I have taken DMSO internally but only in several drops with some distilled water. I did it to make the "Chlorine dioxide" more effective for my diabetes. I have neuropathy from the diabetes and spray the 70 percent solution (you can dilute the 100% pharmaceutical grade down to the 70 percent by adding pure water to it. Or you can purchase the 70 percent dilution-perhaps on Amazon. I spray it all over my legs from the knee down, and add a bit of virgin coconut oil over top rubbing it in. It does wonders for me. I would say it reduces the pain 80-90 percent. Hope this helps you.
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DMSO for Pulled Muscles, Arthritis, Tennis Elbow & Frozen Shoulder
Recently had a yoga instructor push on my back causing my back to go out, numbness going down my leg, needed help getting out of a chair. Came on to EC and tried the DMSO sitting in my cabinet and never opened. Couldn't believe how the cinching of muscles stopped in less than an hour - all the symptoms subsided by 80-90%.
Tried it on my mom's arthritic knee and she didn't complain of her knee aching in 2.5 hours. Usually, it's about every 2-5 minutes that she winces in pain, rubs it or asks for a tylenol. Tried it last night on tennis elbow - it's not stiff or hurting when lifting small items.
We've stopped ordering on amazon and purchased this at dmsostore.com - it's $2 less per bottle. (BTW, I am seeing a chiropractor that is also helping my back. My L5 was out of alignment and he was surprised I wasn't in more pain. Mentioned DMSO and he was excited to look into it.)
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DMSO The Miracle Drug of the NW by Dr Jacob Stanley. The godfather in DMSO for 49+ years. The, your, pain comes from the excess inflammation. DMSO CBD oil, and turmeric are best 3 for brain and mental handicaps. Please, for your gain, research these 3 Natural Meds. They will "cure" anyone = thing = Grandpa, children, dog, husband? maybe will benefit and save much Med $$.
DMSO is illegal for Drs to use yet it can be found in ER for bullet wounds, or whatever, and starts immediate shrinking of the brain to normal and quickly starts healing. Now!!!
To me, the DMSO serves a better service. Put on ya big toe and taste it in 6-8 seconds,,,,,,,,,, while carrying any Medicine [ or poison. wash hands first.] through the skin directly into the bloodstreams. MXM!
It is good. must be! It is DMSO Crystal because it is unlawful Dr to prescription, or be sold off the shelf as a human Med. Multi $$$$ milliom NFL = MLB, jocks, Athletes have used it for 50 +years and is used for animals. $$$ Million horses?
Is it safe? Yaaahhhh. I have used DMSO since '79 for cuts, burns, pain, cancer, [ after 4 surgeries. No cancer for one year after Turmeric and Cannabis Oil, many things and have given 50=60 bottles over the years. Keep some in the car.
And. If you use it, sponge it on. It will take the oil from the skin after several "rubbins" and skin may itch. I could go on forever about DMSO. So much pain, cancer, burns, etc, name it= has been the true miracle meds. After all, 6000 years ago God knew we would need His help. But. Do your own research. You will enjoy it. jim
PS: You can mix many meds with DMSO and put it under the tongue with an eye dropper. Sponge on skin. Instantly it is in the bloodstream.
You can take one T=spoon each morning as Dr. Jacobs did. [ He did not have one day of sickness in 40 years. Or mix with juices, milk, coffee, tea, water, etc, anything; Safe liquid, food. j
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I use DMSO for everything...from 50% cream for capillaries, scars, and healing wounds to dropping 5 drops in each glass that I drink.
I can apply to all parts of my body without any reactions but my husband will get a red itchy reaction so I use the 50/50 gel.
It's difficult to ascertain the quality of DMSO that you buy but I basically tell my clients to start with small doses, drops directly on the skin below the waist and diluted above. Depends on your skin type too, there is no rule of law for using DMSO and I have not heard of anyone overdosing from it.
Don't be afraid to experiment in dosage, but be careful if you blend it. For instance, I used to take 2 caps of Zaldiar (tramadol/acetometaphine), with 10 drops of DMSO in glass of water, I only need 1 cap...I suggest that you do your research before you start using it; many of us here can only give you information based on our own experiences but that doesn't mean it will work for you. Like any drug, each body has a different chemical composition, same goes for these natural substances.
I made my first batch of Cannabis Oil, ingest 1 rice size dosage and it knocked me out yet when I was younger I probably could do a lot more and not get affected. So, slowly experiment and for direction skin application, do a test first. In my 20 years of using DMSO, I have never had a negative experience with it. Good luck!
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This week I did something different.
For two days, I drank two tablespoons of 99.99 DMSO once in the morning and once in the evening and each time it was in 20 ounces of pure water and drank over a period of time.
I am here to report what happened. I felt good. I went outside in sub-zero temperatures and shoveled snow for short periods of time.I was painless for 2 days. I felt like a younger man as far as my energy level goes. It messed with my appetite because I did not feel like eating at regular intervals which helps me control my blood sugar stability. So that has to be watched more carefully next time. Symptoms of blood sugar roller coaster were apparent by the end of the second day. It is reactive hypoglycemia (see Blaylock on the internet video section).
Before I went outside I rolled cayenne extracted in alcohol onto my back with some DMSO too. That helped me feel really warm in all the winter clothing. I also took 250 mg of Niacin before going outside too and it was perfect because the flushing and heat generated in the skin kept me feeling perfectly comfortable.
I had to come in for my ears sake and eyes sake. I used common sense but it seemed to help me accomplish what needed to be done on those two extremely cold days.
That is my report on the DMSO.
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Mike 62 Thank you for your feedback on this. I will look into this thing you have said. I have never heard of such a thing but am willing to look into it. I believe that much of what is passed off as knowledge in the "medical Industrial complex" aka Doctors is more for their benefit than mine. A follow up on symptoms: For about a week I kept very close tabs on what I ate and when I ate and how I felt as far as energy and then I kept tabs on how I slept between urinations. The recent experience I have had with this issue I have kept notes to prevent the experience again and here are some of my findings from my own experience: From the 12/9/2013 to 12/22/2013 I kept notes of every thing I ate and drank and each time. My symptoms disappeared when I ate properly. When I ate only foods low on the glycemic scale and really rationed the molasses and sweets. I also added 2 TBS of Apple cider vinegar in water before each meal. Here is what worked: Not every thing I ate is listed. (But one thing that I noticed negative affects almost every time: alcohol had a negative affect on my energy level, a few hours later when it would hit me). Chia seed in water: One scoop in (16) sixteen ounces of distilled water-- I sipped once in the morning during this period of time. I had a glass of DMSO flavored water also to sip on which was 1 cap full in sixteen ounces of water And I also made a crock pot full of water and green tea bag with rosemary leaves and some fennel seeds to soak and I would dip out of that and drink that tea blend. ( It served as a humidifier also durning this very dry winter). I would add water to it as necessary. Trail mix with extra cocktail peanuts to reduce the amount of sweets percentage. Raw cabbage to munch on also ( It is cheep and low glycemic so can be eaten often. Avocado once in a while ( as they are quite expensive) I found that eggs are very helpful in the general sense of well being. I ate them scrambled, and boiled with coconut oil and turmeric also once in a while. I consumed about seven or eight dozen eggs in that time. To the eggs I added raw garlic chopped and raw onion chopped. Home made sauerkraut also was a regular in my diet during that time Celery sticks, Extra Virgin Olive Oil with turmeric in the oil, Hand fulls of just plain cocktail peanuts ( with no MSG). Eating late is not helpful. So I kept the meals small and tried to make sure I ate a few hours before bed time. I hope this information helps somebody. I will, if God wills, keep keeping track of diet along with the general sense of well being after the meals. Thank you for the website and the information here at Earth Clinic I appreciate the opportunity to learn to take care of my own health. Thank you.
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I have been quite excited about this DMSO product. I just bought a quart that is 99.996 purity. I have used DMSO externally for stubbed toes, joint pain, back pain, Herpes cold sore preventative.
I have used DMSO internally in water *distilled water* I take a cap full in a 16 ounce glass of water. once a day. Sometimes I will do that twice but on the second day in a row of doing that ( 4 cap fulls in two days--the Dr. jacobs bottle lid 8 ounce bottle lid) I have trouble sleeping the second night because I am up peeing very frequently.
the Frequent urination is not much different than the affect from excessive blood sugar.
I just learned that ringworm on the skin is also a symptom of poor blood sugar control.
I suffer from a diabetes symptoms and am looking to solve the problem with foods and other natural solutions. I think it is type II diabetes because I have frequent urination, often have excessive dry mouth, low energy after meals, tingling feet and fingers ( mostly feet and the little toes it is most noticeable),
I was wondering if that DMSO might have some positive affects on the Diabetes issue. I am a bit of a risk taker so I am trying it. I would rather not get shot up with Doctor prescribed pills, (pharakia-- witchcraft, in Greek).
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I have been using DMSO for many years and found it to be like a miracle curative product for all types of ailments, from sore shoulder, injured knee, cuts, bites, pulled tooth, and everything in between. It is mornally used internally, however many take it internally in lieu of MSM, as MSM is derived from DMSO anyway and DMSO is a free radical scavenger, whereas MSM is not.
DMSO does have the odor taste and smell problem, however I finally found a supplier of a product called the DMSO. BZ solution of DMSO. This product has a special mixture in it that takes away just about all those problems, and also much of the stinging and itching that one can experience with using DMSO. Those people even put it in their eyes to get rid of irritation, they claim their product is so pure.
Just thought I would add my ten cents to the discussion because I have had such excellent results with their product. I share it with a lot of family and friends also.
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The following is quite lengthly as I have been usins DMSO since about 1980, and have experienced or had feedback from a friend RE: its use on whatever.
DMSO.. (dymethyal sulfoxide). Some info Re: strength, and some of its' uses.
I have a tract / pamplet that refers to DMSO as a "Therapeutic Principle"... Defined as something that works on virtually everything. Three "Therapeutic Principles"... Discovered in our century; penicillin, cortizone and DMSO. The Pharmaceutical Lobbists have fought to keep DMSO off the market, primarily because as a product of the paper pulp industry it can be produced for about fifty cents a quart. That coupled with its' inheirent ability of a theraputic principle, whereby it works on vertually everything.
makes it impossible for them to recover costs on other drugs that might be negated were DMSO readily available and with the Good Housekeeping stamp of approval Therefore you will not be able to purchase at a Drug store and get accompanying info on how to use, etc. You can purchase it at some Hardware Stores as a solvent with no accompanying literature indicating medicinal use. The DMSO you purchase locally will be 99% pure. ( cost $ 10.to $11.sold in a 16 oz plastic bottle ) Stronger is NOT necessarily better, and what I do is cut mine to an 80% solution ( this is what over time, I have found to work best for me for most applications) Pour out 20 % into a small glass bottle and save for some other applications I will mention later To the remaining 80 % add 20% (basically fill the bottle ) with distilled water. Here again I am not that concerned with the small amount of impurities in our drinking water and I just use tap water . When you add the water to the DMSO there is a dilution reaction that takes place and the bottle will get warm. ( This same reaction takes place when you apply 99% DMSO to your skin and you will feel a gentle warmth... nothing theraputic about it )
For most uses you need only apply a thin coating ( you do NOT have to slop it on like you might do with linament) Normally a thin coat applied with a small cotton swab will soak in / be absorbed within 7-8 minutes. Myself... Since I also use it for flexibility, and to combat carpal tunnel, so I just apply it with my hands and massage it in. For a knee... I would apply it from an inch above to an inch below on the front and sides ( avoiding the rear only for convenience of NOT having to worry about letting the back of my knee come in contact with the fabric of what ever I am sitting on. ) IMPORTANT: Since DMSO not only is absorbed thru the skin , but is also a carrier your skin must be free of anything that might be toxic to your system if carried in by the
DMSO. You would not want to apply DMSO with your hands if you have fingernail polish on. After applying to an area Knee, elbow , hands, etc take care that these areas do not lay in contact with synthetics or anything containing a dye, as the DMSO may leach out the dye and carry it into your system... Re: synthetics there could be a toxic reaction, in addition DMSO will disolve or eat holes in some synthetics
Most people experience a tingly itch during the time it is being absorbed , and shortly thereafter the skin may assume a slight blush. If at anytime the itching becomes too annoying , just wash it off with clear water. I would not apply DMSO too near my bed time, if you find the itch persists too long. ( while all things are relative the itching normally does NOT persist that long )
Within 8 - 10 minutes after applying, you will be able to taste it, once you recognized what you are tasting. Some people find this extremely distasteful... To me it is a mild garlic taste, there is a mild garlic smell / odor associated as well. If a person were to use a lot of DMSO it is possible to develope a "garlic breath". This has never happened to me, and there were periods when I used it daily on both knees several times per day. As I said up in the first paragraph , Lobbying against this drug has been heavy and there are few who seem to care about the benefits. While there are studies on going, there are no real monetary incentives to tout the wonders and many uses.
CURES OR INSTANCES WHERE I HAVE EXPERIENCED OR HAD DIRECT KNOWLEDGE: I was fortunate the first time I tried DMSO, it worked within minutes to "cure"a twinge in my hand resulting from a hyper-extended finger. For several weeks finger movements in writing, buttoning a button, picking a piece of lint off a shirt, etc would result in a pain shooting thru the palm of my hand , bringing what ever I was doing to a brief halt ( more annoying than painful.... But enough to stop me ) The twinge disappeared during the time I was applying the DMSO, never to return. The wife, back at a time when she smoked. lost the coal off her cigarrette....caught it between her fingers on the back off her hand immediately raising a large blister. After rinsing the ash away, I applied DMSO and the burning pain was gone immediately. Wife was also a chronic list maker... She had closed her thumb in the car door injuiring it slightly, but enough that it hindered her at work. ( She was a nurse at KDH ) She mentioned to me that she couldn't tear open dose packs ( while passing medicines ) and that it also affected her charting ( could not write well ). I applied some DMSO and while we were watching TV, she suddenly realized that she had started making a list and that her thumb was no longer hindering her ability to write. It was still a little tinder but declined anymore DMSO saying, " Hey it's well "MY wife is one of those who find the taste and odor offensive, however, she will when hurting accept the cure.
The most dramatic cure in my experience was on my wife. Anytime she complained about an ache or pain, I always suggested DMSO, and she would reply " No it isn't hurting that bad", because she found the taste offensive.
Most Dramatic cure: On my return from work one evening, she met me at the door and began telling me about this pain in her hip. She was able to pin point that it had begun back in Sept ( at the time her mother had surgery ) and had been hurting ever since... In fact getting worse by the day (It was now March ). She went thru a litany of how, she couldn't prop it up, couldn't put heat, ibuprofin... Nothing gave her any relief. I knew she was really hurting when upon suggesting DMSO, she replied. "Well whenever you are ready". I told her that I had no experience with a joint as large as a hip and that it might require several treatments... Meaning that evening , the next morning and again in the evening... Followed by more if she felt it was helping. We got in bed, she on her side watching TV, and I applied a thin coating and massaged it in ( probably a little more than if I were NOT rubbing it in. A little later I applied a second coating and allowed it to be absorbed. The next morning ( must have been a sat) I was sitting at the table drinking coffee, when I looked up... Saw her standing in the doorway. She said, " That coffee smelled so good and I have been laying in there for 15 minutes, trying to get my nerve up, to come in here, but I just couldn't stand the thought of my hip starting to ache again."
Oh! I replied didn't it help at all ??? "Oh!, it's gone". She said. That was back in 1983 and the pain never returned ( had been hurting like a toothache from Sept to March and was cured with one double application )
Some other quick mentions: Migraine headache... Apply small amount to temples. Sinuitius... Apply to temples ( I have and it is a family joke... Wetted cue tips with DMSO and eased them up my nostrils as far as possible... Inside 30 to 45 seconds it breaks up the congestion ) Used it on my arm pits ( a wadded up T-shirt had gauld me and I was "red and sore") next day I was clear as a bell. Before I took Lamisil and cured my toenails... My nails would delaminate, and when I trimed them I would invariably tear one into the quick and end up with an infection. If we had any antibiotics around , I would open a capsul or crush part of a pill, and make a paste with DMSO. In this case the DMSO acted as a carrier , taking the antibiotic straight to the source of the problem.
The saved 20% of full strength DMSO is excellent on little ulcerated places in the mouth created by tooth brush gouge, or a sharp tooth that cuts your tounge. Any other little nicks or cuts... just apply full strength (excellent bacteriastat at anything over 90% solution ) no burning just a gentle warmth like "Bactine" used to be.
DMSO works on some/most forms of arthritis... I use it any time a finger/knuckle starts to have arthritic pain and usually experience immediate relief. The same with any slight carpal tunnel lockup. Stops some skin cancers
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After reading about DMSO for years, I finally ordered a book on the subject (published in 1993) and also ordered DMSO from a veterinary supply store (found both on amazon.com)... I am really enjoying the book. The one thing that turned me off from trying DMSO all this time was the complaint that you end up smelling of garlic or clams. Now that I have tried it, I want to know what the heck people are talking about!!! There is NO garlic or clam smell emanating from my breath or pores as many have warned!
On Saturday I applied DMSO to both of my knees, which are feeling shot lately (my early gymnastic years and my later karate years have really done a number on them, I guess). My knees felt a little numb after I applied the DMSO (with gloves and a cotton ball), but I certainly felt increased circulation to the area. I couldn't really tell a difference the next day about whether they helped or not. Last night I tried magnesium oil rubbed all over my knees and I could absolutely feel a difference this morning. So I may end up trying mag oil mixed in DMSO at some point.
Thanks to Phil from Dearing, GA's suggestion about grapefruit seed extract for nail fungus, I have been applying GSE for the past few weeks, twice a day. Can't tell if it's working, but I know these fungus remedies take months to see results. Anyway, I started spraying on DMSO and then drizzling grapefruit seed extract onto my big toe a few days ago. I know it's penetrating because not even a minute later, I can taste the extremely bitter taste of the GSE in my mouth. The bitter taste lasts for hours! I am quite excited about this needless to say and all the possibilities. For one, I look forward to trying a contributor's feedback about DMSO mixed in ground up B12 and sprayed on to the wrist pulse points for energy.
I also have some feedback about using DMSO on my dog's hotspot (phenomenal results), but will post to the pet's section instead of here.
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DMSO uses
Hi there, I run a natural medicine practice in SA, I've been using DMSO for various ailments on my patients for about 2 years now. The latest case was of a elderly african man who suffered from a progressive stroke, he only reached my practice 2 days later, I quickly gave him 1 teaspoon of DMSO in water every 3 hours, the next day he was still lame on the left side and seemed to get worse, also he had incredible pain over the right lung area (pulmonary embolism?) nevertheless I carried on giving him the DMSO every three hours orally. The following day he was well enough to walk on the beach!
Ive also injected DMSO into knee joints for local pain, I myself am curently drinking DMSO in fruit juice twice daily (1 teaspoon) my energy levels have gone up and my skin is glowing. ( i also take MSM and VIT C daily to counteract the DMSO from turning into MSM in the body)
I also mix B12 and DMSO in a dropper bottle and apply 2 drops on my wrist when I need a boost.
Another good idea is to put 2 B5 tabs into a 15 litre dropper bottle and top it up with DMSO the tablets dissolve after an hour or so, this can be applied to the wrists as well to boost the adrenals for extra energy.
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I read about DMSO in Kevin T.'s book. I was interested enough to buy it and try it for sinus headaches. I mixed 2 tablespoons DMSO in 3oz of filtered water & 1oz hydrogen peroxide. This solution sprayed and inhaled helped a lot with sinus headaches and colds.
I dropped a blow dryer on my pinky toe slashing my toe open about 1/2 an inch. It was a horrible cut and the pain was extreme. It hurt so bad and I lost so much blood (I had just got out of a hot tub) I nearly passed out. My husband helped me to the bed. I asked him to get me the DMSO spray. He sprayed it on my toe (one tiny squirt for starters in case it made things worse) and I felt immediate relief so I asked him to spray it real good. The pain totally disappeared. The toe had already started turning black along with the toe next to it. I covered my foot with a loose damp towel and just laid there for 20 minutes. My husband was after me to go to hospital to get stitches because it was bleeding so bad. He opened the towel while he was telling me if it was still bleeding I had to get stitches. Well to our surprise the wound had closed. The blackness was now pink. So I didn't have to go to the hospital and come home or die from a staph infection received from the hospital.
2 other incidents it healed were:
1.) A wound where a knife was stabbed under the finger nail of a child (the child was trying to open a toy w/ a knife against parents wishes - not my child) - healed with 48 hours
2.) A wound where the hand was caught in a trolling motor propeller. - healed within 24 hours
Both people received immediate relief.
I also use it about twice a year for carpal tunnel syndrome. I apply 90% DMSO to my wrist and keep a wet paper towel nearby. When it starts to sting I wipe the stinging area removing the DMSO, by the time each area has been wiped the symptoms are gone and my hand is back to normal. I'm always careful with it and totally clean. My theory is if you can't drink it don't get it near DMSO when using DMSO.
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Hi there,
I have been using DMSO and MSM for about 9 months ..before I started using them. I checked out many websites and spoke to many people about them. As far as I'm concerned it's very safe for us.
- I have used it on wounds that wouldn't heal properly.
- I use it on both my feet where I have bone on bone arthritis in both my big toes.
- Also arthritic knees and neck.
- Believe me when I say I look terrific for my age.
But I have so many aches and pains its not funny...it minimises the pain for hours.
I HAVE ALSO PUT DMSO ON MY TESTICLES AND THE BIG FELLA ..AND my libido is now amazing < i do have a very beautiful 30 yr old girlfriend that helps. But at my age 65yrs, I still need all the help I can get.
The MSM I drink 2x tablespoons a day with a juice ...
The DMSO I EITHER APPLY TO WHERE I NEED IT ON MY BODY ..or I will drink about 5 mils a day with some kind of sweet drink to mask the taste.
My skin is glowing with health. I look very fit ..my nails and the hair on my head also grows very fast.
It seems that the USA AND AUSTRALIA are the only two countries in the world that put warning signs all over the packaging. I believe it's absolute nonsense. I can't see any reason for me to stop taking either of them.
I have also used hydrogen peroxide with good results ..but that's another story.
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ok. I went and purchased DMSO last week finally for myself and a couple of friends. I have been using it for about a week now. First couple of days I mixed it with povidine iodine. It was the closest thing I could come to potassium iodide. I sent some articles about sski
Side effects. awful taste in your mouth. supposedly your body smells, I didn't notice, but I do taste it in my mouth for days after using it. Supposedly less than a teaspoon a day won't affect your body odor but who knows. my breath is awful! I'm thinking a drop of peppermint oil.
I used it on some varicose veins, a scab on my leg, that's been there since the end of Sept., a muscle on my other leg that needed some serious stretching, I believe I had permanently strained it a while back, I also used it on some scarring, some with raised keloids on them.
So far, besides the taste in my mouth it's all good. Within one day the muscle in my calf was better, within a few days the varicose vein that had been there for 20 years is kind of fading, the scar keloids are dissolving, the scabs and scars appear to be fading.
Then I added oregano oil in olive oil. Why? it fights yeast. In alternative medicine yeast is the root of all illness. I got sick as a dog within hours. Try to remember when you use this stuff that it boosts whatever you are taking into your body. That means if you are enjoying mouth amusement? ie. something with alot of sugar or not particularly good for you? you will pay.
The supplements I am taking along with this is MSM, vita c, wild yam, black cohosh, chasteberry, magnesium citrate, st. johns wort.
I've stopped craving coffee, although I still drink it. I didn't have chocolate until yesterday after going 24 hours without coffee. I also neglected my magnesium supplements for a day. Chocolate cravings have to do with a Magnesium defficiency. :)
I just put it on my doggie's hot spot on his paw as well as some scabs on his back from his extreme flea allergy.
I'm psyched about this stuff :)
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I have had 5 degenerative discs in my lower back for about 5 years. The Drs say go home and live with it Surgery is to dangerous. I have been taking corisone injections every three months, but they only last a short while.
My brother-in -law told me about DMSO and he had some on hand. I tried it by putting some on a peace of gauze and applying it to my lower back. I then covered it with saran wrap. After 24 hours the pain was gone and i did this twice a day for 4 days. Since then i only use it when i feel my back starting to hurt. This pain was also causing my right testicle to swell and was very painful. Since using DMSO, I now have relief again and the testicle has gone back to normal.
By the way I'm 79 years old.
Thankful for DMSO and my brother-in -law for telling me about it.