Apple cider vinegar/baking soda saves the day.
This did the trick!! I'm so amazed.
I woke up to burning and only able to produce a few drops--but the urgency was high. Sigh. Tried the apple cider vinegar and baking soda, plus about 30 minutes...no more burning and open the flood gates I'm making water again!! Took some again later and will continue for a few days. I added in some cranberry juice in my daily diet just in case, and have increased my water intake as well for a proper flushing of my pipes. So far so good.-- Thanks Earth Clinic... you continue to be my first " go to" for advice.
I read oxalates can cause cystitislike symptoms and kidney stones, which can be sharp and may cause blood in urine. Chocolate has oxalates.
Alka Seltzer
I took ACV and water when I had UTI symptoms and I felt like my symptoms got worse. The burning was worse and I had strains of blood in my urine. I thought I was seeing wrong but now that you mentioned blood in the urine, I'm getting worried.
I recognized the beginnings of a UTI and started drinking ACV and more water, but when I started rubbing a couple of drops of Frankincense Essential Oil on my lower abdomen did I see results. I saw results within one day. I continued to rub several drops on my lower abdomen for a week and haven't had anymore symtoms of UTI. I am now two weeks past the original symptoms of UTI and haven't had any more more problems. I have recently tried to employ essential oils to take control of my health and am happy with the results.
Cream of Tartar
I have cream of tartar will try it. I have been drinking a honey, vinegar, ginger hot tea and it seems to have helped. Now will try the C of T. Thank you.
Olive Leaf, Activated Charcoal
I have now successfully cured my UTI and kidney infections multiple times with olive leaf extract. I thankfully came across this life-saving remedy after frantically searching for alternatives to antibiotics after several trips to the hospital for my chronic and severe UTIs.
I take 3-4 capsules of olive leaf extract (standardized Olive Leaf 250 mg with 20% oleuropein) with each meal then take 2 capsules of activated charcoal 2 hours after and 2 hours before my next meal. I alternate these steps 3 times per day until all symptoms are gone. I then decrease to 2 capsules of Olive Leaf with each meal for 2 more days without the charcoal. (Not sure if this is necessary but Olive Leaf is safe so it can't hurt).
This week I received proof of how well this works: I started experiencing UTI symptoms and took a home UTI test that came back positive for leukocytes. I immediately began my Olive Leaf & Activated Charcoal protocol. Only two doses in, I had a urinalysis and blood work done and there was no sign of infection, bacteria or an elevated white blood cell count. WOW! I know it works well but was surprised because I was still experiencing some symptoms. Amazing!
Enterococcus UTI Remedies
Is it possible you are reinfecting yourself through food or drinks, such as contaminated milk or juice? Or even tap water? A reusable water bottle or contaminated shower head? Even soap?
Enterococcus UTI Remedies
Hi Tina, Have you tried coconut oil? I NEVER have had UTI in the last five years after taking coconut oil 1 tablespoon a day daily. Whenever I feel a slight burning sensation during urination I take at once 1 extra tablespoon Coconut oil in a warm cup of milk.Until than next morning no more discomfort. Try it you will feel the difference.
Enterococcus UTI Remedies
To Tina of Ontario - What you want is grapeFRUIT seed extract (not grapeseed extract - but read up about it first, to make sure you're buying the real thing). In addition to taking drops of it - and perhaps even more importantly - put (say) ten or twelve drops in a small bowl of water by the loo, and give yourself a wipe every time you go.
Enterococcus UTI Remedies
Dear Tina,
Wow, you have tried a lot of things. A couple of things I would consider trying in your situation (which have worked well for me for UTI's) would be castor oil, charcoal and plantain.
Castor oil as a pack over the lower abdomen with a heating pad overnight. (My heating pad has one setting - very low - so no risk of burning, though it is not recommended to use them overnight.)
Activated charcoal - either internally or as a poultice.
Plantain tea. Seems too simple but has worked for me for UTI's (not sure which bacteria caused mine, though.) But when you look up enterococcus and plantain into google, the first hit comes up with a book that mentions using plantain for enterococcus. To make plantain tea I put several tablespoons in a quart jar and pour boiling water over it and let it steep an hour or so. I strain and consume the tea over the course of the day. I repeat this several days in a row or as needed.
I hope you find a solution. Please let us know how it goes.
~Mama to Many~
Enterococcus UTI Remedies
Hi Monka, I just read your post and I do realize is from a while back but I am experiencing the same issue. Any luck in getting rid of the enterococcus uti? I was diagnosed about 3 months ago with enterococcus UTI when they did a urine culture. I experience extreme urgency and frequency, no burning, no pain. I was on 3 rounds of different antibiotics: macrobid, amoxicillin and septra or bactrin 10 days each based on sensitivity test but it didn't clear up. At the end of the antibiotic treatment I feel good and the lab count shows lower bacteria but then slowly I start experiencing the symptoms again and the count goes up. I tried everything including natural treatments: uva ursi, colloidal silver, garlic, juniper tea, grape seed extract, oregano oil, tea tree oil, sitz baths and I take probiotics and vit C every day. My doctor wants to put me on another antibiotic which I am very skeptical now to take. I eat healthy and I drink lots of water. I am desperate and frustrated, this is impacting my life terribly, I don't know what else to do. I always follow personal hygiene and live a healthy lifestyle, I am otherwise very healthy female 39 yrs old. Reinfection is not the case as it would be technically impossible. I want to try another natural treatment while I wait to see a specialist. Please let me know if you managed to treat it.
Uva Ursi
I suffer from UTIs virtually every time I have sex. I just started dating someone new, so that has resulted in my getting a UTI about once a week for a few weeks now. In the past I tried taking D-Mannose and drinking unsweetened cranberry juice but that never helped. I used to take baking soda just to ease the burning sensation but of course that wasn't a cure either. A few weeks ago I went through an emotionally stressful time, during which I also developed a UTI that spread to my left kidney and I had to go to the ER and take a round of antibiotics, which I never want to resort to.
I had read about uva ursi in the past but there was never much solid feedback out it so I disregarded it for a long time. After the kidney episode, I was even more desperate to find an herbal remedy since it seems this issue is not going away for me. So I decided to give uva ursi a try.
I purchased two ounces of the dried leaves at my local health food store. I went home and weighed out 1 ounce on my herb scale and put it into a quart sized mason jar. Then I poured boiling water over the leaves and filled the jar to the top. I let it steep for twenty minutes. Then I strained out 1 cup of the infusion and drank it down.
PRAISE UVA URSI! It took away the burning sensation it just over an hour! I couldn't believe it! I mean I really couldn't believe it, it was just too good to be true. I continued to drink the rest of the quart of infusion over the rest of the day and the next day. I was so happy that when I got another UTI I was worried it wouldn't work the same as it did the first time. BUT IT DID! I have now gotten three UTIs in the past three weeks or so and have used uva ursi in the same way each time and gotten the sams results. The burning sensation is completely eliminated in an hour or so. I have only had to drink the 1 quart of infusion over a two day period each time and by then the UTI is resolved.
I encourage you to try uva ursi infusion if you suffer from recurrent UTIs. I know there are some warnings out there about prolonged use being harmful to the liver but I only have to take it for about two days to get relief. Truthfully, I only have to drink 1 cup to get relief, but I drink a whole quart over a two day period to ensure full recovery.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
I could not go to sleep because of burning feeling and urge to pee. At 2 in the morning I took 1/4 tsp baking soda and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Felt some relief within 10 minutes. Went to sleep and it was gone when I woke up. I have been fine since that was 3 days ago. Amazing
D-Mannose, Lemon
Hi, I'm 48 and have been getting uti's since I was 16. Antibiotics don't work for me anymore, so in desperation I searched for a natural cure.
I tried a number of things, acv, bicarb, herbal mixtures, d-mannose, garlic, fasting, cranberry.
A month in, the d-mannose was the most helpful by far and kept it at a low level but wasn't fully getting rid of it. I was having to take copious amounts and the test strips never went to less than a light purple.
Until I tried this (inspired by a feedback comment on Amazon): half a lemon squeezed into a glass of warm water, drink that and then about 10 mins later, a heaped teaspoon of D-Mannose.
Half an hour later the test strip was completely clear of leucocytes! I repeated this every few hours for a day or 2, then a maintenance dose once a day in the morning for the next few weeks.
I call it citricide lol and it has been a miracle for me. I am posting it on here in the hopes it might help others.
Sea Salt
Your salt cure helped me so much I can't say it cured me but it helped a bunch with pain..I was able to make it through two twelve hour shift dispite peein blood.. I spent my days off drinking pure cranberry juice with raw honey distilled water and cream of tarter with lemon water ..n pink salt Water.. N vitamin c n eating fruit n plain yogert only ..I douche d with salt water n aged urine ..I'm much better now no more pain no more diarea. No more blood in urine..thanks so much earth clinic is my go to for any illness..today I looped my urine till it was clear as water ..it didn't look or taste infected anymore and I almost went to er glad I did not .
Emergency Travel UTI Remedies
Remedies for UTI on the go - no pun intended. :)
This week I had to travel 800 miles by car on Monday with some of my family. I was feeling fine when we left but started feeling poorly within the first hour. I had stomach cramps and diarrhea, which I at first thought was from taking too much magnesium the night before. But the cramping and diarrhea did not stop and I felt worse and worse. I was not driving, at least. As the day wore on I realized I had a fever. The pain continued to get worse though the diarrhea ceased. However, I realized that I had bladder pain when I emptied my bladder. I was starting to suspect bladder infection, though the diarrhea really threw me.
Turns out that bladder spasms (I am pretty sure that was the actual cramping I was experiencing) can cause diarrhea. We stopped at a Stuff Mart as I couldn't find any type of health food store. I was thrilled to be able to find the following things that I had decided I would use in lieu of my usual remedies for a uti (I usually use plantain tea and frankincense essential oil.) I included turmeric because I wasn't positive it was not some sort of intestinal infection, though in the end, I don't think it was. Turmeric is anti-infective anyway.)
- 100% cranberry juice ( to fight UTI)
- 100% concord grape juice (to cut the cranberry juice)
- Raw and organic apple cider vinegar (for acetic acid to fight uti)
- Raw turmeric powder (for infection)
- Charcoal tablets (for diarrhea and infection)
- Chamomile tea (antispasmodic)
- Black tea (astringent)
- Raw honey (antibacterial sweetener for tea)
I also bought plastic cups, straws, and a mug.
I usually bring tons of remedies on a trip. This time I had brought nearly nothing since I usually carried it all around for naught, and I was going to be flying home and didn't want to have to deal with extra baggage.
Before leaving the parking lot, after buying my remedies, I put the following in a plastic cup:
- 2-3 T. raw apple cider vinegar
- ½ cup cranberry juice
- ¾ cup grape juice
And drank it as we drove on to our hotel.
The next day I spent in the hotel in bed. I tried to take a remedy every 2 hours.
I alternated between the vinegar/grape/cranberry drink and ½ cup milk kefir with about ¾ t. turmeric. (Not bad, actually.)
I also had mugs of chamomile or black tea with honey.
At night, when I woke up I would take charcoal tablets.
I realized I had an essential oil blend with me for my joints that had frankincense and juniperberry in it, along with several other oils, so I massaged that into my abdomen many times a day.
The second day I no longer had fever and the third day I was able to leave my hotel room though I continued with the remedies.
I was feeling a good bit better though I still had bladder pain unless I didn't move. I took a few doses of Tylenol over those days for pain.
By Thursday I was about 90% better and able to travel by plane.
All week I had only consumed my remedies, a couple of apples and some gingersnaps. I had no appetite at all and didn't really want to get my digestive system moving much while I was in the airport or on a plane.
It has been 6 days now and I feel completely myself.
I do not know how I went from not noticing symptoms to being so sick I was considering going to the hospital, but I did.
One thing I was pleased about was how pretty simple remedies and ones that can be found nearly anywhere completely eliminated the most painful uti I have ever experienced. I even was able to restock my charcoal supply without going to a health food store.
~Mama to Many~
Pink Himalayan Salt
I was desperate for something to cure an aggressive uti that had been leaving and coming back for 2 weeks. Garlic worked wonders on almost diminishing the infection but it kept lingering..The last thing I decided to try before giving into antibiotics worked!
Sipped 1/2 tsp of pink Himalayan salt in a glass of water. And of course drank multiple glasses of water afterwards. Literally almost IMMEDIATE results. The pain disappeared and within a few hours I felt normal again. I did consume another 1/2 tsp in water before bed just to make sure it didn't come back and it didnt!!! Just WOW. I'm going to incorporate this into my life on occasion to make sure another uti never has a chance.
Urinary Tract Infection--Garlic/ACV/AC
I have been visiting this website for home remedies for over a decade. So I'm glad to be able to participate more usefully! Recently I had my 2nd uti. The first time it took almost 3 weeks to get succesful permanent results. This time around I knew I had to step up my game. I was determined to cure it without antibiotics. And I did! One thing I noticed that hasn't been talked about is the effects of raw garlic. This literally was my 'white knight' in shining armor. After a few days of going back and forth and sometimes even getting a worse infection, I was at a breaking point. 6 days in and still fighting it. Then I had a light bulb moment. Garlic. Garlic is one of nature's most avaible potent sources as a natural antibiotic. I luckily had fresh local garlic. Nice and potent. Chinese garlic tends to be a tad weak. But probably would work by consuming more. I peeled and sliced up 3 large cloves. Vigorously I chewed tiny slice by slice and drinking plenty of water. It will most likely burn but only temporarily. Taking small breaks from eating the garlic I would also add 2 tbs of ACV to a large full glass of water every 2 hours. While also drinking copious amounts of regular water. You have to pee it out!
Concerned of detox on the rest of my body, I also took 2 capsules of AC (activated charcoal). I would say I spread this out over 6 hours. By morning my bladder/kidney pain had subsided as well as having clear urine. ((Sidenote- I also chose to sit in opposite direction on toilet to help with emptying bladder))I continued with drinking ACV in water the next 2 days for good measure. I can't believe I forgot how powerful garlic is. Sure some people will avoid you like the plague(Garlic breath) but to me it's worth every funny face made cause atleast I can laugh! Next uti won't have a chance! Good luck to all.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
In reply to Ann (Vernon, B.c.),
Some pathogens involved in UTI's can survive in alkaline environments and some can survive in an acidic environment. Baking soda is effective for some UTI's, but not all. The majority of UTI's are E. coli based and in those cases D Mannose, an active component of cranberry juice can be effective by binding to the E. coli bacteria and allowing it to pass through and out of the urinary tract before it has a chance to attach itself in the urinary tract/bladder and create problems. This is why cranberry juice is often recommended for UTI's, but the juice has a significant amount of sugar that may be counterproductive for some UTI's or other health conditions, hence the use of d-mannose which comes in a concentrated powder form that is usually mixed with water.
Salt or sea salt can also be effective for some UTI's. The EC section on that subject covers a lot of good ones and is worth reviewing.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
I am a little confused. I have read that apple cider vinegar though acidic when you drink it the body turns it to alkaline. To cure a uti you want urine to be on the acidic side do you not so doesn't it make sense to not drink apple cider vinegar as it keeps urine alkaline. I'm hoping someone can explain it to me. Thanks
Himalayan Salt
Himalayan salt for a bladder infection.
Amazing. I tried baking soda remedy, essential oil remedy, but got no relief. Finally tried the 1 teaspoon Himalayan sea salt in warm water remedy. BAM! Gone in a day.
Prioris, is this Forskolin a prescription drug or what? I never heard of it. THanks
EC: See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forskolin. Many supplement companies sell it - check Amazon and iHerb for reviews.
Baking Soda
Here is something I came across. Could be useful.
"After customary antibiotic treatment, the vast majority of the bacteria are either killed by the antibiotics or eliminated during urination, " Abraham said. "However, there are small numbers of bacteria that survive antibiotic treatment because they sneak into the lining of the bladder, waiting for the opportunity, after antibiotic treatment, to come out and start multiplying again."
The researchers found that forskalin has the ability to force the bacteria out of their niches and into the urine, where they can be killed by antibiotics.
Abraham said that forskalin's action makes intuitive sense, since the herb is known to rev up certain cellular activity. This heightened activity in the bladder causes the specialized pouches to "flush out" their contents -- in this case, the hiding E. coli.
"This herb has been used in Asia for centuries for a wide variety of ailments, " Abraham said. "However, one of its constant uses has been for treating painful urination."
I came across some research that said that there are places in bladder where bacteria can hide. They solved that problem by using Forskolin to flush them out somehow. Just something for someone to research more on.
Medical Emergency Signs
Try Stinging Nettle Root first. It can help with that problem. Mine shutdown and that's what helped open it up. I took two 500 mg capsules.
This makes SO much sense. My daughter had a UTI onset the evening after she got a mild sunburn. To heal the skin, especially from burns, the body uses zinc. If she was already depleted, then resources would be stretched even further and the cells could not be resistant at all! I am a firm believer that deficiency and toxicity are the two true causes of all illness. Adding zinc to the plan is already making a huge difference. Thanks!
Sharon: For the above poster to report such extensive natural remedies and still suffer UTI, there is yet underlying issues. This means a Gallbladder Cleanse and a Colon Cleanse is necessary or the infection continues. Once you do the cleanses and do the other natural antibiotic herbs listed above, then you can begin Probiotics in moderate doses for prevention. But before buying Probiotics, start replenishing with Kefir. You can make Kefir yourself or purchase from grocer or health food stores that stock it. WalMart has Kefir, some with added natural or otherwise fruit flavor as well as sugar, and some without.
As for capsules of Probiotics you want as many strains as possible but with an abundance of Acidophilus & Bifidus. 1-4 Billion units total is good maintenance but up to 40 billion for disease treatment. Also be sure to get a product with Preprobiotics like FOS which helps your gut manufacture Probiotics itself. As for brands it's up to you but start with something affordable and go from there.
Regarding the post from 2012, can someone provide the name of the product or probiotics that would help. I am in the same boat and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Baking Soda
Alka Seltzer
I am on 2nd round of antibiotics for UTI. This all started in march. I think I passed a kidney stone. pain started in my back on the left side. Within 3 days, the pain had migrated down load and I couldn't walk. I stayed in the recliner for 3 days with a heating pad to my back and abdomen. I finally went to the urgent care clinic when my urine turned very dark brown. I guess it was blood in my urine. The ER doctor did a UA and said there was RBCs, but no white blood cells. They sent it to lab to do a C&S, called me back and said they didn't culture anything, but put me on Cipro any way. Two months later, I'm having painful bladder spasms after I void. It fills like my bladder is filling up even though I just emptied it. It's painful. I went to the drug store and bought Oxytrol patches that stopped the spasms, but they come back after I remove the patch. I went to my internal med Dr.for a routine check up. She tested my urine and told me I had some form of staphy bacteria in my urine, Staphlycoccus epid something, cant' remember. Lab said it was sensitive to treatment with several antibiotics. I'm allergic to penicillin so that isn't an option. Now I'm on Macrobid and I feel awful! I've been pushing cranberry juice, peeing all the time, and taking something called cystex I bought at walmart. How long is this going to continue? I'm miserable. I'm drinking ACV with honey and ginger mixed in it.
Alkaline Water
Hello, I had a very uncomfortable Urinary Tract infection a week ago and I bought the product one finds at the pharmacy (AZO tabs.) which usually works for me. I took the full dosage and this time the AZO pills didn't work?
I had to go to the doctor and I was given one pill for Fungal infection until they could test my urine to find the real culprit and as usual I could not get results until Monday as everyone is closed for the weekend. The Fungal pill seemed to work, but the next day the Infection and pain was back again! So I read that some women are helped with UTI by drinking alkaline water so my husband and I drove into town and bought 2 gallons of alkaline water to see if it would work AND IT SURE DID! Alkaline water (I drank quit a bit) relieved me of all the pain! The pain came back after one day and a half for about half an hour and then it went away again after I drank more Alkaline water! What was weird was that even though the pain was gone I had some slight discomfort in my lower tract and lower back area. I continued drinking the Alkaline water. Then about three times when I went to urinate my flow of urine was hot? I never experienced hot pee? After the hot pee episode every symptom of the UTI problem was gone! Including the pain in the lower back and lower stomach area! I feel back to normal and will not have to go back to the doctor if this continues. Also for seniors a retired nurse told me that UTI can be dangerous for Seniors and is the second cause of death for seniors. The infection can go to the kidneys and cause Septic! Very dangerous!
So take this infection seriously! Especially if you are a Senior!
D-Mannose and Turmeric
I had UTI 2 weeks ago and it was really bad. I usually go for antibiotics in these cases but have found out that antibiotics caused imbalance in my good & bad bacteria. I also have candida overgrowth, hence didn't want to further reduce my good bacteria.
Anyway, from reviews I tried the natural remedy, D-mannose. I took 1 tsp every hour, and drank a lot of water. I took so much water I was literally peeing every minute. After a while, the burning sensation will subside, and if you continue taking 1 tsp D-mannose every hour, it will be almost gone! D-mannose is amazing for UTI! However note that I probably was overdosing on D-mannose (out of desperation, really..), and I felt throbbing in my kidneys.. Must mean I was overworking my kidneys then, so I advise anyone to be careful on copying my dosage.
My UTI was gone in over just a day by dosing d-mannose 1 tsp/hour. However, the next day, it would come back! So I dose with d-mannose again, stop when the burning sensation subsides (also because at that point my kidney(s) would be throbbing), substitute only water (and a lot of it), but the next day it would again come back! Cycle continues 2-3 times until I figure I should take something to stop UTI from coming back.
So I substitute/mix my water with Turmeric, a natural antibiotic. I also took a lot of vitamin C. After drinking a lot of turmeric tea, and continuing to drink turmeric 2-3 days after UTI is gone from d-mannose, it never came back again! I'm so happy to have solved my UTI naturally.
Get rid of UTI: D-mannose, 1 tsp every hour. Reduce dosage to 1 tsp every 2 hours when burning sensation subsides, then further reduce to 1tsp every 3 hours, and so on..
Stop UTI from recurring (must step!! ): Take a natural antibiotic. I hear oil of oregano is effective too, but I didn't have that at the time so I used fresh/raw turmeric boiled in water to make tea instead.. Drink turmeric tea, or turmeric tea diluted in water (a lot of it...) 2-3 days even after UTI is gone.. This is crucial!
Happy healing!
SSKI (Potassium Iodide)
Last year I wrote here on the site about my nasty year-long UTI experiences and the benefits of propolis against UTI (I still use it daily). However, there have been times after that when propolis didn't work for my horrible uti pain, until a couple of months ago I found an article about SSKI (potassium iodide) that literally saved my life.
SSKI works wonders every single time! Once the horrible pain starts (usually soon after intercourse) I take 15 drops and all pain is gone in 10 min. Lately, I've been taking 3-4 drops under tongue daily to prevent it from starting at all, and it definitely works!
I've been miserable for years and I deeply feel your pain and exhaustion from this horrible condition, so I wish you all UTI/bladder infection sufferers a quick relief and all the best!
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Absolutely astonished! One glass of water with two teaspoons of cider vinegar, one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, one teaspoon of honey. The urgency to urinate stopped and the sensation of imminent pain ceased too. Wow! Thank you SO much for this helpful article and assisting so many people so rapidly.
How should I take the coconut oil, just drink 1 T off the spoon into my mouth or put it on or in some food/drink?
Enterococcus UTI Remedies
I know I'm late but just in case you're still suffering try garlic. Garlic is known to kill bacteria that's resistant to antibiotics. I had the same issue as you. I started eating two to three cloves of garlic a day. I would dice up a clove and swallow it down like a pill. Within a day I noticed improvement. Three days in I was soooo much better. I now eat garlic routinely as a preventative and haven't had any issues since.