (Vancouver , Bc, Canada) on 12/23/2010

Mix some vinegar with baking soda (soda bicarb) and dip your fingers into the brew (dilute if you wish with filtered water) - and see how the fungus runs away! Might be a solution for athlete's feet - just an idea.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Maria (Silver Spring, Md, Usa) on 12/15/2010

Oil of oregano cure for fungus rash and nail fungus. I had a horrible fungus break up on my toes and top of my feet. I had blisters and the itching was so very bad. I had to stay off my feet for two days. It made my nail fungus soooo much worse!! I tried soaking in white vinegar and it helped a little, I tried garlic and did nothing, I tried magnesium salts and it helped to dry it somewhat. I tried apple cider vinegar and it did help to lessen the itching but it stained my toenails. I tried soaking the feet in oregano tea )one teaspoon of dry oregano steeped in hot water for one hour. That helped to clear the infection and the blisters, as oregano is antibacterial and antifungal.

Finally after 3 weeks of suffering I bought the expensive oil of wild oregano already premixed with olive oil. It has helped so much. The skin has healed and the toenail fungus is clearing little by little. I shower and dry my feet with paper towels and then with a hair drier. I remove the debris under the nails and put a few drops of the oregano oil on and under the nails. I rub my feet to help the oil penetrate better. I had a toenail that was separated from the bed, so I but a bandage wrapped tightly around the nail. It has helped to speed the healing and to make the toenail grow straight and proper. Almost there. Be patient, oil of oregano helps where other things do not, but it is not an instant cure, but a steady one. To help the toenails grow faster I am taking silica everyday. It works.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Healthnut (Palm Springs, Ca) on 11/13/2010

I've tried everything - and I mean everything! - to get rid of the nasty toenail fungus on my big toe. Finally, one day, I decided to spray my toes with colloidal silver. In a few days, the big black streak of fungus started disappearing. I know it's going to take up to a year for my toenail to grow out but, already, I'm about half-way there! I spray my toes twice a day, morning and night.

Distilled Vinegar
Posted by Rachel (Sydney, Australia) on 11/13/2010

I've had 2 dodgy toenails, one for about 10 years and one for about 2 years. After reading all the testimonials, I started soaking my feet in the cheapest generic supermarket white vinegar. I don't even know if it's distilled, but I assume it must be. I've also alternated between putting tea tree oil and generic chest rub ointment on both nails twice a day. After six weeks, the nail with the 10-year fungus now looks like a normal pink nail and the nail with the 2-year fungus still looks dodgy.

Posted by Ddm (Tampa, Fl) on 09/28/2010

Yep. Regular & decolorized iodine stopped right big toe nail fungus, almost completely grown out nail now. Just keep trimming off as growing out.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Lindsay (Chicago, Il, Usa) on 09/27/2010

It appears the reason my nails are all yellow now is that this remedy was breaking down my cuticles and the skin around my nails has allowed the fungus to spread to all of my nails. This should NOT be labeled as "better with side effects" since the side effect is that the fungus is now much worse. Based on my previous nail fungus, if I had left it alone, it would have taken months to progress to this point.

ACV, Borax and Peroxide Soak
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 09/23/2010

Hi Deidre... Wonderful to hear that you have finally rid yourself of and conquered the dreaded toe-nail yeast. I now also have a complete set of pink toe-nails for the first time in years!!

For me, it has all been a fairly long and fascinating road in trying to completely understand the way natural herbal remedies and natural body chemicals work to successfully heal our bodies. Now, I always make a point, even with skin or other outside body problems, to attack the infection/problem both topically as well as internally. In my own specific remedies, whether herbal or otherwise, I've always found that the regular internal use of magnesium chloride(10 drops mag oil in a half glass of water/day or transdermally), 5% lugol's iodine(high dose - 2 drops a day) and vitamin C powder(as ascorbate - megadose 5 grams a day), borax(weekly/monthly), fulvic acid(removes body toxins -- 10 drops, twice a day a day, in water), Ted's BS based alkalizing protocols(particularly Ted's citrate remedies) and dessicated liver (containing all necessary minerals, amino acids and vitamins for the body -- 3 large tabs twice a day) all seem to act synergistically and very positively on my own body with respect to increased energy and healing capability. I usually combine all the mineral and vitamins mentioned above into a drink taken with water -- twice a day outside mealtimes(taken after lunch and in the evening). The dessicated liver I take at mealtimes. And that's my preventative routine, which is all pretty non-intrusive to my own lifestyle. This preventative regimen is simple to follow and is relatively flexible and variable according to my needs. Apart from their many other benefits, I regularly use this standard combination as an efficient body-balancer, to increase the efficiency of both the body's hormone system as well as to put the immune system into turbo mode -- and to simultaneously create a very bad and unpleasant body terrain for any invading microbes. As a result, I haven't been ill with flu/cold etc for about 4 years now.

As an example and perhaps as more evidence and proof for the above, my girlfriend, who is a Filipina, recently caught a really nasty sore throat. She had an annoying dry cough, tickling sore throat, with bad headaches and nasal problems, and had difficulty sleeping because of aggravation from the aircon(I live in the tropics).

When she had caught this bug, I also noticed odd changes in my own nose and throat -- I was becoming ill with the same bug -- so I immediately upped my dosages/frequency of Ted's alkalizing remedies and minerals, vitamins etc as described above, to much higher dosages taken several times a day(this was all I did). The result was that my girlfriend's sore throat problem lasted for well over ten days but I never caught her bug, it never took off -- even though some of our friends caught the bug from her and suffered too, so the bug must have been quite contagious. I must also add that my girlfriend has a very good diet. Being a provincial Filipino, she eats fruit regularly and eats fish and vegetables with every meal(she even gets wihdrawal symptoms if she doesn't eat fish every day!! ... LOL). My girlfriend also prefers going to the doc rather than taking natural remedies, which is her own choice for sure. I prefer avoiding all anti-biotics and drugs whenever possible because of my past candida problems and experience.

ACV, Borax and Peroxide Soak
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, Ga) on 09/22/2010

I think (big sigh of relief) I am finally able to report a good remedy combination for clearing nail fungus after trying many different treatments the past couple of years.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hot water

I add 1-2 tablespoons of borax to hot water, wait until it dissolves, then add equal parts of organic apple cider vinegar, water and 3% drug store peroxide (I eyeball this, might be about 1/4 cup of each). Note: it's very important that you find a dish that allows you to soak as much of the top part of the foot as possible. I soak in this concoction for 30 to 45 minutes every day (sometimes more, sometimes less)... I do take a 1 or 2 day break from time to time.

Glad to report that the nail growing in on the big toe looks perfect! I am not touching it this time! (Filing the nail down really set me back last spring)

To Bill from the Philippines... I tried your formula (borax, hydrogen peroxide and milk of magnesia in June when you mentioned it here on EC). After 1 week, the fungus turned from yellow to white, and slowly started to clear from the nail. Then one day the top of my big toe, just below the nail, started to itch like crazy, like poison ivy (but more likely athlete's foot). I must have scratched it in the middle of the night because the next morning it was raw and oozing (yuck)... Shortly after that the fungus returned to the base of my nail. I tried your formula again for another few weeks and didn't seem to be getting very far. I am theorizing that unless you apply these anti-fungal remedies to as much of the foot (and in between the toes) as possible, it is very difficult to get rid of the fungus. Fingers crossed. My nails are growing out so fast (thanks to a daily glass of homemade milk kefir and a partial raw food diet) I think my nails might be clear by December. Will report back with y'all again then.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Lindsay (Chicago, Il, Usa) on 09/13/2010

I started out doing Ted's remedy for nail fungus six weeks ago. My big toenails were just starting to show signs of fungus with those scratchy white marks. I stopped the bleach step after awhile because the skin around my nails was starting to turn red and break down. About ten days ago I backed off the vinegar/peroxide step to every other day because the problem persisted, but kept the vaseline/tea tree oil on it every day. I started noticing that the fungus only extended halfway down my nail now instead of 2/3 of the way down the nail like it had when I started, but my nails were now very yellow, particularly around the perimeter of the nails. I reduced the vaseline/tea tree oil to once per day because my skin was still so dry and red around my nails and the tea tree oil was drying it out further, and I noticed today that the fungus is now progressing further down my nails than before. What am I doing wrong, and what can I do differently? What has caused my nails to turn yellow? I have had this fungus before, and it progressed much further before, but it never caused my nails to turn quite this shade of yellow, even when it pulled the nail away from the nail bed. Last time I treated it with Lamisil prescribed by my doctor, but since that was only two years ago and I didn't want to take Lamisil every two years, I was hoping for a remedy that doesn't require a prescription or that I take a liver function test first. I am so frustrated. Is there a milder treatment since my nails aren't that far gone yet and my skin is so sensitive?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jane (Worcester, Massachsetts/usa) on 08/31/2010

About 10 mos. ago I developed a fungus in one of my large toenails. I never had that before so I didn't know what it was. My nail started turning yellowish brown in color and it spread across most of the nail. I was freaking out. I went to see a podiatrist who told me the bad news and told me this might never go away and could spread to my other nails! He sold me an expensive tube of cream. I saw him a few more times and he basically did nothing to help the problem. I applied the cream for 7 months and saw no improvement. I spent the summer trying to hide my feet and avoiding the beach and pools. I love wearing pretty sandals in the summer. The doctor told me not to try home remedies that I might read about because they don't work. But I didn't listen to him. I decided to try the apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide solution I read about. I mixed it half and half in a small bottle and started applying it on and under my toenail at least twice a day. I keep my toes exposed to the air as much as possible at home and only cover up when I go out. It's been less than a week and it's like a miracle! I noticed improvement the very next day! The fungus has stopped spreading and the new growth looks nice and healthy! Hopefully it continues that way and by next Spring I can wear pretty sandals again and end the embarrassment! So for those of you who are ready to give up.... There is hope! Maybe this will work for you!

Walk on Wet Grass in the Morning
Posted by Tami (Kibbutz Hazorea, Israel) on 08/29/2010

The mention of ozone gave me the idea to try Ozonol, a Canadian ointment I've been using for scrapes, cuts and burns since childhood (a long long time ago :-). After showering I applied it on the toe nails that had been discolored by fungus for years. Within 3 days all the discoloration (and soreness) disappeared in the lesser affected nail and within a week the nail that was more affected was cured also. The active ingredients in Ozonol are Phenol and zinc oxide (what they have to do with ozone I don't know, but it works!).

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Julie (St. Joseph, Michigan) on 08/26/2010

Severe fungus infection. Read all the comments here and yes, tried most of them. Started as blisters near two nails. Went to doctor, whom gave me 10 pills, that left me with not only chest pains, but tunnel vision, breathless, and, I think some allergic reaction. Doctor also gave me some prescription salve that burned the badooties out of my hands, they swelled up like something hitting them with blow torch, and the fungus spread down my arms, legs, feet stomach, This drug left me with continual hives for weeks.. In extreme agony, I went to different doctor who prescribed just taking benedryl, and staying away from any form of water, soap. His last words, do not get wet. After a week of agony, as my skin literally fell off my hands in thick cutting skin cutting the tender flesh underneath. I got a suntan, have not done this in decades, but, was so much less pain in the sun. After two weeks, eating yogurt and staying away from sugar, and yeast flour rice and carbs. Taking tons of Vitamin b's, calcium with D, Green tea. I can see it healing, Thank to the Lord above. I am writing this, just in case someone else out there finds themselves in the same predicament. This last doctor told me of many cases he has seen because of the perfect storm.

Two months prior, I was taking an antibiotic, then purchased some antiviral dish soap and antiviral hand soap. Hot baths and reaction to the fungus drug that messed up my liver. Mind you not only did I get rid of the fungus, but, old age spots, a spider bite on my leg finally healed, three moles disappeared, and, I look now at the fact that medicine is not a cure but a cause. Beware of cleansers, and getting too much sanitation in your life. Kills the good bacteria that protects the skin. I had to restore the good bacteria in my body on it's own. Hope this helps someone else. Fungus lives on sugar and water.

Emu Oil
Posted by Heatherh (Portland, Or) on 08/23/2010

I wanted to get rid of my lifelong toenail fungus before my wedding day 4 years ago. I got a blood test to ensure my liver was in good condition and happily took home a prescription for Lamisil tablets. I ordered them from Canada and started taking them immediately. After about 3 months I started feeling uneasy about the potential damage I was doing to my liver and kidneys and decided to stop taking the drug. Plus I hadn't seen any improvement anyway. My naturopath said I had slow liver function that was causing my constipation. I don't know if this had anything to do with the Lamisil tablets or not but it seemed better to stop taking them than risk harming my organs. Instead I bought a bottle of emu oil and ground up a few of the Lamisil tablets to make a paste. Every morning and night I applied the paste directly to my toenails. After another 3 months my nails were completely clear. I continued to apply emu oil by itself for a few more months. It has been 3 years since my nails cleared up and they are still looking good - no fungus at all, not even athlete's foot.

Application Tips
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 06/07/2010 84 posts

Treating Nail Fungus:

I'm going to add my tuppence here. The nail and the skin directly underneath it are so pressed together that it is impossible for cream or liquid to get at it. Any remedy should be loaded to the sides and tip of the nail and left to the air for 20 - 30 minutes so that it can spread skin cell to skin cell for effectiveness.

I know someone who tried many things for this but would put socks and shoes on straight away so that the liquids would soak straight into the wool. A clever nurse told her to do it half an hour before she got into bed and, hey presto, faster results.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Janedoe (Concord, Nh) on 05/16/2010

It has been over a year that I have been fungus free! This is the best site ever!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Kc (Lafayette, Co) on 04/12/2010

I have very severe nail fungus on one big toe, always have although its been getting progressively worse over the years. Just a few weeks ago I noticed a different type fungus starting in one of my little toes! "NO WAY!" i thought, so i jumped on here and read all the remedies and comments. I'm a huge believer in ACV but i haven't been taking it recently. I thought Teds Remedy combined with ACV sounded like it would work the fastest. It honestly never occurred to me it would work as fast as Ted says it would, i thought "mines really bad, a few months and it will look better maybe" I cut back all the raised infected nail to get the best penetration, did both the vinegar and hp and the bleach (at 1/1 water directly on the nail with a dropper)and then covered them in vicks for the night. OMG!! I woke up to find the fungus obviously dying (different consistency and color)and the yellowing stripes I couldn't clip back very faded. I did the whole routine again this morning and Ill post back in a week or so to let everyone know how its going. Just as an aside, it took the $175 "prescription" paint on stuff 2 months to have this affect on my nail. I'm cautiously hopeful:)

Dish Soap, Acidophilus
Posted by Mariana (Billings, Mt, Usa) on 04/05/2010 11 posts

Hi, When I was about 17 I got a strange nail fungus in my fingernails. It didn't hurt, but the fungus was quickly and viciously eating them all up and my nails were literally disappearing. Some of my nails were over 2/3rds gone and it was just like a soft skin there where the nail bed should have been.

My mom took me to the doctor, and he said it was a fungal infection. He didn't give me any drugs for it, but told me simply to soak my hands two or three times a day (I can't remember for sure but I think it was two) in dish soap water for 15 minutes each time. He also said to go to the drug store and get some acidophilus pills and take those every day. I did this for a week or two (I made the dish soap water quite soapy) and the infection totally disappeared, and my nails grew back to perfectly normal.

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
Posted by Ellen (Redwood Shores, Ca) on 03/24/2010

What ever remedy you try, even if it were to kill the fungus, is NOT going to change the nail as it exists. You can only hope that in 4-6 weeks that you start seeing pink at the base of the toenail. Yes, it takes that long! Most people stop way short with their treatments.

Distilled Vinegar
Posted by Moi (V.ville, Ca) on 03/09/2010

Oops, that was me. A plaster (in Ireland where I grew up) was a generic or non company name for what is commonly known in US as a bandaid. To reiterate my post, it works and has continued to work for the past year or so.

Distilled Vinegar
Posted by Russell (Wickenburg, Arizona) on 03/08/2010

I read a review about using vinegar a person would use the vinegar then put a plaster over it. What is the plaster?

Fungus and Toe Pain
Posted by Bev (Apache Junction, Arizona) on 02/16/2010

Hi! I have NO good new for you yet. I just wanted you to know that I am suffering the toe pain as well as you are and I'm sure there are others. I am trying a little combination as I am writing this. I did one cup of White Vinegar to 3 cups of water and thought I'm going to add 1/2 cup of the apple cider vinegar and one more cup of water and I am soaking both feet. I have had problems with both my big toes with the discoloration, thick ugly nails that are very hard to trim and since they have thickened...they have been giving me problems by curving inward and getting very hard to manicure not saying how the pain is really getting unbearable. I hope we both get relief and nice looking toes again.
