Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Borax Taste Tips

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Posted by Amanda (Braham) on 07/10/2017

I always add freshly squeezed lemon juice to my borax water mixture for taste and just to be sure I don't neutralize my stomach acid.

Borax Tips

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Posted by Bill (San Fernando, La Union) on 07/19/2011

Borax is also called Sodium Borate or Sodium Tetraborate-- sold as a white powder or hydrate. You can buy it as "20 Mule Team Borax"(from the washing isle of supermarkets) and use this to create a liter of water with a little borax in it to drink. To do this, take a liter of water and just add 1/8 tspn to it. Then drink a liter of this for four days only, then stop and take 3 days off(no borax water). Then start again. So, four days drinking borax water, then 3 days off -- no borax water.

See this link:

Or you can just buy Boron tablets (whose ingredients will also be listed as sodium borate or tetraborate) and take at least 6 mgs per day.

Borax helps to cure arthritis, helps to modulate the body's hormones, removes body fluoride and is perhaps the ultimate fungal killer.

Borax Toothpaste

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Posted by bilja (canada) on 12/28/2021

Borax works great for not just bad breath, but in a toothpaste too. I make it with approx 1tsp coconut oil organic, 1tsp borax, mix till all blend nicely, ok maybe still feel some grainy texture here and there. also add drops of teatree oil at first, but actually prefer adding a drop or two when putting on a toothbrush, right before brushing. Once all brushed nicely, I then pull the oily content as in “oil pulling”, then spit out after 2mins.

Adding borax makes substantial difference in how my gums feel afterwards.

Borax Toxicity

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Posted by Miriam (Nyc, Ny / Usa) on 03/28/2012

A quick Google check reveals that a teaspoon of borax is equivalent to 5 ml. At 1/4 tsp a day for men, that means ingestion of only 1.25 ml per day. For women, the recommended usage is half that amount.

This is in the order of 1% of the theoretical toxic dose - hardly threatening.

Colleen, if you are fact checking, then you should check all relevant facts.

Replied by Aussiesteve
(Port Macquarie, Australia)

I think it is worth highlighting that the dosages mentioned by that study I. E. 0.1mg/ml - 0.6mg/ml refers to concentrations of borax in BLOOD not WATER. Given that borax is very poorly absorbed and we have approx 4200ml of blood in our bodies, it would need huge quantities of borax ingested to approach anywhere near the concentrations suggested by that experiment.

Boric Acid for Infections

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Posted by Susan (Utica, Ny) on 07/25/2015

I buy boric acid powder at the pharmacy and mix a small portion with boiled water. (You can find amounts online). You can soak gauze in it then apply it.

In the old days, and I mean in the 1920s-1950s - my grandmother always kept a warm pan of boric acid water on the back of the stove. It was that important to have on hand when raising six kids. They didn't have antibiotics for most of those years - so infections were drawn out with compresses and wounds were sterilized this way.

Boric Acid Ingestion

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Posted by Amanda (California) on 09/21/2017

I accidentally swallowed a gel cap of boric acid which is slightly different than borax ( I think a little more acidic). It was supposed to be a vaginal suppository but I swallowed it by mistake. I was terrified because of what I read on the internet. It said I should get my stomach pumped and run to a poison control center. I stayed calm and waited for symptoms before I took action. The only symptoms I experienced was clarity of mind, clarity in my gut, total disappearance of cravings for chocolate and sugar and meat. Weight loss, glowing skin, more flexibility in my body and less tightness in my hips. :-) I swallowed one capsule only and it's been 2 months and I've continued to look and feel amazing. People comment all the time on how I look better than ever. It's now been about 10 weeks and I'm starting to have some sugar cravings for the first time. I dreamt about chocolate chip cookies last night :-0 I feel like it's time to do another cleanse and try borax instead of boric acid. And trying to decide if I should drink the diluted version or try doing a capsule again. My experience was that one capsule which probably contained about half a teaspoon of boric acid lasted me for 2 months. It seems like it might be a lot to do that daily unless you have really severe symptoms. Any thoughts anyone?

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Innc)

Yes, Amanda; I have a thought on the Boric acid "event"... some of the most amazing scientific discoveries have been made by accident. If you did try the Boric acid again, I'd try a very small amount to see if it produced a bit of the same good effect without having a bad reaction. You might have just been lucky the first time.

Replied by john

Hi @Amanda, did you try the borax in capsule?

Did it have the same effect as the boric acid in capsule?

Can you remember when did you take the boric acid capsule? Was it in the morning on empty stomach or before sleep?

Thank you

Boric Acid Vs Borax

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Posted by Lu (Tripoli, Libya) on 06/18/2023

I have just recently stumbled accross many videos about Borox having healing affects on arthritis and many other ailments. My only problem is I live in a country where Borox isn't available but I can manage to get Boric Acid. Is it possible to substitute Boric Acid and have the same benefits?

EC: Hello,

I know someone who takes boric acid in capsules with his wife for the past few years. He said borax turns into boric acid in the stomach so he thinks it's more efficient to take boric acid. They are in their seventies. They measure out the boric acid using a scale and put it in capsules... a bit time-consuming, he said.

I will email him to find how many mg per capsule and what size capsules they use and reply to your post when I hear back.


Replied by Art
2173 posts


Yes, boric acid(BA) can be used in place of borax. A little less may be required because the boron content of boric acid is a bit more than borax. Borax has approximately 11.34% boron and boric acid has approximately 17.48% boron.

So that would be about 300mg of BA (52 mg of boron)for a woman and about 600mg of BA (104 mg of boron) for a man.

By comparison it would be about 480 mg of borax for a woman and about 960 mg for a man to reach similar boron levels.


Boric Acid Vs Borax
Posted by Mark (Breda, Nl) on 04/13/2016

Borax turns into boric acid depending on pH. If the pH is low (acid) like in your stomach, borax turns to boric acid, if the pH turns high again (alkaline) like in your intestines, most of it will be borax again.

Boric acid and borax are about equally effective.

I got this info straight from Walter Last, who wrote the article on borax.

Boric Acid Vs Borax
Posted by G. T. (A. P. India) on 01/14/2014

Hi. I'm just sooo gratefuld for EARTH CLINIC.

I couldnt find any Borax in my town, but only Boric Powder. There is no other informations on the box other than Bhavi Chemicals Bangalore, and; not for medical use. 100 Gms (TECH), tha'ts all. Can I use it as the Borax remedy in Earth Clinic pages? Much love and light to all.

Replied by Ashok

Hi you can buy it from any pansari shop or shops which sell herbs etc under name "suhaga". It's available eveywhere.

Replied by Baldev
(Maharashtra, India)
185 posts

Hi Ashok,

Are you sure Borax is Suhaga ? G.T from AP, you can ask any chemist in your place and he can get you. In Mumbai there is an area where number of shops are there who deal in chemicals and medicinal drugs in bulk, the name is princes street and one can get Borax there. Boric acid is completely different, a lot is written about it on this site and I won't suggest to use Boric acid in place of Borax.


Boric Acid Vs Borax
Posted by Blenderlady (Satellite Beach, Fl) on 01/08/2013

Hello, I see the many warnings to use Borax and NOT Boric Acid - but I can't find any rational for this warning.

From another website on this topic it says, "Boric acid, if available, may be used at about 2/3 the dose of borax"

I have Boric Acid, and am very eager to get this cleared up... Thanks in advance!

Replied by Francisanne
(Los Angeles, Ca, Usa)

These warnings are unfounded. In other earthclinic pages where Boric Acid is discussed, extremist warnings post too. But also listed are links to informed books/sites. I give this: borax and boric acid are in all my antique and vintage Early Amer and German cookbooks as health remedies, food preservatives, other non-bug kill home uses. For fastest research: go to googlebooks, search 'household __', 'health and __', 'agricultural __', 'veteranary __', and 'medical __'. For 'boric acid and health' the quick hilites and 3 minutes told me volumes. I include 2010 in searches as govt info often takes 5-10 years to publish anyway. See pg 390 of Nat'l Institute of Health Issue 53-57 about boric acid facts for example. DO NOT listen to random shouts by warning bloggers. FIRST do your OWN research, just like earthclinic also advises top of each page. Boric acid is used heavily in mfg/food/agri to cover/fix tainted foods. But in tiny, sparse amounts, yes, many govt/med reports report doctors teaching patients how to make their own very small amounts med capsules. Borax and boric acid are potent, but can and do heal.

Replied by Dori
(Santa Ana, Ca, Usa)

For your reference, book titled 'Integrative Womens Health',

Best fastest easiest most informative book I ever read on Womens womens healthiness including vaginal was - Integrative Women's Health, 2010, by Victoria Maizes Executive Director & Associate Professor of Medici Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, Tieraona Low Dog Director of the Fellowship Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. It still costs usd40 or so. But its online free too (probably like a post said at googlebooks.

I saw the Warnings about boric acid for vaginal issues, so I'm suggesting all the women read this and teach the book to their girls too. At page 192 it says:

''In a double blinded RCT of 108 women with yeast, the boric acid cure rate was 92% at 7 to 10 days post-treatment and 72% at 30 days and that was significantly more effective than nystatin (Van Slyke 1981).... Specific diabetic women have higher cure rate in 14 days than 1 dose fluconazole, but at 3 months cure rates are same... Usual dose boric acid is 600mg in gelcap inserted in vag daily for 2 weeks with maintenance dose 2/weekly to prevent recurrence. There is LITTLE SYSTEMIC ABSORPTION with vag administration, but large amounts of oral ingestion are shown TOXIC. Also, it is inexpensive. DO NOT use during pregnancy.... Pap smear doesn't necessarily indicate Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)... "

Do ALL your research very well. Some professionals are interested in money or are limited by their bosses (their hospital or insurance group limits, or pharma's that fund them).

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, Usa)
472 posts

The chemistry of boron, boric acid and borax is extremely interesting, isn't it?

One of the components that borax breaks down into when exposed to specific kinds of acids - including stomach acid - is boric acid so, in a way, when you take borax you're taking - or, rather *extracting* the boric acid from it. Or, more accurately, your body is.

The "acid" aspect isn't what it sounds like as ACV is far more acidic than boric acid which is just to the acid side of the pH of water. A lot of tap water in the US is probably more acidic than boric acid so...

There isn't really any way to research these things because science makes up rules which they say are proven by exceptions and then just keep adding rules upon rules upon rules all the way back to the initial incorrect assumption rather than going back to the assumption and...fixing it. Every rule on top of another rule is an excuse for not doing that. And the writers of rules are perfectly willing to sacrifice whatever is necessary - including people's lives - to "save face". To preserve their social reputations. And not just scientists. Politicians do it, capitalists do it, industrialists do it - their standing in society, among their peers, in their professions and any number of subcultures or economic sectors is more important to them than the well-being of even children. Even their OWN children.

Boric acid shouldn't work for vaginal yeast infections - based on scientific assumptions and rules - yet it does. Most of the remedies here shouldn't work - but in a variety of circumstances, many of them do. Many illnesses are hyped up as horrific when they are no more deadly and no more difficult to treat than the sniffles.

We have capitalists and industrialists with hearts that are hundreds of times blacker than Hitler's and neighbors, political representatives, teachers, doctors and bosses whose are hundreds of times blacker than Manson's and if one's heart is NOT of the black variety, one truly is on one's own.

Do your own research. Don't dismiss anecdotal evidence because some black hearted marketing fan or expert claims it isn't evidence because the only reason they resent it is because they don't have any. Nobody goes onto social media singing the praises of marketing clients saying things like, "Oh, thank God! My liver is being destroyed, I'm probably going to die, spend all of my money on this poison they're giving me and still have my disease and feel like crap! Yeahh!! ". Don't believe all of the anecdotal stories - use your head. Or not - it's your choice.

Boric Acid Vs Borax
Posted by Tamis (Paris, France) on 10/26/2011

I just bought some borax from a local drugstore and was given a plastic bag with "borate na" written on it. Having read that some drugstores have given some boric acid instead of borax I asked the vendor if he was sure it was borax and not boric acid and he told me it was labeled "borate na" in his storage room.

Now I'm a cautious guy and I want to make sure this is indeed borax and not boric acid.

Is there a way to test this at home ? Like adding my powder to vinegar and see if it fizzles or not ?

I found out the The ph of Borax is about 9. 5 (so I guess it should fizzle in vinegar), boric acid has a ph of 3. 7 ( (so I also guess it should not fizzle in vinegar).

Am I right about this?

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Tamis, I have not found that it has any fizz when adding it to cleaning mixes, but of course they are diluted. Anyway I have just added borax to ACV and there is no fizz, have also added it to cheap white vinegar and no fizz. You may have to test it with a ph meter, I got mine for about $15 (AU) including postage via ebay. Good luck.

Replied by Misty
(Somewhere, Indiana, Usa)

Boric acid's chemical formula is H3BO3; there is no sodium (Na) in boric acid. The chemical formula for borax is Na2B4O7·10H2O or Na2[B4O5(OH)4]·8H2O. Other names for borax include sodium tetraborate, disodium tetraborate, and sodium borate. Thus, you have gotten your hands on an oddly named version of borax :)

Boric Acid Vs Borax
Posted by Rosie (USA) on 06/01/2009

I hope this message finds you very well. May I suggest you to change the heading underneath the BORAX remedy in your website: Boric Acid is not a synonym of Borax! It took me 2 days to find out my mistake: I have been drinking a solution of Boric Acid instead of Borax and I even made my husband to drink it... There is Sulfuric Acid added to Borax, then it is not a synonym for Borax.

We feel all right but please change your heading. I was a bit stupid and despaired and I didn't verify that information. The trouble is stupidity and despair is sadly common nowadays.

Kind Regards, Rosie

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
391 posts

A borax has a pH of 8.6 and is alkaline, but boric acid has a very acid pH! I hardly make any mention of boric acid except as a warning not to take it!


Replied by Rosie
(Daylesford, Victoria Au)

Hello Deirde:

About 4 years ago I sent you an email about the possible confusion between boric acid and borax. As I had some boric acid in my paint tool box and read about the borax cure in your so precious website, I was confident to give this boric acid to my husband. So he took it and probably had a healing crises that I didn't recognize as such at the time and I decided to research a bit more about boric acid. Too quickly I came across with the (not so accurate) wikipedia website and read that boric acid is toxic if ingested. That is why I wrote that email to you and I was probably in a state of fear and guilt of thinking that I could have poisoned my husband. Then you put the warning mentions on the borax page. A couple of days ago I went back to the borax page on earthclinc to prepare an article about borax as my husband and I continue to take it regularly and we want to spread the word about its fantastic ability of healing. There a saw some comments of people upset about the warnings of Boric Acid on the Borax page. Then I felt that those warnings were there only because of my experience which was only based on my lack of research and state of fear at the stupidity.

Like the authors of those comments, I would like to ask you to remove those warning signs as it creates confusion that is detrimental to the perfectly safe use of borax and boric acid for healing.

Thank you so much in advance if you can do it and thank you a thousand times for the wonderful site that you have created.

Kind regards, Rosie

Boron Drops - How to Make

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Posted by hands and wrists (Joshua Tree, CA) on 05/07/2022

1 ml = 20 drops, so 100 ml = 2000 drops.

For 1 drop to equal 6 mg of Boron, 2000 drops must have 12000 mg of Boron or 1.2g. But Borax is not pure Boron. 25 to 30 mg of Borax contains 3 mg of Boron.

To make the calculation simpler I will choose 30 mg. That means 1 mg of Boron is contained in 10 mg of Borax. We need 1.2 g of Boron, which is in 12 g of Borax. You need 12g of Borax per 100 ml of water. I'm not sure that much Borax will dissolve in that much water. If not, add another 100 ml of water. Then you will have to use 2 drops to get your 6 mg of Boron.

Replied by Roelof
(Amanzimtoti, KZN)

I love your idea of Boron drops in a dropper.

I've been running the numbers different though.

If 1 ml = 20 Drops
That means there are 2000 drops in a 100ml bottle
So at 1 drop per dose that = 2000 DOSES

30mg Borax (0.03g) = 3mg Boron (0.003g)

That would mean you need 60grams Borax dissolved in 100 ml water to provide 2000 doses of 3mg Boron.

So to get around the problem is simple

Aim for 10 drops for each 3mg Boron dose.
2000 drops ÷ 10 = 200 doses of 3mg Boron

200 × 0.03(Borax in gram) = 6 grams Borax
Needs to be dissolved in 100ml water
Now that is very doable.

So if you want 3mg Boron a day.. just drop 10 drops in a glass of water.

That's a 200 day ( 3mg/day) supply
100 day (6mg/day) supply

Yes a 5ml teaspoon takes 5ml/5gram water.
Keep in mind that
Water 1 cubic meter = 1000kg
Borax 1 cubic meter = 1730kg
(Thats 42.19 % more than water)
So if 5ml teaspoon takes 5grams water
A 5 ml teaspoon(not rounded) would take 7.10 grams of Borax

I won't stress the extra bit too I've seen info that we could basically take one or two teaspoons a day without side effects.

But once again AWESOME IDEA for the dropper..would make life sooo much easier.

Boron Vs Borax

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5 star (3) 

Posted by JOANN G (SC) on 11/14/2022

I have found Pure Therapro "Bio Boron" which is 30 mg per capsule. It is highly bioavailable..What do you think about this one and then taking 3-4 capsules a day?

Youtube has been very controlling and evil for turning off comments and replies in the videos. So had to resort to this to comment.

Replied by Art
2173 posts


That may be a little too much boron for a woman. You might try 1 or 2 capsules and see how you are doing after a month.


Replied by Tazx

So once again, I find myself asking...why not take Boron supplements? There are mountains of studies that Boron and Selenium have the exact same effects on arthritis as Borax.

It is understood that Borax does wonders, but in the state of the world we are in, are people not worried about contamination, quality, production and the fact that it is sold in the store in a box that is not airtight. All kinds of contamination could occur. We talk about our health and rightfully so, but then do not take the simplest precautions. I feel that the health forums/websites/and our version of industry that we operate in has become more of a cult like mindset. No on can disrupt the status quo. As someone who has done this for more than 30 years, we need to be more careful. We avoid the pharma industry and med docs cause they are either ill informed, corrupt or outright trying to make you ill, yet we dont go that extra mile to ensure we protect ourselves from the smaller possible intrusions. Some things to think about.

Boron Vs Borax
Posted by John (Michigan) on 11/27/2017

To Jerry who wrote: "Can I just take Boron Capsules?"

Things are dose dependent. All of the Boron supplements I find are rather low like less than or equal to about 10mg. 1/4 teaspoon per day though dissolved in water is between 115mg-158mg depending on the measuring spoon and how level or round your scoop is. That is a huge delta in dose. I have heard of 50mg-60mg tablets but have never actually seen them for sale.

In the late 1980's and early 1990's as a high school athlete the ones sold to athletes where 3mg-6mg - again far lower than what you get in a rather common dose of 1/4 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water sipped through the day!

I took 1/4 teaspoon per day the first 3 weeks then started to get diarrhea. I reduced it to 1/8 of a teaspoon a day for 2 weeks and all of the diarrhea went away completely. Some days I take 1/8 teaspoon some days I take a 1/4 and I am fine.

In theory anything is better than not taking borax so if someone was really sensitive or had IBS you could start at 1/16th of a teaspoon and slowly over weeks and months build up to 1/4 teaspoon. Evidence is showing that observational with individuals that you can get a lot of health benefits at varying does but the higher the dose the more consistent the results seem to be.

In post menopausal women a lot of individuals have found that reversing osteoporosis takes around 150mg of borax, vit and 400mg-600mg of magnesium per day to reverse it and that is a far higher dose than someone without osteoporosis needs. In those without severe fluorosis or osteoporosis that have healthy bone mass, 50mg per day seems to be the sweet spot but again you need magnesium and vitamin D3 in the diet. It is thought that enzymes and mineral metabolism is how boron works it's many benefits. Some people probably get enough minerals in their diet but for most Americans minerals and Vitamin D3 and iodine are almost always low. Iodine helps to keep your body from depositing fluoride in your bones.

Replied by Jonnybegood

Hi, just had a question not sure where I should ask questions sorry if wrong spot.

I take a multi vitamin that has 3mg of Boron in it.


1. Is there any extra benefit to borax over Boron? to me, the extra compounds of borax vs boron are only sodium, hydrogen, oxygen, would that make a difference?

2. if I took borax, would I maybe need to take less like 1 tsp of the 1 liter mix every second day or maybe just not take it all as im getting most of the benefits from the 3mg boron in my multi?

Any thoughts or help would be great.

I'm leaning towards leaving it at my 3mg boron multi as enough, but maybe some has tried both and could notice a difference.


p.s great site.

2173 posts


I have taken both and 3 mg of boron did nothing for my arthritis. Borax is approximately 11.3% boron. My borax dose is roughly 950 mg. So 950 x .113 = 107.35 mg of boron. I take this dose of borax each weekday and take the weekends off. This has kept my arthritis in remission for way over a decade. I tried halving the dose and it helped my arthritis, but did not keep it in remission.

I have taken boron supplements up to around 36 mg and that was not enough to work for me, but I have seen it work in others.


Replied by Teresa

Could you please share where you got the information about dosing for post menopausal women with osteoporosis.
Thank you