Health Benefits

Garlic: A Superfood for Health and the Immune System

Broad Benefits

9 User Reviews
5 star (9) 

Posted by Kirsten (Portland, Or) on 10/28/2009

Adding Garlic to my health regimen has improved my life so much. It started with chronic tonsillitis that nothing would help and it would be two years before I could get them out, I am now 31. I was having infections twice a month and in desperation I came to Earth Clinic and found the garlic remedy for infection. I took one clove 3x per day when an infection was starting and one clove before bed as prevention. I have not had a full blown cold since! What I do is slice up the clove and swallow in slivers like pills before bed.

Garlic also cures my recurring cold sores on my lips. As soon as I feel one coming on, I slice a clove of garlic and hold it firmly to the sore until it goes numb. I have to be honest that it hurts like nothing I have ever felt, but because it has worked so well, I endure it for 10 minutes or so. I swear I can feel it burning the infection away! Immediately the bump goes down and often does not even scab, just goes away.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Monet (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 05/02/2009

Hello, I use your site all of the time and want to thank you for such useful information!

Recently, my feet started swelling along with blood pressure spiking to very high levels. I do not have high blood pressure so I could not understand what was going on. By day three I figured out I had a tooth infection that was probably starting to seep into my blood causing the swelling, blood pressure spikes, tingling in head, legs, and feet. After speaking with a dentist who felt they were unrelated and would not give me any advice on whether I should go to the ER, I decided to use garlic infused with yogurt (yogurt helps it go down easier). I took about 1 T. of crushed garlic and 1 T. of yogurt. Within 5 minutes the swelling in my feet went away and I felt my blood pressure had gone down. I took my blood pressure and it had dropped over 50 points! Obviously, the blood pressure spikes were brought on by the tooth infection, unbeknownst to the young Dentist!!!

I cook with garlic all of the time, but RAW GARLIC is terrific for blood pressure and infections!!!


EC: Thank you!! Cross-posted to our high blood pressure, tooth abscess and fluid retention pages.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Craig (Birmingham, England) on 01/27/2009

I did a Juice fast and very quickly sent my Thyroid from Hypo to Hyper in the blink of an eye. I've had a very dangerous high hyper. Anyhow I've had very bad breathing attacks and tightness in chest. Numbing in front and back of chest, Dizzy and fatigue. Didn't feel great from the chest to the head. RAW GARLIC has been truely AMAZING. This and LICOURICE ROOT in high strength are so powerful at giving Vitality. Honestly unless your real ill you just won't appreciate how great Garlic really is. I've been in a right mess at times and Garlic was a king. Also for Coughs get this licourice it's wonderful. I've had a cough ever since but it's easing. I'm taking many organic medicinal tinctures and wheatgerm oil. Now finally putting weight back on which is a relief. Any illness reach for the Water, Garlic, Licourice, Blackstrap Molasses and Cayenne Peppers. No joke this stuff is AMAZING and cheap as chips. Don't be put off by any idiots who attack Garlic. Their paid off most of them or have not a single clue about true illness and healing. Dr John Ray Christopher highly praised Garlic and he was the greatest modern Vitalist healer in the World.

Replied by Wendy
(Ontario, Canada)

Craig... Your symptoms sound alot like mine. Mine seemed to step from a magnesium deficiency and electrolyte imbalance as well as depleted minerals. I had these 2 years ago and they chalked it up to anxiety. In all fairness I was stressed and had gone back to consuming tea to help cope after years of being off it HOWEVER I would think I am made of stronger stuff!!! So I set out to find out WHY this was happening!!! For me it had to be what was missing or what was I toxic with?

I was helped by a man I met online who lives in nova scotia by the name of terry chamberlain who studies alkalinity/ph balalncing as per Dr.Carey reams teachings. He had me take my urine and saliva ph readings morning and night, then added coral calcium in, a good green powder supplement, concentrace mineral drops starting at 1 drop 2x a day, then 2 drops 2 x a day, upping by 1 drop morning and night each day. I made it to like 30 drops twice a day before bowel tolerance which is pretty bad- I was so severely depleted in minerals and my ph was so out of whack! I also started taking 2 drops of Lugol's twice a day and using MSM to help detoxify (with lots of water). I tracked my urine and saliva on a chart at the same time each morning and night (roughly). Do not use first morning urine unless you've been up in the night to go, otherwise it is too strong. Do not eat or drink anything before you take the saliva/urine reading in the morning and wait at least an hour or more afterwards at night time. Within weeks I felt better then I had in 20 years... It was so incredibly amazing. The anxiety/chest tightness, breathing issues, racing heart, fatigue etc. All stopped within a couple weeks. After a couple months I was flying and felt so good in fact I accidentally got pregnant with my 3rd LMAO... I didn't feel comfortable with those large doses being pregnant so I dialed it down alot... It was one heck of a ride- the mental clarity, the energy, pain free, the mojo- phew LOL

Now I'm breastfeeding and looking forward to getting back on that regimen real soon- sleep deprivation is killing me LOL One thing I did google back then was allergic reactions and I really felt like that could be part of it as well. We eat a really good diet free of dairy and wheat and corn (because I get crazy headaches from wheat and corn, eczema and stuffy nose from dairy, excruciating back-neck and shoulder pain from wheat) but the odd treat I would have was a buttertart or a sweet treat if I went out with the girls every couple months. Even if it was gluten free it would give me the chest tightness like you describe but it would also make my heart race too and make breathing more labored (also gluten does that for me too). So I don't even eat those anymore - while it might seem daunting at first to switch over to ancient grains and lots of leafy greens, raw foods and the like (not saying you don't already do that but for some who might be contemplating it) it really can be done, just give yourself time. Not sure if any of this helps you but it might helps someone else.


Broad Benefits
Posted by Adeline ( Los Angeles, CA) on 12/07/2008

I ate 1 raw clove of garlic hoping to kill some bacteria (an unrelated cure I had read about here and was trying) An unexpected side effect: I woke up the next day feeling happier than I have in a long time. Energetic. I felt trimmer. I felt like I had been carrying around a dress size worth of water and it was gone. I'm starting to think garlic is a miracle food. I think it's cured my infection and happily I think it will be the cure to my chronic bloating. Thanks for the site!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kin (Auckland, New Zealand) on 12/02/2008

Hi Gerald:

12/01/2008: Gerald from Midland, MI writes: "I like your comments...a lot of us are extreme conservatives, so you're not alone! I used garlic for packing on 40lbs of muscle in 6 months...It even kills botulism... a tough nut to crack animals that were treated with garlic lived (and it arrested paralysis) the others died quickly, even with medication."

Most interesting to hear that you "used garlic for packing on 40lbs of muscle in 6 months".....could you please provide more information, i am always interested seeking natural way of building muscle, how do you take the garlic, raw or cook, and how much do you take, also why are you so sure it was garlic that help building muscle in your case. Thanks in advance.

Replied by Tarshia
(Fayetteville Nc)

Please explain how garlic puts on lbs.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Robbie (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) on 08/04/2008

This is going to sound hideous... and it is, but it does the trick.

When ever I have a cold I have a number of remedies I use.

In Scotland we have a thing called a hot toddy which is basically whiskey, cloves, honey and lemon made into a tea.

However, my other remedy (and this is the disgusting one) I have used and it works... is blend some garlic cloves and water into a blender. Then gulp down some of the brew at night. I normally just try to drink the whole thing. I don't really bother with measurements, Just play about till you find something that works for you. It's the garlic your eating, the water just helps it go own. Plus it's broken up and therefore absorbed into the body quicker and easier.

I also do the same as a mosquito repellent. Blend the garlic and water together and pour through a siv. The pulp I place in plant pots on my pation and the water garlic solution I place in a squeezy bottle and go around spraying my windows and door frames. All blood eating creatures hate garlic.

You can also use Listerine which surprisingly mosqutios hate for some reason. I use a combination of the two.


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Lex (San Francisco, Ca) on 08/15/2009

I discovered that garlic cures acute bronchitis by accident...

I've been diagnosed with acute bronchitis and been sick for a month and two weeks and nothing seems to be working. It appeared as if I kept on getting relapses...

Growing up, I've always been told by mom that garlic is good for the health and what not. I've also been hearing it from others, tv, etc. But I've always thought it was just for minor things like a sniffle or so...

One day I decided to go "gung-ho" and chop fresh garlic into my salad. Maybe it was my primitival instict kicking in, but I thought that maybe strong dose of fresh garlic may do something. On the same day, I decided to include fresh garlic into everything - including my dinner pizza. The next day I started to feel better. I still wasn't sure if that was just a calming state before another relapse so I didn't jump into conclusion. Second day passed, Third day passed, and now I'm on my fifth day of feeling back to normal.

I then "googled" garlic and cures to read about garlic and its healing properties. That's when I found this site and discussion!

Thank you.

Posted by Sarah (Ocala, Florida) on 04/21/2009

I have COPD and chronic Bronchitis. I have recently been searching for a way to eliminate constant congestion and and continuous nasty cough. I found this site and now visit the health food store almost weekly. I love it and tell everyone I see. Anyway, back to the congestion, I took 2 cloves of garlic and smashed it and downed it chased by water late in the evening. Amazingly I feel 90% better after 1 night. I will do this again today and see if it continues to get better. I slept very good and did not wake up coughing all night. I also noticed in the morning that I am coughing up all kinds of junk. That is definitely an improvement. I will continue this for a few days and post another comment as I progress. I am very interested in the MSN method also. Could someone please post more specific instructions. Where do you buy MSN? Is it liquid, capsule, powder, etc? How much do you use and do you mix with water? Thanks.

EC: Hi, Sarah. Do you mean MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) or MMS (Miracle Medical Supplement)?

Replied by Sarah
(Ocala, Florida)

Oops, yes, I did mean MSM. Thank you very much for catching that. :)

Replied by Dorothy
(Oz, KS, US)

go to A___ an online book store and check out page 41 in the Miracles of MSM book. That should help. Check online for discount vitamins or your local health food store for msm.

EC: No problem mentioning that url!

Replied by Merchant Ship
(San Antonio, Texas)

Several years ago I was suffering from sarcoidosis, which is an auto immune disease that attacks soft tissue organs, usually lungs or skin. After a year of suffering from a dry cough that left me with bloodshot eyes and sore ribs on a consistant basis, I was finally diagnosed at Mayo. A year and half on prednisone rendered it inactive, but I was given a couple of inhalers that I was suppose to be on indefinitely. A friend had just heard about MSM and gave me a cassette tape explaining the research and treatment that had been done with racehorses. I tried it in pill form, but only noticed a slight change. It was when I found the powdered pharmaceutical grade that changed my lung health forever. It came in a 4 oz. bottle for $24.00, yikes! I took 1/2 a tsp. mixed in OJ morning and night. It needs vitamin C to absorb into the cells so make sure to take it with carrot or citris juice. It is very bitter and if you don't stir it well you will get a MSM sludge at the end. Within 2 weeks my lung capacity improved and I quit the inhalers. I continued consistant use for about a year. I have used food grade and animal grade (for horses from the feed store) and as long as it is 100% pure MSM it works for me. Now I just throw it in smoothies or take it when I start to wease. It's great for arthritis, bursitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia too. Hope this helps:)

Posted by Hillary (Jonesboro, Georgia) on 09/27/2007

After years of suffering with horrible bouts of bronchitis, a lady, claiming to be a "witch" told me to soak my feet in hot garlic water, blanket over myself and the bucket, to inhale steam. She told me to do this for at least 6 hrs. I did not have bronchitis for 5 years. It is time to do it again (and I will), but was wondering, has anyone else heard of this "method" and what is is called?

Replied by Natalie
(Tillamook, Or)

Yes I have heard of this sort of thing. My doctor gave me a nebulizer and told me to use ______ (garlic drops) in the nebulizer and she said it works miracles. Iv used garlic for many other things its amazing. Natures antibiotic. :-)

Replied by Dejan
(Toronto, Ontairo)

This treatment is very common in Europe especially in the countries of Eastern Europe. We have all sorts of remedies with garlic, herbal tea, honey, red wine, etc. If there is a problem with breathing due to bronchitis or a horrible cold or flu, beside the garlic treatment, you can always brew a big pot of herbal tea, cover yourself with a towel and inhale the steam. You'd feel much better in no time.

Posted by Michelle (Albuquerque, NW) on 01/09/2007

Fresh Garlic cured my Bronchitis and Sinus Infection. 1 finely diced clove (not the entire bulb) 3x's daily with any complimentary food that has been cooled almost to room temp (eg. diced tomatoes, avocado, chicken noodle soup, spaghetti sauce, pizza, or even apple pie.) Garlic is a natural antibiotic and antifungal. Within an hour or so, easier to breather and think, in 4 days cleared up symptoms. Took for 7 days to eliminate any chance of becoming ill again. Drawbacks: odoriferous breath, and the odor also emanates from the pores of the skin. Use strong breath mints/cologne/essential oils to your liking.

Replied by Carmel
(Essex, Uk)

Please note that garlic can cause brain fog, loss of memory and under active thyroid in some too.

Replied by Kay
(Destin, Fl)

I add parsley (fresh or dried) to all my garlic concoctions and it helps to keep the odor down immensely. It also makes garlic tea taste lovely. If you need a change from the tea, just add some spices or seasoned salts (Natures Seasoning, Spike, bullions, etc. and/ or vegimite/marmite) and turn it into a savory bullion drink.

I also like to buy the garlic stuffed olives (in salt brine); and as the jar lowers, I drop in more fresh cloves and several stalks of parsley. This makes it very handy to eat fresh-garlic on the go, and/or when you are aren't feeling well enough to fetch/peel/prep fresh garlic, or if you bought a large jar of peeled garlic and need to used or preserve it. It's also a good use for excess parsley/stems.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Greek (Chicago, IL) on 03/28/2008

My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1985. We live in a polluted community, he smoked, and my families diet was pretty heavy in red meat. He was given the proper medication and then discharged. He knew that cancer usually returns so he decided to modify his diet.

The first thing he did was stop smoking. He then changed his diet. No more red meats. He made sure to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits every single day. His main fruit of choice is bananas. The addition he made, which I think was the most valuable was garlic. Garlic is a huge staple for mediterraneans, so this wasn't a big adjustment. It was a big adjustment for everyone else in the house that valued breathable air. Well, 23 years later, he's as healthy as a horse. He gave cancer one hell of a beating.

I take the garlic pills because of the obvious odor. I work with a lot of people and I don't want any embarassing odor. Is there anything that can kill the bad breath or the odor that comes from the pores?

Replied by Jeri
(Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

NO odor by eating fresh garlic cloves.

You do NOT have to have bad breath, the secret is NOT to bite/chew it. EVERY MORNING I squash and peel 2-3 cloves, chop up finely, let stand 10-15 minutes then I swallow it (without chewing) as I drink a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice (with real warm water). NO garlic breath. (A few years ago, when working in a legal office, I would drink down the garlic cloves with Barley Greens and no one ever said I had garlic breath.) If you want to make sure you can later chew and eat some fresh parsley sprigs.

P.S. - when you first start doing this, you may have some garlic odor (I don't know if on your breath or from your skin) until your body adjusts but don't give up or despair because the health benefits are worth the initial 'inconvenience', if you have any.

Replied by David Aames
(New York, New York)

Hi Jeri. After you peel then squash the garlic...Why do you let it sit for 10-15 minutes??? What is the reasoning/benefit behind that?

I just started taking the garlic...after I peel 1-3(depending on the size of the clove) garlic cloves I squash them with a garlic press and then scoop it out and swallow it with water. Will I get the same benefit if I don't wait the 10-15 minutes that you say it should sit for?


Replied by Jeremiah
(San Diego, California)

David, letting the chopped up, sliced, or diced garlic sit for 10-15 minutes will ensure that the allicin, which is the active ingredient in garlic that gives it it's smell, will fully come out and be at its most potent, therefore ensuring that it is at it's most beneficial, healthful stage.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Stephen (Wichita, Kansas) on 02/11/2008

Garlic is and has been a miracle cure for a entire host of ailments. Candida, which causes a condition known as candida albacons is caused by the continued use of underarm deoderants, toothpaste, mouth washes, many prescription medications and the list goes on. There are enzymes in the body and its blood supply and organs. The use of the above mentioned products kills the enzyme that would otherwise be present to devour yeast in the body. When this happens, the yeast will over produce and is linked to over 98% of all known cancers (Meaning 100% of all known naturally occurring cancers). The enzymes found in raw garlic replaces the body's naturally occurring enzymes and takes on the role of instantly killing the yeast. When this happens, the bloat in your body will then shrink, you will breath much better, your kidneys will love you for garlic consumption. Your liver gets along with garlic very well as does the heart. Mixing cayenne pepper with the consumption of raw garlic helps to dialate blood vessels all throughout your body. This combination is extremely effective for impotence. I have learned this information from trial and error and have it down now as a proven fact. ENJOY GODS gift of Garlic.

Candida and Thrush

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Beehive (London, Uk) on 05/01/2013

Garlic for candida in the gut and thrush:

I began getting ill with the flu very very regularly. If my son had a slight sniffle I would catch it and end up bedridden for 10 days. As soon as I recovered from one flu-like illness I would come down with another. This went on for about a year. I also ended up with a recurrent thrush infection. I searched the internet and found that my illnesses were probably due to an overgrowth of candida in my gut and my immune system was compromised. I also read that taking raw crushed garlic would kill the candida but that I would get die off symptoms and it would make me feel really unwell. Well, I followed the instructions, crushed a clove of garlic, left it to sit for 10 minutes and then swallowed it with fruit juice and then ate a light meal. An hour or so later I felt so unwell. I regretted having had the garlic. These symptoms lasted 2 days. After that I felt fine. A few days later my son came home from school with a bit of a sniffle and I feared that I might end up bedridden again. Amazingly I did not catch the sniffle. A week after I had had the first dose of garlic I decided to have another one. I did not feel unwell at all. No die off symptoms therefore no candida in the gut. Now I take a crushed clove of garlic every couple of weeks or so. I also make sure my son has it too. The thrush cleared up too. I also eat live yogurt regularly too. There is no need to go to the doctors for an antifungal when you can get a clove of garlic and it does the job a million times better.

Chewing Raw Garlic

4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Nanyunja (Kampala, Uganda) on 04/20/2011

Hello I was wondering if sliced garlic when swallowed work! Thanks

Replied by Liz
(Boston, Ma)

Absolutely! In fact, taking it that way yields the most benefits. Chop up a clove (but be sure to let it sit for about 10 min's after chopping), put it on a spoon and swallow/wash down with plenty of water.

Replied by Carmel
(Essex, Uk)

What about drinking garlic juice? I see some places sell it where you can buy a pint of it? They say it is to help animals but surely it would help humans too?

Chewing Raw Garlic
Posted by Izzy (St. Louis, Mo, United States) on 10/08/2010

What is the best way to take it? I tried chewing it but dear gawd it burn like hell, so I was thinking about just chopping it up and letting it sit so that the good stuff has time to form then just mixing it with either honey or olive oil and swallowing it like a pill! Any suggestions?

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi Izzy, I had the same problems, now either I make a cup of miso, put the garlic through the garlic press and add together with some parsley, coriander or chives which I quite like or else I mix it with my food before I start eating.

Replied by Reda
(Detroit, Michigan)

Garlic odors removed from mouth
Use a stainless steel spoon, folk, knife etc. Run it under water and rub or suck on it and the smell will be gone. And you can do the same for your hands. You can also use with oil.

Replied by Vee

Minced garlic on a slice of buttered bread 3 times a day. Right now Jan. 2016 I am using it after a round of ampicillin for nasty Strep B urinary tract infection. When I peed in the cup so they could analyze it it was full of blood. Very scary stuff! I started taking garlic yesterday and already I feel better. I even inserted it last night in my vagina just in case I have an over growth there. It helps to pierce the garlic with a needle and run a thread through it so it is easily removed.

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