Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief


30 User Reviews
5 star (27) 
1 star (3) 

Posted by Tara (Jenkintown, PA) on 06/04/2008

I drank cranberry juice for weeks, and still wound up with a serious kidney infection. I guess it doesn't help everyone.

Replied by Bret
(Phoenix, Arizona)

Cranberry juice is not an antibiotic. It acidifies the urine which inhibits ecoli. Also, studies did show that e-coli bacteria cling to the sides of the bladder. Cranberry juice removes this adhesive property and the bacteria are more easily flushed away. Also, if you are drinking Ocean Spray or a Juice Cocktail, you are drinking very diluted stuff that is high in sugar. Frozen concentrate is your best bet, Cranberry tabs also are a great idea. I use these in my elderly patients who are incontinent and get frequestn UTI's. Cranberry is more preventative than curative. Bret

Posted by Peggy (Erwin, Tennessee) on 05/14/2008

I don't get UTIs often but when I do I use cranberry juice. I drink at least 64 ounces a day until the infection is gone. It usually only lasts 2 days. 100% Pure cranberry juice is somewhat hard to find in my area but cranberry juice cocktail seems to work too. If you have UTIs often drinking a glass a day helps keep it in check.

Posted by Jimbo (Bogo, Philippines) on 03/13/2008

cranberrie juice will cure uti infections in one day, buy a half gallon and drink it all day long, i have seen it work many times

Posted by Stella (Cleveland, Ohio) on 02/27/2008

I had a pretty bad Bladder infection and did not want to take antibiotics so I bought cheap Cranberry pills at the drugstore, took 4 tablets 2x a day along with Tea tree oil mixed with Water and Hydrogen peroxide on the area with a cotton ball a few times a day and it started to go away within 24 hrs. I also took a bath in epsom salt.

Posted by Chanana (Aubrey, TX) on 02/08/2008

I have had a handfull of bladder infections, and the minute I feel one come on I stock up on cranberry juice. I find that even when mixed with other juices, as long as it is primarily cranberry juice works well, you might just have to drink a little more of it. But it has worked for me every time.

Posted by Vicky (Victoria, BC, Canada) on 11/08/2007

My doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine once prescribed real cranberry juice for a bladder infection. The stuff worked like a charm and faster than antibiotics. Apparently, there is an enzyme in cranberries that makes the lining of the bladder slippery so bacteria cannot grab on to it. Hence, they are just flushed out of the body. Real cranberry juice must be used, though, not the Cranberry Cocktail kind.

Posted by Cheska (Dahab, Egypt) on 08/21/2007

If your cystitis/bladder infections are sex related try drinking a whole big bottle of mineral water after sex, this does mean you will be running to toilet all night but that is better then waking up in morning with that feeling of pissing razzor blades! It really helps me, the bacteria does not get a chance to get going as is being constantly flushed out. Also try to pee before and after sex. I also wash carefuly with a bottle of water with 15 drops of grapefruit seed extract in it to help steralise area. If you do develop an infection the next day take lots of cranberry tablets to try change your Ph levels as the bacteria cannot survive easily, lemon wedges or juice also help, stay well away from alchohol, sugar and anthing other then wearing lose cotton underware. Ensuring you get a good nights sleep aill boost your immune system and help fight any infection.

Posted by CC (Ypsilanti, MI) on 02/22/2007

cranberry juice, peeing after sex and gatorade helped my reoccuring bladder infections. I drink 100% cranberry juice as soon as I feel one coming on and I also drink gatorade to help replenish my body during the infection. To prevent a bladder infection, I always pee before and after sex. Also, stay away from sugar during the infection.

Replied by Linda

Isn't Gatorade loaded with sugar?

Posted by Tina (Long Island, NY) on 02/10/2007

In the past couple years I have suffered through lots of uti infections. I was going back and fourth to the gyno and everytime the gyno gave me antibotics which would work but then my uti returns with in weeks to months again. The doctors couldnt figure out why I kept getting them. I decided on my own to remedy. I take cranberry pills everyday. Also everytime after I have intercouse I pee and make sure I clean myself and luckily I have not had a UTI in almost six months I am so happy. I think antibotics do not solve the problem I think they make the antibotics make them worse. I belive in natural healing not drugs!

Posted by Anonymous (Tampa, FL) on 09/12/2006

I had a really bad bladder infection. While waiting for the date of the Dr. appointment I began to drink 2-3 8oz of 100% Cranberry Juice twice a day and within 3 days, the frequent urination had stopped completely.

Posted by Christina (Silverdale, WA) on 06/04/2006

When I have problems 'down there' as I call it, I always break out the 100% juice cranberry juice. If you're really brave you can try 100% cranberry juice straight, my sister said it cleared it right up, but tasted awful.

Posted by Joella (NYC) on 02/01/2006

I drink unsweetened cranberry juice the minute I feel a bladder infection coming on. It usually helps. Best not to add sugar to it, but it is extremely bitter!

Replied by Elle
56 posts

Definitely NO sugar/fructose/etc with a UTI. Just a small amount of sugar (as little as 1 tsp and there's a lot more than that in sweetened juices) can suppress our immune system, putting our white blood cells into a temporary coma. And your white blood cells are the immune cells which fight infections.

Alternately, you could dilute it (2:1 ratio, 2 part cran juice to 1 part water) and/or add some Stevia as a natural sugar-free sweetener.

Cream of Tartar

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Suzanne (Springfield LA) on 01/25/2024

Cream of tartar for uti

Cream of tartar absolutely works. Took 1/2 teaspoon in 16 oz water and within half an hour felt relief.

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Julie (Melbourne) on 11/30/2016

The fastest remedy for urinary tract infections I have tried.

I am amazed that cream of tartar is not included in the list of remedies for UTI's.

I have been hounded by them for years but last year I had an incredibly bad time with them recurring, particularly in the summer when I was perspiring a lot in our intense heat. I would drink copious amounts of water to counteract this but would often end up with a weekly infection anyway.

I tried cranberry tablets, D-Mannose, apple cider vinegar without quick success. It usually took a week or longer of treatment to feel as though I was OK. Then, I found one post in my internet search, by a lady who suggested cream of tartar. As I have it in my pantry, that was an easy one. 1/2 tsp in a glass of water stopped the infection and ALL the symptoms dead. With the cream of tartar, the pain and discomfort, brain fog, disorientation and weakness, etc. all vanished WITHIN MINUTES.

With most remedies, they work for some and not for all, I agree. However, my husband started to get the burning sensation one night after not drinking as much water that day and I suggested he take the cream of tartar. Within minutes he was comfortable and that was the end of the UTI for him. He was amazed.

A few days ago I heard my sister had a serious infection with blood in the urine, brain mush as she calls it, weakness, etc. She had been suffering for four days, although she was taking many of the remedies mentioned here. She was no longer passing blood but still had all the other symptoms. I told her about this remedy and suggested she at least try it as she had nothing to lose. So, she popped down to the local supermarket and paid $3.75 for 125g (how cheap is that for something that works! ) She was totally amazed that her symptoms also left and she could go back to work with a clear mind - no more fog.

You only take it when you feel the symptoms appear, not as a preventative.

This is now our go-to remedy for UTI's.

Judging by the comments here, it is a shame that most people have not heard about this SENSATIONAL remedy. Nothing else has worked as fast as it does for us!! Most people I have known in the past with these infections, have to take other treatments for days or weeks before they start to feel well again.

If you have tried everything else, without success, or your favorite remedy is slow to work, you might like to give the speedy, but humble cream of tartar a try.

It is an old remedy used frequently for various diseases, by doctors before big pharma showed up.

Replied by Betty

I have cream of tartar will try it. I have been drinking a honey, vinegar, ginger hot tea and it seems to have helped. Now will try the C of T. Thank you.


did you ever try the cream of tarter? Did it work?

Replied by Gayle

I just tried Cream of Tartar yesterday and felt much more comfortable after a couple of hours. Today I'm at a lower grade of discomfort and taking it again. No question it worked yesterday and pretty fast. I have been doing the Apple Cider Vinegar, baking soda etc, and this is much better. I'll see what it does today. Thanks for sharing!

Cream of Tartar, Essential Oils

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Torontogirl (FLA) on 03/23/2023

I found using cream of tartar and internal ingestion of essential oils finally cured a nasty antibiotic resistant UTI.

The oils I used were mostly Juniper, and less of Eucalyptus, Lavendar and Siberian Pine.

The UTI calmed down within a day!

Replied by Christen

Look up D-Mannose! It's the only thing that stopped my chronic uti's and can also be used in place of antibiotics to kill the uti infection.

Replied by Sam

Urolesan. Available on Amazon (unfortunately overpriced x10).

Active ingredients: fir oil, peppermint oil, castor oil, wild carrot liquid extract, hop cones liquid extract (1:1), wild marjoram (Origanum majorana) liquid extract. 8-10 drops on a cube of sugar or bread. Works as magic. #1 in europe.
