Health Benefits

Turmeric for Boils: Top Natural Remedy for Fast Healing

Posted by Saf (Birmingham, UK) on 10/14/2006

This website has been a God send for me! Thank you a million times over! Earlier this year I had the biggest boil on my buttock ever that i couldn't even sit down. I'm talking tennis ball size. After weeks of antibiotics nothing happened and eventually i was referred to the hospital for an incision and drainage under general anesthesia! It took two weeks of packing before I could even go back to work! It was embarrassing and painful! I was referred to the dermatology department of the hospital and they gave me antibacterial washes, tested for diabetes (negative) and gave me a two month long course of the antibiotic Erythromycin. While taking the antibiotics I had three more boils but not as big. I managed to get about and applied the topical antibiotics which had no effect really. They went away after a few weeks. Since then I've had others come up and go and have also had another appointment at dermatology. Again I was given more washes and topical antibiotics. They told me that they didn't know what to do to help me at all. I've came to the conclusion that I had to live with them and hoped and prayed that I wouldn't get it so bad that I had to have it surgically removed again. Then over two weeks ago one developed and because it was higher up on my buttock cheek, I have been getting away with it and have been able to sit etc, despite discomfort. I continued to apply the topical antibiotic and it had no affect and the monster continued to grow. The other thing is that none of these have ever come to a head! They are deep rooted and huge. This one was almost tennis ball size this Friday gone and it was getting evermore painful. I tried heat compresses etc many times before but still it never comes to a head and it all has no effect whatsoever.

Then, on Saturday morning I started researching for the millionth time and THANK GOD came across this website. I started taking turmeric in water. I also mixed up a paste of turmeric and ginger with a little green clay. Within hours I felt as if the inflammation had reduced. I thought it was more of a placebo and my desperation to have something work. At night I changed the dressing and applied more of the same but without the clay. I took the turmeric in water three times on Saturday. Sunday morning, the monster had reduced in size. It was now golf ball size!! I couldn't believe it. I carried on with the drinking of turmeric and changed the dressing and applied only a turmeric paste this time. Later on Sunday evening (yesterday), I went to remove the dressing to take a shower. Suddenly it burst! YUCK!! I've never seen anything like it. They have NEVER burst before and I didn't expect it to this time. I just thought the application of the turmeric would be an added benefit perhaps. It bled lots too but I didn't squeeze it. I just pulled apart the skin and tried to let it drain until it wouldn't come out anymore. I don't think the core had come out and perhaps it will just get reabsorbed. I'm not sure. I washed the area thoroughly with antibacterial wash while in the shower and then covered it with more turmeric but this time with added tea tree oil. UNBELIEVABLE!! I have lots of relief and I can't believe that I found this remedy. Wait till I get to my next dermatology appointment! I know they'll be dismissive as western Docs normally are. I'm also now going to try to use the method of applying stuff in my nose as suggested by someone else on this page in order to kill the infection somehow. I have a friend whom suffers the same problem and I can't wait to tell her! I have believed for a long time now that God has put healing in all things natural and we only need to find the cures and remedies rather than rely on synthetically produced chemicals!! For every ailment there is a cure in NATURE. Thank You So very much to all! God bless You!! xxx

Posted by K (western Washington) on 09/21/2006

My friend has been taking turmeric in water as recommended on your site for a little over a week and had been seeing positive results. His bad outbreaks started clearing up and new ones were very small and short-lived. Then, due to stressful circumstances, he forgot to take it for a couple of days and started getting more outbreaks. He is taking it again and hopefully this will stop the new ones.

Posted by Hina (Brooklyn, NY) on 09/18/2006

:well i read ur remedy at 9 am and i had an 8 oz glass of water with a teaspoon full of turmeric. and at 1:12 pm the pain had reduced tremendously. I'm gonna keep drinking it altho its a tough drink. And i will report back tomorrow.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/12/2015

Dear Sandy,

People turn to turmeric after trying other remedies and find that it works. I don't think it is too late.

But I am concerned that he has been in a bed for a week - you mean from the boils? I would watch for red streaks from the boils or fever and also give lots of Vitamin C. Has he seen a health care provider?

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Karen (Canada) on 02/18/2016

When you're either using Turmeric internally or as a paste externally, so you have to be ready for the drainage ahead of.time be covering the area with gauze ahead of time. Turmeric is a boil killer and is very powerful, so a boil needs to be well covered to stop the spread from the drainage.

Posted by Diana (Milford, Pa) on 06/24/2013

I noticed a lump just inside my butt cheek close to my anus and vaginal opening. It became large about the size of a large pea, I made a paste of tumeric and water and it helped it drain, a lot of fluid came out. Now 2 weeks later it still is draining blood. Any ideas on what this could be and how to get rid of it?

Posted by Veesue (Sheridan, Wyoming, Usa) on 06/24/2013

Of course visiting a doctor as one reader suggests is always pertinent advice; however, what you describe may be acne or a boil. Applying turmeric helps, but also does taking it internally... Good Luck.

Posted by Diane (Ajax, Ont. Canada) on 01/12/2012

"I had a boil on my tail bone. Here is what you do. after doing this it never came back.

1st: u need to pop the boil try salt and warm water in a warm bath..

Boil 1/4 milk add teaspoon salt let it come to a boil. Cool it off not too cold more then a warm.. Cut a pc of an italian bread ( make sure u have the inside of the bread and the crust on it) dip it in the milk then place it on the boil place the inside of the bread on top of the boil)(u squeeze the pass out and place the bread again on it do it couple of time and get all that pass out.. It works trust me.. let me know how it goes.."

Posted by Cl503 (Portland, Or - Oregon, United States) on 04/18/2012

In response to my last post.. I woke up this morning, drank the turmeric with juice, followed by a hot bath with sea salts, h202, coconut oil and a little dr bronners, it came to a head. I popped it... I will continue with turmeric. I have a question though.... All the white stuff came out.. Now it seems just to be lymph fluid.. But it looks a little yellow in color, and the area is still a little swollen. Is what I think is lymph flluid still infection... Or is that only the white looking pus?... Should I let it drain out all on its own, or apple any pressue? Thanks for your help. I love this site!

Posted by Becky (Cibolo, Tx) on 10/22/2011

I keep getting huge boils closer to the vaginal area one after the other.. They just won't go away!! :( I've gone to the doctors and they prescribed medicine to take every day that makes me SICK... Taking the turmeric powder with water would really help??

Posted by Bashaw78 (Athol, Ma, Usa) on 10/22/2011

This may be a dumb but where do you find Turmeric, and what is it? I have never heard of it. Thank you

Posted by Becky (El Paso, Texas) on 05/10/2010


I have a 12 yr old son and he had what i thought a pimple on his back. he asked me to look at it and it did have the typical white head on it so i tried to squeeze the pimple and when i did so much pus and blood came out that i realized this was not a pimple. I felt around and under the pimple was about a one inch ball, looked on earth clinic and read about tumeric, i placed a tablespoon of tumeric in a shot glass and mixed with a little water (regular tap)to make a paste, applied it to the pimple and covered with a 2x2 bandaid by morning it had drained completely. I still did it for two more nights just in case, and it has not returned. Thank you Earthclinic.

Posted by Vee Jay (Washington, D.c.) on 04/15/2010

Turmeric remedy for boils

I am taking a teaspoon of turmeric in warm water three times a day and getting very good results. Today is day four and the three boils have reduced in size by one-half. The largest one was the size of a 1/4 cup measuring cup.

My question is how exactly are the toxins eliminated from the body and how do I know that the toxins are not just going to another part of my body?

Posted by Robin (London, Oh) on 02/12/2010

TUMERIC for BOILS! I've been getting boils (usually on my face)for the last ten years whenever I get stressed. They do not grow much bigger than 2 cm or contain puss that I can drain, but they are tender and unsightly for weeks. I turned to Earth Clinic and discovered that tumeric is the answer. I added 1/2 t. tumeric powder to 4 oz. of hot water and drank it three times a day for two days. By the third morning I decided the boil was well on its way to dissappearing so I ended my "treatment" at that.

Posted by Angel (Birmingham, Uk) on 02/12/2010

I don't think I have got MRSA, well when I went to the doctor about my recurrent boils he didn't mention MRSA. But I tried turmeric for about 5 weeks, the dose I took was 1tsp twice daily in 1 glass of water. Some days I took only 1tsp and some lazy days I didn't take any turmeric. Nevertheless, I didn't get any large boils on my chest and back like I used to and I didn't get any on my face. I did stop the turmeric and the boils are coming back, but I will restart the turmeric, probably for a longer period. Im a 20 year old female and have been getting recurrent boils since I was 14!! I just wanted to ask one thing, will I have to take turmeric everyday for the rest of my life to prevent boils? Would 1tsp twice daily be too much? what doses would you recommend? thanks.

Posted by Relieved (Pueblo, Colorado) on 08/10/2010

Hello, and I have to say I have suffered from Boils for the last four years... I do believe from stress. I have been to the doctor and have tests ran for MRSA and they are negative. I was given a prescription to take then and another to start taking when another one started. It was a few months and one started. I took the prescription and it worked like a DREAM!! I called my doctor to get another prescription for the next one and was told I couldn't get another one unless I came in again. Are you kidding me.... So I researched Boils. I learned of Turmeric, bought a bottle of capsules.... There is a brand out there that doesn't have all the "other ingredients" that shouldn't be there just keep looking. I took it twice a day with food and the boil, instead of lasting over a week lasted a few days. I started to get another one a week ago and took the Turmeric immediately. Only about one hour of pain, never really got big, they used to be HUGE, never came to a head and now.... Almost completely gone. For me, beginning to end taking Turmeric, about three days.

Posted by Brian B. (Grand Rapids, Mi.) on 01/16/2010

I started to get the boils on my butt area last fall. After one would eventually get better another one would appear in a different spot. The doctor I went to suggested soaking twice a day in hot water to help soften it. Without a satisfactory solution I came across this website late one night about a week ago. I immediately went to a local grocery store and I was in luck, they carried turmeric. I have been taking it religiously 3x a day with yogurt and the results have been fantastic. At the time I had one boil at maturity and another close to it. Both have dissipated without much drainage and it looks like they're going to heal much better than the previous ones I had.

I've never used natural products to solve a medical condition before, but I have to say this one has definitely worked extremely well. I'm glad I found your website.

Posted by Denfarias (Katy, Texas, USA) on 12/23/2009

Tumeric - Boil

I had found this site by researching natural flea remedies for my new puppy about 2 months ago. And have since used it to help my family and I many times.

What I thought was an ingrown hair on the top hair line in the pubic area quickly developed into a boil in one day. I saw it on Friday morning Dec 19 and applied antibiotic salve,by that night it was so painful I could barely walk. I read the many tumeric remedies and went to buy some. I started taking it that night, 1 tsp mixed into hot chocolate. YUK! I didn't notice any relief but continued the drink twice a day. In the mean time I also tried the mixing tumeric with tea tree oil and applying topically. Nothing. I also ground up garlic and applied that on a bandage, OUCH!! Nothing. The pain had diminished a small amount, but no drainage. FINALLY on day 5 it burst open and I have some relief. It is still draining and very ugly, the pain has gone down drastically. I will continue to take the tumeric twice a day until it is gone!

It is so much better to take it either mixed in my coffee or in hot chocolate. It tastes terrible and the smell makes me nauseous but I don't stop. IT WORKS!! THANK YOU!!!!!!

Posted by Marie (Orlando, Fl) on 11/25/2009

I've always gotten boils (mostly on my thighs or near my bikini line) though they've never been painful and tend to go away on their own. However, last week I got a large and tender one underneath my armpit. I've always shaved my underarms without any sort of irritation, and have been using anti-perspirant for years. However, when it appeared, I was unable to shave OR use deoderant, which was uncomfortable. I used a hot compress approximately 5-7 times a day, soaked in an epsom salt bath, tried tea tree oil, used natural deoderant, and even stopped exercising for fear of sweat production making it worse. Then I came upon this site and saw that turmeric could be helpful. Interesting is what I thought. I use turmeric a lot as I enjoy curry and Indian foods. I decided to try a paste and applied it over the boil as I slept. I mixed about 1 tsp of turmeric powder with olive oil and honey to form a paste, spread it over the area, and layered with gauze. When I woke up, it shrunk approximately 50% in size and was no longer painful. While the boil is still there and it's still red and slightly tender, it was in no way as bad as it was yesterday. I'm definitely remembering this treatment and will continue to use it!

Posted by David (Bayamon, P.R.) on 04/16/2009

Im back after 2 weeks of daily turmeric use and i must say i am SO GRATEFUL! It hasnt completely gone yet, but it is soo much better than before! I still have about 3 boils on my scalp that just wont go! im trying compresses and everthing, but those stayed there. All the other ones have been clearing miraculously! Also i mixed the turmeric with other natural vitamins, and echinacea pills, and some colloidal silver drops. The colloidal silver seems to dry up the boils during the night and after a couple of days seem to wear off. I feel much better now. Cant wait for it to completely go, so i can go back to my normal life. Thanks everyone and this website.

Posted by Adam (Lincoln, Lincolnshire) on 04/07/2009

Thanks so much for the tumeric remedy for boils. I had a cut on my foot that got infected and became a boil. The doctor lanced it and gave me antibiotics, but even the next day it was back with a vengeance. It was worse again the following day, and very painful, I could hardly walk. I found your website, bought basic tumeric powder in the herbs section of the supermarket. At 2pm that day, I had 1 tsp tumeric in half a glass of warm water and again at 8pm. I also made a paste with tumeric powder and water and put a bandage over that, leaving it for about 5 hrs. By 10pm, I removed the bandage, the swelling was greatly reduced and boil had released some fluid (not a lot). The relief really was incredible, I could actually put all my weight on the bad foot with barely any discomfort (earlier that day I was hopping around mostly). So I am a beleiver for sure. It's 3 days later now, and it's nearly better, I am wearing shoes, walking properly and thinking about going for a run tonight. Thanks again.


Posted by Marcella (Richmond, Virginia) on 02/25/2009

I've had a life of great skin. That is, until now. I'm 23 and just had my second outbreak of boils. The first outbreak was 2 months ago and I just thought they were ingrown hairs, or irritation due to my use of baking soda as a natural deodorant (which could still be the case). My outbreak was ferocious this past month during my period. I had about 7 large lumps and 3 boils that tried coming to a head. I found Earth Clinic and immediately bought Tumeric pills (450mg) and started taking 3 at each meal. I did notice the swelling go down, but my biggest boil still hurt. I went to the store and bought the powder and followed the directions 1 tsp 3 times a day and WOW! My boils are diminishing right before my eyes! I did use tea tree oil last night and today and my big boil is losing its power! I have been using Dial soap only under my arms to better cleanse the area. I am so thankful for natural remedies, although beware that baking soda might just cause a block-up which will lead to boils!

EC: From our experience too, cheap turmeric powder does appear to be more potent than expensive capsules bought in a health food store!!

Posted by Amy (East Texas, Texas) on 02/03/2009

I have been suffering from boils inside my nose!!! Talk about nasty!!! My whole face swells. Causes Migraines, the whole nine yards. Turmeric has been a god send. I take 5 capsules when I feel it comimg on 3 times a day and also make a paste and rub it on with a q-tip. But for the life of me, why the inside of my nose? This is my fourth one in two months so I think I may take Turmeric daily to head the little jewels off.

EC: Judith from Lansing, Iowa just wrote in about boils in the nose: