Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Aloe Vera
Posted by Amanda (Tampa, FL) on 06/19/2008

I have gotten cold sores since I was little. And I am 22 now and i still get them. My docter use to give me this paste for them however it just made them look worse and never helped. Last summer I got cold sores probably about once every 2 weeks. As soon as one was gone another one would come in its place. I have bought everything you can buy at walgreens. None of it works, esp. Abreva the stuff just flat out does not work. I went on the internet one day and found that Aloe Vera, if you put it on the cold sore as soon as it starts it stunts the cold sore and it never gets any bigger. I also use L-Lysine tablets, about 4,000 or more mgs a day if I go to the beach while I don't have a cold sore, I will still take about two or so tablets. Also my docter gave me valtrex which does work well but only if you catch the cold sore right as it is starting to form, which is hard to do since I am not always at home when they start. Carring supplies in your purse is helpful though, I know it's a pain but when you get cold sores you gotta do what you gotta do. Last night I was at work and felt one forming on my lip. It never got any bigger and I thought it wasn't going to but than another one started to form on my lip also. I ran home and put aloe on it but I think i was too late. I am trying Apple Cider Vineger right now and so far it seems to be working so I think this will go in my list for remedies, lol. Thank you!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/21/2008 495 posts

Amanda, from Miami, Increase that l-lysine to 2 grams (2000 mgms) 4 x a day and see if it doesn't work. It always works for me at that dosage. You might also consider avoiding high arginine foods, like peanuts.

Posted by Michelle (Buffalo, United States) on 06/01/2008

On Monday I woke up and felt a tingling feeling in and around my nose. I immediately jumped up and cleaned my face. After washing I put novitra and abreva around the area that was tingling. This method use to work for me however it seems like with any remedy that works my system eventually become immune to the concoction or remedy and I have to find something else. Well that is exactly what happened to me this time around. I ended up with a full blown cold sore, starting in one nostril and traveling around to the other one with a cluster all on the bridge of my nose ending on the very brim of my right nostril. Very big and very embarrassing! Needless to say there went my entire week. I took off two days of work and it ruined my weekend. Just when I thought the worst was over, I was going to bed on Saturday and prepared to go through my nightly routine of washing my face etc, and low and behold there was a small tingling feeling on my upper lip. I'm screaming to myself this can't be happening. I can't afford to take off anymore work and expect to have a job when I come back but I can't endure another week of having an embarrassing cold sore at work. I put some Abreva and novitra on it and when I went back approximately 5 minutes later, it appeared to be forming a cluster. I immediately jump on line to see if I can find any type of alternative treatment and I came across this website. After reading all the comment I realized it was extremely late and I had to work with what I had. So I immediately went to work. I ran to the sink and dabbed a Q-tip in Acetone nail polish remover. I left it on the cluster for about 2-3 minutes. I then grabbed an ice cube from the freezer and compressed it against the sore blister until it had completely melted. I then dipped another Q-tip into the nail polish remover and left it on for 2-3 minutes. I put some more Abreva and Novitra on it and went to bed. When I woke up the thing was completely gone. Just to be sure I repeated all of these steps again and plane to do it again before I go to bed. But so far so good. I just wanted thank everyone for posting their remedies. If they hadn't, I'd probably be out of a job right now.

Posted by Jen (Portland , Oregon) on 11/18/2008

YEP!!! This seems to be a miracle solution for herpes, both oral and genital. I get both but if I take a cotton swab and dip it in acetone and hold it on the sores for several seconds (or as long as I can) they go away super fast. I keep putting the acetone on the sores throughout the day to dry them up and both oral and genital last only a few days at the most!! My friend's boyfriend tried the acetone on his genital herpes on his last breakout and they never became sores and disappeared in two days. Outbreaks don't seem to be as often either. I also take L-Lysine too but its the acetone that really does that trick.

Posted by V (Thousand Oaks, CA) on 04/24/2009

Can you put the acetone/polish remover on the sore if you've already had it for about 5 days? Or do you have to do it when you get the first tingle? I have a sore on my lip for about 5 days that won't go away but it's already blistered. I've been putting ACV on it but it's not working. I also put another over the counter med on it, but it's not helping either. I am worried that with the stage it's at now, that putting the polish remover on it will damage my lip and make it bleed or scar... plus, we are going on a cruise in 2 days! Help!

Posted by Suzy (Houston, Tx) on 03/17/2011

As far as the warning in reference to Acetone mentioned below, getting cancer is the least of my worries. It would seem that there are several things out there that cause cancer these days!!! As far as Acetone coming in contact with your skin, it does the same when you use it to remove nail polish! So what's the difference? We come in contact with cleaning solutions, dyes, pollution everyday. I personally do not worry about that, but rather have faith over the situation and I am thankful people have discovered and shared this remedy with others. I am more concerned with consuming artificial sweeteners than applying a dab of nail polish (remover) on my skin which is already doing something due to a *virus (Herpes)! * It would seem that treating the virus (cold sore) is the main thing as it has already formed or is about too. It's like treating a mole; the treatment would first interact or come into contact with the mole before it gets to the layer of your skin. That layer of skin is already going through something, and I have been through many trial periods using many different products and I have to say that CLEAR NAIL POLISH and ACETONE combined worked best for me! Sometimes you don't get the tingling feeling; you just start to see it coming. So as soon as I see or felt it, I washed the area with antibacterial soap, dabbed some *astringent* (which works wonderfully as well because it dries it out! ), the painted over the area with clear nail polish. I left it on overnight. The next morning I removed the clear nail polish with nail polish remover. It freaked me out at first because I thought maybe I burned my skin as I was removing the clear layer, but in reality it dried the blister out completely and prevented it from growing! So I didn't have to apply nail polish remover repeatedly like many others have suggested. I suppose if you are in a situation where you are not home, applying clear nail polish does dry up and is noticeable so perhaps continuously applying remover throughout the day until you are alone might be your solution. I also use the Lysine cream, but it doesn't always work for me. My friend says as soon as she feels the tingling she applies the Lysine cream and it goes away. That isn't 'always' the case for me, but I know it does work at times. The main thing is to DRY OUT the cold sore blister until it scabs or goes away! AVOID creams (except lysine for some), Peanuts, caffeine, cigarette (smoke! ), AND SUGAR!!! YES, it is correct that sugar (including chocolate) can cause a breakout. I was going through a period where I was craving and eating alot of sugar/sweets which I normally don't do, and I was getting blisters back to back. So I had to cut that out. Also I have noticed that tanning beds can trigger a breakout! If you must go like me, clean the pillow and bed with a disinfectant before lying down. Avoid putting lotion on your face and avoid higher level tanning beds with harsh face tanners. Better to just stick with the "level 1. " I also buy this realllly thick chapstick and cover my nose and once affected areas with it to avoid blisters. Then when I get out, I wipe my face with sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is another thing that helps dry out cold sores. Taking vitamins and supplements such as L-Lysine, Selenium, Milk Thistle, Grape Seed (Resveratrol), Echinacea, Honey (contains anti-viral properties), Coconut Oil, etc. Also helps prevent cold sores. Anything containing (bio)flavanoids or things which help your nervous system, (maintain) cell growth, or contain anti-viral agents (since cold sores are apparently caused by the Herpes "virus") I have learned are very beneficial. Exercise is important too, as a stress reliever, it helps calm your nerves and prevent cold sores. I eat a 1-2 spoons full of honey a day and it appears to be working for me, along with exercise, vitamins, and cut out sugar. They say to buy local honey, as it helps ur immune system build a tolerance against the things in your local area (pollen, etc. ). So you could check online for local honey in your area.

With this being said, everyone is different and it took some experimentation, trial periods, and research in order for me to find what works best with my body. I have read that some have gotten chemical burns (inside mouth). I do not recommend putting anything in your mouth except vitamins, garlic, honey, or coconut oil. I think perhaps even cayenne pepper may work for internal sores which I do not and have not ever had. Although cayenne pepper does treat strep throat I have learned, so it's worth a try! Also, if you have sensitive skin, then try not to apply too much of anything to prevent burn.

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Tracy (Suffield, CT) on 05/19/2008

Thanks for the information about artificial sweetneers link to herpes outbreaks. I recently had been chewing sugarless gum and sugarless mints and had a few outbreaks during a 3 week period. I now know that it is probably linked. I can't afford the Valtrex to take all the time and started taking Garlic twice a day and haven't had any breakouts. I was reading over this site and there is a lot of talk about Lysine, I am going to research that as well. About the Stevia (Sweetleaf) it is wonderful and natural. Forget the artificial sweetners, they are not good for you!Thank you everyone for your help!

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Harry (Vancouver, Canada) on 05/18/2008

Herpes outbreaks: stay away from aspartame, please read labels before u eat food. aspartame is in following. NO SUGAR-LESS GUM - stick to breath mints instead. NO DIET SODA- stay away from all diet products, drink water or regualar soda NO SWEET & LOW or any sugar substitute, they all trigger herpes. stick to regular sugar. i've had no outbreaks in the last 4 yrs, stay away from doctor prescribed herpes medication, they don't work. aspartame triggers outbreaks, please do your research.

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 05/18/2008 495 posts

Hello Harry, Read the ingredients on those breath mints, especially if they say sugar free, because many of these also contain aspartame. There is one sugar substitute that has been found safe (so far). It's called stevia and comes from the leaf of a plant. Has a slight licorice taste, but I like it. It can be found in any health food store - I have also been told it can be found in some of the grocery stores now. The price will seem to be very high until you find out how little you use, compared to sugar. I believe that l tsp of stevia is equal to one cup of sugar. Try it and I think you'll like it. Also for any virus you may get in the future, including herpes, you will find that 2 grams (2000mgms) of L-Lysine 4 times a day works better & is much cheaper than the prescription antiviral drug!

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Noone (Nowhere, USA) on 04/22/2008

I just wanted to say that I am so AMAZED and the info that i received here. I just recently found out that i was exposed to herpes (whatever that means) and i have lil to no outbreaks. I have been paying very close attention to what triggers them. I just so happened to come across this website and was snooping around and found the section where they discuss the outbreaks from artifical sweetners. I was in the midst of drinking sugar free red-bull and had been drinking those for two days prior to reading this. Low and behold, the follwing day i was having slight pains "down there" and i could not believe it..i was living proof that the reaction is VERY REAL!! so to anyone new to this page and are reading that this section is true and validated!!!

I also wanted to say that i have been drinking my ACV and i haven't felt a differenct yet, but i am glad just knowing that i am taking the steps needed to obtain the best health possible! thanks you all!!

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Dexter (Philly, USA) on 04/13/2008

I have experienced cold sores since I was a child. They are the kind that starts at the corner and spread across the whole lip. So naturally it affected my life in a very negative way, but there is hope. I recently saw that sunlight causes 1 in 4 cases so I used sunscreen on my face and lips, and I was cold sore free for almost 2 years. I say almost because at the end of september, I got a really bad cold and decided to take sugar free cough drops instead of regular cough drops. And Whoa, the next morning a fever blister was starting to form. I got upset and thought that the sunscreen was a hoax and there was nothing I could do to help my self. But I also knew that I have never got any past september so it made me investigate. Thank GOD, I did. I put 2 and 2 together and realized that the cough drops that were sugar free had sucralose(Splena) in them. And I almost ate the whole bag trying to rid my sore throat. So now I look at everything, as someone said before evern gum had sucralose in it. I hope this helps.

Maria Treben's Recipe
Posted by Christine (Virginia Beach, USA) on 04/10/2008

When I tried using apple cider vinegar on cold sores, I found that it burned my skin if I left the compress on too long.

So I am using Maria Treben's recipe for homemade calendula ointment instead. Take a pint of lard or beef tallow and melt it in a stainless steel or glass pot. Raise it to a boil and add as much calendula floers as you can pack in it, plus comfrey leaves (a handful).Turn down the heat and let simmer for a half an hour. Strain out the herb material and pour into jars. Let cool to room temperature and then refridgerate.

The mixture is greasy and will stain your clothes if you are not careful. Wear an old tee shirt if you can. Apply the ointment to your lips, face, and beneath the jawline to reach affected lymph nodes. The lard acts as a carrier for the calendula, which crosses the skim membrane readily.

Posted by Tom (Panama) on 03/29/2009

Even if it has poison, the Acetone, a few q-tip strokes won't kill anyone. The trick though is to have the virus controlled.

Been reading a lot about foods containing arginine, which is pro herpes virus, and lysine if not mistaken, which works against the virus. If the food balance if maintained you can naturally keep the virus away. Also, I use Valtr ex 500ml 1 day, wait 1 or two more days, and have anotherone. This combination of steps food/medicine if you want to use it, has helped me stay months without even small wart coming; at the same tiem keeping me fro taking too much chemical drugs.

You may try using the food balance method and IT will work I tried it for two three months but it has it's ups and downs, that's why Im combining it with the medication and have gotten very lasting results.

Stress is a main factor also, good sleep and excersice.

You may find information about foods with argine vs lysine in diverse web sites. ( IF you have not seen this comparison already)

Sorry if I wrote too much hope it is useful to all!

Love the Acetone and Apple Vinagger methods will test them when the nasty friend comes by to visit!

Blessings to all.

Posted by Lee (Phoenix, Az Usa) on 12/02/2009

Not only is acetone produced by the body naturally in small amounts, it breaks down and is metabolized as fuel.

Acetone works well!!! If you are burned, you are either too wimpy or have some odd allergy.

If the smell bothers you, get the real stuff from HomeDepot. The nail polish smell and bitters is to deter winos from drinking it.

This is the first technique that I've found that actually helps. I get them from too much sun or windburn.

Posted by Lee (Phoenix, Az) on 01/05/2010

FOLLOWUP: this has been amazing! After 40 years of this: I've been using Acetone after activities that would normally guarantee cold-sores, ie hard outside work and getting windburn/sun exposure combined, and I have not had any coldsores since using this method.

Found in the Journol of Virology:
1% acetone to have a 97% reduction of replication:

Posted by Suzy (Houston, Tx) on 03/17/2011

I have tried prescirption creams and cold sore over the counter drugs which have NOT worked for me at all. Also the ice cube thing made a blister I had worse, so that's out of the picture as well.

I hear that vinegar is GREAT! Like a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips =)

Once more, clear nail polish and nail polish remover worked best for me. After I slept over ight with clear nail polish, then cleaned it off the next morning with nail polish remover, I also repeatedly applied a pimple cream which consists of a gel: 10% benzoyl peroxide gel that helps keep it dried up and moisturized at the same time.

I also used a scar cream after the blister dried up to help it heal nicely without scar or redness.

Posted by Art (Victoria Bc, Canada) on 03/21/2012

Why would anyone want to control something they can get rid of? You are not informed if you are using chemicals to treat cold sores. Cold sores is a form of Herpes like it or not. Herpes is a lipid coated virus. Now Butylated HydroxyToluene (BHT) is a food preservative that kills these viruses. Don't take my word for it, do your own research. The BHT is available ay Vitamin Reseach Products online. My cold sore or spot that usualy breaks out every year is now gone after 2 months of taking one 350mg capsule every day on an empty stomach with a gulp of fruit juice. Pamper your pet cold sore or kill it, the choice is your. Knowledge is power. Art.

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Berks (London, England) on 04/06/2008

Hi all. I have been searching the net for days hoping i could find info beyond al the official sites etc. I have never had an outbreak of genital herpes before and was surprised to say the least when diagnosed. This has happened in the last few weeks and i have accepted the disease. After having the outbreak, i searched my brain for any changes in diet or anything that had possible changed. Sad as it sounds, i have not had sex for 3 years and did not know the virus could lay dormant for so long. When i saw this site, it hit me like a bolt of thunder! DIET PEPSI. I bought a few crates from a local whole sale store as i was on a diet and found that it prevent me eating late at night. After drinking 5 cans of this a night, it looks like it triggered something to cause an outbreak. Needless to say, i have switched back to sugar and will never go near sweetners again. My genital sore is now clearing up and i will report back in a few months to see if stopping sweetner prevents further outbreaks. Take care all. Berks

L-Lysine, Nail Polish Remover
Posted by Michelle (Brooklyn, N.Y.) on 04/01/2008

I have been suffering from cold sores since I was a kid. As long as I wear sunscreen on my lips when I leave the house day or night I do not get them. Occasionally I forget, and that is what happened a week ago. I decided to try this wonderful site and tried the lysine pill and the nail polish remover. Now I do not know which one worked but that nasty cold sore was completly gone in 2 days. This has NEVER happened before. I am so glad this site exist. I will no longer worry when I get a cold sore because i now found an instant cure. I will use both remedies since I do not know which one worked and I also take one lysine pill a day. Thanks!

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Johnnie (Teaneck, New Jersey) on 03/30/2008

Please help me, I am desperaste and going insane. I diagnosed myself with Herpes yesteday. For about a year I would occasionally experience a tingling sensation on one side of my genitailia( I do suffer from nerve damage from a spinal injury ). I would also feel iritated. Call me nieve but I would think maybe I scratched myself when bating or some pubic hair had been pulled out causing this discomfort. When I did try to look to see what was going on I din't notice anything suspicious. I guess I didn't know what to look for I don't make it a habit of visiting that area with a mirror. Anyway, three days ago I was feeling very iritated and yesterday I woke up with major discomfrot. I looked with a mirror and noticed three very small cicular sores. Exactly like the ones I have been getting in my mouth since I was 5 or 6 years old ( and my granmother would tell me my stomach was out of order ).Something clicked and I searched the internet for picures of Genital Herpes. How did I get this? Is this what I have been feeling for the past year? I have been married for 15 years and have never been unfaithful. I can't say the same for my husband, but I am certain that for the past five years neither of us has had sex outside of our marriage. Could the Splenda that I have been using religiously for the past year or so be the culprit? Do I have Herpes or don't I? Has it always been in my system? Is my husband lying to me? I need some answers I am about to lose mind.

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Katie (Tulsa, Oklahoma) on 05/31/2008

Dear Johnnie from Teaneck, Don't freakout about your hubby running around yet. You said you have been getting cold sores on your mouth for several years, well those cold sores are exactly the same as genital herpes. your hubby could have got them from you, (kissing or otherwise) either on his mouth or the nether regions and then passed them right on to you. What you described does sound like genital herpes, and in most people it can actually take years to show up and in men they may never know they have it. So you both could have just passed it back and forth starting at the top and then to the bottom. Now I'm not say'n your hubby is innocent, I cant possible know that but don't hang him yet. I hope this has helped, good luck sugar.

Posted by Neeya (Norfolk, VA) on 05/12/2009

Nail polish, really??? Is that safe? Also, has anyone experienced cold sores moving from one end of the mouth to the other? I have, and it's a pain. I read that these sores usually last up to three weeks in some cases! I am ready for this to be done.

Ear Wax
Posted by Hugh (Queenstown, New Zealand) on 10/26/2008

I heard this remedy when I was mining up in the Yukon Territory. I think there is something in the earwax that is designed? to prevent infections in the ear. It is serendipity that it also works on coldsores!

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by A (USA) on 03/17/2008

Just some feedback, I have genital herpes but rarely get more then one very tiny blister. The other night I had a Slim Fast diet bar, almost immediately I had the feeling of irritation. By the following day I had the most severe outbreak of blisters I have ever had since contracting the virus. I normally never consume diet products as a rule and wonder if the Slim Fast bar caused such an unusually severe outbreak.

Posted by Cherry (Powder Springs, Georgia) on 03/03/2008

Vicks Vapor Rub or Carmex never fails to stop the development of a cold sore. I only get the itch indicating a cold sore is coming once or twice a year. As soon as I feel that itch I put a gob of vicks or carmex on it and it stops itching immediately and never develops into the sore. I thinks it's the camphor and menthol that cures.

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Jenn (Covington, Louisiana) on 02/22/2008

re: herpes: I am so glad I found this site!! I have totally quit eating or drinking anything with artifical sweetners in it. No more OB!!! I have learned to read EVERY label, did you know gum had artifical sweetner in it, even if it is not sugar free! Bonus I lost inches when I quit ingesting the junk, went from a size 16 to a 12!!!

Posted by Rian (Portland, Oregon) on 02/01/2008

Everytime I get the tingle, or the first little hint of a blister on my lip. I get an Ice cube, stick it in a bag and hold it on the bump til it is totally disolved. Sometimes you may need to use 1-3 ice cubes. But it works without fail. The next morning, the cold sore is already gone. And usually the scab is small and gone in a day or two. This is the fasted way to stop em. Try it.

Posted by Paula (Perth, Wa, Australia) on 07/01/2010

I've used the ice cube method also & it worked really well for me. I did it about 4 or 5 times per day for the first 3 days with only a single ice cube wrapped in a tissue. The longer you can tolerate the cold on your lip, the quicker it heals or the less severe the coldsore ends up. It seems to reduce swelling to almost non-existent & the virus really doesn't like the ice at all. A good follow-up is some fresh aloe vera dabbed on it straight after the ice treatment.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by secondch@nce (Phuket, Thailand) on 08/05/2008

I was just wondering, How do you apply apple cider vinegar if it's Genital herpes? You know, the sores and all in the insides? does it also, like, heal or helps to keep it from too much itching and burning?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Wichita , KS) on 01/05/2008

I found this site a week ago and Thank God I did. I have been suffering for 30 years with cold sores from time to time and NOTHING has helped with my cold sores. I have tried everything. So I thought I would try ACV. I put ACV on a cotton ball and held it on my cold sore for a few minutes 4 times a day at the first sign of the tingling. In 48 hours my cold sore was gone! It is amazing! Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (Canada) on 12/20/2016

This is probably what I should have done. Instead I held the cotton ball on my lip for 5 minutes or more. My lip swelled and it's still swollen a day later. I'll try this again in the future if I get another sore, but definitely will use it carefully. I used organic apple cider vinegar.
