Local Apple Cider Vinegar
Long Term Side Effects
But for the past 6 months I'm plagued with something I can only describe as a dry mouth sensation. It started with stomach pains and spasms, but that went away and left me with the dry mouth. Sometimes this is very bad, sometimes it's tolerable, but it's been with me for 6 months now. It's not a matter of hydration, more water doesn't help. I've been to the doctor and months of testing show me as the picture of health, still I am plagued by this. I'm at the end of my rope. Now I have narrowed this down to my stomach. I am unsure whether this is connected to a low stomach acid problem or an excess stomach acid problem, but my dry mouth is worse whenever my stomach "isn't quite right".
So I am giving the ACV and honey cure a try. Just started this yesterday and so far I'm putting 2 tsp of organic ACV and 2 tsp of raw honey into about 8 oz of spring water and sipping it with my meal. (Tastes really good, I rather look forward to drinking it). At first I notice a very very slight burning in my middle, but it goes away pretty quickly if I sip a little more water. It does make the dry mouth abate for a couple hours. My worry though is that I'll damage my stomach if I actually have excess stomach acid causing the problem to worsen. How do you know if the ACV is doing more harm than good? How long should it take to see sustainable results?
(White River Junction, Vermont)
Stomach 'acid', is actually not enough acid in the stomach, so ACV tonic actually helps. I do the morning tonic, 2 TBS ACV, 1/4tsp Baking soda, 1cp water (i use a scoop of stevia as well but honey is good too). I'm in a treatment for hashimoto's, I get dry mouth, eyes, inside nose. For me, I added, cayenne pepper, 1/4-1 tsp in lilttle bit of warm/hot water, slam it back.... I do feel the 'burn' in the mouth/throat for a few min. , then heat in the stomach that soon moves to the abdomen. Dryness gone in minutes, stomach is soothed. I still do AVC, but having the cayenne everyday makes the difference for me.
Long Term Side Effects
(Myrtle Beach, Sc, Usa)
The first person who recommended ACV to me said that YES it does deplete your potassium, and that it could make your legs ache as a result. She said she would eat a banana when that happened and she would be fine. However, I've read in many other places that one of ACV's greatest benefits is that it INCREASES your potassium, which is a main reason why it works so well. I don't know. I like bananas, so I eat them often anyway. My legs never hurt.
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
It's as easy as first buying a raw apple cider vinegar (the type with the mother in it) and then mixing a cup of this with apple cider. It's best to put this in a glass container, then cover it with a coffee filter and put it at the back of your pantry/ cupboard undisturbed for about a month. At this time you will see a mother floating on top or at least a thin film. Give it a taste and if it tastes strong enough you now, not only have more ACV but can then begin to make another batch. Now that you have a mother, the second batch will go faster.
Your next batch can be made in a large mason jar with 1/2 cup of the new ACV and then fill the rest with apple cider.
This is the same process for making kombucha. You can then share your mothers with friends and family and will no longer need to buy ACV.
Best of health to all, especially during the holiday season! Lisa
(Houston, Usa)
Lisa, this is awesome! TY for sharing :)
My question is the first time round, what is the ratio of apple cider vinegar (with mother) to apple cider. Please give more specifics.
Thanks again, Tina
(Perth, Western Australia)
Bless you Lisa, you are an inspiration. I have just emptied a huge glass jar of pickled veg and was thinking it needed a reason to be in my home. Having made kombucha years ago I shall now give the ACV a go. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
(Sacramento, Ca)
Dear Lisa, Thank you so much for sharing this piece of information. You are a blessing to Earth Clinic Community. You may live long and thrive.
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)
Hi Tina, I'm sorry if I was unclear. I will try to make it more comprehensible:
1 cup of Raw apple cider vinegar (the one with the mother in it)
1 cup apple cider
Put in a jar and cover with a coffee filter over it. You can use a rubber band to secure it. Put this in your pantry/ cupboard for about 1 month. At this time you will have a mother at the top or a thin film. Taste it to see if it is strong enough. If so, continue on-
For the next batch, use 1/2 cup of your vinegar in a mason jar and fill the rest with apple cider. This batch will go much faster and will be done at about 2 weeks.
You will no longer need to buy apple cider vinegar. You can share this with others and also the mothers can be given to friends and family for their use. Spread the love!
Hope this is much clearer! Lisa
(Houston, USA)
Lisa, You rock! Thanks so much! Going to make it soon! It's great that we share info in this space!!
Thanks again, Tina
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
One thing I have learned over the years is that some orchards (combo's of apples) produce better vinegar results than others. Once you find an orchard with good results, stick to it. One more note: The best batch I ever made was from windfall apples collected from random trees. If I'm ever able to make my own press I'll be using this method exclusively.
Making Apple Cider Vinegar
EC: 3 Readers have found success. (Note: 1 strong dose works.)

Hi, so I've seen alot about Apple Cider Vinegar working to remove moles so I thought I would try it, I only put it on a q tip and held it in for about an hour yesterday and just over an hour today and it has got a lot bigger, like it has gone brown around the mole. If anyone can tell me if this is normal or what? Im really worried :( thanks
(Hotspot, Texas)
Hi Katy, I wouldn't worry, it's not unusual for moles, etc, to get swollen and inflammed by treatment before they get better.
Multiple Remedies
It has helped me with all of my minor health ailments.
I have suffered with bleeding ulcers as a result of a hiated hernia. It has cured my acid reflux. It has also lowered my blood pressure. It has helped with my anxiety. It has kept my weight the same. (I'm a healthy weight for me, 130pounds). It helps keep my skin youthful and I haven't gotten sick. No colds, no flu.
Acv is the fountain of youth. And a very potent health tonic. I highly recommend it.
(Aurora, Co)
How much do you drink? I get pretty bloated and have horrible acid reflux, and my husband has an ulcer.
Nail Fungus
EC: Click here for many more nail fungus remedies.
(Cincinnati, OH)
Hello - I'm a reporter looking for people in Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky who are fans of apple cider vinegar's health benefits. If interested, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
Nausea, Seasickness, and Hangovers
Nummular Eczema
Overall Health