Kidney Stones
Natural Remedies

Lemon & Olive Oil: Effective Kidney Stone Home Remedy

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Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 02/15/2024

Yes, olive oil and lemon juice worked for me as well! But consider using chanca piedra (stone breaker) occasionally throughout the year. I usually take it for a few weeks and then take a break.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bambi (Wichita KS) on 02/14/2024

I have dealt with kidney stones for a lot of years. It is excruciating pain. Mine tend to make me constipated and can even not not allow me to urinate. I also UTI's. Olive oil and lemon juice have saved me from going to the hospital. I would throw up if I take too much at one time so I do shot glasses. I can swig it down.

I wonder if I need to do this for maintenance so I don't create them. Also I just realized the one I have now might because I ran out of magnesium which I didn't as taking every day.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 02/10/2023

How many times a day are you drinking it? I did at least 2 to 3 times per day and got rid of the stone around the 3rd or 4th day. But I am not sure how large it was, by the time it came out it had dissolved to a very tiny size.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Hollyhock (Somewhere in the northeast) on 07/01/2022

Lemon juice and olive oil! Once again Earth Clinic has come to the rescue! I have been dealing with blood in my urine and lower back pain for over a year. I finally researched it here and read all the comments on lemon juice and olive oil. I thought well it wouldn't hurt to try it. It worked! I felt a sharp quick pain while urinating after 3 days of taking it. My urine is now clear light yellow! I am shocked that something so simple to do would work so well! Thank you!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by K (Texas) on 12/08/2021

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil Remedy for Kidney Stones:

This is working for my husband with a variation made necessary by a weak stomach. We tried the full dose of 2 oz each (lemon and olive oil) followed by a bottle of water and it was all quickly brought back up.

I switched tactics and broke the cocktail into 8 doses of 1/2 TB (1/4 oz) each lemon juice and olive oil, given every half hour for four hours. This was followed by about 1 cup of water so that the total amount of water drank was almost 2 liters in the end.

Of course, the pain took quite a bit longer to go away - it didn't go away completely until the 7th dose - but it did eventually go away and we're encouraged by that.

There's no sign of a stone yet but there's also no pain so, we're watching and waiting and grateful for the relief!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Robert (Virginia) on 04/12/2021

Had a kidney stone with episodic severe pain for approximately 30 hours with nothing to suggest the stone was moving. Heard about the lemon juice/olive oil treatment and took my first dose; 2 oz of each mixed together.

Within 40 minutes, the pain came back with a vengeance but it was different as the stone was moving.

3 hours later I was nearly pain free and 3 days later and still no pain.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Cathy (Central Florida) on 05/28/2020

My husband used the Lemon Juice & Olive Oil remedy for 3 days, and gave up when he didn't pass the stone by the end of the 3rd day. It is now the 5th day (2nd day without Lemon Juice & Olive Oil), and he just passed the large stone! Thank you to all of the other reviewers for their posts about this remedy! It saved a trip to the specialist, along with scoping, and whatever else they would have recommended.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Tim C. (United States) on 03/15/2020

I am a 58 year old male who has suffered kidney stones now and then (too many times) It was kidney stones that brought me to Earthclinic. Last night, in the middle of the night I was awakened by that terrible feeling of pain that would not go away. Reluctantly I forced my self awake and back to Earthclinic to be sure of the dose, 2 oz lemon juice (fresh since I had it on hand) and 2 oz olive oil.

I forced myself to drink it all. I also took 3 ibuprofen in hopes of dulling the pain. Struggled on for another hour or so, trying to find a comfortable position and feeling nauseous. Finally, the nausea forced my to throw up. Thankfully, after the purge, the kidney stone pain dissipated, later that night I peed and found a small stone, the next morning a bigger stone came out. When I touched them they immediately dissolved. Thank you Earth Clinic.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bill (Las Vegas, NV) on 07/11/2019

I had stones 6 times the last time in 2004. I thought that I was going to pass a stone in 2010, took lemon juice and olive oil and have not had a problem since. I build up a lot of uric acid so when I feel a possible stone I always go for the 2 Oz lemon juice and olive oil drink down and follow up with water.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kathleen (Indiana) on 02/02/2019

Lemon juice and olive oil for kidney stones -- I did the lemon juice and olive oil remedy and it worked! I'm doing it again today and tomorrow... unbelievable it worked!!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by John C. (Greenville S.C.) on 04/05/2018

Lemon juice / Olive oil for kidney stones:

I had a 13mm stone lithitripsied 2 years ago (60K). Got another stone 7mm and told the Dr.I was going herbal this time. I tried this remedy 1 time and the next day it slid right out of me.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Cathy (Metro Atlanta) on 02/12/2018

A few months ago, I could tell that I had a kidney stone. I've had one before and recognized the symptoms. With the one before, I went to the ER and over the course of a year, they tried EVERYTHING to get that sucker out. Nothing worked. Thousands of dollars and much anxiety later, they had given up on me and I quit going to the doctor every week. Two or three months later, I finally passed it. This time, however, when I realized what the symptoms were, I turned to Earth Clinic. I followed directions to drink 2 oz. of olive oil and 2 oz. of organic lemon juice. I passed the stone about 2-3 hours later. Thank you, Earth Clinic!!!!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Markwt (It Really Works!) on 02/11/2018

I had a 5 mil stone. Drs had me scheduled for surgery next week. I started 2 times a day 2 oz lemon and olive oil plus lots of water. It passed today! Like everyone said it really works!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Rick (Acworth, Ga) on 06/15/2017

6/16/2017. Excited. Had kidney stone 6 months ago and it cost $1200 out of pocket for two trips to emergency room. It passed with toradol and flomax (I assume because pain stopped for last 6 months). Got those familiar pains again, but I kept the extra toradol and flomax so I couldself treat at home. Toradol pill took 55 minutes to kick in. I like having the toradol available for emergency, but I know that kind of stuff is horrible for your body. So I started the 2 ounces olive oil and 2 ounces lemon juice 3 times a day. Did this for two days. Just passed the kidney stone into a strainer that I kept also. Literally 10 minutes ago. I am so extremely excited that this worked so quickly. Also had zero pain the last two days. And it was obviously moving. Remember I stopped taking the toradol once I started on the olive oil and lemon juice. Thank you to whoever came up with this!!! This was my third stone. I had surgery for the first one because I didn't know much about them. And the taste really isn't great, but not bad. If you mix it good, tastes like salad dressing. And gone in 3 big gulps. Thanks again!!! Awesome!!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Mel (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/23/2017

Life Changing - Olive Oil and Lemon Juice

This WORKS. One member of my family has struggled with kidney stones for years, making stones too large to pass and requiring outpatient surgery. After another expensive ER visit and CT scan, we decided to try the olive oil and fresh lemon juice remedy. What an amazing result! Whisked between 1 or 2 oz each together and chased with a tall glass of water. He only had to drink it once to pass the stone without pain! Since we stared this remedy, he has never been to the hospital again. Life changing.

Ps we recommend using a "grassier" olive oil vs "fruitier" one to make the mixture easier to drink. Makes it tart and refreshing vs tasting like goopy salad dressing.
