Lemon, Cornsilk, Oregano Oil
Once again, I got a UTI. I'm older and seem to be getting them more frequently. This time after I had an illness (was told by a cupping practitioner I'd had COVID) and I had had diarrhea for a couple of weeks. This gave me the UTI, even though I clean always with water and soap after using the bathroom and am careful to not do the things I should not. I got it anyway.
I'd gotten other utis in the past couple of years and never want to go on antibiotics but I could never get rid of them on my own. Cranberry never worked for me, I tried D-Mannose without success.
Then I read two solutions that worked for others that also worked for me. I'll post this under each solution.
The first is lemon water. One person said cranberry never worked for them (me neither) but lemon did. Hot lemon water 2x a day. It was so much reduced at the end of the day, I was so surprised! I did it for two more days but I still felt twingey.
I had a doctor's appointment the next week, and I thought I'd have to go on antibiotics because even though lemon helped tremendously and immediately, I could still feel it.
So I came back here and started going through every cure. One woman posted about oil of oregano and cornsilk tea, and that she'd had a bad bout of diarrhea and got the UTI right after that, like me. It helped her so that she did not need antibiotics.
I have both cornsilk tea in the house and oil of oregano and made it right away. This was the solution that kicked the final bit of it out of my system. I had to do it for several days. By the time the doctor appointment came days later, I didn't need to say anything to them about it. I felt a little twinge about three days after I stopped taking it. I took two more cups on two more days.
This is the first time ever I have not had to go on antibiotics for a UTI. I hope this helps someone else.
Also the practitioner I saw said if you have diarrhea and UTI, after using the bathroom, first rinse the area with water, then wash with soap and water. Then mix a teaspoon to a tablespoon in a small container of warm water (like a handheld bucket, mine is maybe four cups max). Use that to cleanse the area well. Don't do it frequently because you don't want to kill the good bacteria in the area, but this can be done as a cleanse on a short term 3days or so basis to keep the area clean to help heal. It helped me feel better right away. It doesn't heal the UTI, but does a great job of sanitizing the area for you.
- Thank God for this website. May our Creator bless and heal everyone who comes to this site looking for cures, to those who post their solutions and give all of us hope, and blessings to the developer and people who work on this site.
Lemon, Vinegar and Olive Oil
I am 66...6 yrs ago the bloody uti's started......in and out of ER for years and on 3 1/2 years of antibiotics.
Cure: I think it was Dr Grisanti site, an article on uti.... Can't remember exact title... but women are routinely false positive on utis. Turns out it was kidney stones. Years of horrible pain like 1,000 razor blades in the bladder. Once in ER, I saw sand-like stuff in bottom of my urine cup and I asked "Is that kidney stones"?
Dr said, "I don't know. If it is, the lab will pick it up." They did not pick it up~
Years later, all I did was start lemon water 1 qt morning and at night night fresh lemon vinegar and olive oil on food lemon dissolves the kidney stones! No more problem!
Thousands spent trying to get to the bottom of this. Also I suggest you get Dr. Hulda Clark book the cure for all diseases free pdf online or buy on amazon used for $4.
Lime Juice for UTI Prevention
Lime Juice as UTI Preventative for Chronic UTI's...
2 tbsp/8 oz. glass of water (2x per day, 1/morning, 1/evening)
I get a UTI at least once/month and they're primarily caused by sex. I've always done the routine of cleanliness (peeing before/after, showering so there is as little bacteria in the area to even tempt an infection etc.) when having sex though an infection always occurred no matter how careful I was. This has been happening for the past 7 years and I've only ever been prescribed antibiotics to cure/prevent. After being sick of taking so much antibiotics to keep up with my libido I started doing my research on alternative treatments and here's what I've found that worked...
If your story parallel's mine, I've found that drinking lime juice in the morning and evening diluted in water prevents me from getting a UTI. Though you MUST do this EVERYDAY. People in my situation are in a critical place considering body maintenance and keeping our bodies clean. Lime is very Alkaline with other beneficial vit.'s and I believe this has a lot to do with disallowing bacteria to develop - hence - no infections. Though once more, you must be discipline and drink EVERYDAY. I promise this will work.
Fresh Lime Juice is always best though there are crystallized forms if you're always on the go like me. I stock up on limes at the beginning of the week, squeeze my lime juice and keep in fridge. When I'm without it I always make sure I have the crystallized packets.
Link to Drinking City Water
I get a bladder infection every time I drink city water. I think it is an allergy to either the chlorine or the fluoride. Try drinking purified water and see if that helps prevent bladder infections. My doctors never would acknowledge this fact and just kept giving me antibiotics and I finally had bladder repair surgery, which I would never do again.
(the USA)
When you would drink city water were you in a place that used colored or a different brand of toilet paper? Just a thought due to the trouble I used to have. If you used any kind of hand lotion, that could be transferred to the tp before you use it... That was another discovery of mine. Over the years I also learned not to use fabric softener and to be sure any detergent is thoroughly rinsed out of underwear. When the rise water is not clear, rinse again.
(New Brighton, Minnesota, Usa)
Kathy, I did so much reading about bladder infections and I did not use colored TP and I do not think anything on my hands would have caused it either. I rinse all of my laundry twice and use only a very small amount of laundry detergent, just enough so the water has a slight slippery feel to it. It has been about 15 years since my last full blown infection, and the only thing I am doing differently is the drinking water. IF I have the feeling that one was starting, I did this remedy: 1 tsp. baking soda in glass of purified water, once a day for three days. This remedy works really well.
(the USA)
Make Sure it is a UTI
Before treating a UTI make sure you actually have one. I woke up one morning with all the symptoms: frequent and burning urination, spasms, and achiness. At the urgent care clinic, they took a urine sample that came out negative for bacteria, etc.
What I discovered was that my constipation (due to over use of antacids) was creating pressure on my bladder that caused the same symptoms.
This is what helped: lots of fluids including unsweetened cranberry juice, water, a splash of ACV in filtered drinking water, and non-caffeinated herbal tea (especially dandelion root tea). I added 500mg of magnesium once a day (near bedtime) to aid with the constipation. I added extra fiber to my diet including fresh kiwi, whole bran cereal, and flax and chia seed and honey in plain Greek yogurt. Also, a warm water bottle placed on my lower abdomen really helped calm the spasms.
It will take about 5-7 days, but it does work. Always find out if you have a UTI first before treating.
Make Sure it is a UTI
Just in regards to a negative culture for UTI. A few years ago I was bothered by many bladder infections where the culture test was negative. Turns out i had endometriosis over my bladder, quite severely. I went to the gyno for what i thought was an unrelated problem who sent me to an endometriosis specialist who did surgery and found that my bladder was covered. Endo on the bladder can cause symptoms that mimic bladder infection but you will get a negative culture. After the operation the problem went away although it can return as there is no cure for endometriosis. Just a suggestion on a possible cause.
Mangosteen Juice
Mangosteen juice really seemed to help me, and other times drinking lots of water with lots of fresh lemon juice did the trick.
Marshmallow Root Extract
Marshmallow Root extract (liquid in dropper bottle). I suffered from these infections for years. Antibiotics didn't work anymore. Tried many of the cures here but nothing worked. Read about Marshmallow Root so tried it and never got another. Haven't in 20 years since. It slimes the urinary tract so the bacteria can't get a grip and slide off. No bacteria, no infection.
(Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
Multiple Remedies
After experiencing a burning, urgent, painfully swollen, agonizing UTI two nights ago, I relieved the symptoms in a matter of hours (approximately 2 to 5-6 hours) using a multi-faceted treatment (see below). Previous remedies I have used include cranberry juice and D-mannose, but they never worked after the 2nd or 3rd time, and I don't like taking antibiotics as they upset the gut biome.
Imo, my UTI'S are a result of an overload of bacteria from excessive sugar consumption (including alcohol, although I personally don't drink) that tips me into the UTI state (pre-diabetic, perhaps, too?). Perhaps those who contract UTIs after sex have a reaction to the bacteria/alcohol glucose in their partner's body fluids?
In any case, I believe that when a person ingests enough “bitter” supplements/food as listed below, those supplements swing the urine PH from acidic to alkaline and help eliminate the horrible, aggravating UTI symptoms.
Here is the protocol I used:
– take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water
– take 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar in a 1/2 cup of water (ugh!)
– sit in a bath in 1/2 cup of baking soda mixed into very hot bath water; afterwards, with a towel, wash vaginal area with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in warm water; rinse again with warm water if it stings
– drink a STRONG cup of dandelion or Uva Ursa (or green if you don't have the first two) tea
about half an hour later:
– take 3 drops of oregano herb in a 1/2 cup of water
– take 20 to 30 drops of golden seal herb in a cup of water
a few minutes later
– eat 1 clove of minced garlic mixed into 1-2 tablespoons of sauerkraut (preferably the probiotic/refrigerated kind you buy at the health food store)
– take 1 probiotic capsule
about 20 – 30 minutes later:
– take several Vitamin C tablets or capsules
– * put a few drops of Frankincense oil on a menstrual pad or tissue inside your underwear — believe it or not this helps create a healing mentholatum sensation!
– mix a couple of drops of Frankincense oil into some olive, castor, or coconut oil and rub onto lower pelvic area and kidneys
Obviously, you'll want to make sure that you have most of these items in the house at all times. I don't think the order of the protocol matters, but I believe that the substances' bitter qualities — especially the oregano and golden seal herbs — help create an extreme alkaline state in the urine that helps kill off the offending bacteria. As with drinking extremely strong green teas, you can taste the bitterness in your mouth with these herbs so you can imagine what they do to your entire body system.
From an agonizing 2-4 hours starting at 11 pm one evening to about 4 am that morning, my symptoms improved so much that I could finally fall sleep in relative comfort without needing antibiotics. I awoke the next morning with no pain and on PH strips my urine's PH had changed from the previous night's light yellow to med/light green (you can buy PH strips to test your urine- it's very easy to do). I am continuing the protocol and will for the next week or so.
People should be aware that baking soda can increase one's blood pressure and, imo, they should be careful not to take more herb drops than directions on the bottle indicate. Also, if one experiences chills or fevers or aching kidneys or blood in the urine, she/he should go immediately to emergency hospital as that indicates a more serious infection.
This protocol could be repeated over the next 2 or 3 days (cutting back on baking soda and the herbs by half, perhaps) and then by half or less each day for at least another week or so.
* As a precaution from now on, I am going to carry cranberry tablets in my purse to take immediately whenever I have “cheated” on my mostly plant-based diet by consuming too much sugar when eating out. If at home, I will make sure to take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or baking soda or golden seal in water immediately after having a sugary treat. I hope to never have a return of a UTI again! My heart deeply goes out to all the poor women in the third world who suffer from this condition and who have no access to these herbal remedies or antibiotics.
Forgot to add that I took several Vitamin C capsules, too.
A few other points:
- People who suffer from UTIs frequently might want to carry oregano and goldenseal tinctures (or pills, if available) with them, ready to take with water at the first sign of discomfort.
- Take very hot baths with 1/4 cup baking soda and 1/4 cup ACV (organic, if possible) whenever needed, every hour if necessary - it does help a bit.
- When the infection is healed (or during an episode), a visit to a homeopath/naturopath might be in order. Many people with UTIs are helped by taking Cantharsis or Apis Mellifica, or other homeopathic remedies. Just know that each remedy is specific to the exact kind of discomfort or pain the individual experiences, so it's best to check with a professional.
- With severe chills or fevers or pains, visit urgent care or your doctor immediately.
- My number one tip is that you start on this or some protocol the MINUTE you feel a twinge. The earlier you stop the infection from growing by the hour, the better. Do not go to bed tired, thinking, "I will treat it in the morning." It will be too late by then.
Multiple Remedies
I began having bladder infection symptoms last month and immediately started using the baking soda and water remedy. It really helped with the intense pain, so I drank alot of it along with Apple Cider Vinegar and water, pure cranberry juice and a no sugar diet. Despite my efforts it just got worse and worse and after a week of this I was seeing blood in my urine and suffering from chills. I had to visit the er. Five hours later I found it had spread and was diagnosed with a KIDNEY infection. My heart rate was also very high and potassium low. I took antibiotics for a week and am now thankfully healed! And making sure to consume plenty of pre and probiotics. Please don't suffer as long as I did or overuse even natural remedies. Learned a very valuable lesson.
Multiple Remedies
Hi EC, Urinary Tract Infection. I'm male, so the last 2" of penis stings, hurts like crasy. Don't ask how I got it but it wasn't sex. No sleep, off to the toilet every hour or less for pain and dribbles so next day began drinking water – have never liked it “ plus ACV with Bicarb Soda, Horsetail [Equisetum arvense] tea, Fenugreek tea. Bought a grapefruit and ate ‚ 1/4 before bed. Next day tossed my jockey shorts and wore boxer shorts. Dreamed there must be a reasonable antibiotic by now, they've had enough time, practice and money and went to see a doc at the hospital [corporation] in Thailand. They had a new blood pressure machine that flashes a big red light if it's over their fear figures. I wanted to tell them my BP, 134/70, was lovely - no, no, go down lower. Ha! Saw doc for 30 seconds, true. They did the urine test and found too many white blood cells, so said, your bladder is OK but your penis tract is infected, so eat this, Ofloxacin and Buscopan.
I looked them up and thought, what is it doctors have against other humans. Anyway they eased the pain and I could sleep. I keep in the fridge a packet of Infloran, a German acidophilus that restores the good bacteria taken 2 hours after antibiotics. I started drinking lots of water, plus the ACV, Horsetail, Ginger tea and took a slightly heaped tsp of bicab soda before bed, and 2000 Vit. C powder before bed. I'm 80 and eat vegybubbles, some grains but no dairy, meat, sugar and all the other chemically infested stuff. Pain's gone, I pee lovely and sleep. Stopped the antibiotic and pain and sphincter relaxant after two days, will wait to see if symptoms return due to "rebound" addiction.
Will write if it worked. John
(Trang, Thailand)
Urinary Tract Infection
I was wrong, when I stopped the drugs, or something else had reared it's ugly head. The side effects of both antibiotics and the pain/sphincter drugs were unbearable and I stopped them, they fogged my brain, tired but no sleep for two full nights, plus, plus. But the penile pain and dribbles every 15 to 30 minutes won. I restarted the drugs. This is along with two a day ACV with bicarb soda, boxed grapefruit juice [tasted like crap], water, nice apple juice, mandarin juice, fenugreek tea, horsetail tea, ginger tea, stinging nettle caps, zinc, 1000mg V.C . So, after all that, the whole bullet may be working. Who knows? Pain has eased, good long peeing but at night after I manage to get some sleep I have to wake every 30 mins - one hour to pee. Nearly forgot, the lovely Lugols Iodine 6 drops in juice once a day and I stopped jockey underwear and use boxer shorts. And now, two weeks later, no problem. John
Multiple Remedies
I am a 46-year old white female (I wouldn't mention my skin colour except that EC suggests it can be useful for readers to know). I am now in good health, 5'7" and weigh +/- 140lbs. I'm writing this post after 18 months of taking charge of my own health, with a lot of help from this site. I hope my comments help some of you looking for relief.
I had many yeast infections in my 20s but I first experienced a bladder infection only in my mid thirties. Took the usual course of antibiotics, only to have recurrence a few weeks later. A new sexual partner seemed to be the cause. Infection followed infection, and the doctors, including a bladder specialist, were mystified. After painful and invasive testing and many agonizing weekends spent waiting for help in clinics, I was put on a daily low dose of antibiotics. This was a great relief as I could not have sex without getting an infection within hours. Travel was a nightmare as I didn't have access to my usual doctor, and any sort of stress seemed to bring on infections as well. Even the smell of red wine seemed to trigger that stinging pain in my urethra (so stopped drinking that right away of course). Very little was said to me about diet, and as a vegetarian of almost 15 years I thought I was doing ok on the health front.
Fast forward ten years and while I was no longer on the daily antibiotics I had great sensitivity in my urethra. Sex was still a trigger, even with drinking lots of water, urinating right before and after sex, washing with perfume-free soap right before and after sex, and getting my partner to do the same. Even minor health issues - colds and viruses, PMS, stress at work - seemed to trigger that tingling pain in that part of my body. My sex drive was almost zero as I expected to pay the inevitable price if I had intercourse. I was frustrated but resigned. No doctors had been able to help me.
But 18 months ago, when my keratosis pilaris stopped responding to the over-the-counter lotions I had been using for 20 years, I decided to take my health into my own hands. I took a good look at myself. I was about 155 pounds, with a large behind, thick middle, and sagging jawline. My hair was rapidly going grey, my face was lined and exhausted, and I had no energy. Although my bloodwork came back as normal I felt as though I was on the fast track to a serious illness. Both my parents had died young of cancer and had had multiple health problems throughout their lives. It was time to stop hoping that conventional medicine could help me. I made my KP my test project to learn about and improve my health. I never expected that my journey would help me to manage my bladder infections/interstitial cystitis as well.
Thanks to all the amazing people who have posted to this site I learned a lot about the relationship between food and skin. I stopped eating virtually all processed foods, and started eating more raw vegetables, including lots of spinach and kale (organic whenever possible), and good fats, especially organic eggs, olive oil, avocados, nuts, also organic wild salmon (thus making me no longer a vegetarian). I cut down dramatically on sugar, anything with white flour (and breads in general), and alcohol. I had been drinking white wine almost every day but that is no longer the case, and I would say the quality of my health depends on not drinking more than once or twice a week. I also began eating at least a tablespoon of virgin, cold-pressed, organic coconut oil every day, mixed in to my coffee or just gulping down a spoonful. And the very first thing I consume most mornings is the juice of half a lemon squeezed into a glass of room temperature water. (This helps to make the body alkaline, which can help with fighting infection generally, and in the bladder specifically.)
I began dry brushing, almost every day, and oil pulling, almost every day, with virgin, cold-pressed, organic coconut oil. I also gave up almost all commercially produced lotions and skin creams, and only use coconut oil as a moisturizer and sunscreen in the summer (adding heavier oils, such as rose hip, in the winter as my skin is dry).
The success stories on this site encouraged me to be excited about these changes in my diet but the most encouraging thing was my body. Dry brushing feels fantastic, and oil pulling clarifies the skin and makes the teeth bright white. To my astonishment, my burn-prone skin, which was developing darker pigmentation around my mouth and on my chin, has rarely burned since I stared using organic coconut oil, and the pigmentation has disappeared. I attribute this to the absence of chemical-saturated lotions and sunscreens, and to the twice-daily application of coconut oil to my skin.
My keratosis pilaris has 80% disappeared. The bumps are greatly diminished and the redness is gone except if I happen to eat a lot of wheat, dairy, or drink a lot of alcohol. So I would say that my dietary and skin routine changes are healing my skin but they are a permanent choice for managing the problem rather than a 'cure' that allows one to go back to unhealthy habits.
My dietary changes also helped me to lose 15 pounds and gain new energy and optimism. I believe the dry brushing helps greatly with skin tone too and to a limited extent helps with cellulite. I recently celebrated my 46th birthday, but several people I've met over the last few months said they thought that I was 5-10 years younger than that. My facial wrinkles and skin sagging have by no means vanished but have definitely diminished. My grey hair remains the same : )
Along the way I began to rethink my bladder issues as part of the general health picture of my life. I had read enough on this site to know that all health problems are related, and most stem from diet or exposure to toxic substances. As I child, I was given multiple courses of penicillin, sometimes for weeks at a time, for even minor ailments such as colds. From my research on this and other sites, I realized that these massive doses of antibiotics had probably affected my body permanently, with my propensity to bladder and yeast infections as one effect. What I learned is that after even 3 bladder infections the lining of the bladder is cracked and damaged, which prevents the naturally-occuring e-coli bacteria from flushing out, as it gets stuck in the cracks. Hence why we keep getting the infections, and why as soon as the antibiotics are done they come back.
The supplements I now take daily are with a view to countering my 'normal' state of fragility because of all the antibiotics taken in childhood, and in my thirties and early forties, and the damage to my bladder lining from more than 30 bladder infections. I experimented with doses until I found what seems right for me.
2 capsules of multi-probiotic (10-strain formula), morning and night, and at ANY sign of tingling in the urethra or dull pain in the bladder, always with a lot of water
2 buffered cranberry extract (D-Mannose) tablets before sex, and after sex, always with a lot of water
Morning, with food:
1 1000mg tablet of buffered Vitamin C
1 575mg tablet of Norwegian Kelp (source of iodine - helpful for KP)
1 large cod liver oil capsule (source of Vitamins A, D, and E - good to take together for bladder and skin)
1 capsule of collagen-glucosamine complex (mine has 40mg collagen, and 100mg glucosamine. I read that this supplement helps heal the lining of the bladder, as can hyaluronic acid, and you should take the latter with buffered vitamin C for best effectiveness)
I tablet of Calcium + Magnesium (important to take together for best effect - this tablet has the additional benefit of helping me to fall asleep)
All this adds up in terms of expense, but the value of not being chained to the medical system is worth it. I now feel I can manage any hint of bladder/cystitis pain at the outset. I recommend bringing the buffered cranberry/D-Mannose tablets with you everywhere you go, as they do not need to be refrigerated and are very discreet. I try not to take them except when necessary/as a targeted preventative as there is some debate as to their effectiveness over time. I think it's fundamentally important to build up your health through diet.
I also only use virgin, cold-pressed, organic coconut oil as a lubricant (you can only use condoms made of polyurethane if you use any kind of oil as a lubricant, btw, otherwise they will break). Coconut oil has natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and is very good and soothing for your urethra while being an excellent lubricant. Most commercially-produced lubricants contain carcinogenic chemicals and glycerine, which is a sugar, which is the last thing your urethra or vagina need introduced into the moment of sex, as any yeast will go crazy. I also like to use coconut oil after my shower, just smoothing half a teaspoon in to the urethral/vulva/perianal area is great for your sexual health in general if you are prone to yeast or bladder infections, also any yeast-related itching.
I think I will be living with these health issues for the rest of my life but the silver lining to taking charge of my health has been to learn more about what makes me feel good and strong, and to have improved my well-being overall. People say they don't recognize me from 18 months ago and I hardly recognize myself. What's most important is that the entire process has taught me to listen to my body and to make my body the most important thing in my life. To finally give myself the care I needed but was not getting, either at home or in the doctor's office. Interestingly, I found that once I made my health my priority, other struggles in life became easier. I was less likely to burn out at work, or put up with people who took too much of me. As I stopped relying on sugar, carbs, and alcohol to buffer me from the world, I found I had more energy, clarity, and ability to provide myself with self-care and say "no" when it was right for me to say no.
And on that last note, I do think it's possible that whatever your partner consumes (food, alcohol, cigarettes) ends up being a factor in your urethral/bladder health. In the course of my research I've read so many testimonies from women who never had bladder infections until they started seeing boyfriend X. Then their nightmare began. I know that this is beyond the scope of EarthClinic's mission but I do want to say - in case there is anyone out there with a similar story to mine - that the person I was with, who seemed to trigger my miserable decade of struggling with bladder infections, was a smoker and daily consumer of beer.
I am now seeing someone who doesn't smoke or drink beer and there is a palpable difference in the cause-and-effect of sex -> infection. In other words, I have not had an infection since we became intimate. But that could also be 18 months of dedicated change in my diet and taking a very proactive approach to my health.
If you are suffering from cystitis or bladder infections, my heart goes out to you. It is a lonely, invisible, infuriating, and excrutiating condition that no-one can really understand unless they've experienced it themselves. It hurts us in our most vulnerable place. I hope you find your health and your cure very soon, and get your life back - you deserve it! Thank-you to all the people who posted about their KP, bladder problems and solutions. You made a huge difference to my recovery.
(New York)
Thank you so much for this post. You were very thorough and it helps to know that like me other women are out there that are doing the right thing for their bodies. I have had yeast and bladder infections all my life. This one has not gone away in 2 weeks and is worse just before I empty bowels in the morning. I know the ecoli bacteria have something to do with it. My diet is very clean and I take supplements and probiotics. I've been on cranberry juice and d-mannose for two weeks. I got off of antibiotics for Lyme disease and every time that happens, the UTI is back. So I will continue to make myself better. You are an inspiration. I'm 64 and 110 lbs. white Female. all the best and thanks again. C.
Multiple Remedies
I developed a very painful bladder infection that affected the right side of my body from under my ribs to my knee. It was incredibly painful, just a little more bearable than gallstones. My sciatica flared on my right side as well.
I started taking Acidophilus Pearls every morning and night in addition to unsweetened Cranberry juice and Apple Cider Vinegar in water throughout the day.
For the first few days I took Colloidal silver in water, then switched to a few drops of Wild Oil of Oregano (93%) under the tongue a few times a day.
I took Magnesium and Turmeric for pain and inflammation management. (although I had to mega dose ibuprofen at night as that when it was at its worst)
I really started to improve when one morning on a whim I took a capsule of Activated Charcoal (260mg). The pain completely subsided! I took another around lunch and remained pain free for a few more hours. I couldn't take anymore as I can get very constipated if I take too much. I did this for two days.
The pain did return each late afternoon but I continued with the cranberry juice, OOO and Acidophilus. One the second day of using AC, before bed, I ate some pineapple and drank Senna tea.
The next morning.....no pain. Nothing. Like I never had the infection.
Not sure what finally did it, but happy it's gone after 6 days of agony!
I did continue with the cranberry, Acidopilus and OOO to be sure it wouldn't come back.
(Los Angeles)
I just read your comment on taking various remedies for what u think is a bladder infection. To begin with the bladder is not located under your right rib, that's where the liver is located the bladder is on the lower left side of the body down below your stomach..I think you had a gallbladder attack and should definitely seek medical help. Or at least take something for Gallstones.. Xoxo
(Tuscumbia, Alabama)
I agree with L J. It sounds like gallbladder to me also. I just had a severe attack a few months ago and came here to find a remedy. I don't remember who posted it but what I found worked and was easy to do. You mix 3 tablespoons of ACV with 6 ounces of apple juice, I got the Mott's for Tot's because it's a very light juice with very little sugar. The attack had started on Thursday and I drank the mixture Thursday evening, Friday morning and evening then Saturday morning I passed a gut full of gall stones. Of course my gallbladder was still irritated and the ACV, apple juice and water was all I could hold down so I just sipped on those for the rest of the week-end and by Monday afternoon I couldn't tell the attack had ever happened. I now take my ACV with apple juice every day because apple juice is very effective in dissolving gall stones. I don't ever want to go through that again!
(North Vancouver, CA)
Thank you for your feedback. I can assure you that it was not gallstones as I have no gallbladder. I had been having bladder pain after voiding for a few weeks before it developed into an infection. My right side was were the pain was radiating, not where it was localized. Sorry if I was not more specific.
Multiple Remedies
Most common UTI is caused by either waiting too long to pass urine or sexual intercourse and the main causal is e. coli. Please try the following bacteria-killer drink.
Brew a green tea (in a big mug), then add 2 slices of lemon (or squeeze half of it, alternatively use the Vitamin C powder - but don't overdose it), 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of Manuka honey (or any other if not present), 2 slices of garlic, ginger and some clove and cinnamon (effective against E.coli), cranberry extract if present (or drink the juice separately), if having - mix in half of paracetamol sachet (250-500mg, find one without aspartame). Drink slowly and repeat every few hours during the day.
In addition, please drink plenty of alkaline water. During the night, give your liver a bit rest by drinking alkaline water only (high in pH, 9-10). Eat fresh fruits, vegetables (with peels when possible), food (avoid cooked, which is lack of enzymes) with garlic, onions, spices (ginger, clove and cinnamon) and anything that works as antioxidants. You may monitor your health by urine strips (leukocytes nitrites and blood). If your UTI is advanced to painful testicles or hematospermia (blood in your semen), ejaculate often for relief.
For external treatment, dissolve few drops of tea tree oil in warm water and wash gently. If not present, washing with any commercial gel/shampoo with SLS (neurotoxin) would do the job as well (by killing the bacteria). You can get some sunshine (which will work as detox), if not possible, try infrared sauna for the deep detoxification (raising body temperature assists the body to kill bacteria, parasites, viruses and other infections). Also don't forget to think positively and proper rest and sleep is the key factor as well. If conditions get worse, please contact with the doctor.
Multiple Remedies
I am so thankful I found earth clinic web site. I got first uti 2 yrs ago and it never went away. The doctors and specialists kept giving antibiotics. Doctors could not give reason why. Antibiotics were not good on my system at all. After 10 months of this I started searching for another cure. I started on d-mannose, probotics, cranberry pill, water, water, water and acv. I started on these full force for about 2 months. My uti is gone and have not had one since(14 months) I have since narrowed down the amounts I was taking and figured out what my body needs at a daily maintance level. I used d-mannose 500mg - 120 tablets. Hope this helps someone that is as desperate as I was for an alternative. Thank to u folks at earth clinic.