Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Posted by Jake (Chicago, USA) on 09/05/2007

D-Mannose cured my urinary tract infection in one day, mostly overnight. I researched on the internet before I knew about earthclinic several months ago and found D-Mannose touted for UTI. My understanding was that it prevented bacteria from clinging to the wall of the bladder thereby helping the bacteria on its way out of your system, and in fact it worked like magic.

Posted by Edith (Cambridge, UK) on 02/28/2009

My experience of D-Mannose chimes in with Ami in California. After months of trying many of the remedies recommended on your and other pages + antibiotics originally, I found that for me, D-mannose taken an hour before and then after sex and then a few hours later has liberated me from bladder-lining cramp and infection. I never used to suffer from this until being post-menopausal... so probably due to decreased protection from oestrogen. Please try it to see if it suits you.

White Vinegar
Posted by Chris (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 08/17/2007

Right Now I'm 18 and For My Bladder infections I've always treated them with Vinegar. What you do is get a tall clear glass and pour some vinegar into the bottom (little) and then fill glass with tap water filtered water. This is what I do so drink it down and drink a few glasses of water, wait till your bladder feels about halfway full before urninating cause the vinegar needs to be given enough time to work. When you go to the bathroom it should not hurt all. That's the cure for preventation.

First: don't take baths the water could be dirty and can somehow end up in your bladder 2nd: Wash good while showering penis needs to be washed good as well when showering.

I have Found out From my Extremely Smart parents that stuff like Soda Pop can cause Bladder infections. The cure, and this is the only cure i did, was using plain White vinegar. Turns out it gets rid of it fast but if you get the Infection in the Afternoon and was very painful I strongly recommend that you drink fresh cold filtered water for the rest of the entire day. It will do you good big time.

White Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Ottawa, Canada) on 05/26/2008

I tried white vinegar and water for my bladder infection, and it did not work at all. I put 2-3 tablespoons in a tall glass of water, then drank another glass of just water immediately afterwards. Maybe the infection was already too far along for the vinegar to be effective, but I just ended up with a sore throat and a vinegar taste in my mouth while I was sitting in the emergency room of the hospital at 1:00 am that morning.

Posted by Linda (Vancouver, Canada) on 08/14/2007

re: Lemons w/ White Vinegar and Bking Soda -- Right now I actually am starting to get a bladder infection. I'm freaking out because it is SO painful and I dont want to take any antibotics for it. So I came onto this website and tried the lemon wedges. They totally helped me! The pain is going away. I also tried the white vingar and baking soda remedy (boy did that taste aweful!) and it's also working! I am so happy. I'm going to consume both of those remedies at least 2 more times today. Thanks for your help, it's greatly appreciated.

Posted by Tonya (Portland, USA) on 07/23/2007

I recently got a bladder infection that worsened a few days before leaving town for the week. I had been trying to cure it with cranberry juice & pills, lots of water, and accupressure. It only got worse, even though these remedies had worked in the past. Desperate, I went to my doc before leaving town and he prescribed antibiotics. I cried - I hate the stomach trouble and yeast infection that ALWAYS follow this treatment. I read your site the night before flying out and decided to give d-mannose a try since a friend once reccomended it. MIRACLE! The next day I felt much better (no more bladder/kidney pain) and within two days the burning sensation ceased. I don't know how I would have made it through my flight otherwise! It's now been 4 days and my infection is steadily improving and with much quicker results than I ever got with cranberry pills. If you've tried other natural remedies and they don't work, TRY D-MANNOSE!

Alka Seltzer
Posted by Vanessa (Orange, NJ) on 04/27/2007

I suffered from Urinary Tract Infection because my boyfriend and I kept passing it to each other. I read of Alka Seltzer to do the trick and Thank God ! I recently had an episode where I thought I had to urine and only a few drops of urine would exit and uh-oh! I started to feel the burn again-Alka Seltzer immediatly flushed it out.

Posted by Lisa (Windsor, Canada) on 03/27/2007

I recently got a urinary tract infection. I noticed this only by the pain I was feeling on my lower abdomen. The doctor subscribed me antibiotics which greatly helped but I also tried a few things that i felt completely cure my symptoms. Drinking PLENTY OF WATER, urinating frequently and also, drinking cranberry juice!

Hygienic Practices
Posted by Anne (Littleton, CO) on 03/22/2007

My doctor told me not only to get up and urinate after intercourse, she suggested I do so in a shower, flushing with plenty of pure after after the fact. This resolved my almost life-long problem of getting UTI's frequently. Until recently. This onset I'm sure was caused by soaking in the bathtub. I had been adding bubble bath or water conditioners when I suddenly got a UTI after being free of them for several years. I knew immediately this was the cause. My recommendation is to shower for a few minutes after soaking in a bath to allow any soaps and bacteria to drain out. Cranberry juice helped the UTI but when the infection moved into my right kidney yesterday, I got really sick - fever, nausea, kidney pain. Not having any remedy available, I asked several friends to get on their knees and pray for me, which they did. This morning I am miraculously cured!

Posted by Melinda (Arlington, VA) on 03/15/2007

I've been having regular bouts of urinary tract infections and in the past I've HAD to go on antibiotics - after trying cranberry juice, UTI-Clear (Native Remedies product), and AZO pills. I've had a UTI for the past couple of days and it seemed to be getting worse. I looked on your site and found D-Mannose. I went to Whole Foods first thing this morning and bought a bottle. I started feeling better within about 30 minutes of taking it. When I got home this evening, I was starting to feel a little pain again, and so I took another dose of D-Mannose. I feel SO much better! THANK YOU!!

Posted by Adrian (Pensacola, Fl) on 03/12/2007

I tried D-Mannose after suffering with a UTI for over a week. I tried 0 cranberry juice, AZO cranberry tablets, and NOTHING seemed to work. I found this site and decided to try the D-Mannose. I am forever doubtful of things sounding too good to be true. In one day I am feeling 100% better! I told my husband that I could not believe that this stuff works this fast. He does not believe it's possible. All that I can say is I suffered for over a week, and right now I feel wonderful!!

Sea Salt
Posted by Feona (Long Island, NY) on 02/25/2007

I tried Vitamin C - Cranberry Juice - and 2 teaspoons of sea salt in half a glass of water and oregano oil. That is the stuff I had around so I tried all of it. The salt did make me vomit but who cares. I drank some more and it stayed down. I sat in a bath for 1/2 a day because of pain. By the evening I was 75% better. Next morning I am about 85% better. The doctor is open on tuesday so we will see if I continue to get better. No coffee or chocolate or junk food. I always have to go on antibodics so this is cool.

Posted by CC (Ypsilanti, MI) on 02/22/2007

cranberry juice, peeing after sex and gatorade helped my reoccuring bladder infections. I drink 100% cranberry juice as soon as I feel one coming on and I also drink gatorade to help replenish my body during the infection. To prevent a bladder infection, I always pee before and after sex. Also, stay away from sugar during the infection.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Sandy (Orlando, FL) on 02/19/2007

Hi, I have had a recurring Urinary Tract infection so far 3 times in the past 6 months, to which my Dr has prescribed antibiotics. I felt it coming on and as my Dr was out of town was unable to get my prescription refilled for antibiotics. As I was in a great deal of pain (for 3 days and popping AZO tabs like mints) I was searching the internet for a natural remedy and came across this website. I did the vinegar and baking soda remedy and within a few hours the pain was completely gone and has not returned. I didn't have ACV on hand so I did it with just plain white vinegar (2T), baking soda (1t) and water and added a few drops of cayenne pepper. I am so happy!!! Yesterday I was coming home from a trip a feeling myself coming down with Flu Sx (achy, sore throat, and weak). I took some Advil to get thru the long car trip home. When I got home I was exhausted and went right to bed. When I woke up I felt horrible as I could barely swallow, my ears, and face (sinuses) hurt, as well as achy joints all over. I was eager to try the ACV and baking soda (added cayenne and echinacea drops too) cure and took the first drink at about 3 am. It is now 2pm the next day I have taken about 5 glassfuls and I feel 100% better. I still have very mild tired feeling but all other sx are completely gone. Its amazing

Posted by Tina (Long Island, NY) on 02/10/2007

In the past couple years I have suffered through lots of uti infections. I was going back and fourth to the gyno and everytime the gyno gave me antibotics which would work but then my uti returns with in weeks to months again. The doctors couldnt figure out why I kept getting them. I decided on my own to remedy. I take cranberry pills everyday. Also everytime after I have intercouse I pee and make sure I clean myself and luckily I have not had a UTI in almost six months I am so happy. I think antibotics do not solve the problem I think they make the antibotics make them worse. I belive in natural healing not drugs!

Hygienic Practices
Posted by Yana (Seattle) on 01/13/2007

I have had bladder infections ever since I started to have a sex life. I studied a lot of resources on the net and have tried lots of things, and I want to share what works for me best. Ever since I learned that part of the reasons for getting a bladder infection after sex is that some natural bacteria from the anus are transported into the bladder area during sex, then they just get into the bladder really easily. There are 2 things that I always combine and never get a bladder infection. First I urinate within 15 minutes, and then I wash the genitalia very well in the shower to prevent those bacteria from spreading. By doing those things I feel confident that I took care of the prevention of the infection. It works 100% for me. And I am the person who used to get them every week or so.

Posted by Pam E. (Southwestern California) on 01/26/2021 137 posts

What do you mean by "1 t." ...??? TY!

Posted by Angie (Seattle, Wa) on 06/01/2012

For those of you exeriencing UTI's after intercourse consider that the contreceptive you use may possibly be causing it... I would always get a UTI after using a latex condom, regardless of peeing and washing afterwards... once I switched to the non-latex ones, I've never had another problem.

Vitamin C
Posted by Catherine (Madison, WI) on 09/14/2006

I had a pretty bad bladder infection that I discovered on a Friday. Had heard that vitamin C could knock one out... makes a lot of sense because increasing acidity of the urine seems to reduce bacterial load. (as craberry juice is supposed to do). Anyway, I took 1000 mgs two or three times for the next several days. almost over night I got relief.. I kept doing it for several days to make sure.
