Sinus Infections
Natural Remedies

Find Relief from Sinus Infections Naturally

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (CO) on 12/27/2022

My son had dandruff until he took some ACV with him in the shower. He scrubbed his whole scalp with it, rinsed then shampooed. He had to do this again a couple of days later. It really helped!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Blaine (Stone Mountain, Ga) on 06/06/2022

Just took 2 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and some water, Man I feel so much better within 15 minutes. I'm gonna try drinking this 1 a day to ward off sinus problems. Thank you so much!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Terry Way (Winder, GA) on 02/01/2022

ACV Oh heavens yes, I used to work in the home construction trade here in GA and after a hot hard day's work, I often arrived home with leg cramps and a headache.

Then I was reminded that my grandmother would serve my grandfather and me, a drink she called "Switchel" 3 Tbs Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey to taste, for 1. it is a great thirst quencher and 2. for it helps replace electrolytes lost to excessive sweating. I started preparing a gal of this each day and the cramps and headaches stoped.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Margs (Sussex) on 04/03/2019

I've used apple cider vinegar many times over the years to cure a sinus infection. I am glad to see so many other people have used it too and had success. I put a few drops of organic acv in my neti pot filled with warm, distilled water. I also drink a teaspoon in water a day and two times during allergy season. It is a potent, lifesaving remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Raphael C. (Sealy TX) on 02/03/2019

Use 6 drops ACV to 8 oz water in a Neti pot for sinus infections. Works well.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Drdavid (Arlington, Tx) on 11/21/2018

Follow the instructions!

It is very important that you dilute the ACV! Start off weaker and then slowly progress to stronger concentrations, if desired..

Most people that are commenting with adverse effects of using the ACV are clearly indicating that they are using too strong of a concentration.

Remember that 3 teaspoons equals one tablespoon which equals 15 mL or grams.. 2 tablespoons is 1 oz or approximately 30 ml.. When using a dropper, approximately 100 drops equals 1 teaspoon, or 5 ml.. this means a half a teaspoon is 50 drops.

So to form the nose rinse, the instructions call for 50 drops, or half a teaspoon into 8 oz of water (240 ml).. some people who use the neti pot have stated that this is too strong for them and have only used 4 to 6 drops with success.. so if you will use the neti pot, START with this and SLOWLY add more if you decide that stronger is needed..

The same with drinking.. 1 or 2 tablespoons in 8 oz of water, or more.. that's only 1/2oz to 1oz of ACV in 8oz of water.. I find that adding stevia makes it quite palatable, even tasty.. and if you want to have it bubbly you use plain carbonated water.. check the label to make sure it has nothing but carbonation and water (I use the Kroger generic cans that come in a 12 pack). You can add the ACV to the carbonated water with the stevia, and even add a squirt of lemon/lime juice. Whatever to taste preference..

I hope this helps people to safely formulate their exact concentrations.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Reikiabundance (Butler, Nj) on 04/10/2018

Love this site as well as all the suggestions listed in this thread. For those of you who have issues with the taste of ACV, add a tsp. of honey and mix both with a cup of your favorite tea. The taste of the ACV is almost indiscernible.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sbcmj (Sc) on 02/09/2018

I came down with the worst sinus infection I've ever had. Pretty sure it was some virus + sinus combination because not only did I have massive sinus pressure / blockage, but I also had minor aches and chills. I have always avoided ACV because it smells like nasty feet.

So long story short I finally caved. I hit up google for recipes for an ACV sinus rinse and found this website. I used the listed tonic as well as the sinus rinse, and by-golly within 24 hours I was 80% better, and within 48 hours I was 100% better. That's the fastest I have ever gotten over a sinus infection. To top it off this was the worst one to date ... ACV really showed its ability to defeat the nasty.

I'm officially a believer now and make drinking the stinky tonic part of my morning routine. As the saying goes "if it tastes bad, then it must be good for you", in this instance its the smell more than the taste but its all the same.

Side note I only did the sinus rinse ONCE! I mixed as stated in the article and added two packets of neilmed saline packets.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anne (Pennsylvania) on 12/27/2017

Organic ACV, is the best. Feeling bad with my sinus infection, I just drank 1 teaspoon of organic ACV, 1 teaspoon organic wild crafted honey, 1 teaspoon Sri Lanka cinnamon in 8 oz`s warmed distilled H2o. amazing results! This should be an everyday tonic must! ;-)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandra (Honolulu ) on 11/24/2017

I can breathe! Thank you to this site I found the way to attack my sinus infection.

Drinking ACV tonic three times a day (2 teaspoonful Apple Cider Vinegar w 8oz water)

Steaming daily (1/2 cup ACV w 1/2 cup water) for ten minutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ep0101 (Wisconsin) on 08/03/2017

Apple Cider Vinegar for Sinus Infection... Wonderful!

I tried the rinse for the first time and although I didn't expect it to sting a little, it did clear my sinuses. I also try and drink the ACV tonic daily as I have asthma and allergies! I also know that ACV with the Mother, alkalizes in the body which is a good thing considering most of what we eat is acidic, so ACV has some amazing things that it does and its too bad Dr's don't try natural things first instead of throwing meds that usually creates other problems, but then again, if they tried natural stuff first, they wouldn't make as much money I suppose.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Steve G (Nashville, Tn) on 05/23/2017

I remember my saintly grandmother using Apple Cider Vinegar for several different healing remedies... this year I fought 'the crud', worse than ever - taken everything I could take - even antibiotic, but to no avail... tried apple cider vinegar and I can honestly say, it worked and I feel so much better - I drink it in water and flush nostrils as well... thanks a million for the article and help...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jason (San Jose, Ca) on 01/12/2017

Steaming ACV worked for me! I came down with a bad cold two weeks ago and it turned into a sinus infection - sinus was bloated, mucus was thick and brownish, and pressure around the nose. Netipot and rest didn't make it better and I was getting desperate. Tried steaming vinegar (didn't have ACV) two nights ago and the next day felt a lot better. Did it again yesterday and now I'm almost completely well.

Thanks a lot to those who posted this remedy!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Earwax Sg (Singapore) on 01/10/2017

Yes it worked for me too. Exact same symptoms going to the end of antibiotics treatment but it didnt cure it so I tried this and it worked just few hours later!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marilyn (Missouri) on 12/23/2016

I had sinus surgery 3 years ago, and had not had a sinus infection since. On Thanksgiving woke up with a horrible sinus infection. I'd had symptoms for a couple weeks, like achiness, fatigue, Went to dr next day took 10 days of amoxicillin, did not help at all. Saw your article on ACV, could stand the taste, so tried steaming 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup ACV. Wow! End of lst day, I felt much better, but was coughing up and blowing my nose a lot.The next morning I felt like a new woman. I passed this on to my brother, his results were great also.
