Kidney Stones
Natural Remedies

Lemon & Olive Oil: Effective Kidney Stone Home Remedy

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Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Brenda (Livermore, Ca) on 09/23/2009


How many times should I take the lemon juice and EVOO for the kidney stone issue?

Been taking the EVOO and the lemon juice (2 oz of each mixed together). How many times per day seemed to work for people? My stone was a left renal stone lodged way up in kidney. Was scheduled to have surgery last thursday, however, got really sick so couldn't do the surgery. Would much rather pass it on my own. I took the concoction Saturday (morning and night) then Sunday (morning and night) and Monday three times and Tuesday Morning only. I have small bits of gravel (very very tiny) coming out in strainer, and on Monday the pain was severe. Haven't had pain up until this point, so maybe the stone is rollin on down and out? Any advice how long I need to take it? Supposedly I have at least a 7MM stone. Doctor resisted my theory it was stone (I only had bleeding when I exercised, no pain until this past Monday), and sent me for all kinds of cancer tests. As LAST RESORT, he sent me for CT scan and was surprised to find kidney stone. Please advise how long I need to take the stuff. It's been cleaning out I think my gallbladder too, so for the last two days been in bed and bathroom only. Kind of frustrating when one works for a living.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by S. Lewis (Oakley, CA) on 06/06/2009


Hi- I'd like to give a "Yeah" on this 2 oz. lemon juice and 2 oz.olive oil thing with a severe caution and possible correction. I was past 48 hours of a horrible kidney stone case and so I found this home remedy on the 3rd evening. As soon as I mixed 4 ounce mixture and drank it I felt really 'full'. Later it became kind of gaseous and horrible and after 1 or 1 1/2 hrs I deliberately 'expelled' the rest of this heavy mixture. The "Yeah" part is that the next morning when I woke up the kidney stone was gone, thank goodness!! But, I was left with 2 days of the worst stomach you could possibly imagine and 'expelled' more of this heavy mixture here and there on it's own. So how about backing off to 1 or 2 TBS of each, instead of oz? Please be careful as the remedy was just about as bad as the condition and I felt it my deed to warn you as I wouldn't wish as stomach ache like this on my worst enemy, if I had one!
