Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Cathy (Johnsonburg, NJ) on 01/01/2009

I dealt with cold sore on my mouth (lips) for many years. Then I read somewhere to stay away from nuts and citrus to keep the herpes virus under control, which I have done for the past few years. I almost never ever get them anymore. Once in a great while I may eat a few nuts or citrus & if I overdo it (which I almost never do) I may get a very small sore on my lip. But, I usually don't mess with the nuts & citrus and as long as I don't, the cold sores stay under control. For me, keeping away from these two items seems to work really great. Cathy

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Glenn (Perth, Australia) on 02/13/2009

I suffered frequently from cold sores most of my life. The embarrassment of a large outbreak on the lips is enough to want to hide away at home until the sore dimishes to just a small scab. But that's not possible when you need to work. It's even worse if, like in my job you need to interface with the public a lot.

A few years back I changed my diet by excluding or seriously restricting all wheat flour products because I was getting overweight and could hardly tie my shoe laces without needing to come up for air to finish the knot. It was hard to start with because these foods are so tasty and addictive. But as a result of the diet change I not only lost 15 kilograms but also found that I no longer suffered from cold sores or head colds either.

On the very rare occasion that I do get a cold sore now I can immediately trace it to a binge on bread, pizza, pasta or rice the previous day, and the lesion is tiny in comparison with the past. To control it I abstain from the flour products and rice and try not to lick my lips, and it goes away within days. Nuts, chocolate and citrus fruits are not a factor in my case nor are diet drinks because I don't really go for them much.

I wonder if genital herpes would respond to the same dietry restrictions.

Posted by Ali (San Diego, CA) on 12/30/2008

Best ways to preventing a cold sore: I used to get cold sore and at first I had no idea what they were, then the doctor started giving me a cream to put on it which I thought was useless. Then I read about Lysine, now Lysine is a life saver. I also came across this device called Virulite, which helped prevent cold sores from forming by targeting the immune system to fight it before an outbreak. So every time I get stressed from work or school, I take 6- 500mg of Lysine daily, I spread them out during the day. Also if I feel a cold sore or a burning sensation anywhere, that is where I use the machine. Hope this helps ;)

Posted by P. A. (Galloway, NJ) on 12/09/2008

Acetone cured my cold sore! Stressing about Thanksgiving arrangements, pleasing family memebers,etc. which triggered a cold sore on my lower lip about the size of a nickel. So the day before thanksgiving I checked earthclinic and saw the acetone remedy for clod sores..I figured what the heck...I had already tried the over-the-counter remedies in the past without much luck so I applied the nail polish remover with a q-tip about four times that day then applied an anti-bacterial cream to clear up any infection. Overnight I was pleasantly surprised to see that it had reduced the cold sore to about 1/4 its original size! Flat, not sore, tingly or anything.Applied a small dab of makeup for Thanksgiving dinner and it wasn't even visible! Yea! Thanks Earthclinic!!

Posted by Linda (Des Moines, Iowa) on 11/03/2009

Acetone nail polish diminishes cold sores

You have to keep using it, though, for at least an hour or two. I'm in my 50s and have had cold sores ever since I was a little kid. I have found that if you can attack them quickly and aggressively, you can diminish them.

First, get a bottle of acetone nail polish remover and an over-the-counter strong cold sore ointment. First put the ointment on and let it sit there for a few minutes, then swab the sore with nail polish remover until the swab isn't cold anymore. Apply the ointment, and swab again. This takes two or three hours, but it's worth it. If you catch it early enough, the swelling will go down quite a bit and may be almost unnoticeable in the morning. I'm usually able to conceal it with a cover stick and a little powder the next day.

Posted by Susan (Bklyn, Ny) on 07/11/2012

Eat flounder and you will never have an OB again. In the mean time work on finding a cure. Flounder, like cod and some other fish is loaded with lysine and the body knows the difference with it and the lysine pills. Look at my post that say "flounder" so u can prepare it. Do not settle there, while you treat, focus on getting a cure and change your diet. You do not want to live this way for the rest of your life. Also read my post on onion/garlic drink where two people got cured. The followed a strict diet, ate organic and only food from the land. Nothing processed, no meat etc.

Bitter Melon
Posted by Veronica (San Antono, Texas) on 11/20/2008

Bitter Melon has worked wonders on cold sore outbreaks. I get a tingle, take a couple of capsules and it subsides. I have tried coconut oil, but the results were not as spectacular.The few times I could not get the capsules in time (at work), I simply took them as soon as I could and the break out was lasted about a day and was not even visible- just itching and some slight burning. Bitter Melon beats all the others, hands down.

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Kat (Norman, OK) on 10/25/2008

I found this site while looking up lysine, and was shocked to read about a link between outbreaks & artificial sweeteners. I've had herpes for about 3 years now (that I know of anyway- Aug. 2005 was my first outbreak ever), and I've been outbreak-free since that first one up until about 3 months ago. I could not figure out why all of a sudden I was getting an outbreak a month but then I figured it out tonight- DIET SODA! I switched from regular coke to coke zero roughly 3 months ago & that's right when all the nerve pain & outbreaks began! God no wonder. I know for a fact I have a good immune system & I'm not under a lot of stress, so I was beginning to get scared. Just bought a new case of coke zero tonight & it's going right back to the store tomorrow. I'm going to try some of the remedies listed on the site, thanks.

Posted by Mary (Vancouver, Canada) on 10/23/2008

Cold Sore Remedy: This remedy came from my mom who is 80 years old this year. I developed a cold sore at the corner of my lips. I tried food grade Hydrogen Peroxide which did not seem to do anything. Next I tried Apple Cider Vinegar which relieved much of the burning and tingling. Unfortunately the ACV did not appear to heal the sore or stop it's spread. My mom said to use any type of alcohol on it. Not wanting to put any propyl or Isopropyl alcohol on my skin I used 40% proof vodka. Within a couple of hours I saw a major reduction in the size of the sore. My mom said to apply it often and I did. Twenty-four hours has passed and the sore has healed up and the burning and scabbing is going away. I wanted to share this with everyone here as it is sure working fast.

Posted by Caroler (Kilgore, Texas) on 12/19/2011

Alcohol can kill the virus before the sore pops out. Just dip a Q-tip in Vodka or a mouthwash high in alcohol. The secret is to hold it on the spot and soak it for 5 or 10 minutes. I think this is safer than nail polish remover.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dave (Parts, Unknown) on 10/14/2008

I was originally diagnosed with GW early last March. The doctor prescribed Aldara which worked a bit but as many of you know it's very pricey. i finally thought i had it kicked only for it to return in full vengeance about a month ago. I started back up with the Aldara than stumbled upon this site.

I started the ACV treatment 3 days ago and it definitely seems to be working as the affected area is either completely raw or blackish/green in color. The warts arent raised from the skin at all and the blackish/green portion is a couple of splotches.

I have noticed that much smaller black marks have appeared on the opposite portion of my penis that the ACV has not even touched. I assume these are much smaller warts that the ACV is triggering. Is this assumption correct? If so, I guess I need to attack these too. A couple of them are on the side of the head of my penis so I'm not looking forward to my head getting even remotely raw. Any advice?

Anyways, thanks to everyone for sharing their stories and advice. This remedy definitely seems to be working and I am optimistic for the first time in a long while. Well best of luck to everyone and thanks again!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (None, Usa) on 11/01/2012

Put the apple cider heavily on a cloth and wrap it around your penis. It may smell a little funny but it will work...

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Walter (West Palm Beach , Florida) on 09/28/2008

I started suffering from a form of herpes called gladiatorum herpes in my face from practicing brazilian jiu jitsu with someone who had the virus. It has one of the most, or perhaps the most horrible illness I ever had. Started taking L-lysine and it helped, stopped taking anything with Aspartame, it helped, however, everyweek for the last three months I was having outbreaks every single week!! Reading and researching on the internet, I figured I had a very acidic PH in my blood so I started doing the Gracie Diet (google it), I can say after a week and a half I am for the first time in months, free of outbreaks.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Shelly (Middlebury, Vermont) on 09/22/2008

I currently have an outbreak (the second one in 2 weeks) and I used peroxide on my second one after the first day. I didn't catch it in time but I'm finding that using the peroxide only 2 times has prevented it from really blistering and scabbing over too much. I popped the blister and drained it with a tissue and then used a qtip to dab it on a few times. It seems to take out the infection and dry it up faster. I'm going to continue applying peroxide every few hours and see how it works. I think if I'd have done this quicker, it wouldn't have blistered out quite so much. But it's less sightly than it would normally be.

L-Lysine and Vitamin C
Posted by Jay (san francisco, california) on 09/11/2008

Well, I had a cold sore on right corner of my mouth for about 6 months now, it just kept scabbing, then falling off, then scabbing, then falling off, i tried everything, so far its been 1 week from taking l-lysine and vitamin c daily, about 10g a day, and so far, nothing, i still have the cold sore, my doctor gave me acyclovir, but yet it didn't do a thing. Anyone have any suggestions, im really suffering from those terrible cold sore i had for about 6 months. HELP!

Posted by Al (Orlando, Fla) on 08/24/2008

This site is the best thing I have found! I was in complete depression after a wrestling sparring partner infected me with Herpes Gladiatorum (HSV1) on my neck and face. It was a nightmare and this site was my salvation. I have tried L-Lysine and it worked perfectly, even if I feel a new OB I just start taking 3K Mg daily it has been under control. In addition I use Hydrogen Peroxide and smash a L-Lysine Pill and put in my face.

The only problem right now is that even the sores are closed, the red marks/spots on my face and neck are still there even after more than two months of being diagnosed with HSV1! Sometimes it gets irritated when I shave, is this normal?? Can someone please recommend me what to do?

Posted by D (Orlando, Fl) on 10/14/2012

For Herpes Gladitorum avoid heat/getting overheated/sun. Apply cold (wash face and neck in cold or tepid water, or at least end your washing with cold to close pores and reduce inflammation). Bathe in tepid or cool water ending with a cold splash/ice on problem areas, apply cooling aloe vera/ice to tingling areas, stay cool and hydrated (without getting chilled enough to catch a cold) and pull hot collared shirts away from the neck. Keeping the skin cool works like a charm for me. I have not had a break out for months with the 'cold treatment'. Years ago used to break out constantly. Lysine was not effective for me. Best wishes! :)

Posted by D M (Orlando, Fl) on 10/14/2012

Check the other 'Ice' remedies on your website for Herpes Outbreaks. Many others have experienced good results with ice/cool water. Other websites also mention avoiding heat/sun.

Posted by D M (Orlando, Fl) on 10/14/2012

Many others on this website mention the 'Ice' and cold water. Other websites mention avoiding sun/heat. My personal experience has proven this effective.

Astringent Toner
Posted by Juliana (Calgary, Canada) on 08/22/2008

I got Cold Sore while camping this summer. I have no clue how I got it, could be from sharing cups or from the grass. I felt the tingle on my upper lip while returning home. I went to see the doctor immediately. The doctor recommended acyclovoir cream, but I don't find it very effective. However, the nurse told me to wet a cotton ball with alcohol and rub around the lips for 5 minutes. I didn't have alcohol at home by then, so I used my toner instead, because there are alcohol in my toner. I felt comfortable using toner since I used then after washing my face everyday anyways. I wet the cotton part of bandage with Astringent Toner and stick the bandage on the bump. I repeated this about 3-4 times daily for two days, and my cold sore disappeared! The toner I used is called Garnier Pure - Astringent Toner - Tighten Pores. You can get it almost anywhere.

Astringent Toner
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/23/2008 495 posts

Hi Juliana, For future reference for your herpes simplex (cold sore), when you first notice that tingling feeling that heralds a budding cold sore, start taking L-lysine 2 grams (200 mgms) 4 times a day and you will find it drying up by the next day. I have found L-lysine effective against all viruses that I have tried it for to date.

Posted by Noel Nepomuceno (Palm Springs, CA) on 07/22/2008

Once you feel a tingling sensation and know that a cold sore is about to come out, ice it for ten minutes, put alcohol on the affected area, then put fresh aloe vera on it. Cold sore is a virus. Viruses do not like ice cold and therefore, ice puts them back to their dormancy. Alcohol is to kill the virus that's already on the skin. Aloe vera is to heal the wound. Repeat this procedure throughout the day, 3 to 4 x. The cold sore will not come out. If you did not catch it on time, you may still do this procedure and I can ssure you, the cold sore will not grow bigger. And in two to three days, the cold sore will be be gone.

Ear Wax
Posted by Helena (New York, NY) on 06/24/2008

I've heard about using ear wax on cold sores, was surprised not to see it mentioned here. You put it on when you first get the sore. Take a Q-tip, get some ear wax out and spread it on your sore. Be careful not to put the q-tip back in your ear, you might cross-contaminate!
Unfortunately didn't know about this until mine had horribly popped and scabbed over. I tried icing it, and putting apple cider vinegar on it but didn't seem to help much... Hopefully I'll not have a chance to try this remedy out soon! Hopefully no cold sores again soon.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Carol (Greenville, USA) on 06/23/2008

I too have had coldsores all my life and am 50 yrs old now. I had a sore in the inside of my nose for 3 days , first I dapped peroxide.3% on the outside and the inside where I felt it sore and there was no change into the 3rd day. On the 3rd day I inhaled 3 or 4 puffs of a mix of half water and half .3% peroxide cheap Wal -Mart kind, from a 2 oz spray bottle that you can buy at Wal Mart for .50 in the toothpaste aisle where they have travel size items, and 2 hours later all the nose pain was GONE and no longer had a sore in my nose , it vanished. I also used Apple cider Vinegar the off brand at Wal- Mart GV . It's such a great value too, only $2.99 and I take the pinch or 1/4th tsp of Baking Soda and 2 TBLS of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR in 4 oz of COLD WATER and it has lowered my heartrate from 117 to 72.This has also lowered my BLOOD PRESSURE from to 112/60 I feel full of energy and I do this before I eat first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I sometimes take it at NOON for a pick me up. I no longer have acid reflux/ GERD. I sleep and breathe better as I have sleep apnea.

EC: Read more about the Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation method here.
