For those of you who use ACV for helping with ailments, I keep reading that you mix the ACV with honey & water or something similar to make a drink. Well, I love the taste of ACV straight and actually crave it. I would like to know if I would still benefit in the same way by just taking it straight? ex: fill a 3 tsp medicine cup and down it. Thanks.
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In the past 2 weeks I have commenced using a cap full of organic ACV with a glass full of water every morning after breakfast. I am 54 years of age in good health and with the exception of a cholesterol lowering tablet, take no other medication. Over the past couple of months have felt lower energy levels and find it difficult to get going in the mornings. Since using the ACV have clearly noticed that my energy levels have returned and in fact better than what they were. I no longer have trouble getting out of bed and have found that there is no sign of constipation as was sometimes being experienced. I wasn't sure whether this was my imagination but now having read with great interest the feedback that have been posted, I do believe it is as a result of using the ACV. I intend to continue using it and am eager to see what my cholesterol levels will be at on my next blood test. If improved, I will suggest to my doctor that I trial a period of time ceasing the statins and maintaining the ACV. When I have some results from this experiment, I will post the update.
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Hello, I've taken Apple Cider Vinegar for past 2 months never felt better.
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I did ACV for a month.. And honestly I found things different.. I was drinking it daily.. Hourly.. And well.. I just think I got addicted to it.. I wasn't even wanting my morning coffee's no more.. Now that is a shock.. Being off it for 1 month now. I feel more bloated and more heavy in weight.. Seems odd but it is true. I am going to start this up again and the brand I enjoy is bought at walmart and a product of Germany. It tastes super with green tea and honey and well of course water. I have read the Blackstrap Molasses info as well and going to be getting that into our lives here.. Especially with my husband who has Pulmonary Fibrosis of lungs and myself a lot of joint pain. Will post in a month.. This all works as long as you are safe and feel good doing it. Good Luck Everyone.
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My cousin is a big apple cider vinegar and water drinker, we did a 26.2 mile walk to raise money for cancer, and she was sipping on the concoction all day. When I asked her about it she explained to me that ACV helps with water absoprtion. In doing some further investigations I found that a popular hangover cure in several Northern European countries is to drink pickle brine, the primary cause of hangover pains being dehydration (and vitamin depletion). I drink it after the gym now, it has the added benefit of helping my acid reflux as well! I can eat tomato sauce again! Luckily I like the taste of vinegar, so no suggestions on how to mask the flavor.
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My great great aunt takes 2 tsps ACV straight every morning. She is 89 and still going strong. As soon as I turned 20 I started taking a "shot" of ACV in the morning. The vinegar was much too strong on my stomach first thing so after a few days I started mixing it with some local honey and water and would mix it all in a glass. It is so good it tastes like apple cider with a kick.
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There's no harm whatsoever in taking the vinegar straight or in less water than suggested above. In fact, I take mine either straight, or I will put the ACV in a tablespoon or two of water and down it in a single gulp. (Sometimes to sweeten it a bit, I'll put in a couple drops of liquid stevia. If you go this route, just make sure that you rinse out your mouth with clean water b/c you don't want the ACV to wear down the enamel on your teeth.
Also (and perhaps most important of all), be sure to purchase an ACV that is unrefined - meaning that it is raw/unpasteurized and with the "mother" still in it ... And preferably organic. The "mother" is the natural fermentation base that allows the apple cider to become vinegar. Always shake up the bottle before you pour the vinegar in order to get those wonderful enzymes, beneficial bacteria, and great nutrients all mixed together.
WRT your own allergy issues, you might also try finding a local honey source and take a small amount each day. (Some take 1 tsp, others 1Tbsp. ) Honey from a local source will have the pollens in your area, and this will allow your body to become accustomed them, naturally.
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It keeps Amazing me, how many people do not know the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.. A tenant of mine gave me a Jarvis book in 1994.. I read that book to become healthier.. It opened my eyes.. To Better Health for pennies per day.. I have been promoting ACV ever since.
The ACV book that Deirdre published has been a big help.. I work close with a Temple in Thailand were I now am semi retired. , . Yes, promoting ACV.. But I think that everyone should read up on ACV.. I ordered 9 ACV Deirdre's book to be sent to the Temple for their Library.. I also Had Amazon send 9 of Jarvis book.. Then I contacted the BEST Organic Apple cider people in USA (I think better then _____s) They will be sending 55 gal. Drum to this Thai Temple.. Who will be distributing it in Thailand.. Just bring in your container. We will fill it up with Health for you and your loved ones.
I hope that this letter gets printed.. So many I have sent, never gets to your eyes..
Much Love and caring, Alfred
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On our apple ranch, we decided to make apple cider vinegar. A neaerby wine company also made brandy; and they had a warehouse of barrels filled with fermenting wine. I bought an old brandy barrel from them and poured in the apple juice. We were told it would take about a year to ferment, but the mother formed in about two months on the top, about 3 inches thick. The vinegar was ready in about 5 months. This was the best cider vinegar I have ever tasted, almost like a flavored drink with a little bite to it. I think the old brandy barrel flavor made the process faster. No alcohol, just raw apple cider vinegar.