I have taken Apple Cider Vinegar for 6 mos. Daily. I have fungus problems, sinus problems and others. I do not see any change by taking acv.
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I've been using Apple Cider Vinegar now for about 6months or so and haven't notice any improvements on my health, everybody here raves about it, from what I've read you'd think that Apple Cider Vinegar was a panacea/cure all for everything, so I'm very disappointed at not seeing any results for myself
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To the gal who microwaves her Apple Cider Vinegar - not a good idea since micro-wave kills all enzymes in all food including drink -Not the best invention for mankind (best place for microwave is - in a garbage heap)
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Some people can't tolerate vinegar as well as others. If you have candida it can actually aggravate it instead of helping it. I read so many wonderful things about ACV I decided to try it for my candida related health issues. I ended up getting a yeast infection from it, even when I mixed it with baking soda for the acidity. I'm not knocking the ACV beneficial effects for some people.... It's just not for me.
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ACV has been great for my other ailments (especially warts!), but it made my hemorrhoids much much worse. They went from being a minor nuisance to swelling twice their size, becoming incredibly sore and oozing. Ouch! I'll never try this again!