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This may seem like an odd question but I suffer from seasonal allergy. I always smell this foul smell in my nose. Other people can smell it too, its not bad breath but due to allergies. I read about mixing apple cider vinegar with water and dipping cotton ball and putting it in your nose, by inhaling that, the smell would go away. But my question is, is it safe to inhale vinegar directly? Please help.General Feedback
I think its important to note that when I'm reading articles or opinions on ACV that it is not clear that individuals are aware that ACV stands for Raw unfiltered unpasteurised Apple Cider Vinegar, (containing Mother) which is quite different to Apple Cider vinegar in the supermarkets.
Please ensure that readers are aware of this difference. Regards
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Hello there, I am a big fan of natural medicine vs. conventinal and have just started to drink the ACV in water mixture for what I believe is a stomach ulcer along with poor digestion in general. I just had a small amount of it to try it out, and I felt a little bit of discomfort/burning, but nothing unbearable. Once it calmed down a little though, I did notice I felt more energized and had a more uplifting mood and I just felt a lot better in general, it was amazing! I'm not sure if this was unrelated or a placebo effect, but I did feel a whole lot better in a matter of minutes after drinking it.
I was just curious, the instructions state to drink it 3 times a day before meals, but is there a problem with drinking it during or after meals? Or before bed time?
And also, does ACV help regulate blood pressure or does it just lower it? I do experience low blood pressure/arrythmias at times and I wouldn't want to cause any harm in that sense.
Thank you!
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Hi I was just wondering does it matter if it's distilled apple cider vinegar or does it have to be regular? Or is organic better? and the _____'s brand is that at whole foods or at a local store you can buy from?
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Would someone please explain why apple cider vinegar should be better for the health than apples?
(Melbourne, Australia)
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On our apple ranch, we decided to make apple cider vinegar. A neaerby wine company also made brandy; and they had a warehouse of barrels filled with fermenting wine. I bought an old brandy barrel from them and poured in the apple juice. We were told it would take about a year to ferment, but the mother formed in about two months on the top, about 3 inches thick. The vinegar was ready in about 5 months. This was the best cider vinegar I have ever tasted, almost like a flavored drink with a little bite to it. I think the old brandy barrel flavor made the process faster. No alcohol, just raw apple cider vinegar.
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I started drinking Apple Cider Vinegar with water and I am having a hard time drinking it cause of the taste. My question is, can I drink it in orange juice? will it still work the same for losing weight and any thing else it works on???
(Middletown, Ny)
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Hello everyone, I want to combine ACV, BSM, honey, coconut oil, for a tonic, to be used during the day. Is there any problem with that? Thanks.
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Hi, I have just started to take Apple Cider Vinegar and i'am a bit confussed on what brand to buy, how much to take daily, should I drink it thru out the day instead of 3 times a day before meals, when should I brush my teeth after I take Apple Cider Vinegar, by avoiding the teeth as I take it would that help? I really want to find the best plan daily to take this to help with weight loss, hair loss, aches and joint and muscle pain but mostly to keep my ph balanced. I have been using Heinz acv, about 6 tablespoons a day. Thx John
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Can I mix the apple cider vinegar into my yogurt and it work the same as putting it in water?
(Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
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Hi, I would like to receive some info on the dosage to take Apple Cider Vinegar on a daily bases to help with everything, what are the pro's and con's of taking acv? should I rinse after taking Apple Cider Vinegar so the acid doesn't hurt my teeth? how come there are no carbs, cal, sodium in acv, don't apples have carbs ?
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I just found this site for the first and I am confuse on How do I use Apple Cider Vinegar to treat for Atrithis, Diabetic & High Blood all together? Can you advise me for the procedure.
Thanking you and more power.
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Can I use AVC long term? I know someone who's been on it for over 20yrs (daily) he's fine. My dentist said to use a "FLOURIDE-ouch"rinse afterwards. I've been on 2tbsp b4 lunch/dinner. lost 15lbs and cured my chronic rhinitis/sinusitus... I'm now also pulling a 6.0 urine ph... Yippie!
Should I eat something after swigging the acv? or oil pull? any thoughts? also- is this harmful to do daily? should I just scale back my daily dosage perhaps? OBTW- just stumbled upon this site last nite... Im addicted! THNX 2ALL who kindly take the time to post here... It means so much! Especially since we dont want to take meds. Our grandparents NEVER WENT @THE DR.s... They used these remedies. And like MOST of the socialist countries that offer clinics- this USA might just need to come up with alternatives like these- b/c getting sick will make u go broke. Everyone invests in preventative medicine. The heck w/modern medicine. Its truly yesterdays news. ALL MEDS have side effects. PERIOD>thnx in NJ!!
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Hello, I just registered to be a member of your wonderful web site. I was desperate for answers to a sinus infection. I believe I got my answers! If you could please tell me what kind of Apple cider vinegar to use. Organic, unfiltered, or non organic filtered. Thank you for all the great information. Lori
(Indianapolis, In, Usa)
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Hi all
I tried ACV a few months ago and could not stand the acidity so went onto capsules.
Aftera few weeks of taking these (I know this is not nice! ) my toilet motions were runny. I also noticed that there was a white residue to the above. Could this be body fat or what?