Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

Manuka Oil
Posted by Ann (Middlesbrough, UK) on 09/19/2006

I have been using Manuka Oil for 3 weeks. Manuka Oil is New Zealand's equivalent to Australia's Tea Tree Oil. I was using Tree Oil before that and the nails seemed to be improving slowly and steadily however I read on the web that Manuka Oil is 10 times more potent than Tea Tree Oil for fungal problems. It is too early to say if Manuka Oil is a miracle cure and matters were not helped when I ran over the affected toes with a heavy airline trolley. The bruised nails are growing out and the areas affected by the fungus seem to be shrinking. I use an emery board to file the nails so that they are thinner and more likely to absorb the oil down to the nail bed. I have had fungal nails for at least 5 years but have only seriously started to tackle the problem a few months ago. Prior to that I hid the problem under layers of nail polish which, of course, just made them worse.

Iodine, Epsom Salts
Posted by Clark (Highland, Indiana) on 05/23/2007

I just wanted to say that this website is great. I searched and searched but never found any real life usefull feedback on remedy's. Iv had a nail infection for 7 years now, started with one toe nail and it spread i guess to my hands. I usually have 5 of my fingers infected at a time, some get better, than the good ones go bad. A few years ago i had 2 toe nails that were like the claws of a terridactal but they healed up in time. My fingers however are not so easy. I read about natural cures but they say to buy like 10 different things and all this stuff to cure the infection but your site has real people who cured there problems with simplicity so i am here to say iv been soaking my fingers in epsom salt and i use iodine 2 times a day and in the morning i dip them in listerine, well i belive the iodine and epson salt ( in super hot water) are really helping. My right hand middle fingers nail and digit tip was super red and looked like it was gonna burst, very swollen. Since iv been doing the remedy the redness and the constant i mean constant swelling pressure is gone. I can actually see the swelling is starting to go down and the goofy nail is starting to repair but just needs to go, lol. I am so happy i found this site and ill keep you posted. As of now I have 2 large thumbs and a still large middle finger tip, lol that sounds so gross.

Posted by Jay (Rockland County, NY) on 08/24/2006

Iodine Tincture (2.3% solution cured 'Toenail Fungus. I whacked my infected toenails using a large hammer. In about two weeks the nails fell off and I applied iodine. When my new nails grew back, I had no more fungus.

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/13/2006 391 posts

Using Iodine for the toe nail fungus is fairly effective method of control of toe nail fungus because iodine will penetrate to some extent deep into the skin and the cuticle somewhat. The problem about iodine is the issue of staining and discoloration of the nail and socks. (EC: BUY DECOLORIZED IODINE TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE. )

However, you will still need to do the H2O2 vinegar before applying clorox and iodine is added after clorox is rinse and iodine is painted on the nail along with tea tree oil to the nails. While iodine alone will not work that will because of it popping back after awhile, I will usually apply the regimen mentioned as part of the overall treatment for it to work the best.

Posted by Brenda (Bear, DE) on 01/18/2006

Iodine is excellent for toenail fungus, ringworm, fever blisters, moles and skin tags, hangnails, etc. Just a few drops on a q-tip is all it takes. Use daily until the "boo-boo" is gone.

Posted by Marilyn (Grand Rapids, MI) on 02/26/2007

I have recommended white or clear iodine for 23 years for the treatment of nail fungus. Iodine increases nail growth while treating the fungus at the same time. Adding a few drops of vitamin e along with the iodine to the underside of the nail is helpful in keeping the area from becoming too dry. Iodine can be used on healthy nails to increase growth. In that case I wouldn't apply more than once a week.Until recently colorless iodine was hard to find in Michigan. There are expensive over the counter treatments for nail fungus which usually don't work.If purchasing these check the label to see if iodine is an ingredient.prescriptions for nail fungus,(lamisil) can be damaging to the liver and it's very expensive, often not covered by insurance. It usually takes 6 months and lots of blood work to have a healthy nail back. Try the iodine first! marilyn-the digithelper-manicurist

Posted by Laurie (East MeadowN, New York) on 04/25/2007

decolorized iodine has cured a fungus I Had under my nails. It works wonders, but it is very hard to find

Posted by Eric (Houston) on 10/10/2006

Vics = nothing, but bleach toenail fungus if it could penetrate the nail (See below). I have fungus -- 3 toes on one foot, and two on another and I tried the vapor rub fairly diligently with no success for several months. I gave up and wasn't putting anything on it for a while then the big toe nail got bumped on a couch and came completely off, so I tried some bleach on all toes for several months. The big toe is about 80% grown in looking healthy, while the others nails don't look any better. I concluded that the bleach absolutely works, but doesn't penetrate the nails well. So I think the next step will be to file off as much of the other nails as I possibly can and see what that does.

Posted by Don (Lakeland, FL) on 01/13/2008

Vicks on finernail fungus. About a year ago I shoved a wooden splinter up my left index finger, about 1/2 way down. It never healed and my wife thought I had a fungus under it. I read that Vicks would cure this. Here's what I did, which didn't work!! I bought finger cots, put Vicks in it and rolled it onto the index finger every night for the last couple of months. It didn't change anything with respect to the nail growth or fungus removal. I'm going to try your vinegar/hydro peroxide treatment. I clipped my nail 1/2 way down, getting rid of most all of the fungus part of the nail.

Posted by Becky (San Diego, CA) on 11/15/2006

My Dr. (at a very well know medical organization), he asked that I not tell anyone that he told me to try this instead of the prescription he could have given. Apparently the prescription stuff takes just as long to work approx. 3mos and cost a lot more and has bad side effects on other organs in your body. The Vicks Vapor Rub every night before bed rubbed on toes, covered with socks and WOW! What a find... Renewed my faith in my Doctor as well.

EC: We have long suspected that many of these emails are from the manufacturer (or their PR firm). We post them here for your reading enjoyment.

Lavender Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Erica (Los Angeles, CA)

I have has toe nail fungus for about 4 years and it has now destroyed my toe nail on my left foot. I found a natural cure on the internet and have used it for about 3 weeks now. The cure involves adding 1 litter of water, 5 drops of lavender and half a cup of apple cider vinegar. I always soak my feet in this for about 45 minutes, each foot. After this, I put australian tee tree oil to all my nail three times a day, I also NEVER wear shoes around my house. I have noticed that this had decreased my nail growth. It also has cured the itch and softness of my feet, except for the nail fungus on my toe, my feet look great!!! This is a good cure but the main thing we need to have to cure this is PATIENCE!

Olive Oil and White Vinegar
Posted by Ellen (USA) on 07/11/2006

I've been using Ozonated Olive Oil & 2 drops of white distilled vinegar at the base of the toenail @ 12 hour intervals. The fungal part is growing out and there is a growing "pink" area between the half-moon and the fungal part. This has been a 30 year fungal infection and this is the most progress that I have ever seen. April through June, I was using many different remedies. But in the last 3 weeks, I have been using the 2 drops at the base of the toenail every 12 hours. This is the cheap white (clear) distilled vinegar that is 4% or 5% acetic acid. And I've been using the ozonated olive oil every 12 hours. I apply it to the toenail and then I cover the toenail with a bandaid, to keep the olive oil in place. I bought the olive oil on ebay. It is working and I am excited! I've been using prescription Thymol in an alcohol solution for over 3 years, and it hasn't done this much. Did I say that I am excited?!

Cinnamon Oil
Posted by Amanda (Vernon, BC) on 09/01/2006

I had read somewhere that fungus could not grow in the presence of cinnamon oil (found in any aromatherapy store), so instead of going to the doctor for an expensive and harmful prescription I decided to try it. I applied it to the cuticle of my nail morning and night and the nail grew out perfectly healthy. My mom had the same problem and when she saw my results she decided to try it too and got the same results.

Posted by GG (Houston, TX) on 01/14/2007

I've cured toenail fungus with pure garlic oil, also i take it internally to kill fungus inside which the fungus does start inside plus it has so many other cures, But also I want to note that toenail and foot fungus is from your bath tub and getting pedicures and wearing items that are used, it is contagious! Just wanted to share... thanx guys love the website.

Honey and Garlic
Posted by Nadine (NY) on 09/01/2006

i read this in a book at the health store so i tried it take honey and garlic use them alternately on your toenail. start out with either honey or garlic and put it on your toenail and bandage the next time you change the bandage put the opposite on so if you start with garlic, the next time put just the honey and keep alternating it till the fungus is gone. do not mix the honey and garlic together. yes the honey is a little gooey, but it has some very nice properties in it that work.

Posted by Eric (Houston) on 10/10/2006

Vics = nothing, but bleach toenail fungus if it could penetrate the nail (See below). I have fungus -- 3 toes on one foot, and two on another and I tried the vapor rub fairly diligently with no success for several months. I gave up and wasn't putting anything on it for a while then the big toe nail got bumped on a couch and came completely off, so I tried some bleach on all toes for several months. The big toe is about 80% grown in looking healthy, while the others nails don't look any better. I concluded that the bleach absolutely works, but doesn't penetrate the nails well. So I think the next step will be to file off as much of the other nails as I possibly can and see what that does
