Health Benefits

Garlic: A Superfood for Health and the Immune System

Eliminate Garlic Breath

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Posted by Jess (Salem, Va) on 09/14/2016

I've been using Garlic, water and honey for 3 days now and it's been amazing. However, my husband is complaining of a strong garlic smell coming from my body and breath. I would love to know a way to rid of this, so I can continue to take this mixture for as long as I want, without "turning him off"! Thanks!!!

Replied by Jo-ann
(Charlton, Ma)

My husband and I take raw crushed garlic every morning. We wash it down with a half glass of (cow's) milk. I read this nullifies the odor in breath and skin from garlic. Right away you can feel it calm your mouth down. It's been 2 weeks since we started and neither one of us smells like garlic!

Eliminate Garlic Breath
Posted by Nohard (Aristomenis, Greece) on 02/01/2012

I'm taking fresh garlic for ED, so I chop up a whole head fine as possible, put it in a jar add olive oil, and lots of dry parsley, take the amount you want with a little water to swallow, I'm finding that this takes away the garlic smell from my breath, and must add, with my wife's thanks, for not breathing garlic over her.

Eliminate Garlic Breath
Posted by Shane (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/16/2007

For those who don't want the smell of raw garlic on their breath try this method. Crush a clove or two onto a dessert spoon then add olive oil and down the hatch. you get the benefits of raw garlic with none of the breath issues. Best taken with meals.

Replied by K-mac
(West Hollywood, Ca)


Thank you for this information about cloves and olive oil to eliminate garlic breathe. I am having asthma and bronchial problems and completely forgot all about my natural remedies (it has been a number of years since I have asthma). Now I am eating garlic like it is my job. Thanks for the information!


Fountain of Youth

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Hector Villanueva (Lancaster, Ca.) on 10/17/2008

I was told by a friend that his father was and has been taking Garlic though diffrent methods,. Chewing, leaving garlic in Honey then after months of fermenting would give it to his kids instead of cough medicine, He also leaves the Garlic in Tequila for months and each night before bed he takes a shot. He's 81 years old, rides a bicyle and has a girlfriend who is 34 years old and is now pregnant.. I have personally been taking, along with my friends and family, Raw Garlic for over 5 years and I haven't gotten sick.

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Douglas (Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A.) on 03/03/2008

I'm 41 and people think I'm in my mid twenties, really.

I started using natural health remedies when I was about 12, probably younger. I learned about them from my grandmother who seems to have a kitchen antidote for all my summer ailments of fever, cold, nerve tonic; she even burned her own natural repellents.

I consider myself self-taught, and garlic is something I think no one should be without.

My studies over the years has lead me back to garlic everytime I treat an ailment for myself or recommend to someone else. From the common cold to prostate problems to longevity.

What makes garlic uniques is that it increases the potency of whatever you combine it with. For example if you take a multivitamin that has 500mg of vitamin B1, taken with garlic the potency of B1 will increase 5 to 10 times 500mg. It is the case with other essentials.

Currently, I'm taking garlic (including my multi) for a concussion after a nasty winter ice fall. Of course, I went to the hospital for treatment, nothing broken or torn, yet the pain and damage at the cellular level which doesn't show up on an X-ray, I know is there because of the dizzy spells and aches and pains I'm experiencing.

I know I need rest, water and garlic, for now.

Replied by Laurie
(Belleville, Ont)

Hello Douglas

You said that the reason garlic unique is that it increases the potency of whatever you combine it with.

Would it also increase Vitamin C by 5 to 10 times ???

Would it increase the potency of other herbals such as Oregano oil etc ?

Thank you for your very informative post

Fresh Garlic vs. Garlic Supplements

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Posted by Kathy (Benton, Arkansas) on 11/27/2011

High potency garlic pills are not as good for you as fresh garlic cloves. I took a garlic pill for awhile and had the most horrible heartburn I could possibly have. Today I cut up fresh garlic the size of pills and eat a teaspoon twice a day with 2 tbsp of apple cidar vinegar in 8 oz of water. I have been able to stop using Nexium. Use fresh garlic if you can. Acid reducers such as Prilosec, Nexium etc. Are very dangerous to continue for any length of time. If you have a germ in your stomach you need the acid to get rid of the germ.

Also, ignore the post that says you must cut or chop and eat the garlic in 30 seconds. Many such post come from people who work for big pharmaceutical companies. They have invaded many good sites. There is one called "quackbusters" and they say bad things about just about all natural healing foods and supplements. The man works for a pharmaceutical company.

You have 10 minutes to cut and eat to get the benefit.

Replied by Khakimo
(Atlanta, Usa)

Actually - all the research I've done says that you wait the 10 minutes after cutting/crushing to allow the allicin to build to maximum potency. Then it should be consumed within an hour of cutting/crushing or it will start to lose its potency.

Fresh Garlic vs. Garlic Supplements
Posted by Bonnie (Ulysses, Kansas) on 05/16/2009

Just wanted to advise everyone that garlic should be sliced quickly and into your system within 30 seconds if possible. When garlic is sliced, it releases the healing properties and if not taken soon, it gradually loses its healing power. I have found it to relieve a toothache!

I first learned about garlic when I found that I had blood-poisoning one evening as I was getting ready for bed. I had to be at work early the next morning (on a Saturday) and going to the emergency room was out of the question as I worked as a rural mail carrier. I had recently bought a book on alternative healing, so looked for a solution to blood poisoning. It advised to take one clove of garlic and stated that one clove of garlic will cleanse the body's blood supply in a matter of hours! This herb is truly a gift from God!

Replied by T
(Maryland, USA)

Actually, letting garlic sit for 10 minutes after slicing or mincing will maximize the beneficial compounds. You can find numerous references to this via Google (try "let garlic sit" as the search string).

Replied by Sami
(Willis, Mi , Usa)

Put your sliced garlic in olive oil, it will keep it fresh for a long time, I've been doing that for a long time, try it and see the garlic how it stay strong.

Replied by Karen
(Randolph, Nj)

Response to Sami:

I am a former certified food safety manager - we were always warned about garlic kept in this way, especially at room temperature. This is a dangerous practice - garlic kept in this way be liable to botulism and clostridium. Old fashioned restaurant and pizzerias sometimes keep a pot near the stove or steam table this way - food stores sell it this way now, too, but don't be complacent. It's easily contaminated.

Replied by Brian
(Wichita, Ks)

How are you supposed to store it safely? Elaborate please, it may save someone's life


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jenn (Vancouver, Bc ) on 11/28/2009

Garlic, garlic, garlic!!!
It's cheap.
It's convenient.
It works!

I've had a fungal/bacterial infection on both of my index fingers for 5 years and I tried all the remedies suggested but nothing worked so I gave up. Shortly afterwards I started cooking with garlic a lot and noticed the fungus on my left hand was clearing up fairly quickly. I did some research and found out garlic has powerful anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. I stared using it on my right hand and it worked! All you have to do is split a clove in half and rub the juices in and around where the fungus is for a few minutes (3-5). Do this every other day before you go to bed. Don't rub the juices in vigorously for more than 20 minutes or make a paste out of crushed garlic and wrap it around yor finger because it will burn, literally. A little goes a long way. You should start seeing results within 4 weeks if the fungus isn't too bad, 8 weeks for extreme cases. Toenails can take up to 3 months because they grow much slower than fingernails.

Replied by Kelly
(Cincinnati , Ohio)

I forgot to add that the garlic/vapo rub mix does not burn. I was a little afraid at first but it didn't.

Garlic Allicin Tabs

Posted by John, (Trang Thailand) on 02/22/2018

Allicin, the working part of garlic comes in 2000mg tabs. A while back I went through all my vitamins plus etc. and sorted out the ones that took 2-4 hours in a glass of water to dissolve. Anything taking much longer goes out the back door with your money.

Allicin tabs from Thailand took 10 hours to dissolve. I will look for another brand.

Garlic and Blood Thinning

Posted by El (Al) on 12/20/2013

Hi. I felt I was coming down with the flu, so ate lots of garlic. Next day, I had a horrible nose bleed. Since then, I've had bruising. Apparently, the garlic thinned my blood too much. So, if I want to take garlic for the flu or whatever, what should I take with it so I won't bleed? I've always been a free flowing person, so when I donate blood they have to do extra wraps. Low BP, too. Suggestions?

Replied by Mike 62
(Denver, Colorado)

El: Farmers add yucca liquid extract when watering fields high in clay because the natural soaps do something to the electromagnetism making the water wetter. Wetter water can penetrate the clay when regular water does not. Thinning the blood requires removing matter from the blood and the garlic does not do that. Garlic makes the water wetter. Pour some soapy water in a cup. The water stays there. Poke some holes in the bottom. The water leaks away, not because the water was thin, but because the cup was leaky. The capillaries are weak and porous from not enough nutrients from eating cooked regular food. Watch raw food videos for the best body and brain of your entire life. You can also take raw grassfed animal products, superfoods, and home brewed water kefir like I do to function at peak performance.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

El from Al: sounds like you simply took too much.

Garlic Bath

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Chanda (Longview, Texas) on 01/25/2012

This is great for any age. I use it on my grandson all the time. ( 1yr ) Run hot as you can stand bath. Pour some garlic powder in the bath. If you have aches pour half bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Close shower curtain and allow yourself to soak at least fifteen minutes until you break sweat. This cures any sickness trying to come on, and breaks fever. You will feel refreshed and stink if you do not rinse off with cold shower after.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

Why garlic powder, why not fresh garlic? And I don't have a shower curtain around my bath..... Is HP safe to pour in the bath like that? My husband tells me to stay away from it as it is a powerful oxydant that can cause cancer. He is a chemist.....

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

regarding HP: actually the opposite is true. Oxidized molecules, or ones with oxidative damage, have had an electron taken from them, the things that "steal" the electron (think greedy = bad) are oxidizers and cause oxidative stress and damage, aging, disease etc. This is what causes cells (and tea leaves, etc) to wilt. HP has an extra electron, and gives (think giving = generous, good, etc) its extra electron to those molecules so they are no longer damaging or damaged. Perhaps Ted or someone with healthy experience with HP can advise us of its limits, but we are getting oxidative stress every day, so I believe small amounts daily instead of huge amounts would be better. I am discovering lots of great uses for it on EC.

Garlic Capsule Side Effects

1 User Review

Posted by Charlotte (Essex, Clacton, England) on 03/16/2012

I tried taking garlic capsules every day, twice a day, high strength. After three weeks I got a rash, it didn't hurt or sting, you could just see it, brain fog where I could not concentrate or think straight or remember much - very scary. Will continue to take it but much smaller doses. Now trying Apple Cider Vinegar and wild oil of oregano - this is for my sinuses and allergies which spread to ears and cause bad headaches sometimes.

Garlic Flu Shot Recipe

1 User Review
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Posted by Dot (Chicago, Il) on 02/03/2013

GARLIC FLU SHOT recipe. I live in chicago but I'm from the south and the cold here is BRUTAL on my system. The past few months we've been having an outbreak of flu. Everyone in my family got it (despite having a flu vaccine) and I was scared to death (I did not have the flu vaccine). BUT, thanks to this recipe I found posted on Pinterest, I survived, nursing them all through their virus without getting sick myself. This is an unheard of victory for me.

The recipe is:

  • juice of 6 lemons
  • 2 tbsps honey (i used raw)
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne
  • 1 BULB of garlic (yep, that's the whole thing)
  • 3 cups of juice (pineapple, pomegranate or grapefruit)
  • 1 tbsp or more of grated ginger
  • Drink 4 cups a day.
Blend it in the blender and drink, making sure to chew on any garlic clumps that make it through the blending process. Not only does it scare away viruses, it gives you lots of ENERGY. I got fairly addicted to it, and noticed that while I was drinking it, it had the added side benefit of making my skin glow:)

Replied by Wellspruce
(Juneau, Ak, Usa)

For clarification, do you mean one HEAD of garlic with the 20 or so bulbs?

Garlic From Kashmir

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ross (Charlottesville, VA) on 11/27/2007

I have found a powerful garlic from Kashmir that you can eat raw (much more healing power) but it has almost no odor. It's much better than using cooking garlic! I'd be happy to let others know how to get it.

Replied by Carol
(Portland, OR)

Where did you get the garlic from Kashmir?

Replied by Alfredo
(Mexico City, Mexico)

Yes please let us know where can we get the garlic from Kashmir, thank you

EC: Warning! There is only 1 site on the internet selling this as far as we can see, so the post was probably sent from there. Very little information is given about the company that sells it, only the product itself.

Garlic Side Effects

4 User Reviews
4 star (1) 

Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 06/01/2019 233 posts

You may benefit from drinking marshmallow root tea daily, this puts a protective and restorative lining upon the entire gi tract, among many other benefits.