Bacterial Vaginosis
Health Benefits

Probiotic Supplements for Bacterial Vaginosis

Posted by Magicgirl (East Bay, Ca) on 04/17/2012

Ladies, there is an innovative, effective Vaginal Probiotic now on the market. It has excellent reviews, and the results are nothing short of miraculous! It's formulated for vaginal use, and is a super-concentrated blend of 11 probiotics specifically for use inside the vagina... No need to use oral probiotics "down there" ever again with this magical stuff! I rid myself of years of repeat BV and Yeast infections that prescriptions could not treat. I am so happy and confident again, and my sex life with my husband has returned... I could cry tears of joy! (btw, I buy mine on Amazon, but the company also has a very informative website where you can buy from too)

Posted by Demi (Ny) on 03/02/2012

I just wanted to share my experience suffering with BV. I NEVER had a problem with vaginal infections in my life.... Until I took Prilosec. I did not suffer from acid reflux but gastrisis. I was told this mecidation was safe. However a month after starting it I noticed for the first time in my life, brown discharge. So I just want to throw this out there for woman who might be suffering from BV. GET OFF the anti acid medications... It messes with the natural balance of not only your stomach, but other organs... including female parts.

I still to this day have an on-off problem with BV despite discontinuing the drug over a year ago. Probiotics (fem-dolphis and Kefir milk), folic acid and wearing cotton underwear help me, but I've never been 100% normal.

Posted by Lady Garden (Manchester, Uk) on 01/12/2012

Hello ladies, I may have to take back a few of the things I said previously. I admit that I may have been wrong about one or two things but...

I think I've found a something which will keep BV at bay and is not too messy and not expensive and seems to do a very good job indeed and there's no douching involved!! It's called lactobacillus Sporogenes and it's a supplement which comes in tablet form. I have been using it as a vaginal supository and a suplement for several days (one week after my period when things usualy get bad) and there has been no odor whatsoever. You can get a particular 'daily' one from a particular supplement brand with the initials 'H. N. ' (google it). I have been using one a night vaginally and also taking one/two a day. However it feels like I could use the one vaginally less regularly and things would still be fine. I intend to try that out and experiment after I've continued with my current dose for 14 days straight. I've read about lots of studies in which BV was cured after using two of these particular types of supplement two (morning and night) a day vaginally for 14 days. The tablets disolve completely with minimal sticky leakage. If you put one in at night it's completely dissolved/absorbed by the morning.

Even if it's necessary to use these tablets for the rest of my life at least I know I don't ever have to deal with the awful symptoms of this horrible condition.

Lactobacillus Sporogenes is a particularly hardy probiotic which, unlike many, can survive harsh stomach acid and colonise in the colon. I truly believe that probiotics are the things we need to focus on if we intend to conquer this problem and stop it from consuming our lives. More studies need to be done in this area as all the ones so far have shown very positive and promising results.

I really hope this helps others the way it seems to have helped me.

Posted by Cybergal (Miami, Florida) on 12/19/2011

Buy Empty Gelatin Capsules - Size O -- Open probiotic capsules and put powder of two? three? in gelatin capsule -- which WILL disolve in Vagina --

(probiotic capsules are sharp when broken)

I inserted a Boric Acid capsule (which I made myself, -- cheap - buy boric acid powder) Every Night for 20 years to cut back yeast infections.

Posted by Iris (Atlanta, Ga) on 11/21/2011

FEM DOPHILUS!!! Thank you Amy from Deltona, FL and this wonderful website!!! I have suffered for years with BV and have tried all the antibiotics given to me by my doctor only to have it return a few months later or right after sex. I stumbled on this website and tried most of the remedies. The peroxide worked on the symptoms but did not get rid of the problem and I was tired of douching all the time because I know it can't be healthy. Then I read a post from Amy from Deltona about Fem Dophilus. PLEASE TRY IT!! IT REALLY WORKS AND IS SIMPLE TO USE! I had sex (my main trigger for an outbreak). That same day I started taking 1 pill a day by mouth then 3 days later my period started (another trigger). So I took one in the morning and one at night before bed during my period. When I finished my period I did douche with peroxide one time just for a cleanse and continued to take 2 by mouth for the first 3 days after my period then cut down to 1 a day. I'm pleased to announce that it's been 2 weeks and NO SIGNS of the BV!!! Not everything works for everybody but this worked for me and may work for you. No mess no fuss and you can find it at whole foods or any health food store. I hope this helps and if it does please spread the good news and help another sufferer find happiness again!! Good luck and I hope you all find what works for you!!!

Posted by Th (Atlanta, Ga) on 11/20/2011

I've read that you can insert these pills vaginally. I was diagnosed about a month ago and after the anti-biotic didnt work I started researching. I inserted the pills but they didnt dissolve, so they didnt work. Anybody know how you're supposed to insert them? I opened the pills and added water and used it as a douche. Not quite sure if that was effective, but I just wanted to get something in my body quickly. I was taking like 6-8 pills a day!! I think the pills were 5 billion. I think my symptoms went away and have recently come back. My insurance has not kicked in at my new job and can't afford to spend another $120 to go back to the doctor. Any suggestions on how to use the pills vaginally? I just think they'll work quicker than orally.

Posted by Cc (Boston, Ma) on 01/25/2011

I want to thank this forum. After 7 years of embarrassing suffering from bv I tried the acidophilus remedy and it worked! :)I tried two different brands. The 1 St one ( 2 bil) didn't work but then I tried another brand DDS Probiotics from whole foods store and after 3 weeks it was gone. I take 2 per moring and 2 per night.

Posted by Stuck On Acupuncture (Ft Lauderdale, Fl) on 09/23/2010

The use of probiotics being places directly in the vagina is very effective. I insert it like I would an o.b. and almost experienced fast relief. I also take probiotics orally. As to how often I should use them directly I am curious. I have suffered from UTI for several years and the antibiotics have destroyed my system. I also find comfort in wiping with tea tree oil on cotton. I hope to get rid of this problem forever. One thing that has helped is acupuncture! I get fast relief and a better understanding of how my infection all began. I recommend acupuncture to anyone before or while on antibiotics. It's very effective!

Posted by Noname (Esky, Mi) on 08/23/2010

I just ordered this product online and the only one I could find that will send refrigerated items in an ice pack is iHerb... I paid 12.00 for overnight shipping so hopefully the probiotic arrives chilled. The closest market that sold this product was 2hrs from me... So I guess I saved on gas and time. Ive been taking acidophillus, folic acid, multi vitamin and complex b, but my bv came back with a veganence... I did the h2o2 douche which did help for a few days and it did make me feel better down there, but did not cure my bv. I am really hopeing this works. I will update to let you know how it works for me. I just started Clyndamyacin, this is the third time taking anti biotics and hopefully my last! Im going to take the probiotics as soon as they get here today... Im just unsure of how many I should take? maybe 2/day and one inserted vaginally 1/day?

Posted by Mary (Bakersfield, Ca.) on 02/25/2010

I am so glad that you have found your cure. I wanted to know what probiotics you used. But I don't know if this site will let you name names. If you can please let me know. Thanks

Posted by Kitty (Fremont, Ca) on 11/04/2009

LADIES PROBIOTICS WORKS!!! MAKE SURE ITS THE KIND THAT HAS TO BE REFRIGERATED. i HAVENT HAD A YEAST OR BV FOR 6 MONTHS AND I used to get either or every month before or after my mentrual cycle!
No more stress and sleepless nights over vaginal issues!

Posted by This Worked For Me (Washington, Dc) on 10/16/2009

I suffered from Vulvodynia, BV and Yeast infections for about 4 or 5 years. Flagyl/Metrogel/Metronidazole to treat the BV would subsequently kill the good bacteria in the vagina (and intestines) and cause yeast infections. Then the antifungals for the yeast infections would further irritate the mucus membranes. This vicious cycle, along with diet, brought about the vulvodynia. Here's what worked for me:

1) For the BV --- I was given two weeks of flagyl. I told myself that that would be the last time I'd use flagyl. During and after that treatment I went to wholefoods and bought probiotics with atleast one billion live and active cultures per serving. I used ___ and ___ everyday (___ is often used for those with chronic yeast infections like HIV patients. Very powerful. After two weeks it was clear. It's been about 4 years and I have not had BV or a yeast infection since then. PROBIOTICS ARE AN ABSOLUTE MUST FOR A HEALTHY VAGINA AND INTESTINES.THERE IS NO WAY AROUND IT. CONSUMER REPORTS HAS A LIST OF REPUTABLE PROBIOTICS BECAUSE MANY ARE GIMMICKS OR INFEFFECTIVE.

2) For the Yeast--- I eliminated cheese, yeast, breads, cured meats and did a a mostly pescatarian diet, seafood with fruits and veggies, brown rice. I also cut out alcohol for at least a month. I have not had a yeast infection in 3 or 4years. Now I pretty much eat what I want, but I am mindful. Moderation is key.

As for HPV --- the jury is still out. I had a pap in June 07 and June 08 and both times I tested positive for HPV (hpv sensitive test) but my paps have been normal. My next pap and hpv test is next week. For the past year I've taken 800 to 1200 milligrams of folic acid everyday, a prenatal, vitamin A (spinach, mixed leafy greens, carrot juice). I'm anxious to see if it has helped. I will report back regarding the hpv. As for the bv and yeast --- it hasn't returned in 4 years:-) Probitics that include reuteri, acidophilus, bifodus etc are key.

Posted by Lori (Yuba City, Ca) on 09/18/2009

Bacterial Vaginosis: I have been visiting this site for a few months now, and I'm relieved to see that I'm not alone! I'm hoping to answer some questions as to how much acidophilus to take ,how it's taken, etc. In MY experience, I like to take 1 acidophilus every day, as many CFU's as you can get. Mine has 35 billion and 14 different strains of bacteria and it seems to be enough IF it's taken regularly. Some ladies have asked why BV comes back if they skip 2-3 days in a row, and I personally think it's because your bacterial balance is always changing-from having sex, what you're eating, douching (which is bad, no matter what). So I think you need to maintain the balance every day. I'm more than willing to take a few extra pills a day if it means not getting BV! Why not?! As far as inserting the acidophilus directly into the vaj, I take one capsule and cut it open and mix the powder with alittle KY jelly, put it in an applicator that's used for inserting yeast infection meds, and insert it that way. It's tedious, but it absolutely works! I've thought about just inserting the whole capsule inside, but I'm not convinced that it will dissolve in there! Does anyone have input on that-any tips? Sometimes it only took one dose, sometimes it took a few capsules more. I also take about 800mcg of folic acid every day too, just for added benefits. So I hope this info helps others,and thank you to all who have posted their experiences for me to learn from!

Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/12/2009

So, where in the world did you get the idea that semen is "highly acidic"??? And what makes you believe that all the acid foods are bad foods??? I agree that all "bad" foods are acidifying, but it does not follow that all acidifying foods are bad! Are organic, free-range eggs bad? Is organic, grass-feed meat bad? Is wild-caught salmon bad? And who recommended that she eat a "high-acid" diet??? Certainly not me!! I said that it might benefit her to add SOME protein (acid) foods to her diet, NOT that she start consuming a "high-acid" diet!! So, I do not know where you got the idea that semen is "highly acid", but you are 100 percent wrong, and display a serious misunderstanding of human physiology to boot. If semen irritates the vaginal canal, it does so because it is alkaline, NOT...I repeat...NOT because it is "highly acid".

Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/12/2009

It is your misunderstanding of the science involved that bothers me. In point of fact, normal semen is alkaline, NOT acidic, with a pH of between 7.2 and 8.0, while a normal vagina is acidic, NOT alkaline, with a pH of between 3.8 and 4.5. These facts are available by typing "seminal ph" and "vaginal ph" into a search engine.

Posted by Anne (New York, New York) on 09/12/2009

Kathy, I didn't want you to take offense to my post. The woman with the highly alkaline body could have something entirely different. Yes I agree with you that too much of anything is NOT good. However, I didn't want other female readers to think that they needed more acid in the body/vagina when it is quite opposite of what they need. Just for an example, sperm is highly acidic and can irritate things down there. I have read many studies and all I am simply saying is that most woman with BV do not want to be on a high acid diet. Most foods high in acid are the "bad foods" which are not good for BV. A good, balanced diet is best in my opinion. Everything in moderation! However, I personally believe that lowering the acid in your body will help with this condition, at least it has for me. Like I said, overall I feel my body was lacking Folic Acid (the birth control pill can deplete FA from your diet). Since I started taking the Folic Acid/Vitamin B series every day at the same time I have not had BV.

Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/12/2009

p.s. In other words, her diet is ALREADY HIGHLY ALKALINE...PERHAPS TOO MUCH SO, which might be causing her vagina to be alkaline, resulting in an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, some of which are always present in the vagina, but over-grow and cause a problem when the vagina becomes alkaline. If you had read her post carefully, you would have seen that she describes a diet that is already highly alkaline. If she tries to make her diet even more alkaline than it already is, it just might make things worse, not better.

Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/11/2009

That was me, and you completely mis-read and misunderstood my post. BV causes, or can be caused by, an alkaline condition in the vagina. When I had BV was trying to re-establish the correct vaginal pH so that the correct vaginal flora could re-establish itself and crowd out the pathogenic bacteria, so that I wouldn't have to resort to stronger measures. When that didn't work, I used colloidal silver douches to kill the pathogenic bacteria and then repopulated myself with lactobacilli by douching with yogurt.

The person I had replied to mentioned in her post that she eats mainly veggies, with very little protein from any source. That leads me to wonder if her diet isn't TOO ALKALINE for health, and that her unbalanced diet is showing itself in a too alkaline vagina, which is causing an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria (some of which are always present in the vagina). Health is a balance of alkaline and acid, and too alkaline isn't any healthier than too acid. Any condition that causes the vagina to become too alkaline can result in a candida (yeast) infection and/or a BV infection (sometimes both are present together). She also said that when she takes probiotics faithfully, the problem is not manifest, but that as soon as she stops for even two days, the smell, etc returns. This also leads me to wonder if the problem isn't a too alkaline diet. Probiotics acidify the vagina, which leads to the growth of a proper vaginal flora of lactobacilli. My reasoning is that perhaps if she added acid foods (mainly protein) to her diet, her vagina would become acid again like it is supposed to be. She has nothing to lose by trying what I suggest, and much to gain if I am correct. It could be that I am entirely wrong, but sometimes the answer to a problem is counter-intuitive.

Posted by Anne (New York, New York) on 09/11/2009

I just saw a post on here where someone stated to "acidify" the vagina to get rid of BV. NO NO NO! Ladies you want to have a balanced diet ofcourse, but you want a diet higher in ALKALINE forming foods -NOT- foods that are high in acid. You want to eat more green veggies and less sugars/dairy products. Lemon water is a good drink, as lemons are high alkaline-forming, etc. After years of doctors visits, numerous medications and tons of research I have completely stopped having BV. What got rid of this condition for me was eating foods higher in alkaline but the main thing is 800 Folic Acid daily along with the B-series Vitamins. Just try it ;)

Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/10/2009

I've only had BV once, but I tried the "acidify the vagina" route on the supposition that it was simply a matter of too-alkaline condition, but to no availe. My case of BV didn't go away until I killed the the bacteria (whatever kind they were) with colloidal silver douches.

That said, is it possible that your diet is too alkaline, or too alkalizing? You seem to eat mostly veggies with very few protein sources of any kind. This is just a hunch, but maybe you need to put some meat and eggs and raw dairy back into your diet, just as an experiment to see what happens. Maybe you are one of the few people who need more acid-forming foods in their diet to get back into balance instead of the other way around.

I agree with you though that sticking boric acid up your "cooter" (that is going to be my newest favorite word for awhile) is very extreme. Have you tried putting pro-biotics "up there" instead of just taking them by mouth? When I get a yeast infection, which is rare for me, I shoot some active-culture yogurt up there with a turkey baster. In other words, maybe some probiotics right at the source of infection would help.

Posted by Lady Macbeth (Toronto, On, Canada) on 09/10/2009


Hi all,

So I haven't been diagnosed with BV, but have been to 3 doctors in the 6 months that I've been having problems. The problem began with a thin, milky, profuse discharge for the first month and a bad smell that never got overwhelming, but was always present. All 3 BV tests I had came back negative, but I'm certain that's what I've got since I've ruled out all other problems (got STI tests done at the same time and am in a monogamous relationship with my partner).

So the smell has ebbed and flowed. The discharge went away after the first month. I've been taking" _____ Multi-Probiotic", which was the most complete probiotic I could find. The smell goes away when I take this capsule consistently, but if I miss a day or two, the smell is right back, like it never went away.

I'm confused about this boric acid vs apple cider vinegar debate. As I understand, vaginas are naturally on the acidic side of the pH scale. A fluctuation in vaginal pH usually means things are getting alkaline, and that's what's causing problems. So why douche with boric acid and make things even more alkaline? I thought that sperm was sometimes problematic for vaginas because it's alkaline and vaginas are acidic? (I don't sleep with men, so I don't know about that personally.) I don't understand how boric acid can help, but all of these doctors are prescribing it to the people in this forum! I also don't want to start messing around with drinking vinegar because I've had candida problems as well as acid reflux in the past and vinegar/acidic foods don't do well in my body.

Does anyone have any good, scientific links to supply more information on either boric acid or ACV beyond just "it worked for me"? I'd like to know WHY it's supposed to work.

Also, folic acid. Why is it supposed to work? Beyond just the supposition that it's a "woman's vitamin" because it's a (very good) prenatal supplement for neural tube defects in fetuses. Please be careful about taking too much folic acid- I've seen some posters here detailing the amounts of folic acid they are taking- and it's a lot! Too much folic acid can mask symptoms of other B vitamin problems so be careful.

So. Other than my questions, I can say that I:

- Eat an extremely healthy diet, rich in leafy greens, colourful veggies, whole grains, very little dairy, no processed foods whatsoever, and no meat, other than fish maybe once every two months.

- I don't smoke, though I drink socially

- I take a multivitamin and a B 100 complex daily, as well a very strong probiotic, and a bowl of natural, organic yoghurt with breakfast (the B complex and multi are more than enough too cover my folic acid levels and I remain skeptical that folic acid does work until someone tells me why! :)

- I don't eat sugar, and have switched my caffeine source down from coffee, to black tea, to green tea. I've been drinking green tea now for a while, with no honey or sugar in it.

- I'm in a monogamous relationship with a person who I trust. And we're not even having regular sex due to this problem, so it's not getting re-aggravated by sexual activity.

- I use unscented bath products, don't overwash (once daily with natural, unscented soap), never use scented menstrual products (organic cotton tampons are all I use).

I'm living like a bloody saint! But the second I miss a dose of the probiotics, the stank is back!! If the probiotics work while I'm taking them, why don't they change the problem permanently? Is it only masking the problem? Is the problem wreaking havoc under that mask?

So why should I do the boric acid or the apple cider vinegar? If you've taken them, where did you get the directions/information to do so? I'm not sticking boric acid up my cooter without hard evidence that I'm not going to burn a hole into bowel-ville by doing so.

Likewise, the ACV. Drinking vinegar is not good for my body (candida) either.

The probiotics work, but only while I'm taking them! What to do people! What to do!

Good luck to you all!

Posted by RCL (Avon Lake, Ohio) on 06/27/2009

The use of probiotcs for various ailments is not a "one size fits all" deal. The lactobacillus strains that help with gastrointestinal problems are not the same ones that help with vaginal problems such as bacterial vaginosis (BV). Several published studies have shown that 2 specific strains of lactobacillus are effective in treating BV: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14. Cut and paste the above phrase into a search engine and you will find several articles, and summaries of published studies from reliable, unbiased sources. There is also a product available (that I cannot mention) that contains these 2 specific strains of lactobacillus. I have recommended this remedey to several women that I know, who have had wonderful results.

Posted by Jamie (New York, New York) on 12/27/2008

Hello all, I just wanted to comment about the use of probiotics for BV. I am in my mid twenties and have been suffering with BV since a teenager! I developed BV before even having sex. I have researched it for many years. So far what I have found that has helped (and I've tried many things) using all sensitive skin products (free of perfumes and dyes). Not using soap (down there). Ironing underwear (been told the steam helps to kill any left over bacteria). I also try to use white cotton underwear (which isn't always sexy lol). I eat yogurt regularly, I try to cut back on my sugar intake and I don't drink anything with caffeine. After sex with my boyfriend I always make sure to get up and use the bathroom and also clean up down there with just a warm washcloth. I have taken Acidophilus tablets, Folic Acid, Vitamin B Series and none seemed to provide relief. This ofcourse, is after many years of taking all the doctor-prescribed antibiotics which NEVER worked for long. So, now I have gone to the health food store and bought Primodophilus Intensive by Natures Way. My health food store only had it in a powder form. It's was $25 for 10 packets. I mixed it with water (the taste isn't bad) and I downed it. It's only been a couple hours but I so far feel fresh and I believe this is going to help and maybe even cure me! I will report back in a day or two with feedback! I'm also praying these changes will rid me (and all of us women) of this nasty condition.

Posted by KG (KC, MO) on 12/25/2008

Ive have done alot of research on BV and have tried everything that Ive read, others have told me that works and I was so angry that I had this problem, upset that a doctor knew nothing on how to fix it and not to mention embarassed to be around others much less have relations with my boyfriend. I wondered into Wild Oats and found probiotics with 2 strains (Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Lactobacillus reuteri). It cost about $24.00 (dont buy off the internet because it has to be kept refrigerated at all time). I took it and nothing much the first day...but on the second day I was feeling SO SO much beter and by the third discharge, itching, foul smell. Im amazed...and i threw away all the BS in my cabinet. I stopped taking it after two weeks and was fine for about a week and then was back. I started up on it yesterday and today its like nothing happened. I take ONE pill ONCE a day, no douching, no 6-7 pills a day of folic acid and acidophilus. The pills that you buy over the counter dont has to be refrigerated to keep the bacteria alive! I hope that this helps people!!

Posted by Angie (Athens, Ohio) on 12/07/2008

Regular Acidophilus didn't work for me. If any of you ladies out there are like me, use the super probiotics. Buy the probiotics with as many different bacteria as possible. They are more expensive, but well worth it. Health food stores are the place to look for them. Good luck.

Posted by KK (LV, NV) on 10/10/2008

Hello ladies! I too suffer from this terrible thing that we call BV and have for over 10 years on and off. I have tried everything from antibiotics, to yogurt covered tampons and my symptoms have gone away for a short while and then bam theyre back again. It seems like a never ending battle and the smell not even I can handle! In doing online research as I know you all have, I came across a website that mentioned Lactobacillus which is the sister of acidophilus as it was put. Anyways I searched high and low for these pills until I finally found them. The reason it to so long to find is it is actually a live culture pill that needs to be refridgerated so you need to ask your pharmacist for them. they are over the counter so you dont need a prescription and cost around $11. Make sure to keep them refrigerated because they are live cultures. You have to insert the daily dosage of 4-5 pills into your vagina just as you would almost with yeast infection medicine and let them sit over night. I personally noticed a difference the next morning, smell was gone no itching ect...but you are to continue it for 7 days. For me this was a god send but as we know all our bodies react differently. Now this has cured it for a while and then of course the BV rears its ugly head again so I personally keep a bottle of these pills in my fridge at all times and when i notice it I just go ahead and do a few nights of the pill treatment. I hope this helps some of you ladies out there because I know how horrible this is!!!

Posted by Elise (Hephzibah, GA) on 05/20/2008

Bacterial Vaginosis: I have reading all of the suggestions on what other people have tried and OMG..this is why i refuse to pay a doctor a thing. because really they have no clue all they can do is guess and really dont care!

So anyways again I went out and bought Natures Bounty Extra strength acidophillus pills which has 1 billion per pill.... didnt have much of a selection. Ive been take 2 every day for the past 3 days. and my smell is far more less then it was before taking.

I have started having smelling and discharge issues since i got off BC back in 2003, then got preggo and it got worse, doctor could have cared less cuz i was medicaid patient. so i was never prescribed or tested for anything other then the normal pap's, all were ok except i was positive for beta strep whatever. so anyways gave birth , still had it , off medicaid, no doctor, so i just dealt with it, got preggo again and still had it and no doctor did anything. they said it was normal. ok so then i finally snagged one of my lil sisters scripts for metronidale or whatever... my issues cleared up the next day and i was clear of anything for about 4 months then i got it again . and its just like before no nothing , just smelly and white stuff coating my insides. so here i am , completely fed up , and ready for this crap to go away and really i dont care what i gotta do.

funny thing i have had 20+ sex partners in my life and no one problem from 14-18, then i met my current man for the past almost 8 years and now i got someone forever that we got struggle with this crap !


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