Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

Boric Acid
Posted by Bron (Brisbane, Australia) on 04/03/2014

I've been battling BV for over a year now and have tried many things. Two triggers are sex and my period, with my period being the worst offender. While many treatments worked temporarily, the BV always came back after my period.

Here are some things that DIDN'T work for me:

  • Antibiotics - about a week of relief that was quickly ruined by my period.
  • Acijel (vaginal treatment in Australia that is supposed to correct PH imbalance) - which I tried inserting for the full course of 30 nights. This didn't work even for a day, not even during the treatment!
  • Yoghurt douches twice daily for 7 days - offers temporary relief of symptoms but does not last (though my friend swears by this treatment for her BV, so different strokes)
  • Apple cider vinegar/water/tea tree oil douche twice daily for 7 days - again offered relief but symptoms flared up about a day after I stopped douching.

So I came back to this site and started researching again. Both the hydrogen peroxide and boric acid made me very nervous so I went to my doctor to have a chat about the safety of these two treatments and she was very positive about both and stressed that both were very safe to use vaginally. Phew!

So I came up with a new treatment plan.

First I increased my vitamin intake as follows:

  • 1 x very strong probiotic daily (Blackmores fembiotic for you Aussie girls).
  • 1 x vitamin c daily (sugar-free variety, pretty much pure ascorbic acid)
  • 1 x folic acid 500mcg daily
  • 1 x vitamin D daily
  • I also took a garlic tablet daily, and while this does no harm, I'm not convinced it did anything particularly beneficial either so I stopped taking this tablet recently.

Then after my period, I started a 7-day twice daily douche of 50/50 hydrogen peroxide (3%) and water. I also abstained from sex for the entire 7 days.

Once I finished this regimen, I STILL did a smaller quick 50/50 douche after sex. (It burned a little one time because I think the friction of sex may have caused tiny lacerations, but I just did another quick pure water douche and the burning faded instantly.) I had absolutely no BV symptoms whatsoever for weeks!

HOWEVER, because my period had always been a trigger, I decided to be very cautious and try a two-pronged attack. So I ordered boric acid and 00 veggie capsules (just from Ebay for you Aussie girls). I researched A LOT about this and came to the conclusion that there is no such thing as medical grade boric acid - they are one and the same. So don't worry, just order the 100% boric acid. I filled the biggest side of the capsule to capacity and then just popped the small side on - it's very very simple.

On the first night of my period, I inserted 2 boric acid capsules, and then for the next 5 nights, I inserted one every night. I just wore pads as I usually do. It comes out quite watery but you don't really notice it as you have your period anyway.

I have had absolutely no symptoms. I've even had unprotected sex (we are in baby-making mode) since and I am still symptom-free. I will continue to take my vitamin regimen indefinitely (especially the probiotic) and I will do my boric acid treatment for the next 3 periods (4 in total). Fingers crossed that all is healed!

I will definitely come back and give an update after the 4 months are up. PLEASE check back in girls as we all want to know if these cures are long term or temporary.

Boric Acid
Posted by Mbg (, Chicago, Il,) on 01/16/2014

I've been suffering with BV for roughly 3 years. I know EXACTLY how I got it. I started using those cups to hold your monthly flow and left it in too long. Since it was at the very last day of my period I also had sex with my boyfriend after I'd already realized that I had that fishy order down there. From that point forward I was getting BV after every sexual encounter. I went back regularly to the doctor to get metro gel. Then the BV started coming right after every period. It was wrecking my life. After much research on this site and others, I started using hydrogen peroxide douches. That always cleared up the symptoms but it still kept coming back. I also figured that all my douching was clearing out my good bacterial which ain't good either. So I tried the boric acid capsules in my vagina. I made them myself (use Amazon to get all the materials). I started with 3 nights in a row then weekly from then out and whenever I had sex and on the last day of my period. VIOLA! While results are still early (like 3 months) I can say I've not had a recurrence and I was getting it like every 2-4 weeks depending upon my sex action. I'm keeping up with a weekly insert and see how it goes. I was fearful of using a roach killer down there but it's totally safe. No irritation just a little run off the next day or 2.

Boric Acid
Posted by Naturalaquarian (Charlotte,nc) on 12/09/2013

Thanks so much! I am also a nurse and for the last year this has made me feel so embarrassed, especially at work when I felt like my co-workers and patients could smell the odor. My gyn suggested Boric Acid months ago, but because I was so frustrated, I blew it off until last week. Amazon delivered Sunday, and I swear to goodness this morning (Monday), the odor was already GONE. I even did a finger test to the "honey hole" and I could not believe there was none of that smelly off white discharge! I am going to continue through Thursday for a 5 day total and see...I don't know how I will incorporate this into when I have "relations" or the dreaded "Mary" comes. For today, I just felt great prancing around without the scent of road kill lingering over me!!!

Boric Acid
Posted by A. Mccall (Greensboro, Nc) on 11/19/2013

I am a very clean, border-line hygiene maniac, and so it was very bothersome for me when I started having episodes with BV after having my daughter years ago. My obgyn would prescribe a medication or suggest using plain yogurt and it would go away and stay away for months, but ALWAYS come back. One day an older lady, who was sitting next to me in the waiting room at my doctor's office, was talking to me about an ailment she had and so I felt comfortable enough to speak to her about my problem. She told me to be careful with what I take because it could destroy the good bacteria "down there". By that time, my name was called, but when I returned to walk back by the waiting room to leave, she stopped me and handed me a note that had "Boric Acid" on a piece of paper with a prescription of "You can buy them at the drug store or health food store. Insert one capsule right before bed, as far as you can once a week and you won't ever have the problem again." I can't believe how quickly it worked! I felt so much different not having that odor that next morning. I've been doing it for about 2 years now (not doing it every week anymore, but more like once every few weeks) and haven't had the problem since. This lady was heaven sent and Boric Acid really does work!

Boric Acid
Posted by Leticia (Miami, Fl) on 11/03/2013

Hi, I tryed the Vitanica, but the bacterial arrest. Didn't work for me. I have suffering with bv for years trying everything and spending lot of money. Can name all the things that I try. Some of them make me ping pong between bv and yeast It's horrible. Probiotics aleved it but not cure, thanks to vitanica I discover that boric acid was good for mantein the acidity level in balance down there, so I tried and thanks God it works. Finally!

Boric Acid
Posted by Desperatern (Tuscaloosa,al) on 11/02/2013

I'm so happy I found this site, I've suffered with this MONSTER (BV) for 5yrs...and I've tried everything from antibiotics to douches, tea tree oil baths and probiotics all worked Temporary.. So reluctantly I tried the pure boric acid (which I ordered from Amazon along with 00 veggie capsule) & it worked instantly. I insert 1 capsule nightly for 7 nights twice a monthly. Ladies I know your pain & shame this is very embarrassing. I visited my MD severallllllllll times only to get more pills, pay copayments and still only temporary relief, I'm healthcare provider(RN) and I had to be proactive in my own care, I was desperate and really had nothing to lose but that FUNKY odor :) I did my research on boric acid and in its purest form vaginally insertion is SAFE!!!! Good Luck suffers #ROLL-TIDE

Boric Acid
Posted by Jennifer (Houston, Tx) on 06/27/2013

Boric acid is a God send. I have ridiculous, recurrent BV. Thankfully, I discovered boric acid after a favorite remedy changed the formula for their suppository. I was desperate and found the boric acid remedy on this forum. I haven't taken antibiotics for BV in six years, but I've had it several times a year since then. A few days' worth of suppositories and it is seriously gone until I commit the ultimate vaginal sin of semen in the vagina.

Boric Acid
Posted by Natalie (Miami, Fl) on 06/04/2013

I never post any reviews or comments on anything, but in this situation I had to express my RELIEF and HAPPINESS from these miraculous results. I am 23 years old and I have been suffering from chronic vaginal yeast and BV since I was 19. I went through countless OTC medications and doctor prescriptions that never worked. The weird part was that I never had any odor, only the clumpy discharge and discomfort during sex. Regardless, it was still embarrassing and it was definitely affecting my sex life with my boyfriend. I was beginning to feel depressed and hopeless as I thought I would never find a cure for this. After extensive research, I came across this recipe which I encourage all of you to try, as it cured me after only ONE use!

- 1/2 cup Coconut Oil
- 2 teaspoons Boric Acid
- Acidophilus Probiotic capsules
- Ice stick/cube mold tray

1. Melt 1/2 cup of coconut oil in the microwave.

2. Mix in 2 teaspoons of boric acid powder. Stir thoroughly.

3. Add as many acidophilus probiotic capsules as you like by opening them up and releasing the powder into the mix.

4. Pour the mix into the ice tray filling each mold. Put in freezer until solid.

5. When ready to place in vagina, cut the stick/cube in half (a whole one is too big).

6. Insert in vagina for as many days as desired in the PM (AM is optional). Most likely, the discharge will be gone after just one use. The coconut oil serves as a soothing and lubricating factor in the mix, as the boric acid alone might cause irritation. The acidophilus probiotic restores the body's natural flora. The boric acid kills yeast and restores the vagina's pH balance. This has worked wonders for me and I am so happy I came across the boric acid remedy. I hope this recipe is helpful for all you ladies in need of a cure. The answer is finally here!

Boric Acid
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 05/11/2013

I am having exceptional results with hydrogen peroxide and betadine douches, ACV and garlic.

Boric Acid
Posted by Tiffer137 (Utica, NY, United States) on 04/09/2013

I just want to say that I have felt the embarrassment and stress of suffering from recurring bacterial infections like all of you women on this site. For years, the infections would come and go as they pleased. For about a year now, they have faithfully came every time I have intercourse with my boyfriend and he ejaculates inside me. I have had my gyno prescribe the metro gel over and over and gotten tested for STD's and the whole works. We have resorted to him pulling out so I don't get infections, but sometimes in the heat of the moment it doesn't always work that way. I am glad I finally found this site. I tried the hydrogen peroxide douches with taking acidophilus for a few months, and the infection always came back. Then I saw the posts about boric acid. I am so glad I went forward with it. I bought the powder and gel capsules off amazon, and I took other women's advice about mixing the powder with an oil, and I had some vitamin E oil sitting around. Inserting one boric acid/vitamin E capsule after a slip-up and at the end of my period works wonders. My vagina stays fresh and I don't have to worry about the embarrassing discharge and odor! Thanks fellow sufferers!

Boric Acid
Posted by Pam (La, California) on 10/12/2012

Hey ladies please use Boric acid for BV, It is working for me, I made my own capsules, and so far that odor is gone, and no white discharge, I do stick my finger up my yahoo every morning to see if I have discharge and I do not, just some from the boric acid, which is nothing, do not be scared to used this remedy, use the Humco brand, get it from the pharmacy or order it online, it is like 8 dollars, the capsules are cheap too, size oo, it is easy to make, just fill in the large size and cover with the small one, they have a youtube video, type in boric acid capsules and the lady shows u how to make your own, listen I feel your pain, who the hell wants to smell like u have not washed your vagina in years??? and ppl r mean and cruel, I had bv for a longgggg time, and been to the GYN to many times, so I said listen Im not gonna let this shit take my life over!!!!! I made like 100 capsules and I insert every night, I spray my clothes with FDS(shower fresh scent) and I smell like that, please try this remedy, u have nothing to lose but the smell. I have no itch or burning, never have, the boric acid changes the PH in your vagina, TRY TRY TRY It!!! The other stuff will not work, and yogurt? no, because that is not the strain of lactobacillus u need... Try it!!!! Smell good ladies get your life back!!!!

Boric Acid
Posted by Kyla (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/31/2012

I totally feel for you all! I too have suffered from BV on and off for two years... My doc started prescribing me with boric acid vaginal suppositories and I haven't had any re occurrences in about 6 months. Now I've weaned myself off often to give my body a change to Balance itself. My best advise is first get the antibiotics from the doc. Then start the boric acid once you'd finished the meds. NO Sex. Give your body some time at least 7 days... Once you start having intercourse, I rec taking the boric after intercourse. Plenty of water, and stay away fr starches and sugars, and perfumes. A use water only to wash your bottom when showering(no towel), and start taking acidophillis, it works. Idk if unprotected sex causes bv more, I think it can ESP if your parter has the bacteria. Me and my boyfriend use condoms and I've always used condoms w my partners but still manage to get bv :-( I hope this helps you guys. Stay positive.

Boric Acid
Posted by Wanthealth (Austin, Tx, Us) on 07/24/2012

As far as boric acid I want to vote 'Yea'. I had a long struggle that was incredibly sad and seemed unending (see my old posts below from Feb. 2012 for my story). I said I would provide an update, so I'm posting today.

Again, I have to say to any other woman going through this right now, I'm so very sorry that you can relate. This is a horrible thing to go through. Please believe you are not alone. I know this can feel incredibly lonely and isolating, but there are others here who understand. Don't lose hope, please!

From experience, my advice is to give boric acid a try. Most of our doctors will not make the suggestion because they are used to prescribing antibiotics and having them work for many of their patients. When the problem occurs chronically, they begin to scratch their heads…and we unfortunately leave our appointments time and time again feeling depressed, defeated, and confused. I had to actually ask my GYN about boric acid, and she was willing to write the prescription after all other possibilities had been exhausted and proven unsuccessful. She, like I, was very frustrated. Find a doctor who is willing to prescribe it. Get the prescription called into a compound pharmacy (like People's Pharmacy or whatever is in your area) and try it. My insurance covered it.

I had to do two rounds of boric acid. (each prescription was written to be taken daily for 2 weeks). The first round was interrupted by my period and it didn't quite get rid of the problem. I got a refill and started again. And AGAIN my stupid period started. BUT thankfully that second time around, the boric acid actually worked!

My husband and I can now have sex again! But here is a big tip (if you're not already doing this): use lubrication. My GYN suggested this and it really makes a huge difference. These ongoing infections really wreak havoc on us and even when the infection finally goes away, there is still sensitivity that is sometimes painful. It's really helped my hubby and I to recapture all that this horrible condition stole from us over the past year and a half.

Please hold onto hope and if you haven't tried this, what do you have to lose? Just give it a try. There are many here who can answer questions, I'm also glad to do the same to anyone who posts. I can't thank you ladies enough for your advice and encouragement! I'm so glad I was led to this site because you ladies really helped me. With prayer, holding on to hope as best as I could, and trying the boric acid, things are better. I'm wishing you all the best too. Stay strong!


I know I searched the internet like crazy when I was looking for an answer. So, I'm writing this hoping that it will show up when another woman in need searches the internet:

boric acid for chronic bv - yes it works!

600mg boric acid capsules work for bv - ask your doctor for a prescription

Recurrent/chronic vaginal infection - try boric acid, it does work!

Boric Acid
Posted by Bunny (Englewood, Nj) on 03/30/2012

I learned about boric acid capsules way back in college and they work The regimens I've seen online suggest a week or more but one capsule inserted high up in the vagina usually does the trick. Rarely, I'll need to use a second one. I make my own capsules with boric acid powder and plain gelatin capsules. Since menopause, it seems that it develops after sex only if my husband ejaculates, so it is related to the semen changing the pH. A word of warning, approximately 12-24 hours after inserting the capsule, you will get a small gush of water from the vagina. It only happens once and I don't know what the mechanism is, perhaps related to the gelatin dissolving, but wear a small pad.

Boric Acid
Posted by Tbert (Aa, Michigan) on 12/28/2011

I used the same Humco Boric Acid powder from Amazon and it works great. I was also a little concerned since I'd read somewhere that you should use a 2% powder and not 100% powder. I never could find a 2% powder and the 100% did not seem overly powerful. :)

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