Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Posted by Gina (Nebraska) on 03/29/2017

For BV, wrap a whole peeled clove of garlic in gauze, insert at bedtime, and remove in the morning. Depending on how bad my case is one night will usually do the trick. If it's bad I will put a slit in the garlic and repeat for several days til better.

Posted by TG (WI) on 05/19/2021

Do you mix the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar together and spray it right on the area and dry it afterwards? Is this something you do every single day several times a day? Has the itchiness completely gone away? Can you use white vinegar instead? Thanks for the information on this!! I am done using antibiotics, I was on 3 different ones and nothing worked. I started changing my diet, no sugar, and taking baths with 3% peroxide, and baking soda, this has really helped!! I'm also looking into doing this remedy with the ACV and lemon juice.. thanks again!! God Bless!!

Posted by Drece (Tennessee) on 01/06/2018

I'm glad you've had such a great experience with the baking soda. I will try it this way, I tried using baking soda twice before and I didn't use any measurements. I'm sure it was way too much baking soda and not enough of water. But the first day I didn't see any difference. I did it a second day in a row; wowww! It worked as a laxative for me!! When I found that baking soda could remove toxins from the body I really went over board but I will definitely give it another shot with your measurements. Thank you!

Aloe in Unsweetened Cranberry Juice
Posted by JHelema (Georgia ) on 04/29/2021

I was told this exact thing by a holistic practitioner a few years ago and I know it works 100% for BV!!

Personal Care Products
Posted by Sophia (Kentucky, US) on 06/03/2014

I am a 32-year-old woman dealing with bv for about a year, even since I needed a 3-week course of antibiotics. I finally realized I had a problem that wasn't going to go away on its own. I didn't want to ruin my entire body's flora in the process of healing this, so I decided to go the natural route. First, I used hydrogen peroxide douches, which worked only temporarily--at first. I think I left them in too long and irritated my vagina! Then I started to take folic acid (800 mg) and a vaginal probiotic with about 10 strains of bacteria in it each day. Still no change. I tried a garlic bulb, and that made it worse. It had been 2 weeks since my initial efforts.

Finally... I did one final douche with the peroxide, this time diluted to 1.5% strength, and let it go back out right away. I also bought 8 pairs of brand new underwear, and have been wearing those exclusively. Continuing folic and probiotics, I never douched again, but everything smells great, no weird discharge, and no burning or irritation! SO HAPPY!

I share this with emphasis on the new underwear since I haven't really seen that up on the site yet. Here's why I think it's important: I accidentally poured a little peroxide on my panties once. They were fresh out of the laundry, yet the spot where my discharge goes--and ONLY that spot--bubbled up furiously. In other words, my washing machine can't get rid of all the bacteria residue! I wash on cold with natural soap, as many of you undoubtedly do as well. The disappearance of bv happened right after I started wearing the new underwear. I'm not saying you need to buy new underwear--just washing it REALLY HARD might be enough--but consider testing you undies by pouring some peroxide on the crotch to see what you think. I look forward to responses to see in anyone else agrees.

Posted by Anonymous (Bklyn, Ny) on 06/22/2016


To those using garlic be careful. I inserted a whole clove in my vagina and it got stuck between my cervix and vagina wall. I have a low cervix. It worked wonders but I really had a hard time getting it out. I was going crazy thinking how I would explain to the er that a garlic clove was stuck in my vagina lol

Sea Salt Baths
Posted by Ska89 (Kingston, Jamaica) on 02/10/2014

I too have suffered from this for 2 years, At one point had just given up because I couldnt afford to go to the doctors so regularly. However the last time I went to the doctor I got a 2 week break from the bv but then only to get a yeast infection note that my partner was also treated as well. After getting the yeast infection my period came and so did the bv, I was determined to find a home remedy, I tried inserting the acidophilus pills vaginally and I also took them orally, it did reduce the odor a bit but it was still there. I came across a video online of a young lady that cured herself and its been three years since she had any signs of the bv. She made a mixture of seven cups of warm water to one cup of pure sea salt and sat in it for ten minutes, change the water and sit another ten minutes, both morning and night for five days. I followed these directions exactly and on the third day the odor and discharge were completely gone!!!!!!! I continued for the remainder of days its been 2 weeks and so far so good, I'm expecting my period soon and that will the real test to see if it is completely cured but even if it isn't and I have to sit in salt water a couple days after every period I think its a small price to pay.

Posted by Cherybark (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/18/2013

Quick update.... My infection was worse than expected... I was told to leave the Garlic in for a total of 7 - 8 hours then the yogurt for 7 days.. Last night was my second night of yogurt and I woke up with no smell. FINALLY. I'm continuing the supplements and the vitamin d. I will continue to update.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Shannon (Sanantonio, Tx) on 08/27/2012

Ok girls! I think I finally found the solution for bacterial vaginosis. It came to me after desperately searching for a solution to solve the horrible vaginal smell I got after my csection. Whatever caused it is unknown. All I know is that it wasn't normal. I tried hydrogen peroxide but I only got temporary relief, then the smell would come back. So what I did is I added 15 drops of oregano oil to 1 tablespoon coconut oil. I then mixed the whole thing and applied it internally and externally using a tampon. I applied generously and left the tampon in overnight. It stung for about 30 minutes then went away. The next day voila, problem solved. I had no more smell! If anyone tries this, I recommend doing the treatment for 3 nights just to be sure. You should see an improvement in the first night. This remedy also works with vaginal yeast infections. Don't ever take liver toxic diflucan again!!! I'm interested to know if anyone else has success with this. I'm sure it has multiple uses. Please give me your feedback! Parkerchic1[at] yahoo[dot] com

Oregano Oil
Posted by Ikatcure (Hamden, Ct, Uas) on 05/08/2011

I was diagnosed with bv 3 years ago and since then I have taken multiple oral and topical antibiotics, all while abstaining from sex, eliminating sugar and refined carbs and taking probiotics and folic acid but my symptoms always returned.

I tried all of the regimines listed on EC for bacterial vaginosis but they all only worked temporarily.

Finally I decided to try oregano oil. I bought it at the health food store. It's also available online. There is an essential oil which should not be used. I used the kind that is blended with olive oil and fit for consumption. I took it orally (3 drops 4 times daily for 14 days) and applied it vaginally (1 drop 2 times a day for 7 days then 1 drop once a day for 7 days). I know that generally it is unadviseable to use this oil vaginally but it was the only thing that worked for me and it was uncomfortable for about 5 minutes a day but completely worth it. It's been 3 weeks now and none of my symptoms have returned. I apply 1 drop internally after sex and take 2 drops daily by mouth. I don't know if it's necessary to continue this treatment but I think I will for the time being just to make sure it's gone for good.

I also inserted a tampon with plain organic yogurt 4 hours after my second oregano oil application and left it for 2 hours daily. (I tried this with the other treatments too so I know this in and of its self wasn't the cure)

This condition has been terrible to try and deal with. Between visits to the DR, prescriptions and various treatments I spent over a thousand dollars trying to treat this without any success. I hope that sharing this remedy will help someone else out there who is still looking for help.

Note! Do not use this cure if you are using condoms as your main mode of contreception - the oil may break down the latex.

Best wishes for good health to all the ladies out there who are suffering with this condition.

Posted by Junie (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/29/2012

I use a turkey baster and insert about half way full of plain yogurt before going to bed at night. I do not soak it in a tampon I put the yogurt directly inside, put on ugly underwear and a sanitary napkin and go to bed for 8 hours. Then I take 1 probiotic pill a day, sometimes two and by the end of the week, it is cleared.

Posted by Anonymous (Sandusky, Ohio) on 09/21/2010

After countless remedies that all do seem to help, I think I finally stumbled onto something that cured my BV for good. Lemon juice. One whole medium sized lemon squeezed in a large bottle of water drank all day everyday for 7 days, will cure BV. Whenever I feel it comin on, I do it, until symptoms are gone. Ive done coconut oil, oregano oil, every kind of vitamin, yogurt, capsules in the vag, boric acid, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar and peroxide douches, ALL OF IT. Vitamin C, is the most important thing. And alot of it.

Posted by Katiec (Brevard, Nc) on 04/28/2010

I had given up on trying to treat my BV. I tried several of the remedies on this board, including acidophilus, but nothing worked more than a day or so. I started taking some supplements for a variety of other ailments, then I realized the BV disappeared. It has been gone for weeks! Here is what I have been taking: Fish Oil caps 2x/day, Super B complex 1x/day, and Vit. D3 1x/day. I don't know which one of those things worked, but something definitely did!

Prescription Medications
Posted by Chrissy (LA) on 11/12/2006

i have BV and i have been suffering with this for almost five years and i have tried everything their is to tried garlic, vinegar, and yogurt. i went to the doctor and he gave me flagyl 500mg for seven days and on the six day it finally started to work so i went back and got it for seven more days and now i feel great. But while taking these tablets, do not take a bath take a shower and use dove soap. i got three more days on the meds but the smell is gone and i am happy to share this to the world.

Posted by Norma (NYC) on 01/14/2024

You need a complex, full body approach. Explore high dose vitamin C IVs.

But first, what your inflammation markers are? Is your body fighting the bacteria? No local application of anything would help unless you know what is it exactly that you have. A bacteria culture is a test to confirm whether you have a bacterial infection. The test can also identify what type of bacteria caused the infection. Request the culture test.

Believe or not you might want to review what you are eating and exclude sugar and gluten (for starters) . But if I were you I would complete the NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques) course, following it to the T. You might get surprised if BV disappears after the treatment.

Sulfur Soap
Posted by Maryanne (New York) on 08/10/2022

Sulfur soap is the best remedy to get rid of bad odor in your private parts. I have been using it for over a year now and have not had a problem since. The odor went away immediately. Sulfur soap is a bit more expensive than regular soap but it works wonders. You wouldn't have to spent hundreds of dollars on pills or other remedies that probably won't work. I saw an online interview with Dr. Sebi who spoke about this, I tried it and it works.

Folate vs Folic Acid
Posted by wse34685 (Seattle, WA) on 01/13/2022

I think it's important to clarify the difference between folate and folic acid. As in my case, I have the MTHFR gene, which makes it more difficult for the body to clear BV, trich, and certain STDs. People with the MTHFR gene need to be really careful to NOT take folic acid, only folate. Alot of times doctors won't test for MTHFR when you have a persistent case of BV. Folic acid is the synthesized version of folate, and people who have the MTHFR gene have a difficult time properly using folic acid.

Check Your Toilet Paper
Posted by Alex (Latin America) on 10/18/2020

Years ago, after eating kefir a couple of times, I got a severe case of vaginitis. It began with clear discharge and progressed to the point of making my underwear wet, and the smell was foul. I had to use a solution of 1:5 hydrogen peroxide and water. I only sprayed it on the labia while I showered, then rinsed after a minute. It was truly miraculous how quickly and effectively it worked. But, even after I realized kefir caused it and stopped eating it, I kept getting flare ups for years, so I had to use the hydrogen peroxide solution at least twice a month. Now, during the pandemic, I couldn't find the toilet paper I've been using for a while. This paper wasn't scented and didn't have any vitamins or aloe. It was plain. So during the pandemic, I bought a super cheap paper that was also plain, then after a couple of days all of my symptoms disappeared. They did return after I began eating coconut oil for a few days, but stopped immediately after I quit eating the oil, no need for the peroxide. I was very happy to discover that it was something external causing it. I hope this helps somebody else.

Posted by Trisha (PA) on 07/29/2023

So I've had BV for a long long time. 16 years. Honestly.
An old bf messed my pH up and it's been a battle ever since.

Years of month after month of antibiotics making my pee brown and not being able to have s3x for days on end and then when having s3x again... it would come back the next day.... I had enough.
I've done almost all of it. Everything helped but nothing got rid of it.
A pharmacist after seeing my script list said I'd be a candidate for boric acid. It helped but always came back.
Found out about biofilms. And started researching. Could get relief, finally, for up to a week at a time with 6% hydrogen peroxide straight up there. I know a lot of places say only use 3% but it's not enough to cut the BS.
6% is good. Burns skin a Lil bit but a Lil water and the burning goes away. I do not feel a burn inside though.
Found out about mycoplasma? or whatever and tried to get tested for that but no one tests for it around me unless I wanna shell out a lot of money..
Ugh. So again with the tears and frustrations....
I went on another google search for hours and stumbled across this... and saying whytf not....

I have been drinking 9.5 ph water for about 2 to 3 months now. I do still get paranoid and clean myself out with 6% after s3x but the pH water keeps it amazing! I check and check and nothing is gross! My normal consistency is back!!!!!!
My period does still throw me off but not as bad or as harsh and a quick 6% clean out works wonders. And I'm back to normal.
Next test will be no 6% after s3x to see just what happens.

This alkaline water is amazing. I'm guessing by changing my pH of my gut, urine etc that it helped. This is amazing and a game changer.
Now if only my microbiome can handle regular spring water eventually because alk water is expensive and sometimes hard to find. Sheesh.

Try it. You won't be disappointed if you give it sometime to work it's magic.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Younglady09 (Philadelphia ) on 01/20/2018

Got BV about a year and a half ago and freaked out. The most awful thing I've experienced in my entire 25 years of life. I smell bad all the time and even went to wearing tampons everyday to control the smell which of course was not the brightest idea. I took to the enternet to find a cure. I will admit, some of you ladies have done some extreme things and I have tried almost all of them. To the Garlic suppositories to eating a clove of garlic once a day to eating yogurt and shoving it up my vagina to using ACV to douche with and yet nothing was happening. The symptoms continued and I slowly gave up. Recently, I received a job offer to be a flight attendant and to survive probation, you have to stay healthy and a lot of them suggested drinking ACV with water daily. So before training I figured I would get a head start. 3 days into drinking this stuff every night before bed, the the symptoms have slowly disappeared the smell was completely gone after day 2 and I'm noticing less and less discharge. So far so good. Today made day 4 and my plan is to continue this to day 7 and drink this mixture every other day. I also plan to take a probiotic daily along with some other vitamins I'll need for this new lifestyle in the sky. :)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Maria (Florida) on 03/23/2018

Nope, the BV has not returned. No other preventative methods. I never used the capsules. Just the syringe to insert and rubbed some on the outside as well. I believe I noticed an improvement after the third day, but I did it for 5 nights. My sister's daughter just had a severe case of BV that was not improving by any other popular methods. I told her to try the coconut oil with syringe. No improvement after two days. On the third day, no itching! They are going to continue the coconut oil for a few more days for good measure.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Misty (Missouri) on 03/13/2017

I've had recurring bv for 8 months. Ive tried home remedies and meds several times but nothing helped.

2 weeks ago I started drinking apple cider vinegar 2 times a day in water. Within a week, the smell was gone. I didn't take it for 3 days and the smell came back.

I started it again, and the smell and itch went away after 2 days.

I highly recommend trying this!!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Hina (Eastvale, Ca) on 11/04/2016

I have been to this website several times to find a cure for BV and I want to share how I finally fixed mine. I had been suffering from Bacterial Vaginosis or BV for almost last three years. Obviously, the first thing I did was seek medical advice. I was prescribed oral antibiotics, antibiotic suppositories and boric acid suppositories multiple times. Every time the BV came back within days of stopping the treatment. After that I tried every home remedy I read about including, hydrogen peroxide douches, tea tree oil suppositories, oral and vaginal probiotics, garlic suppositories, yogurt, etc. Nothing worked and BV always came back within a day or two of stopping the treatment. I finally read about oil of oregano a month ago and gave it a try.

I took a teaspoon of olive oil in a medicine dosage cup and mixed 4 drops of oil of oregano in it and drank it every day for two weeks. I also took half a teaspoon of olive oil in a small syringe, no needle attached, and mixed 4 drops of oil of oregano and put it inside my vagina at night and tried to keep it in there for as long as I could. It burned a lot on the first day for almost 5 to 10 minutes but then it wasn't that bad from the second day. I used it for 6 days in a row and used some yogurt on the 7th day at the bedtime. I slept with a thin pad on so the oil wouldn't go to other areas and burn me there. I repeated the same on the second week. At the beginning of the third week I got my periods. I didn't drink or put the oil inside me during my periods. Also, this time I used pads instead of tampons. It's been 3 days since my periods ended and I didn't see any BV symptoms, otherwise I used to start smelling the fishy odor towards the 4th or the 5th day of my periods.

Another thing I did is I completely abstained from having sex during the treatment. Yesterday I had sex with my hubby the first time in over three weeks and I still feel okay. I think his semen is way too alkaline to mess up my pH level. I think I will go back to drinking the oil but not put anything inside me anymore unless I see the symptoms again. Please feel free to ask any questions you have. I understand what a nuisance this disease is and how it affects us physically and emotionally.

Good luck!

Baking Soda Douche
Posted by Momo6 (New York) on 02/12/2016

After using the gel medication for bv, I have been dry with no smell and my discharge ranges from thick creamy to watery non slippery and taste is very sour / tart. I read that someone used the baking soda douche and it burned but helped change her back to normal....

My experience, I used half warm water half baking soda and inserted it with a plastic applicator, anyway immediately after I got a whiff of that nasty foul fishy smell.. however I do feel some slippery wetness opposed to how dry I was. But yeah it stinks bad I pray in the morning I will get back to normal. I can't sleep because I am worried about my vagina..

If there is smell still tomorrow night I will try mixing water and a little ACV to bring my ph back down.

SN: I am absolutely NOT sexually active due to not having a normal flora. Some good things to know:

  • Apple cider vinegar when used topically is acidic (ph 2.8)
  • The vagina is supposed you be more acidic.. (ph4-5)
  • Water pH is around 5 I believe.
  • Baking soda is highly Alkaline... (ph9)
  • When ingested I know ACV does the opposite and alkalines the body
  • Too much acid > yeast
  • Too much alkaline > bv

Not a doctor just trying to figure this out like everyone else.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Amy (Redding, Ca) on 02/26/2016

Hi, there is a Facebook group for people who have been affected by gardasil... Lots of info there. Two of my daughters are injured from it. It changed their whole body chemistry... In a bad way.
