Health Benefits

Turmeric for Boils: Top Natural Remedy for Fast Healing

Posted by Lynne (Elizabeth City, North Carolina) on 01/09/2009

Turmeric works really well for boils.

Shortly after having surgery last year, I started having reoccuring boils. I went to the doctor and they gave me one of the strongest antibiotics there is. It made me sicker than I was before I took it. I went back and they put me on other antibodies that worked but it took about two weeks to see results. The boils reoccured and I knew I had to do something different.

While searching this site I saw the article about using Turmeric. I tried it and it worked. First, I put about two spoonfuls in yougurt and ate it that way. It worked but my mouth was a dark orange. While at the health food store I saw some empty gelatin capsules and came up with the idea to make my own capsules of turmeric only. The capsules in the store was twenty dollars. Making my own capsules worked very well for me. Every time they start to reoccur I take about 5 capsules 3 times a day and within two days I am free from the boils.

Eating right and keeping your stress levels low helps also. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE INFORMATION ABOUT TURMERIC. It is the new wonder spice. Thanks also for the site. I am a big believer in wholistic living.

Posted by Celia (Westchester, NY) on 01/09/2009

Tumeric really works - no two ways about it! I was truly amazed, and had used tumeric in the past with great success. I noticed my boils on my mons returned pending 'that time of the month' and after a night of drinking. Any connection? Of course.

The boils were so painful, extremely swollen it made it nearly immpossible to walk. They were over an inch in size, I was besides myself, and then remembered tumeric. Took two that afternoon and took another two that night, and by morning, one had already broke on its own and started to drain. Relief was in sight!

I will try the 'core' pulling thing with a pop bottle - in the future should I need to, since obviously the core is still in there. But it is a nice relief to be able to sit, walk, jump or do anything with glee. I will make sure to take one capsule a day for the rest of my life... it's as simply as that!

Posted by Josh (Miami, FL) on 09/13/2008

Tumeric works... I have been getting boils - usually on my leg...and once in a while on my neck. I got a nasty one on my face for the first time. I was going to see a Dr. for some antibiotics, but I drank the tumeric mixture along with heating the boil. It only took about a day for it to drain massively. Already it has flattened out and is healing. This really works! Thanks for your website!!!

Posted by Kristi (Cleburne, Texas) on 05/08/2008

Tumeric, Hydrogen Peroxide I found the Earth Clinic site by typing in "natural treatments for skin infection" on the internet. I always broke out in the same areas: under my jawline, back to my ears. I even had pain in that area almost like something was clogged and burning. I had tried two rounds of antibiotics in the past few months and they did not work, but the Tumeric did. Read all the information about boils and Tumeric. Since the outbreaks were painful, I thought it must be something like mini boils. I happen to have some Tumeric capsules in my kitchen so I began taking two pills, 3x a day for five days. My skin immediately cleared up and scars are healing. I continue to either take a capsule every day or sprinkle about t. on some food. It's best with salty foods. I have found that if I stop for more than 2 days, I have some pain in the area like I might break out again.

After that, I read about H202. I also have had chronic sinus problems since I was a child. I always remembered having problems breathing when I laid down at night. Recently, though, I had such a hard time breathing at night that I didn't want to go to sleep. I was stuffy, not stopped up. I just could not get anything out of my nose. I know that I was snoring which made my face and teeth hurt and was not sleeping well. So I started "snorting" the peroxide (just the cheap stuff from the store with no stabilizers). I would put it on a swab and rubbed it up inside my nose. I would then sniff it up into my sinuses. Within seconds I could breathe. It has been a miracle cure for me. I did this about 3x a day %: morning, at night before bed and during the night if needed. I now only have to do it once or twice a week. After that I decided to start drinking a little. I put maybe 1 t. or less into 8 oz. of water and drink it 1-2x per day or when I need it. I did not know how much I missed oxygen through my nose!

The best thing is that my husband who has had asthma since childhood, started taking the H202 in water 2x per day. He was extremely dependent on medication to control asthma, but wanted to get off it. He has taken the peroxide in water for almost 3 weeks and has only needed his albuterol inhaler 1x. We are pretty excited about that! Thanks for all the good info.

Posted by Sherry (Cleveland, Ohio) on 03/14/2008

Turmeric & Emu Oil took my cures to THE NEXT LEVEL! I've read all feedback regarding cysts and I've been SOOO excited to share what I've stumbled across. Thanks to all of you, taking Turmeric capsules has helped tremendously, with respect to size, frequency, pain and draining. I've found my ULTIMATE CURE (or at least as close as I'VE EVER COME!) Ok, first, based on everyone's emails, I ran out and purchased Turmeric. Took 3 capsules. Felt relief within an 2-3 hours. Took 2 more a couple of hours later, woke to find my 4 cysts greatly reduced in size. Kept this routine up for 5 months, but twice had massive cysts. Large enough for me to consider going to emergency for removal, but I'd been through that excruciating path before, so I just increase my Turmeric dosages to almost 8 capsules a day, made a paste from the contents of the capsules mixed w/water. Relief in 24hrs. Last week, I had 3 new small cysts and 3 recurring, red, huge, painful cyst in my groin area. I was in so much pain, I called off work, as I could barely walk. My boyfriend, God bless him, was so worried, he searched the internet to find me additional relief and stumbled across Emu oil, which penetrates all 7 layers of skin and purports to increase the efficacy of anything it's combined with. He overnighted a bottle of pure, unrefined Emu oil. So I cleaned the cysts w/an Antimicrobial Solution. Opened up one Turmeric capsule, mixed in a few drops of Emu oil and applied to the cysts and surrounding areas. I Covered it with surgical guaze and swallowed 3 Turmeric capsules and went to bed. Within 2 hours, the 3 biggest ones broke open and the 3 remaining diminished to almost nothing! He cleaned my wounds with a cleanser designed for wound care, applied more Emu oil/Turmeric paste, changed the bandages. By morning, I was 300% better, no pain and all cysts were healing. This is incredible. So much so, he said, when you feel better, go to this website and tell everybody. THIS HAS WORKED BETTER THAN THE SURGERIES OR ANTIBOTICS I'VE TAKEN OVER THE LAST 2 YEARS! I empathize with all of your pain and am happy to share my routine. Unfortunately, this is not a cure...just yet, but it's truly a remarkable remedy. Please email me if you want to talk about my journey. I am truly thankful of this web-site and all of you who have shared your stories, as this has marked my turning point, in what seemed to be a never ending-saga of my cysts either coming or going. Honestly. Thank you!"

Posted by colleen (easley, sc) on 08/14/2007

I developed a small red area on my abdomen that grew into a boil type area. I attempted to lance it and made matters worse. After pushing on it, I developed an area the size of my hand that became red and warm to the touch. The boil area grew to a large grape sized area. It was becoming very painful. It had a yellowish green plug that I couldn't remove. I put charcoal on it several times. After about 1 week I was getting really worried and knew I was developing a serious problem. I love this site and found the turmeric remedy. The plug came out just prior to using the turmeric. The plug was the size of a pencil eraser and the whole was at least an inch deep and an inch in diameter. I figured I would give the turmeric a day or two before going to the doctors. I put charcoal again on the area hopping to draw any remaining poisons from it and took two self filled 00 capsules of turmeric. I was amazed even after that first dose. It has been less then a week and it is almost completely gone. I am not sure if it was a spider bite or a boil but as a nurse I have never seen a wound heal so quickly.

Posted by Stacy (Marion, Indiana) on 06/10/2007

Turmeric does work. I have been having these boils since I was a teenager and nothing the doctor did or said worked. I actually can tell after taking tumeric 3x a day for about two weeks that it works. I did have another boil come but after a couple of days there is nothing there. I didn't believe it was going to work but couldn't do nothing but try. And I am convinced and probably will take it everytime I feel a boils. And you can feel one before it gets big. Thank you for the website. JUST TRY IT!

Posted by Isis (St. Lois, MO) on 06/07/2007

Thank you so much for your site !! I had boils a couple of years ago under my arms. It was a painful,long experience. I recently had one pop up again and was lucky enough to find your site. I rushed out and bought the turmeric and I mixed it with my Green tea, lemon and honey. The taste was not overwhelming and it is really doing the trick. You are really a blessing to me. !! Thank you !!

Posted by Leslie (Geneva, IL) on 06/01/2007

This is day 3 of using the turmeric. Am taking it orally and also applying it to the boil with neosporin. The boils, which have multiplyed to 3 have shrunk. There is no longer any pain and all have broken open and are draining. This afternoon my skin started to itch intensly, had to wash off the turmeric and neosporin. Left these off for a few hours and have reapplied. I think the turmeric is affecting the boils. I am just impatient. Have a large gauze pad tapped to my cheek. Is the itching a sign of healing I hope? Will report my progress. Leslie

Posted by Chris (Atlanta, GA) on 02/18/2007

After a long history of cysts infections around dead teeth in my upper jaw and several surgeries I have finally found my cure THANKS to your great site. Thursday morning my cyst got infected awfully, read about turmeric here on friday and started taking two caps right away. next morning the pain was gone except for pain when i would pressure the area. Today, Sunday, even that pain is almost completely gone and i feel like a new person! still taking 2 turmerics a day, will go down to one for the next 4 days or so and see. special thanks to FRAN

Posted by Chastity (Elizabethtown, KY) on 01/15/2007

I tried the turmeric and it worked great!

Posted by Stuart (Ayr, West Coast of Scotland, UK) on 01/08/2007

2 -> 3 cups of "Turmeric Tea" per day. 1 teaspoonful of Turmeric Powder into a 3/4 cup of boiling water with a drop of orange juice (to mask the taste). Also washing with warm water 2 - 3 times per day. Cured a boil (which was very large) on the side of my nose in 3 days. I have never seen such a sizeable swelling reduce as quickly as it did. Literally overnight the results were incredible. A prescription from my doctor probably would have taken longer to solve the problem. Just popped into my local supermarket, bought a small bag of Turmeric and decided to try my remedy. Worked a charm!

Posted by Lena (Portland, Oregon) on 11/25/2006

I had recurrent furuncles that spread rapidly to outlying areas. I drank the turmeric 3 times and in one day they had all receeded and didn't return for over 2 months. My skin is very healthy around the affected area. Although furuncles do come back eventually, I know now to use this simple formula.

EC: A furuncle is another name for a boil. It is a skin infection involving an entire hair follicle and the adjacent subcutaneous tissue.

Posted by Abigail (Ypsilanti, MI) on 11/15/2006

I suffered from boils for over 20 years after being told by doctors to use hot, moist compresses to help heal faster. No doctor prescribed antibiotics even after blood tests revealed an extremely high white blood cell count. I was finally referred to a dermatologist in May of 2005 when my blood cell count was so high it was causing fatigue among other problems. I was diagnosed with hidradenitis superative and was told only antibiotics would make the boils heal and they couldn't guarantee it would go away permanently. I spent over a year on 2 different antibiotics and every time I stopped using them, the boils came back. I've been on the turmeric for a week since the newest outbreak which included over 16 boils total. I now only have 3 actual boils and some purple spots where boils were beginning to develop but are now going away. I was told by my doctors that I would spend the rest of my life on antibiotics. Thank you for giving me hope. I can now live my life pain free. Thank you!

Posted by Sue (Westminster, MA) on 11/10/2006

my husband broke out with a rash in August...then developed boils... a few large ones....the dr gave a strong antibiotic and took a culture... she said it was staph -a non resistance kind... the antibiotic seemed to work 90%... so the dr gave a milder antibiotc to finish off the boils...that seemed to work BUT... a few days later his arms itched intensly from the elbow down to the hand... the dr. then gave a steroid which seemed to help the first few days.... so dr gave a steroid cream to get rid of the itch BUT THEN THE BOILS started to erupt again... my husband went on-line and found that steroids can cause boils to erupt. he said no more antibiotics.... So I went on line google to see about natural cures for boils. your site was there. THE BOILS SEEM TO HAVE STOPPED IN THEIR tracks... it has only been 31/2 days.... I will let you know if they total clear up... It will be nice if no drugs are needed. MY husband has been taking 1tsp. tumeric with warm water 3 times a day PLUS 4 oz ALOE VERA juice twice a day