Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

Acid Reflux
Posted by Bob (Princeton, NJ)

You need to get real apple cider vinegar. Heinz is not real. Go to a health food store - even GNC has apple cider vinegar (ACV) w/mother. (Mother is the sediment at the bottom).

Shake well. Add one teaspoon to a glass and add a little less than a mouthful of distilled water. I also add a few drops of cayenne to it. If you have RAW organic honey - a bit of that mixed in can make it taste better. Drink this 10 minutes before meals. Do not drink any more liquid until at least 30 minutes after eating.

Anyone I know who does this no longer has ANY need for Prevacid, etc.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Jessica (Escondido, CA)

just read your web site. I have had acid reflux for over a year, and I have refused to take meditation, just using Altoids to try to help it and Milk of Magnesia, but still it didn't go away. I began taking vinegar and honey twice a day for the last two days, and now food doesn't burn when it goes down, and the pain is gone.

Posted by Lara (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

I took Apple Cider Vinegar with a shot glass of Welches Grape Juice. It tastes a lot like wine to me this way. Much easier to take this way. I have a lot more energy already and I have only been taking it a few days.

Posted by Shawn (Boulder)

Mixed with ginger ale and white grape juice, ACV tastes terrific. Very similiar in taste to Kombouchu tea.

Posted by Patch (Sarasota, Florida, United States) on 06/26/2012

Hi I must add my voice to the crowd of people who find the taste of pure ACV to be absolutely unpalatable at best, nauseating at worst. That said, I have an interesting anecdote to report: I recently finished a bottle of very old ACV that had been sitting virtually untouched for 2 - 4 years (no kidding). It was never refrigerated, and for the last few years wasn't even properly closed (the cap broke). What happened is that it turned a very dark color, and the "mother" was so fully developed that it looked like kombucha starter, if you've ever seen that. I'm talking about large brown gelatinous masses rather than small filaments. Here's the most interesting part: it tasted great! It definitely had the right acidity and "kick" but there was no foul odor (excuse me if you're a fan), and no strong after taste at all. It was a very clean taste. It seems that ACV only gets better with time (and maybe even more healthful), like a fine wine, so if you ever see a long-neglected, dark colored bottle with well-developed "mother of vinegar, " snatch it up!

Posted by Carmel (Clacton, Essex, Uk) on 06/26/2012

Very interesting. I bought a large bottle of this months ago and was told when I bought it that it had the mother in there. I was naive, had never bought this stuff before. When it was delivered and I looked for this fascinating mother I had read so much about I could see just a few bits in there, like grains of pepper. It tasted horrible so I decided to put it to one side while I had a think. A month passed and the few grains had become more and yes like kombucha. Still have not drunk it. Am contemplating doing so to help with my sinuses and blocked ears but hate the taste.

Posted by Patch (Sarasota, Florida, United States) on 06/26/2012

Carmel, here's another "recipe" tip in case your batch is still foul-tasting. I'm from Russia and I usually drink my current bottle (still young, light colored, and quite gross) the way Russians drink cheap vodka. Pour yourself a shot with 2 tbsp ACV. 1/4 tsp baking soda is a good idea to neutralize the acid. (Other stuff is optional, cayenne pepper, honey, etc.... )

The real key is breathing properly:

1) Inhale
2) Exhale fully
3) With no air in your lungs, drop the whole shot with bravado
4) Inhale (if the stuff is real bad, then take the first inhale entirely through the mouth)

If you want to be on the safe side, you can take a few more breaths through your mouth before inhaling normally.

Chasers help too, even plain water...

If you have an old bottle of spirulina capsules, try emptying one in the shot. It won't make it taste any better, but it will turn it a neat radioactive green, and you can pretend you're about to turn into the incredible Hulk.

Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Terri (Prospect, OR)

I just want to let you know that I agree with the dentist. I started drinking vinegar water 3 years ago all day long like you, and my teeth start going bad, since then I drink a glass in the morning as tea and then brush my teeth no more problems with my teeth.

Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Marco (Eindhoven, Netherlands)

I've read that eating a little bit of cheese afterwards will lower the acid level in your mouth. A high acid level is good for the ph balance of the body but not so good for your teeth.

Acid Reflux
Posted by BettyLou (USA)

My husband and I have been using apple cider vinegar for a long time and we swear by it. My husband has been on every thing for his acid reflux problem and nothing works but this vinegar.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Rasheeda (Arlington TX)

I had a very bad case of acid reflux. No over the counter medicine worked. I then remembered an article I read that apple cider vinegar cures acid reflux. I took two tablespoons 3 times that day and the acid reflux went away.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Casper (Stockbridge, GA)

I have been using Apple Cider Vinegar for a week now, and it has completely cured my acid reflux. I have been on Prevacid for almost eight years now... I am slowly weaning myself off of it. We will see.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Frank (Bellflower, CA)

Right now I thank the Lord for this web site. I was at the end of the road. I tried everything. I could not go a day without having a attack of reflux. On Saturday I was at church and my heartburn and reflux was so bad, my right arm was numb. Many nights I end up spitting up on the side of the bed. I had over 10 bottles of omeprazole from the V.A. hospital that helped for the moment.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Angela (Des Moines, WA)

I was just diagnosed with acid reflux and was prescribed Aciphlex. I hate taking all of those new medications out there, they create more problems in other areas. After talking to many people and doing lots of research online, I decided to try vinegar. I first bought Heinz apple cider vinegar. Then I read that Heinz was not real vinegar and that I should try [an organic brand]. I actually did not have to go to a health food store. I bought it at Safeway. My throat was raw, but it made it feel better within the first half and hour.


EC: Click here to read ALL of emails that we've received about apple cider vinegar (ACV) curing Acid Reflux, including hundreds of other recommendations to cure Acid Reflux, Gastritis and GERD.

Posted by Amy (Hartford, CT)

I was on prescribed allergy medicine for 17 years. I started the honey and ACV mixed with water 3 years ago and rarely even have to take an over the counter allergy pill. It takes about 4-6 days of taking it twice a day to build up in my system, and then I usually only have to take it once a day. I'm a massage therapist and I recommend it to all of my clients who come in with allergies, many of them have become faithful to the ACV too. So glad someone told me about it!!

Posted by Joanie (Akron, Ohio)

My cousin's doctor recommended ACV for gout, she passed this website on to me, so I've only been using ACV for about 3 weeks now, and no migraines, no sinus headaches (northeast ohio weather horrible), allergy symptoms have all but disappeared, and FEWER HOT FLASHES (am 47), I don't understand why more physicians don't tell us about this miracle cure-all!


EC: Read many more testimonials and cures here.

Posted by Wheller (Hartford, Ct) on 09/27/2011

Did anyone ever receive the recipe? I would really like to try this. I too suffer every morning getting out of bed. Its my lower spine. Its horrible.

Posted by Dolly (Vienna, Mo, Usa) on 12/29/2011

Take an empty milk jug and put in one pint of ACV and then fill the rest of the gallon jug with equal parts grape juice and apple juice.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Deborah (El Dorado, TX)

I don't know if it (ACV) contributed to my blood pressure getting under control or if it was the medication, but I can say I do have more energy. I take 2 TSP with 8 oz of water.

EC: Click here to read more emails and cures for blood pressure.

Posted by Stacey (Seattle, Washington)

My best friend's mom swears ASV works on burns. When I recently burned my thumb on the oven I immediately poured some in a small cup and soaked my thumb in it for awhile and sure enough! burn pain, no scarring!