Lemon & Olive Oil: Effective Kidney Stone Home Remedy

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Posted by Andrea (Springdale, Arkansas, USA) on 03/01/2009

Lemon and Olive Oil for Kidney Stone: I have been having back pain for months, and never knew what it was until I was diagnosed last Thursday when a CT scan revealed 3 kidney stones. Well, 2 of them were in my kidneys (both 3mm, and one in each kidney), and the other (5 mm) was in my bladder. Last night, I Googled natural remedies for the resolution of kidney stones, and came across the Lemon Juice and Olive Oil remedy. Honestly, I wasn't sure that something so simple would work, but I thought I'd give it a shot. So, last night at about 7pm, I mixed up the 2 ounces of extra-virgin olive oil, and 2 ounces of fresh lemon juice. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be....drinking straight olive oil. I just drank it as fast as I could! I didn't notice any change last night, except for some nausea. I also didn't notice anything today, until this afternoon, at about 3pm, when my left kidney started to throb. This went on for about 10 minutes, and after it subsided, I had the urge to go to the bathroom. Lo and behold, out came the stone! I didn't feel the stone passing, but for those of you out there who have passed stones before, you know when it happens. Anyway, all of this to say, THANK YOU to the poster of this remedy. It really and truly does work. I'm going to tell my Doc about it tomorrow, when I deliver my stone in a plastic baggy to him for evaluation. :) I'm surprised this remedy isn't more widely known and recognized?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Francis (Los Angeles, CA, USA) on 02/20/2009

I had recurrent pain in my lower left back side since a year now, always in the morning, for about an hour, then it was more or less gone for the rest of the day, that went on for a while. I never suspected that it could have been a kidney stone, because the pain started in the front, like my psoas muscle but it is, a 2.5 centimeters one! or an agglomerate of stones, my urologist will tell me more tomorrow I hope.
I had a ultra sound yesterday showing that. I already passed a 2mm stone a few years ago on my right kidney so I am afraid of passing anything again ever....My question is, can someone tell me if the lemon juice and the olive oil will break that stone in fragments or help dissolve it. I am also afraid that if it breaks in fragments, i will have multiple Passing stone/pain/, does the olive oil help with the passing? does it act like a lubrificator of the uretre? Do I have the chance to pass all size of stones? that is what I am afraid of.....I want to do the right thing but i still don't know yet if its a solid stone or multiple ones....thanks for your insight.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by GD (Libertyville, IL) on 02/18/2009

Two Sundays ago I experienced tremendous lower back pain, thinking I pulled something. After suffering for two hours, I had my wife take me to Emergency. Once there, after only approx. 10 minutes in a bed and not yet being administered an IV, the pain went away. I was given a CAT scan where it was determined I had a 4mm stone halfway down the ureter on my lower left side. I left the hospital with two perscriptions - 600 mg Ibuprofen and Vicodin. I took these whenever I felt a flairup coming but it still took approx. 40 mins. for the pain to subside. I found this article, mixed up 3 ozs. of olive oil and 3 ozs. of lemon juice. I held my nose and chugged it this last Sat. afternoon. Sat nite was my last flairup. I have been totally pain free for 4 days now. I never felt the stone actually move or pass but wherever it is, I'm not in any pain. I just hope it passed - maybe it's hiding in my groin area or bladder? Regardless, this conconction, as nasty as it was, worked! I don't advise laying down after you swallow it like I did as it creeped back down my throat and left me with a nasty taste in my mouth. In hindsight, maybe only 2 ozs. of each would have been better?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Tina (Richmond, IL) on 02/17/2009

Oil and Lemon Juice: I can absolutely say this by far has support from me. #1 this is oil based. Oil does not enter the kidneys it gets filtered by your liver. Ever here of someone having a fatty liver. It is because of this. #2 the only place oil is going after the liver is to the colon for excretion. Thus the reason why all of the people has stomach aches, loose stools or diarrhea. I am a physician and prefer for everyone to ask a qualified MD before proceeding with this. I recently had a patient try this....she not only ended up with kidney stones but also gallstones. The gallbladder is attached to the liver. The gallbladder stores bile, which is released when food containing fat enters the digestive tract, stimulating the secretion of cholecystokinin (CCK). The bile, produced in the liver, emulsifies fats and neutralizes acids in partly digested food. High fat intake results in gallstones. She ended up with a kidney stone removal, a urethral stent and the following week a gallbladder removal.

EC: Your first sentence supports the treatment, though the rest of your post does not. Did you mean to say "has support from me"?

Replied by John
(Santa Monica, California, USA)

I have seen posts like this on other alternative health sites and they always make me suspicious. It's the same line of attack over and over again...The gist of their strategy is: I am a doctor and I had a patient who tried this remedy (or supplement) and it made them much worse. Then they list all the terrible additional medical problems the remedy caused. Whenever a doctor writes, it's never a direct testimonial.

Be suspicious!

Replied by S.
(Los Angeles, CA)

glad you were not my MD!!!! poor girl

Replied by Bruce
(Las Cruces, NM)

Olive Oil and Lemon Juice for Kidney Stones: I tried this after getting a mammoth pain in the right side of my lower back (felt like someone stabbed me) and it seemed to help. I also added a little cranberry juice as a UTI preventive.

Regarding the comment about the liver "filtering" oil, that is total nonsense; the liver help process and break down fats not "filter" them. Furthermore, while the liver does remove poisons and toxins from the both it does it through the blood system (other than the gallbladder there is no direct connection to the digestive tract) which mean that the only place the liver to send the waste products is through the kidneys!

Replied by Kate
(New York City, New York)

This is for "Tina fr Richmond IL"(17FEB2009) : Posing as an MD, even if you are a PhD, is frowned upon by the laws of Our country [USA]. Fatty Liver CANNOT be precipitated by a SINGLE anecdotal incidence- or even over several DAYS- of 6Tablespoons each of Olive Oil and Lemon Juice. Nor can Gallstones suddenly appear due to this remedy. For that matter, a Fatty Liver has NOTHING to do with the consumption of OILS. If that were so, the entire US population who trace their ancestry back to, and continue to eat like their MEDITERRANEAN ancestors, would be dropping like flies! PERHAPS YOU WORK IN A HOSPITAL AND OVERHEAR THINGS WHICH YOU THINK ARE RELATED BIOLOGICALLY. Perhaps you saw suffering and wanted to warn people about what YOU thought had happened.Your command of English improved remarkably when you began quoting an unidentified Reference,as to liver-functions,but your knowledge of nutritive interactions was abysmal. Time for a refresher-course, madame!

Replied by Old Curmudgeon
(Anchorage, Alaska)

Sophia Loren has stated that she's been drinking half a cup of olive oil every day, for most of her life.

--Nothing wrong with HER liver!!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by NIQ (Jerusalem, Palestine) on 02/17/2009

Olive oil + lemon juice remedy for kidney stones: I have had kidney stones for more than twenty years now. I had my share of going to ERs, taking medication, having all kinds of procedures (invasive and none invasive) done to relieve the terrible pain. I had one kidney stop working at one point because of a large 8mm stone. To make the long story short, I came across the olive oil and lemon juice mix by accident before finding this website when my little son's doctor told me to mix a tea spoon of lemon juice + tea spoon olive oil + tea spoon honey and give it to my son each morning to enhance his immune system (my son is almost 3 years old by the way). It seemed to work fine for my son so I started taking the same stuff, but with larger amounts. I used to get about one kidney stone every year or two, but after starting to drink the olive oil lemon juice mix, I had two stones in one month come down from my kidney to my ureter. I guess the mix helps clean the kidneys as well. Anyways, the first stone was relatively small (2-3mm) and I took the mix before I went to bed and at 4am in the morning it poped out. The next stone was 5mm and not as easy to get out. The Dr. at the ER said it may not come out on its own. I had to try the mix several times (8-10) before it finally worked. My advice to those trying this mix is:

1. Have patience. Dont give up if it does not work the first time you try the mix. Even if it does not come out, it will be moving and you will suffer less pain.

2. When you take the mix (about 2oz lemon juice + 2 oz olive oil), take it at night right before you go to bed and dont drink or eat anything after you take it. Let it sit in your stomach for the night. I found that I get better results that way.

3. The reason I know it works is that for the first time, I had the 5mm stone break into three pieces (two small ones and one big one) and all three poped out on the same day. Before the lemon+ olive mix, the stones never broke up to pieces.

Anyways, I usually dont get involved in commenting on sites, but in this case Im hoping that this may help some poor soul out their suffering from this horrible pain. Best of luck to all and if it does not work the first time try, try, and try again.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Irma (Cleveland, OH) on 02/13/2009

I started the Lemon Juice and Olive Oil about 3 days ago. My surgery was on Jan. 15 and nothing happened. The second one is scheduled for Feb. 19. I have had the stent since Jan. 15 and that thing hurts; therefore, I can't tell if I am passing any stones or not. I only see blood. What do these things look like? White? Black? etc. I am sure the stent is helping them pass. Yes, the pain in worse at night and I use a heating pad to my back. Any feedback is welcomed here or email. Thanks. I have only one kidney.

Replied by Denise
(Moline, IL, USA)

Reply to Irma...I had the surgery and stent on Jan. 18th for a 'huge' stone in my right kidney. Also had a 'big' one in the left but they would only do one at a time. They gave me a strainer to catch all urine until I 'caught' something. I finall had a few tiny flecks of red/brown micro sand. The only reason I could see them was because of the color.The stent was removed 9 days later...what a relief. I had no idea that I had kidney stones...I started getting sick on Christmas Eve. I thought I was constipated...I waited a long time for that 'gentle overnight relief'! Finally on Jan. 16th (Sat.) I ended up in the ER...retching and passing out from the pain. After being 'stabilized' (their words, not mine!)I went home to wait for my Monday am appt. Today is Feb. 15th and I have been sick with the left one since 12/24 too. My girlfriend called me this morning with the olive oil lemon juice remedy...she woke up with kidney pain...and knew exactly what the problem was...(this was not her first stone). She got online and started surfing...found this site and took it immediately. I just took it...5 minutes ago, so can't give you either of our results yet. It seems like a month is a long time for a stent to be in place and since many others have had success with this it might be worth trying. I think it is also a good idea to pass along to family members what having a kidney stone feels like since some kinds tend to run in families. Four of my five siblings have had them. Good Luck

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Judy (Greendale, Wi) on 02/04/2009

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil. Wow, this really works. I have passed four kidney stones in the last 3 weeks with this. I was miserable until I tried this. The last stone I passed, I was in so much pain and discomfort that I felt like crying. My attack started at 3:30 p.m. At 9:30 I still had not passed it. I couldn't sit or lie down. And the urge to urinate was constant. So I mixed up 2 oz. of lemon juice concentrate and 2 oz. of olive oil. I followed it with a glass of water. Within 15 minutes my pain was gone. I was finally able to lay down and go to sleep. 1 hour later I got up to use the bathroom and I PASSED THE STONE. This is unbelievable!! Since I have had a ct scan recently to determine how many stones I had, I know that I have one left in my kidney. I will always have lemon juice and olive oil on hand. Don't be afraid to try this. It really does work.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Chris (Long Island, New York) on 02/03/2009


It was nearly two years ago when I checked into the Emergency Room at 3:00am in excruciating pain. Unbeknownst to me, I was having my first encounter with a dreaded kidney stone and could only equate the pain to child birth. I had it pretty bad, bloody urine samples,sweating, and uncontollable vomiting, only to find out that the stone was impacted at the top of my bladder and would require surgery to remove it. After the doctor removed the stone a stent was inserted. Thank Heaven I was sedated for this.

A week later the doctor removed the stent in his office (no sedation)

BIG OUCH!! I nearly passed out from the pain. The doctor was very vague on what my diet should consist of. He just wanted to see me in 2weeks for aurine sample, then 3 months for a urine sample, then 6 months for a urine sample, yet he still didn't have any specifics. I started to feel like just a payday to him. Well, I swore I would do ANYTHING to prevent this from ever happening again, and if you ever had a stone, please understand you will be more prone to them than a person who has never had one.

Approximately one year later I recognized that all too familiar pain in my back. Without hesitation, I consumed the Olive Oil/Lemon Juice mixture and by the next morning I had noticeable gravel in my urine and best of all NO PAIN! Now I always keep fresh lemons on hand just in case and I'm left wondering what my outcome would have been two years ago had I known about this awesome remedy. Wishing you all Best of Health.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Claire (London, UK) on 02/03/2009

Olive oil and lemon for EVIL KIDNEY STONES. ok I'm sitting here waiting...... Just washed down my oil and lemon tiincture( makes it sound more palitable!) Had to go to hospital last 2 nights, just as the worst snow storm for the last 20 years hit London. I ventured out alone for pain relief in blizzards and freezing temperatures (which for us is rare!)

I am praying this works as I can't stand another sleepless night. Your yea comments are all so positive I'm feel'in the positive energy coming right at me.

Can someone tell me if its more common for the pain to be bad at night as that seems to be the case for me? Also I was told I had losts of small ones about 6mm - from reading this site that seems to be the average if not on the large side?

Just waiting for the plink of stone on porcelain! Watch this space... hopefully have news by morning!

Replied by Diane
(Troy, Michigan)

I have had kidney stones (Calcium Oxalate) for 19 years. In Dec an 8 mm stone was basketed out of my right ureter. In Jan. A 7 mm basketed out of my left kidney. Niether one of these stones showed up on an x-ray or CT. (jUST REMEMBER , WHATEVER TEST YOU HAVE, IT IS ONLY AS RELIABLE AS THE RADIOLOGIST INTERPRETING THE TEST) Sometimes you just need to have the actual doctor review the x-ray.The suffering has been awful. Best advise..... 5 and 6 mm stones will be hard if not impossible to pass on your own. Use whatever method you can to keep stones at 2mm-3mm. The larger stones will just get stuck in your ureter if they get out of your kidney. I am now on the lemon juice and olive oil plan. I have also had good luck with a liquid eyedropper style bottle of Phosfood. Best of luck to anyone suffering with these little beasts tormenting our kidneys. Diane

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
495 posts

Hello Diane, They should have had those stones analyzed, so have they told you what they were composed of? I know that uric acid stones are at least one that doesn't show up on xrays!"

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Marcus (Vancouver, BC) on 01/26/2009

A couple days ago I tried the lemon juice and olive oil cure. Initially I was skeptical... and my mom the nurse told me that all of these little home fixer-uper's don't do the trick. We I gave it a shot... I mean why the heck not. The day after taking a nice half glass of olive oil and a chaser of lemon juice I felt pretty rotten... but I could feel it move. No not that... the kidney stone! I did have a belly ache from hell for that day.... but there was motion in the ocean. Today i'm glad to say that i've given birth to a nice little stone. Not sure what to name the little guy yet... I am however taking suggestions. Thanks earth clinic... you've been a great help! marcus

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Diana (Sebring, Florida) on 01/21/2009

I suffered from a Kidney stone for 20 days, I went to the hospital on January 1st and I thought I had passed it about three days later because the pain went away but about a week later the pain came back and remained for two weeks straight except it was further down in my bladder and groin area. I was in misery, I didn't know what to do. I didn't want surgery, and I still had another two weeks for my dr. appt. to the Urologist and I didn't want to go back up to the Emergency room so.. I tried the 2 onces of Olive Oil and 2 onces of lemon Juice, with a glass of water, of course it isn't pleasant to drink, but if you hold your breathe and drink it fast, you can drink it down fast.... it was amazing for me... I took it at about 11pm and passed my stone by 5am in the morning. My stone was already in my bladder so it was ready to come out so I am sure that was why it was so fast. But I am so relieved to get it out. I didn't want to suffer any more.... Thanks to the people who put this cure out there..

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Marie (Vancouver, BC, Canada ) on 01/18/2009

I have tried the lemon and olive oil cure for kidney stones (2oz lemon juice with 2oz olive oil, followed by large glass of water). The night before I tried the cure I was feeling very uncomfortable (aching kidney, nausea, constant need to go to the washroom and stress as I was sure that I would spend the next day at the hospital). I decided to try the cure first. I felt almost immediate relief. My kidney had been mildly aching for 5 days and it stopped. I haven't had any pain since!!

It doesn't taste bad at all. I felt so much better that I have taken a few extra doses to make sure everything is all cleared up. I am so thrilled to have found this site. Thank you!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Tere (Manila, Philippines) on 01/13/2009

just to give feedback that a month dosage of 4tbsp each for olive oil and lemon juice really works. I also tried drinking 10-14glasses of water daily. I also took fresh coconut milk for a month. kidney stone were dissolved!!

Replied by Murthy
(Chennai, India)

Banana Stem Juice is supposed to be a very effective way of breaking or making the stone smaller. I have tried it and it worked for me.

EC: More info on banana stem juice...

Source: http://www.keralaayurvedics.com/media/articles/urinary-infection-causes-and-ayurvedic-remedies.html

"Juice from banana stem (banana stem juice) is effective in treating a variety of urinary infections and to dissolve kidney, prostrate and gall bladder stones. Banana stem is the core of banana plant. Remove the leaf bracts to reach the banana stem that runs from the base of the plant and ends at the banana bunch. Crush the stem with any solid material to extract the juice. Drink a glass each in the morning and evening. The juice from leaf bracts are of no use in this regard.

Taking banana stem juice (vazhappindi neeru in Malayalam) is single best remedy for all types of kidney stones."

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by A. (Springfield, IL, USA) on 01/12/2009

I recently tried the olive oil and lemon juice remedy for kidney stones and it worked for me. I was diagnosed with a 5-6mm stone three weeks ago. I was told that it was too big to pass and that I should have surgery to have a stint put in. I am currently pregnant which limited my options of removal. I opted to cancel the surgery since I was in no pain and try a more natural method. For the first two weeks I drank the 2 oz. olive oil and 2 oz. lemon juice 3 times a day along with a lot of distilled water. I also tried the asparagus mixed with the olive oil and lemon juice and the 4 oz. apple cider vinegar remedy. I only continued with the 2 oz. lemon juice and 2 oz. olive oil for the entire time though. The last week I just drank the 2 oz. of lemon juice and 2 oz. of olive oil at night followed by a large glass of warm water. Finally three weeks later I passed the stone pain free, 2mm smaller (and rounded) than what the doctor had told me it was going to be.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kevin (New Berlin, Wisconsin) on 01/07/2009

I'm trying the 2 oz lemon juice and 2 oz olive oil suggestion from this site. I'm just curious what function the olive oil serves other than to just taste really bad. Also how many times would you do this and at what interval? Thanks for any suggestions.
