Health Benefits

Turmeric for Boils: Top Natural Remedy for Fast Healing

Posted by Lesley (East Elmhurst, New York) on 12/25/2008

whoo hoo. a remedy thats works. i just try the turmeric power after reading the comments. I been suffering with boils for two year now. nothing works. usally the boils would last about 2 to 3 weeks.yea that long. try the turmeric and the boils went down in size in about two days.AMAZING!!!!! I usually have the boils on my inner thighs. but lately I have been getting them on my butt. This month i had it, which I'm embarrass to say but I got two on my lower labia. which never happen before. it was the size of a grape. in the beginning before it develop into a boil, it was painful.couldnt sit down. when it grow the pain seems to be getting worse. decided to try something different. but can you imagine making love to your husband with two lumps down there.I dont think so. anyways the boils are smaller. i will continue to take turmeric everyday even when i dont have one. warning. mixing turmeric power in water is HORRIBLE. couldnt drink it. throw up half way thru. I made my own homemade capsule. buy some empty capsules, which is only available online.very cheap. you can get a 1000 capsule for five bucks. TRY TURMERIC. IT WORKS. I will update you when the boils are completely gone and to inform you if it comes back.

Posted by Kerry (Dayton, Ohio) on 12/14/2008

After reading about turmeric on your site, we decided to try it to help with my husband's boil?? on the back of his hand. It was the second one ever with the first occurring only a couple of months before - also on his hand. We purchased a large quantity from the local Indian grocery and saw rapid improvement. It's hard to attribute all the healing to the turmeric since a friend wrote him a script for an antibiotic but I really think it helped immensely and so does he. His hand was very swollen with heat and a nasty looking head on the boil (it's completely gone now except for a scar). The swelling went down super quick once he started the turmeric. He is a somewhat fanatical hand washer/sanitizer so it's surprising he would get something like this. He does work in a nursing home environment so we are wondering if that has something to do with it. Hopefully there won't be a next time but if there is we will also be taking a trip to the dermatologist to have it cultured. To never have one in 49 years then turn up with 2 over the space of a couple of months seems very odd. After a while he said he actually enjoyed his warm turmeric drink - ugg.

Posted by Amy (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) on 11/30/2008

I'd like to warn others to use this remedy with care! I took less than half of the recommended dose (because that's all I could stomach) and about five hours later came down with the WORST vaginal yeast infection of my life! The boils did seem somewhat smaller and a bit less painful, although it was nothing like the miracle cure some have reported after just one dose. I have since developed another, much more painful boil, and I plan to try taking turmeric capsules WITH some acidophilus, and eat lots of yogurt, to prevent a repeat bacterial purge and the resultant overgrowth of yeast. I'll also be sure to have medication to treat a yeast infection on hand!

EC: Were you taking capsules? People who take the powder haven't reported this issue.

Posted by Aryan (Scarborough, Ontario) on 11/11/2008

hi!!! There is no doubt on my mind that Turmeric powder really works!!! I have a boil on my face and didnt knew It was boil because i never had any boil experience before until 1 friend of mine suggested it maybe a boil. When I went home from work I googled about boil and found out this wonderful helpful site.Took turmeric powder omg!!! I cant stand the taste , instead I made a paste out of it and put it directly to the boil and start reading again feedbacks and there I found out the home made turmeric capsule and ASAP I look for some vitamins capsule in my medicine cabinet, empty the capsule and put turmeric powder oh what a relief!!! My boil starts to pop the next day and now is a happy ending for me.. Thank u so very very much it really helped me. GOd bless everyone!

Posted by Miss M (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 11/09/2008

Just 2 days ago, I had a very nasty boil in my bikini area that literally grew to the size of an egg--it was so painful and large that it scared me. I had boils in this area before, but never this big. This one was not going away anytime soon. I finally I went to the doc and even he was shocked to see its size. He gave me a script for 2 different antibiotics and sent me home on restricted activity and told me to take lots of sitz baths. That just wasn't good enough for me because I knew there was probably something natural out there that I could take to help get rid of it. So I googled "boil" and eventually found this website. In addition to what the doc told me to do, I tried some turmeric powder in warm water(nasty), I drank some ACV tea and put an onion on it overnight to draw it out. I felt the need to attack it from all sides because it was so painful and was making me so sick, I felt like I was dying. In the middle of the night (early Saturday), I got up to take another hot bath and it had already came to a head and was very close to bursting-it was so painful, I helped it along just a little--I know you're not supposed to, but I couldn't wait anymore. The drainage was so foul and disgusting, not like anything I had ever seen (or smelled)before. Long story short, the area remained very very swollen, but I felt some relief and spent all day Saturday recuperating. I took turmeric in the early afternoon and more today. The swelling has gone way down, and virtually no pain. Also, as soon as it popped, I started putting the triple antibiotic ointment with the pain reliever on it and kept a gauze pad on it which I change about 3 times a day. I feel well enough to go to work tomorrow and it's all because of this website. My doc will try to take some of the credit, but without that turmeric to speed things up, I would still be miserable. Thanks a million--I'll be back many many times. The turmeric works.

Posted by Remon (Toronto, Canada) on 10/15/2008

Had a boil on my face coming and going for months and another one behind my ear. Took 1 tsp of turmeric in warm water 3 times a day and after 24hrs both boils went away. Now at day 3 and a clear beautiful face.

Thank you all!

Posted by Elizabeth (Barnesville, OH) on 09/29/2008

I just finished (or so I thought) my second battle with MRSA in 3 months. I have been off the anitbiotic (Bactrim) for about 10 days. I still had hard tissue surrounding the incision where it was lanced. I was told at the doctor's office that this was probably scar tissue. I took one 500mg capsule of Turmeric last night (mainly for prevention purposes) after reading this website. This morning, the incision began to drain profusely and the hard tissue surrounding the incision is nearly gone. It may be coincidence, but I find it doubtful! You've made a believer out of me. Will keep you posted if it continues to work.

Posted by Tammy (Fort Worth, TX) on 07/29/2008
★★★★★ I don't not believe in herbal remedies...but..... I really did not think the Tumeric would work for me. I had what I felt was staph and cystitis on my chin that would NOT go away..Literally for several months it would get a little better, then pop up again. It never went away.(didnt help that I kept picking at it!) Infection, weeping and scabbing. I bought Tumeric. I started on Wednesday night. I cleaned my face real good, put neosporin on the areas and took a capsule. I took 3 the next day, B-L-D; and on Friday...SWEAR TO YOU, it was 75% better....Today is Tuesday...not even a full week later and I and 95% better! I did get a new spot come up...but I think it is just some leftover stuff that will get out quickly too!!!! TRY IT!!!!

Posted by C (Toronto, Canada) on 06/27/2008


I'm not one to write about my medical woes on the internet. BUT. This is literally a miracle cure for boils. I had a boil brewing on my cheek for about a week. I have a small mole on my cheek, and it started under that, and couldn't break the surface, because of the mole. It kept getting bigger, and redder, and sorer (as boils tend to do) So I found your site not 48 hours ago. Immediately left work to go buy a bottle of the turmeric extract. I took 2 400mg pills right away, then another 2 at about 8pm. I also mixed up the paste some people reccomend. (Don't do this) It stained the boil bright orange, and dried out the surface so much that a full layer of skin came off, making it redder and sorer. But by the next morning it was less painful. 2 more pills in the morning, 2 more at lunch. (I figured it was an herb and you can't OD on it) By 6pm after work I had gone home and was washing my face and the eruption occured. Although the boil was only the visable size of a small pea it must have drained at least a good tablespoon of stuff. Then it closed itself up, and started drying out.

Any suggestions for post boil, scarring, or faster healing. Can you keep taking turmeric daily like a vitamin?

Posted by Asma (NJ, USA) on 05/13/2008

I was fed up with the recurring boils.I never had any in my whole life till i was in India .But when i moved to US i was getting boils in my menstruation periods. I felt like hell, was unable to walk or cook or go to friends party. I was so confined in my home for almost 10-15days a month & no effect of antibiotics instead harmful sideffects hairfall,weakness unless one day i found this on about was like magic & boils almost vanished just taking 2 days 3xday warm turmeric water. Now if i see any sign of a boil i can handle it without any pain. Thanks a lot & god bless you.

Posted by Rich (Okla City, USA) on 04/19/2008

For the past 6 days I have been living in severe pain. Having chills then burning up. A pain developed just above my buthole on the right butt cheek. It was sore at first then I noticed a knot. Within 3 days that small plum cyst was now the size of a orange. I couldn't walk or sit. My wife found this site and we tried turmeric that type used for cooking. I took a teaspoonful directly in my mouth, it taste like dirt without the grit, yuk. I chased it with orangjuice. In 3 hours I felt a need to take a shower and let the warm water hit the area. A foul smell, I mean fell filled the entire bathroom and I noticed blood and stringy clot like discharge running down the drain. This stuff works, in 3 hours I lost 3/4 of the cyst with in 6 hours its almost gone, just a little raw feeling and still bleeding, but the pain is almost gone. I am starting the capsule version now for the next few days just to make sure but if you have a boil, try this I actually think I can sleep tonight.

Posted by Carol (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 01/06/2008

I developed a large boil under my armpit. It grew to the size of a quarter. It was big, red and painful. I first tryed the turmeric powder in juice but that was too much and the taste was strong and not pleasant, so I switced to the 450mg tabs three times a day. I'm happy to say my boil is almost healed. I also used neosporin ointment to help with infection. ' There is a lot you can do but the turmeric is key. Thank goodness I found this site. YOU ARE SO APPRECIATED!"

Posted by M (Phoenix, Arizona) on 12/16/2007

I cannot believe this actually is working. I assumed the large lump near my elbow was a boil; it had not come to a head. I used a 1/2 a tbsp of tumeric in water, as I had a cold & a fever & was hoping to knock those out too. Approx 6 hours later the boil is much smaller! (I also applied it topically). I didn't believe I would see results this fast. I am amazed. Oh, & the fever, which previously wouldn't break, was gone in about an hour.

Posted by Candy (Boynton Beach, Florida) on 09/12/2007

I had a very VERY painful boil at my groin and it was absolutely killing me. I could feel the infection growing and THROBBING. Someone told me to put Vick's Vapor Rub on it in order for it to open. So I did this. At the same time I went on the internet and found your site. I read all about Turmeric. I rushed out and got some. I put a heaping teaspoon in a drink and drank it that afternoon and that same evening (2 doses). When I woke up the next morning, my boil was half the size, NOT throbbing and draining. Your site is a life saver. Now I'm taking it for its anti inflammation properties and it is helping my arthritis. Thank you so much...

Posted by DW (Gallup, New Mexico, USA) on 08/08/2007

Turmeric really works! My boil felt 100% better within 48 hours and was total gone in 1 week. I was taking Turmeric Capsules (3X day) for one week.