The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Fabiola (Florida) on 07/23/2020
This literally works in less than 15 mins for me. My husband and I were shocked to see how fast this works. I stopped peeing right away.
Posted by Yuliku (Las Vegas) on 07/16/2016
I got UTI in Colombia in Tayorona park. It was very humid and we did a lot of hiking, so maybe that caused it. The only medicine I had with me was cranberry pills. I did not have my regular medicine that I take to treat UTI. So I took about 15 pills at once (usually my day dose is 2 pills) and drank about 3-4 liters of water (it took me couple of hours to finish the bottles). I was staying in the bathroom all evening (literally I could not leave the room for more than 5 min so I just decided to stay in the bathroom). By the time I passed the whole water that I had drank I felt much more better and could go to sleep. The next morning the was no sign of UTI I had the day before. I know it may be a bit drastic to drink so much water in matter of 2 hours, but we were staying in isolated area with no access to pharmacy and I did not know what else to do rather than to force the bacterias to go out. It helped me. It happened 1,5 ago and since then I have not got UTI yet.
Posted by Summer (Denver, Co) on 12/09/2015
I can attest for cranberry as a UTI remedy. I first found out about it maybe 15 years ago. I had gone to planned parenthood not knowing what was wrong with me, the nurse told me she couldn't write a script, but told me to buy 100% cranberry juice. I did just that, I downed two 20 ounce bottles and drank them right away. My UTI was gone after about 10-15 hours. I recently got a very bad UTI, it was so bad I was bleeding. I drank 2,20 oz bottles but it didn't get any better.
The next day I went and got the giant 60 fl oz bottle from the grocery store. I downed the whole thing in an hour, which was painful just because of the massive fluid intake and I also hate the taste of cranberry. I drank it at night and the following morning the UTI was gone. If you are going to try cranberry, make sure you read the label carefully. Sometimes it will say 100% juice, but in reality it's 10% cranberry and the rest is other juices. If you down a whole bottle quickly it will flush your system and things will be back to normal within 24 hours.
Posted by Shell (San Diego, Ca) on 06/26/2013
I had recurring bladder infections for years. After the last one -14 years ago--I began taking cranberry capsules as a PREVENTATIVE. I just take one in a.m. and one in the p.m. I take 3 if I'm going to have sex. You can also take d-mannose as a preventative. Urinating before and after sex is always good to do.
Posted by Amy (Los Angeles, California, United States) on 04/20/2012
I have recently had lots of problems with a Urinary Tract infection and a bladder infection. Last night I reunited with an old friend named Gail.
In our discussion I related to her about my woes with my Urinary Tract infection and my bladder infection and how I had tried everything to help my problem. Cranberry juice, Cranberry capsules, etc....
Gail told me to eat CRANBERRY SAUCE instead of the cranberry juice as the CRANBERRY SAUCE is more concentrated. So I started eating a can of ____ Cranberry Sauce this morning and I SEEM TO BE WELL FROM THE BLADDER INFECTION by 5:30 pm!
I am passing this on so others can maybe get relief from this awful illness like I did!
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 04/20/2012
I had a chronic urinary tract infection no antibiotitics worked for. The urologist I was seeing at the time told me to drink one cup of pure cranberry juice 3 times a day. The cranberry juice cocktails commonly sold have little real cranberry juice. You need the real thing, pure cranberry juice for this to work. Anyway the infection cleared up in about a week or two of this treatment. I had had this infection for years and it was slowly getting worse. The cranberry juice treatment worked for me....Oscar
Posted by Heather (London, Uk) on 10/08/2011
Here's how I got rid of a UTI that was so painful it had me crying. I bought a whole gallon of cranberry juice and some oranges. I drank the whole gallon within two hours, and then ate an orange. I felt relief, almost completely within 45 minutes of drinking the whole thing. Keep drinking lots of water.
It was the best remedy and it only cost me a few dollars. I'm really thankful for this remedy and I hope it helps you.
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 07/07/2011
There is always good old cranberry juice for a UTI. It worked for me when no antibiotics did. You want pure cranberry juice and not the so called cranberry juice cocktails. I was prescribed this treatment as 3 cups per day of pure cranberry juice by a VA doctor after trying every antibiotic available and it worked for a chronic urinary tract infection when nothing else did. It cleared the infection in about one week for me....Oscar
Posted by Kopka79 (Lapeer, Michigan, Usa) on 05/16/2011
I had a TERRIBLE bladder infection that, of course, reared its ugly head in the middle of the night while my doctor was closed. So I went searching online for help. I came across your site & it was filled with amazing information! I knew only of cranberry juice for UTI's. There were so many suggestions that I wasnt sure which to try... So I tried them all! I created a cocktail out of cranberry juice, baking soda, vitamin C, sea salt and excedrin. I felt relief within 15 minutes and the infection was gone after only 3 days... With no antibiotics. I will be visiting your site often s I have 3 children who are constantly picking up bugs from school & such. Thank you so much for creating this life, time, money and sanity saving site!! Sincerely, Chris
Posted by Linda (Atlanta, Ga) on 10/06/2010
Cranberry pills help great and fast. Had a severe bladder infection, helped within hours. My neighbor had a bladder infection for several months, had taken several different antibiotics, nothing helped. The Cranberry pills worked also wonderfully for her. Cranberry pills are much more potent than Cranberry juice. You can buy them at the foodstore for less than $10
When you have a bladder infection, avoid acidic food like citrus fruit, red meat, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, black tea etc.
Posted by Corinthianblue (Albuquerque, Nm) on 10/17/2009
I have tried various cures on this sight for my UTI and none of it was working, even stuff not listed here. I tried just cranberry, I tried the extract, the pills, and different juices and none of it worked until I found a strictly cranberry juice (no sugar added or other juices). I poured a cup of the cranberry juice and diluted it with a cup of water and chugged the whole thing down. I did this once a day. First day, the pain dropped almost to nothing. Today, I did this drink when I got up and there is zero pain anymore. I'm going to do this one more day and just be done with it. I feel like I'm cured.
Alkaseltzer only worked temporarily.
ACV worked for that day only and stopped working.
Lemon seemed to help kill this faster.
Posted by Jan (W. Ma, USA) on 09/27/2009
Cranberry extract (just a drop or two - it's potent stuff!) clears up urinary tract infections in humans and dogs (probably in cats also, but I've never tried).
Humans: dilute two drops in 8 oz. of water and drink. Use twice a day until gone (usually within 36 hours). Or just drink diluted regular cranberry juice, sugar-free.
Dogs: dilute one or two drops (depending on size of dogs) in water and squirt down throat with a medicine syringe. Use twice a day until gone (usually within 36 hours).
Posted by Barbara (Benton Harbor, MI,USA) on 12/11/2008
Just stumbled on this site. So hello everyone! This is a fantastic resource. Years ago I developed a UTI. Never have liked DRs so knew there had to be a better way, besides there's always the problem of antibiotics and yeast. Researched cranberry juice and calculated how much I would have to drink for any benefits, not to mention the sugar intake.Not that I'm opposed to sugar. I believe, in most cases, in moderation as opposed to abstinance. Then I spotted cranberry capsules in the vitamin section and thought, "what the hey". I have been taking 2 capsules in the morning for decades. Now you could probably count the # of bad habits I have and still need more toes and fingers. The least of which is sugar addiction. But I don't have UTIs. My oldest sister suffered from chronic ones and was real resentful that I hadn't turned her on to the caps long, long ago. But with the same treatment she hasn't had a problem for a decade. For my own reasons I have been treating bad life habits for yrs with natural remedies.So I might add that if you look at other cultures and their predominate lack of health issues, then research their nutrition habits many things can be avoided. Such as cayene capsules, Latinos and the lack of colon cancers. I take them for warmth in winter, (don't take w/some forms of stomach ulcer problems). I have just started to look into the C-nut oil thing. Vanity and my hair started it + extremely dry skin. Years ago I tried ACV and didn't care for the taste, yea I was once a baby about flavor. Decided to go back. Read about the upset stomachs/belching/gas over the oil. Have to say mine comes from the ACV not the oil. Like the one gal I too just "shoot" it down but I drink half my water before hand then more as a chaser. For those who are developing infections after sex. Maybe the best attack would be to treat your sexual partners also. Sex can be a big bargaining chip for getting your way. I would like to add that there's a supplement formula on the market which is excellent for toxic cleansing. Anyone who would like the name can write to the above e-address and I'd be glad to let you know where to find it. I am not a distributor. Just info about it.
Posted by Mia (Jacksonville, Fl) on 10/14/2008
For the life of me I don't know why studies can't conclusively say that Cranberry juice works to cure bladder infection.
I have had 3 bladder infections (or UTIs) in my life. Two turned into kidney infections.
I just got over symptoms of the third two weeks ago. Within 2 hours of the first symptom I had completely red urine (from the blood).
I read everything about how only pure cranberry juice will work IF it would work at all. I read so many reports that there was no conclusive evidence that cranberry would CURE a bladder infection. They said it may prevent them but there was no evidence of a cure. I can tell you I have evidence of a cure. I drank a glass as soon as my urine turned red. The symptoms began to improve slightly.
I went to the pharmacy and the pharmacist told me any fluid would work just as well as the cranberry so to be calorie conscious I started drinking straight water. NOPE! Within half an hour the symptoms were WORSE than before I began drinking the water.
So I began chugging ocean spray cranberry. It wasn't pure, it was sugary, and it WORKED. For good measure I also took 1/2 a tsp. of baking soda in a glass of water AND I went to CVS and bought some cranberry pills all these things against the advice of the pharmacist but the last kidney infection I had left me with BAD BAD side effects from the cure so I was really desperate and IT WORKED! I did this for three days.
Don't belive that cranberry doesn't work - even the Ocean Spray kind. I woke up the next day 100% better. Still some slight pressure after urinating but that was it and by the next day all symptoms were COMPLETELY GONE.
Posted by Stella (Ashevile, NC) on 09/27/2008
I take one cranberry capsule in the morning and one at night every day to prevent UTI's. It helps. I get mine at Sam's Club. I'm 54 and going through the change and more susceptible to getting UTI's than I used to.