Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Baking Soda
Posted by Laura (Ottawa, Canada) on 05/26/2008


I drank 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a tall glass of water, and it did seem to help my bladder infection a bit, but not enough to prevent me from having to go to the doctor two hours later.

White Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Ottawa, Canada) on 05/26/2008

I tried white vinegar and water for my bladder infection, and it did not work at all. I put 2-3 tablespoons in a tall glass of water, then drank another glass of just water immediately afterwards. Maybe the infection was already too far along for the vinegar to be effective, but I just ended up with a sore throat and a vinegar taste in my mouth while I was sitting in the emergency room of the hospital at 1:00 am that morning.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Betsy (Capetown, South Africa) on 05/20/2008

apple cider vinegar and bladder infections:
30 years of infections off and on, been on antibiotics so long that I can't have much immune system left. urologist doesn't know. I have had 10 bladder stretches, have to cath rise every time as bladder does not want to empty properly any more, was ready to have my bladder diverted as quality of life is just horrible. tried all kinds of remedies over the years but nothing helps had a full blown infection continiously until I found your site i tried apple cider vinegar with bicarb [baking soda] . i take it 4 x a day and i have been clear for the first time since the beg of 2007 i have been antibiot and it is now a 8 days later i test my urine 2 a day and i am completely clear it is unbelieveble I am exstatic i am so pleased I found your site .thank u thank u thank u !!!!!!!!!!!!!
regards Betsy

Posted by Peggy (Erwin, Tennessee) on 05/14/2008

I don't get UTIs often but when I do I use cranberry juice. I drink at least 64 ounces a day until the infection is gone. It usually only lasts 2 days. 100% Pure cranberry juice is somewhat hard to find in my area but cranberry juice cocktail seems to work too. If you have UTIs often drinking a glass a day helps keep it in check.

Sea Salt
Posted by Anonymous (Spokane, Washington) on 05/05/2008

A while ago I had a bladder or urinary tract infection. (I am unsure because I didn't go to a doctor.) There wasn't much pain except for when I was done urinating. It seemed like my body was trying to push more out than it had. During this time I always had the strong urge that I needed to urinate. When I'd go it be a very small amount of urine. This had went on for a little more than a week when I then noticed blood when I wiped. Knowing that that was a very bad sign it was either a trip to the doctors or search the internet. I came across the remedy of drinking Sea Salt. That night I drank a teaspoon of Sea Salt in water. About an hour after doing so it felt as if my body was trying to cleanse itself. It gave me a loose stool and urinating felt the same. I decided to wait a couple of days before attempting either more sea salt or if it had gotten worse to go to the doctor. A couple days later I was fine. No more discomfort or blood in my urine. A teaspoon of Sea Salt in warm water did help a lot. I would recommend trying it.

Sea Salt, Baking Soda and Cranberry Pills
Posted by A (Dallas, Texas) on 04/22/2008

Woke up this morning with a wicked bladder infection. I haven't had one of those in years. I know what caused it though, unfortunately it was intercourse and not peeing immediately afterwards. I am religous about peeing after intercourse. Why I didn't do it this time I will never know. But I am paying for it. Love your site. I tried the 1 tsp. sea salt in a glass of water, along with concentrated cranberry juice throughout the day. Also added magnesium and zinc tablets. I am hoping this will work fast. I don't want antibiotics. If this fails I will next try to oregano oil and D mannose.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Jess (Riverside, NJ) on 04/09/2008

I've had a reoccuring bladder "infection" for a month. My tests came out negative for an infection and show to be yeast related. I suffer from chronic candidiasis with systemic symptoms. My pain is fine during the day but in my sleep my body goes acidic very quickly and I painfully wake at least 2x per night to pee. The things I find most helpful for pain releif are listed below...

Eat lots of Celery and cucumbers! Very alkaline, and helps releive pain w/in 20minutes. Drink lots of water to flush out your system. Eat all vegetables (be creative, yes asparagus helps too) with no meat proteins and use generous amounts of ACV along with EV olive oil or my choice, capryol (coconut oil). Oil of oregano helps a bit if you can stomach the awful taste. Oh yeah, NO SUGAR, carbs, or Dairy. Get unsweetend cranberry juice concentrate & mix a small amount with a glass of water, not the store brand juice.

Try replacing milk with Almond milk and a tiny bit of Stevia sweetener with some cinnammon...mmm.

Alkaline diets will help with the pain and if your problem is related to yeast, it helps prevent an overgrowth of the fungus. There are plenty of websites with lists of alkaline/acidic foods. Check em out.

Hope this helps!

Posted by Kim (East Alton, IL) on 04/23/2007

I have tried Azo, lemon, cranberry, and alka seltzer all as natural remedies for my uti's. Blueberries seem to work best for me. I have had them since childhood and fought one off recently by blueberries and water, water, water.

Uva Ursi
Posted by Chamain (New Orleans, LA) on 03/04/2007

I used to get at least 2 bladder infections per year, and the only cure was taking antibiotics. (I had tried cranberry juice and ever other nature "cure"). I discovered uva ursi while at Whole Foods and tried it. Oh my goodness!! It's been 10 years and no bladder infection---that means no antibiotics for 10 years now! The minute I feel an infection coming on, I go for the uva ursi and it goes away!

Marshmallow Root Extract
Posted by Mary (Rural Iowa) on 01/24/2007

Marshmallow Root extract (liquid in dropper bottle). I suffered from these infections for years. Antibiotics didn't work anymore. Tried many of the cures here but nothing worked. Read about Marshmallow Root so tried it and never got another. Haven't in 20 years since. It slimes the urinary tract so the bacteria can't get a grip and slide off. No bacteria, no infection.

Sea Salt
Posted by Rachel (Aztec, NM) on 01/11/2007

I got a UTI about a week ago. Slugged down 2 tbs of sea salt in 8oz water. Gosh, that was rough! I felt no more pain in my bladder, but had been drinking cranberry juice all morning. I was symptom free for about a week. It came back today, I drank only 1 tbs sea salt this time, and it didn't touch the pain. It cleaned out my bowels, which helped with the overall bloated feeling I also suffered. Now I'm trying Apple Cider vinegar. It's helped with the pain, although not completely. And it tastes way way better

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Trudy (Netherlands) on 10/09/2006

I tried everything for bladder disease. The regular doctor prescribed Nitrofurantoin... so bad.. it causes even bladder disease... so I became very very ill ONLY COLLOIDAL SILVERWATER was THE REMEDY( for E-coli). Bladder disease was gone. Afterwords I took DMannose...very pain anymore...also good for interstitial cystitis...really true. I have to tell this for the doctor did not know that Nitrofurantoin causes bladder disease. read: Natural Medicine Encyclopedia C.Norman Shealy.

Watermelon Seed Tea
Posted by Susanne (Lake Ridge, VA) on 09/20/2006

The moment I feel a bladder infection coming on, I mix up a batch of watermelon seed tea. It's an Edgar Cayce cure I've been using with great success for the last few years. AMAZING STUFF! Within a day or two the infection is completely gone! I've tried numerous other natural remedies with little success. Cranberry juice, canned asparagus, Alka-Seltzer, etc., only gave me minimal relief. It has also worked for my son's girlfriend. She has no insurance, so it's a miracle for her. The only place I've been able to find it is at the Heritage Store in Virginia Beach. You can order it online and it's not expensive. It's a very simple remedy and really worth a try! Hope it works for you too!

P.S. The therapeutic dose is 1 tablespoon per 2 cups of boiling water. Just drink it until the symptoms subside and repeat as necessary.

Posted by Jennifer (Fort Smith, AR) on 09/20/2006

At the first sign of a bladder infection I take a couple Acidophilis pills and drink lots of water. This really helps. It also helps to take Acidophilis when your taking your Dr prescribed antibiotics because sometimes when the bad bacteria is killed so is the good resulting in a yeast infection and the Acidophilis stops that from occuring! I like it best in pill form but it can be bought in milk and it is naturally in yogurt.

Posted by Lisa (Windsor, Canada) on 03/27/2007

I recently got a urinary tract infection. I noticed this only by the pain I was feeling on my lower abdomen. The doctor subscribed me antibiotics which greatly helped but I also tried a few things that i felt completely cure my symptoms. Drinking PLENTY OF WATER, urinating frequently and also, drinking cranberry juice!

Posted by Tanja (Canada) on 12/13/2006

I did my research and THEE BEST home remedy for a bladder infection is... 1) Drink LOTS of water! Just keep taking water down! It will help flush out the bacteria that causes the inflammations! 2) Take vitamin C 3) Have a warm bath! It helps relieve the burning. I have had this bladder infection for about 2 days and now that i am drinking a HUGE amount of water the burning is going away... and i have to go to the bathroom a lot which is a great thing because it gives me the chance to drain all of the bacteria.
