Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Multiple Remedies

15 User Reviews
5 star (12) 
2 star (1) 
1 star (2) 

Posted by Heather (Edmond, Ok) on 11/01/2012

I've suffered from UTI issues for most of my adult life. I've followed every suggestion from my doctor and other women & I just believe it's something i'm just prone to. I've spent my time, money & energy back and forth from the doctor getting antibiotics that also have harsh side effect for me. I even had a hospital stay due to one that got out of hand & gave me a massive kidney infection. A couple of years ago, I started seeing a doctor that also gave me alternative options to help prevent infections. First I tried the cranberry capsules, it helped speed up my healing, but it was always in conjuction to antibiotics. I tried taking them as a preventative, but this didn't seem to work for me. What did work was Uva Ursi. Now, the minute I feel the urgency, pain & low fever I do the following (only use the following at the first signs of an bladder infection - do not use with kidney infections):

1 500mg Uva Ursi 3x per day (Capsules any health food store)

1 1000mg Vitamin C 2x per day (if you can get one of those immune system boosters that you dissolve in water - that works the easiest. But minimum, Vit C)

Water, Water, Water - I will carry a bottle of water with me throughout the day & just keep drinking so I go to the bath room as much as possible.

Bananas - eat a couple a day

Online there is alot of information on uva ursi - it flushes your kidneys & acts as an antiseptic. It also comes in the form of a tea, but i've only done the capsules. DO NOT TAKE IT IF YOUR INFECTION IS ALREADY CAUSING LOWER BACK PAIN OR YOU SUSPECT YOU ALREADY HAVE A KIDNEY INFECTION - GO TO THE DOCTOR. This supplement can be toxic if over done. Look at the back of the bottle & follow the directions exactly.

Vitamin C will help boost your immune system to help knock out the infection.

Water will help flush out the infection and bacteria causing the infection, plus help the uva ursi do it's job. The bananas will help resupply your body with potassium. I understand uva ursi can cause potassium deficiency. So keep up foods rich in potassium to avoid this. I've done this for 6 months now & it's worked!! I was going to the doctor at least every other month with UTI issues, now I'm feel great.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jr (Av, Mn) on 08/27/2012

After yrs of UTI and antibiotics, I found what works for me. I do have to start with an azo pill, just to stop the pain and contractions. Then I take 1 Tablespoon Collidal silver or sometimes 1 teaspoon 3x a day. I take 3 cranberry pills 3X per day. Then at night, several hours after collidal silver I take a probotic, so the good stuff is there to work thru the night. ( make sure you do not take Collidal silver and probotics at the same time, they nix each other). Also, drink 64 oz. or more of water per day to flush your system. NO, sugar stuff and lay low on caffeine.

I feel better within a day or two, but continue this for 3 days to a week depending on how bad you have it.

I've done this for the last several yrs now, they are getting fewer and farther apart. I've have not needed any antibiotics since I started this.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jfrost231 (Hackettstown, New Jersey, United States) on 06/10/2012

Okay, so I'm not sure if I even have it anymore, though I still feel some slight discomfort during urination.

So if I still have this infection, I'm going on week number 3 of having it. I really dont want to take antibiotics, plus I can't really afford going for a doctors visit plus a prescription. So week one, I chugged lots of water and cranberry juice, drank apple cider vinegar 2tbsps a day, took cranberry supplements, vitamin c, echinacea, acidophilus and the apple cider vinegar seemed to help me. But I was still having irritation, then last week, I was still chugging water and cranberry juice, still doing vitamin c and all the pills I listed above, only I was taking 2 tbsps of apple cider vinegar 3 times a day.. And it helped at first, but then at the end of last week it started to hurt a lot more.

Then this past monday, I got Kidney Bladder remedy, I researched beforehand on how Uva Ursi is really can help get rid of the infection, so I went to the local health food store to get it, but then saw the blend for Kidney Bladder which contains Uva Ursi, but also contains Juniper, Parsley, Ginger, Marshmallow root, cramp bark and goldenseal root which I hear are all awesome things to help get rid of a bladder infection. I cut out the cranberry juice this week, and have just been drinking water. Your supposed to take this blend twice a day, so I did for monday and tuesday. But I later read on tuesday night that cranberry and vitamin c make my blend pills pretty much ineffective. So I stopped taking the cranberry supplements and vitamin c, and have just been chugging the water, taking this blend with all this stuff in it, echinacea, and acidophilus. So I feel like I've really improved, it's a lot better. But I'm still feeling irritation, it hasn't moved to my kidneys, thats for sure. But it's been like 4 effective days of taking this blend, and I can only take it up to 7, because past that is dangerous.

Though my mom who is a nurse, said that maybe the infection is gone and that there is more to it, that I possibly could have irritable problems with my urethra that's causing me discomfort/irritation while I urinate. So what should I do? Does it sound like I'm on the right track to being cured? What else should I do if not? Could my mom be right?

Replied by Jennifer
(Sunrise, Fl, Usa)

A bladder infection is nothing to play around with. I've had a kidney infection before from ignoring a bladder infection and let me tell you, it is not fun. A persistent bladder infection can cause serious damage to your kidneys or scarring of the urethra if untreated.

Usually, when I feel a bladder infection coming on, I take ACV and it goes away. Some people have success with using probiotics. All the remedies I would suggest to you it seems that you have tried already. If you've tried everything and your bladder infection hasn't gone away, you should really go on antibiotics. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but a bladder infection can cause some serious complications if not treated quickly and properly. If you are still having some discomfort, it means your bladder infection is still hanging on (or you've caused some damage to your urethra by not treating it properly). If you are worried about the side effects of antibiotics, take probiotics to replenish the "good" bacteria in your system.

I know it's expensive to go to the doctor, but depending on what state you live in, pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens and Target have walk-in clinics that will treat you for UTIs/bladder infections for under $80. Generic antibiotics are also usually not very expensive. I think you should go and not wait any longer. Home remedies are good when they work, but if they aren't working for you, you shouldn't put off seeking professional treatment.

Best of luck to you, Jennifer

Replied by Jfrost231
(Hackettstown, New Jersey, United States)

Well, not to be rude, but I simply can't go to a clinic or a doctor. My family doesn't have the money right now, I have the choice between going to the doctor or not eating for an entire month, that's how my financial situation. And anyway, my mother who is a nurse told me that the infection would have traveled to my kidney's by now, and she said the symptoms would be very bad back pain, a fever, blood in my urine and extreme pain during urination. I don't have any of the symptoms of a kidney infection, my mother is going to check me to see if I have any cysts on my or near my urethra that might be causing discomfort.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

The real cranberry juice treatment worked for my chronic urinary tract infection when NO antibiotics did. You need to buy the real cranberry juice and NOT the cranberry juice mixtures sold at grocery stores wich have very little real cranberry juice in them.

I was prescribed this treatment by a urologist when all the antibiotics failed to work. You drink three cups of cranberry juice per day preferably on an empty stomach. If it works it works fast. It did for me in about 2 weeks when nothing else did....Oscar

Replied by Chuck
(Calgary, Alberta)

Cranberry juice works perfect for UTi especially with d-mannose combined, works like a miracle.

Replied by Chuck
(Calgary, Alberta)

Drink 100% cranbery juice 3x a day, take d-mannose at least 3x a day and in 2 weeks you most likely gonna be good as new.

Replied by Maria
(Frankfurt, Germany)

Try purple or red grapes juice without sugar. It helped me a lot in clearing my UTI during pregnancy but I also took Ted's sea salt remedy and after one dose of one ts of sea salt in one glass of water drank water with 1/4 ts of sea salt in one litre water regularly. According to Ted' s instruction drinking more water without sea salt makes the UTI worse. You must more drink water but with sea salt. I am now almost eight month pregnant. I never have further UTI during my pregnancy. Whenever I visit my doctor every month I start drinking red or purple grapes juice and water with sea salt four days before and my urine report is always clear without any infection. So I am thankful to Ted and Earth clinic for treating my UTI with natural remedies as I don't want to take antibiotics during my pregnancy. I hope that it will help you. Good luck.

Replied by Jamie
(Lake Worth, Fl)

At the health food store I get cranberry capsules. You dont have the calories or other ingreedients from juice. Its also just seems easier to take.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dolores (Oakland, Ca) on 09/04/2011


I have been chronically getting Bladder/UT infections on and off for the last 20 years (yes, I know. YOWZA! ) By my late 20's it was diagnosed as a condition called CYSTITIS... With speculation that at this point in development, it could be IC (interstitial cystitis). I was not born with this condition. It began when I was 17 years old and at the time was triggered by sex. I had all the symptoms: frequency of urination, pain after urinating, inflammation of bladder (swollen tummy), and at some point inability to hold urine.

In the very beginning, I went to a Western traditional doctor and was prescribed anti-biotics. From this point on the infection never seemed to entirely go away and I continued taking anti-biotics, on and off for the next 5 years... As doctors really could not explain my body's resistance... Over this 5 yr course of time (on & off) I took: Bactrim, Cipro, Macrodantin and at some point Tetracycline... Basically ladies & gents, it was a bit of a nightmare.... Again and again, the bacteria developed resistance.

Eventually, in my mid 20's, I found myself with the best medical (and temporary!! Hahaha! ) insurance coverage and began seeing a Urologist. I had many, many tests & a few Xrays done to determine if it was a physical deformity in my "plumbing". Everything came out negative. Even the Urologist seemed suprised. In the end of the conversation, his medical advice was "Dont worry, "it" (the bacteria) will burn itself out".... 10 years or so after, well.. It hasnt, my body is still recovering/restoring/regenerating from the damage done by anti-biotics... Yet, it is manageable (many lifestyle adjustments)....

I came on here today, simply to just caution those from the overuse and abuse of anti-biotics as a false sense of hope... It seems like a good idea at the time yet it is a dire "trade-off" for most patients... What may seem like healing or a cure in that moment, to just to be able to experience relief... BE MOST CAREFUL AND AWARE WITH YOUR BODY!!! If you find you are experiencing reoccuring bladder/UT infections I recommend:

alternative medicines/treatments: Chinese medicine/treatment, Holistic herbal medicine, stress management, diet and general lifestyle adjustments.

General herbal treatment/healing food diet support :

"Healing herbal soup broth"

handful herbs of horsetail, parsley, cornsilk, uva Ursi, cleavers, usnea (some herbs are easier to find than others.. try natural health food stores or co-ops etc.)

pinch of fresh Oregano

several cloves of garlic (the more the better)

4 cups of Spring/distilled water

Cook for 1/2hr (the longer you let sit the better, I find making a new pot of broth while I have some in hand.. Keeps the body flushing) strain... drink throughout day...

Diet ( this has great significance, especially while fighting off an infection):


#1-SUGAR (even natural fruit sugars), dairy, greasy or fried foods, spicy foods, chicken, shellfish, tomatoes, coffee, sodas, alcohol.

Healing diet:

GREENS, GREENS, GREENS!!! Fresh everything is best. REAL/WHOLE FOODS, nothing processed, no junk food (do your best, your body will thank you in the long run)... explore and get creative with your diet!!! We are what we eat!!! Whether you juice it (google juicing), or make yummy healing stews or use all the colors of the rainbow to knock out a jaw dropping salad (easy on any weird supermarket salad dressings: try lemon, olive oil, flax or sesame seeds, sea salt, black or white pepper)...

I eat mostly vegetarian (just easier on my digestive system) yet, if eating meat.. Find out where your meat/fish/poultry etc... Is coming from and what is in it. Meaning, if you can, stay away from the "factory animal farm"....


flush out with:

1.Apple cider vinegar (suprise! )... Try not to overdo if using long term... the ph balance in the body is in the center of acidic and alkaline (for most, ideally, leaning more alkaline)...

-----2Tbsp. of ACV in 8oz. Of Spring/distilled water... drink throughout the day

2. Drink 1 gallon of Spring/distilled water a day is best... Yes, I did say a gallon.. The more the better... combine with dilution of unsweetened cranberry juice if you feeling too amphibious

3. Pure, unsweetened cranberry juice or cranberry pills

4.Vitamin C (at least 3, 000 a day)

5. Garlic ( raw or pills ) throughout day

6. Probiotic (acidophilus---take daily in general.... pills can be used overnight as vaginal insert for irritation/itchy, stinging etc as well as diluted tea tree oil) ...

7. Drink Herbal Soup Broth throughout day... (very soothing.... ) The healing herbal soup broth recipe can be "tweeked" here and there for your taste buds, more veggies can be added in for more of a healthy meal.

Well, the best of health to everyone. Stay positive, count your blessings and dont forget to breath deeply... Expand that ribcage and release!!!

Replied by Frankie
(Madison, Al, Usa)

I used to have a recurring bladder problem, very painful. I tend to avoid doctors, so I once tried treating myself with cranberry juice and it hurt like H__.

Four years ago, I finally realized that acidity was causing the problem to begin with and went on an alkaline diet for two months. I have had no recurrence, and I no longer have to follow an alkaline diet [I am basically 'paleo' except for some occasional raw milk].

(for the information of those who prefer whole food healing rather than supplements, even natural ones.)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Erin (Tacoma, Wa) on 07/10/2011

Here's what I do when I get a bladder infection:

Little to no sugar during treatment

Raw veggies/juice and a little fruit only

Unsweetened cranberry juice, sip throughout day

Every two to three hours, take:

one chopped clove garlic

one tsp coconut oil

2 Tbsp acv

If you are not used to lots of garlic, you might want to throw a gas-aid in there per instructions on the box because it can get pretty painful! Once I can wake up in the morning with no discomfort (usually day 2), I continue this regiment for another 24-48 hours to make sure there are no lingering bacteria.

Hope this helps!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 07/08/2011

I used to have bladder infections a few years ago but not anymore. I did several things, I started drinking more water because I noticed that if it was very hot and I didn't drink enough I would get one. I also started peeing and washing myself after intercourse, I do it every time now. And using lube..... When I did a kidney and bladder scan to see if I had any problem, which I didn't, the doctor told me to wash myself with a French soap called Savon de Marseille which I have been doing ever since. No idea what helped exactly, maybe several things? By the way, I eat normally, fish, meat, eggs, everything except milk which I don't like! I hope this advice helps you because bladder infections are awful! And the antibiotics are awful too! By the way, peeing at regular intervals helps too, don't keep the urine inside! The cranberry pills or juice never helped me but I do take quite a bit of Vitamin C.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ti (Houston, Usa) on 07/08/2011

Some things that helped solve my bladder infection:

- Cranberry capsules

- Garlic (raw or from olive bar) 3-4 times dily 4-5 cloves each time

- 2 Tb ACV in 8 Ounces warm water 3 tie daily (away from meals)

- Good quality probiotics daily

- Yoghurt with active cultures

Changing underwear 3 times daily.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Aimee (New Brunswick, Nj) on 01/11/2011

Re: Cures for Chronic (8 years) of UTI's

I have been feeling much better and though I must devote some extra energy to keeping myself healthy, the relief is well worth it! Here's what has helped me so far:

ACV- This has been a life saver!! I couldn't find the organic where I live in Mexico, so I just got the regular kind and it still worked wonders. I add a couple tablespoons to a large bottle of water which I sip over several hours. During an acute attack, I would drink a more concentrated solution and continue to drink a lot of water. I say would drink because I seldom experience the severe kind of pain that I used to feel. I can say pretty confidently that ACV has been one of the most helpful things in combatting these issues.

Water- I try to drink about 3 liters a day.

Probiotics- I take a strong probiotic everyday- helps to keep the general area in order, limiting vulvadynia symptoms and also keeps me more regular.

Fiber- speaking of regular... This helps with my bladder and female issues. If I am ever constipated, pushing at all can cause problems down there. I try not to push.

Kegel exercises- I contract the muscles and hold for a few seconds. I do this pretty regularly, but also when I am in the midsts of pain or discomfort. It really does seem to help.

Loose clothing- I used to wear tight jeans, sometimes a thong... Not anymore! I wear lots of skirts or dresses, cotton underwear and I make sure to wear pants and leggings that don't have big seems right through the crotch.

Stress- I know that avoiding stress is difficult at times, but it is paramount to reducing the severity of my health problems. So, I just pay close attention to what my body is telling me. If I am cleaning and start to feel a bit of pressure or stinging, well guess what- its time to stop for the day or maybe I just need to move slower. Lower back strain can make things worse, so I will try to sit more frequently, bend with the knees, that sort of thing. And I only cry when it is really worth it now. I think about whether or not what I am crying over is worth the pain it will cause a short while after. Usually its not. I am not a robot and it may be strange to say I choose not to cry-- but when you cry or worry or panic, the body tenses up and puts pressure on those nether regions. Sometimes the onset of my symptoms was enough to start this chain reaction of worrying and stressing and honestly it made it all much worse. Thinking too much about my symptoms never helped. I do what I know has worked for me and then try to keep calm and distract myself.

Things I try to avoid: sugar, lots of bread, alcohol (I immediately feel stinging in my bladder), really spicy foods, strong chemicals (bleach is the worst for me), pollution, cigarette smoke, lack of sleep.

Ice- I have several ice packs- I wrap one in a hand towel and place it down there when I start to feel swolen or stinging. It's instant relief.

Intimacy-Anything that touches down there must be clean. No after the game, after a long day anything with my husband. And right after, I make sure to pee and then rinse everything off. Maybe it hinders spontanaeity, but not as much as several days of pain.

I hope this is helpful. It's my arsenal and I'm sure that everyone needs to find what is specifically helpful for them. I have gone from having weekly bouts of severe pain, sometimes for several days... To having a problem once every couple of months.The first hint of discomfort and I am combatting it with everything Ive got. I really feel for anyone experiencing ongoing discomfort or pain of any sort and I wish you much peace and relief.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lore Westphal (Ocala, FL, USA) on 07/12/2008

I am grateful for this website...
thanx for all the wonderful info on UTI...
I have been fighting UTI for the last 2 weeks and will try the ACV cure...
I am also taking the following extracts:
live leaf...wormwood...goldenrod...and from Dr. Schulze K-B organic and wild harvested herbal formula = ingredients:Juniper berry...horsetail herb...uva ursi leaf...burdock root...corn silk and parsley root...
olive leaf tea or extract kills everything in sight...I also take colloidal silver in all my water...I went to the Doctor and he gave me Cipro, which I took with my last UTI but not this time after I found out the side effects that can UTI is almost gone now with all my own goodies...I will now get on the ACV trip and everything you sufferers suggested...thanxxxxxx so much and God Bless...
say this every day: "today good and wonderful things will happen to me..." by Joel Osteen...

Olive Leaf

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Ro (Ohio) on 03/20/2023

Olive Leaf for a Bladder Infection

Thank you both for sharing this wonderful remedy. I'm on my second dose and see a big improvement after adding turmeric. Hopefully this will help someone else :-)

Olive Leaf
Posted by Lizabeta (New York, Ny) on 04/17/2016

Editor's Choice I got a UTI and it turned into a kidney infection. I wanted to go the natural holistic route. I first tried what many suggested on EarthClinic such as D-Mannose, Cranberry juice and organic Apple Cider Vinegar. To my great surprise it did nothing for me. Absolutely nothing except turn my UTI into a Kidney Infection. I even tried Parsley tea, which helped, but didn't quite do the trick. I finally gave Olive Leaf Extract a go and was finally cured. In my case it took 4 weeks from the time of infection to when I was cured.

I took ONE capsule FOUR times a day spaced out, which was at least 1000mg of Olive Leaf Extract a day. I used two brands, one with Olive Leaf Extract with 250 mg per capsule and another Olive Leaf Herb Extract with 300 mg per capsule. When I ran out of one, I used the other. This miraculously and completely cured my problem. Folks, I was in serious pain urinating and experiencing terrible pain lower back (kidneys). I can honestly say this was the ONLY thing that worked for me. A family member even took the same dosage for kidney stones and they were cured after taking it for a month straight.

The only "negative side" to taking Olive Leaf Extract was that I had bowel movements ever other day as opposed to every day, but it was worth it. I also had to drink lots of high pH water. This was the easiest natural cure for my UTI turned Kidney Infection. =)

Olive Leaf
Posted by Kirtti (Solana Beach, CA) on 06/09/2007

I have had frequent chronic UTI's all of my life, and have occasionally tried to cure them naturally, without any luck, just ending up sicker and needing antibiotics. Usually, if I didn't get drugs in the first few days, it moved right into the kidneys. I've tried herbs, accupuncture, energy healing, and nutrition. This time, I was determined, and let it go for a week, trying several things. I tried a whole jar of cranberry juice plus pills every day, and that seemed to help (the urine smelled bad for about a day, but then the smell left. However, about that time, the infection moved up to the kidneys, and the condition got worse over a week's time. Finally, by Friday, I was desperate, as I'd have to get through the whole weekend before I could give up and get to a doctor....and I was having trouble even walking, from the pain. Then, I remembered that I had heard Olive Leaf extract could help. I happened to have some on hand for something else, and took a couple. I googled it and found that you can take up to 16 of the 500 mg pills per day, so I took 4, then 4 more a few hours later. When I got up from my nap, I felt a lot better. I was still in a lot of pain, but less, and somehow, my energy felt stronger, like I was heading out of the woods. I continued to take it overnight, and this morning, I woke up about 70% better! Since I was so ill, I'm still in pain, but not enough to need pain killers.

Some people experience die-off symptoms with Olive Leaf, and it can be used as a prophylactic, which would allow for gradual cleansing, in case you needed to use it in high doses for an infection. However, I didn't experience any of that, as I've done a lot of cleansing before. Still, if I were going to, I'd do it anyway, as it really kicked the infection.

I also tried Ted's salt remedy, but it was at about 10 pm, after the Olive Leaf was obviously working, so I can't be sure what its effect was. However, it didn't make me feel ill, as some here have reported.

As an aside, I recently went to see a Korean doctor, who described about three sets of symptoms I've been having as being connected to an original problem of weak chi in the kidneys and spleen. He gave a very reasonable explanation of how the seemingly unconnected symptoms are all part of a developing problem based on the weakness in the two organs. After a month on his custom tincture, I experienced a reversal in the most recent symptom (period coming a week earlier each month for a few months, with a lot of spotting). So, I believe that if I continue with that treatment, eventually, the internal weakness which leads to the chronic symptoms will be eradicated.

One last thing - I've just read that a high percentage of women with chronic UTI's have a lack of immunoglobulins, which you can supplement with collostrum, so I'll try that, too.

Olive Leaf, Activated Charcoal

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Daea (Wichita, Ks) on 01/02/2018

Editor's Choice I have now successfully cured my UTI and kidney infections multiple times with olive leaf extract. I thankfully came across this life-saving remedy after frantically searching for alternatives to antibiotics after several trips to the hospital for my chronic and severe UTIs.

I take 3-4 capsules of olive leaf extract (standardized Olive Leaf 250 mg with 20% oleuropein) with each meal then take 2 capsules of activated charcoal 2 hours after and 2 hours before my next meal. I alternate these steps 3 times per day until all symptoms are gone. I then decrease to 2 capsules of Olive Leaf with each meal for 2 more days without the charcoal. (Not sure if this is necessary but Olive Leaf is safe so it can't hurt).

This week I received proof of how well this works: I started experiencing UTI symptoms and took a home UTI test that came back positive for leukocytes. I immediately began my Olive Leaf & Activated Charcoal protocol. Only two doses in, I had a urinalysis and blood work done and there was no sign of infection, bacteria or an elevated white blood cell count. WOW! I know it works well but was surprised because I was still experiencing some symptoms. Amazing!

Olive Leaf, Turmeric

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 02/02/2010

OK, guys, I'm sure by now, it's well known, (since I've tried every cure on this website known to man) My struggles with Chronic Bladder infections on here.

Recently, I broke down and went to the hospital to get antibiotics. They didn't work, it was alarming truly, this is modern medicine. After, about, THREE trips back to the hospital, and THREE rounds of antibiotics, and about 4 months of struggling with my latest bladder infection, I finally found a natural cure, that I think is very effective.

I was frustrated, nothing was working. I tried the ACV, I tried sea salt, baking soda, alka seltzer, EVERYTHING. Coconut Milk, (which tastes really gross)

My friends, a combination of Olive leaf extract, and turmeric herb cured my stubborn bladder infection.

You have to take about 2 dropperfuls of olive leaf extract (alcohol free) dissolved in a cup of water about three times a day, along with 2 caps of turmeric herb, three to four times a day.

This is intensive treatment, but that's what it took for me.

I cap my own turmeric by the way, in veg. caps 00

Replied by Vonni
(Coromandel, Waikato, New Zealand)

Veru interesting to read you UTI remedy - how long did you continue with it?

Replied by Kelly

This is my favorite treatment for a uti that is full-blown, about to come on or used as a preventative. Olive leaf works to kill the bacteria causing the infection while turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory and biofilm disrupter. For a while I was using olive leaf on it's own but it wasn't always strong enough. Olive leaf plus turmeric is a potent combo. I take 3-4 caps of olive leaf and 1-2 caps of turmeric, until symptoms dissipate.

Oregano Oil

6 User Reviews
5 star (5) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Lisa (Claremont, Ca) on 06/13/2023

Once again, I got a UTI. I'm older and seem to be getting them more frequently. This time after I had an illness (was told by a cupping practitioner I'd had COVID) and I had had diarrhea for a couple of weeks. This gave me the UTI, even though I clean always with water and soap after using the bathroom and am careful to not do the things I should not. I got it anyway.

I'd gotten other utis in the past couple of years and never want to go on antibiotics but I could never get rid of them on my own. Cranberry never worked for me, I tried D-Mannose without success.

Then I read two solutions that worked for others that also worked for me. I'll post this under each solution.

The first is lemon water. One person said cranberry never worked for them (me neither) but lemon did. Hot lemon water 2x a day. It was so much reduced at the end of the day, I was so surprised! I did it for two more days but I still felt twingey.

I had a doctor's appointment the next week, and I thought I'd have to go on antibiotics because even though lemon helped tremendously and immediately, I could still feel it.

So I came back here and started going through every cure. One woman posted about oil of oregano and cornsilk tea, and that she'd had a bad bout of diarrhea and got the UTI right after that, like me. It helped her so that she did not need antibiotics.

I have both cornsilk tea in the house and oil of oregano and made it right away. This was the solution that kicked the final bit of it out of my system. I had to do it for several days. By the time the doctor appointment came days later, I didn't need to say anything to them about it. I felt a little twinge about three days after I stopped taking it. I took two more cups on two more days.

This is the first time ever I have not had to go on antibiotics for a UTI. I hope this helps someone else.

Also the practitioner I saw said if you have diarrhea and UTI, after using the bathroom, first rinse the area with water, then wash with soap and water. Then mix a teaspoon to a tablespoon in a small container of warm water (like a handheld bucket, mine is maybe four cups max). Use that to cleanse the area well. Don't do it frequently because you don't want to kill the good bacteria in the area, but this can be done as a cleanse on a short term 3days or so basis to keep the area clean to help heal. It helped me feel better right away. It doesn't heal the UTI, but does a great job of sanitizing the area for you.

Thank God for this website. May our Creator bless and heal everyone who comes to this site looking for cures, to those who post their solutions and give all of us hope, and blessings to the developer and people who work on this site.
