Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

General Feedback
Posted by Tnt (Fort Worth, Tx.) on 09/26/2011

There is not much doubt left that I have contracted this devilish disease called Morgellons. I am certain of how I got it and who I got it from. I can tell everyone that I believe from the marrow of my bones that this plague is contagious, I keep my distance from loved ones! From prolonged skin to skin contact as in sex I got an unusual rash in the groin area from a girlfriend that said she had a heat rash. After a few weeks of dealing with sores and itching, we tried stromectol (Ivermectin) to rid us of any and all parasites. 2 rounds, 10 days apart, it did not work for us. I can say in my case, the itching is far from the worse of it, the fatigue is terrible and life changing. There is also neurological effects that are frightening. A few months ago I was the picture of health for a 52 year old man, now I feel as if I'm 72. I have a very good doctor that I have seen for years, now I'm faced with the decision of seeking medical help at the risk of being diagnosed as delusional, or trying to treat this myself as many others are doing. Tired n Texas

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jayne (London, Uk) on 09/29/2012

I love your regime! I always thought that coffee and alcohol were both bad for morgellons, due to their acidity, and wouldn't maple syrup be bad parasite-wise, as it is so sweet?

I'm interested that this is all helping you, and would love to try it but I'm a bit scared to break my routine of not eating these things! I love what you say about singing, dancing, reiki etc..

One more point, when you say have lots of sex, aren't you afraid of the risk of infection? This is something else I've been scared to do since getting this horrible thing. :(

Would really appreciate your views on these things if you're still on here. Or anybody else's.

Posted by Diana (Mousehole, Uk) on 05/17/2012

I have just started MMS for morgellons and wondered if it was a success for you?

Dietary Changes, Oil Pulling, Wormwood
Posted by Leah (Philadelphia, Pa) on 04/22/2013

Hi all, I just wanted to jump in here. I first read about this condition last year. I don't have it but I believe what you are going through is real. There is a website with a protocol from a person who cured it with help from a good Dr:

As I said I didn't try this because I'm not a sufferer but the protocol makes sense to me because it involves both killing the viruses, fungi, parasites and improving your immune system.

Wishing you all well soon!

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Elizabeth (Minneapolis, Mn) on 05/26/2011

I have been going through this as well, the best remedy I have found for Morgellons is a balanced PH (veggies/baking soda in water/good water) and also 1 tsp. Sea salt in water What I eat affects how I feel. If I eat too much yeast/breads/donuts within 1 hour symptoms appear worse. Pop is not good for it. Garlic helps. Sulphur Cream is great. Blow dryer helps. Benadryl helps with night time sleep. If I have some symptoms reappear, all I need to do at this point is drink sea salt in water. I still have this horrible thing, it is just a part of my life until I stumble across a cure. It is a very humbling experience and helps me be more compassionate to others with their ailments. I have tried over 20 things and this is what I have found to be most helpful.

Posted by Keith (San Diego, Ca) on 06/05/2012

Diane - my name is Keith (live in San Diego with my 3 year old son)... I am confident that we can help each other on the Morgellons front. This is serious and I'm hopeful you'll call 619-550-9755 or email kkassan(at)

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Lori (SLC) on 03/16/2022

I have some incredible videos. The spirocettes movi g and touching each other, wiggling and making a dust storm, twitching which starts a new one not far from. Them, a yellow Squarish substance coming from inside of a hairline entangled morg, out the top and moving fast to start wrapping itself again. Also hairline worms coming out of a pant seam slowly engulfing a cotton string and eventually it w. as a live cotton morg! Putting down salt in my carpet and a large approx 4 inch flying Grey blob with a tail to go crazy flying around my bedroom. All on my phone video. If you want copies I will send them

Articles of Interest
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 10/22/2010

Hi Sable,
I know a lady here in Toronto who has the same problem. She went to 5 doctors and all accused her of being hallucinated. She was afraid to go to other doctor because every time she went, she got the same answer that there is no such disease and that she has mental problem. I realized also that the doctors are well trained to cover them self when they don`t know how to diagnose a disease and turn the ball in our camps by telling us we have mental problem. I have spoken with people who have Lyme disease and they told me the same thing. The doctors were accusing them of being mental until the bacteria was found in their blood. I will give you my email if you need to contact this lady. Thank you.

Articles of Interest
Posted by Dean (Toronto) on 01/26/2021

I really need to speak with someone from Toronto, Morgellon sufferer for over (35) agonizing years.

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by Amber (Charlotte, NC) on 12/26/2021

I have been battling morgellons for about 5 or 6 years now. Last April, I was forced to trade in all of my natural teeth for dentures. I was 37 years old. Devastating.

Undiluted White Vinegar
Posted by Newagewoes (Melborne, Florida) on 10/14/2010


Colloidal Silver, MMS
Posted by Lsk555 (Atlantic City, Nj) on 09/12/2010

I am helping a close friend find cures for morgellons, as shes been dealing with this for months and drs have all told her shes crazy - so we are going the natural path and have found alot of interesting facts and hope for complete recovery. We are ordering MMS so that my gf can begin treatment with it, in hopes of a complete cure. Other than that, she is on a very healthy diet, which includes no meat and will build up to a completely raw diet - in order to build her immune system up and aid all of her organs in function. She has noticed a tremendous difference just since we've changed her diet. Bacteria feeds on sugars, which are in all processed foods in some form, and parasites feed on bacteria. Elminate the sugars and ure on ur way! Also, she drinks apple cider vinegar mixed w/water, cayenne, lemon juice, and grade a or b maple syrup twice a day. Nightly baths with food grade h2o2 and baking soda

And a glass of red wine at night to help her laugh, relax, and sleep. Red wine has antibodies which boost the immune system.. Plus, the most important part of healing is a good mind set. This is the first time she's laughed in months :) Use caution of course, and dont over-do it! We started with colloidal silver drops under the tongue every two hrs but are switching to the MMS as soon as we get it.

Hope this helps someone! Good luck and many blessings to u all!

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Janice Barket (Mcclure, Pa, Usa) on 09/05/2010

I have been visiting your site for sometime and it is awesome! I was reading about scabies and would like to add that maybe some of the cases could be Morgellons. Morgellons it is believed is systemic and is associated by mycroplasma. There may be 200 kinds of them. Some believe that Morgellons has association to eating GMO foods. I know that when I quit eating them things got better. I suffered untold unamaginable hell gor the first year not knowing what it was. Permathrin was a waste of money and so was Rid for head lice. Doctors are not good at treating this. In fact they seem to be in denial by the most. Natrual products worked. I am close to remission and like most have spent a lot of money. Sme have spent over $40,000 just to hear a doctor tell them it is all in their head; Wrong, it is real. Feels like bugs crawling under your skin, head, soles of feet. Open lesions can appear, fibers under skin and coming out. Awful, awful experience. Few will stand up for you because I believe they know but are afraid. A friend bought three DVD's from a program on God's Learning Channel about morgellons and wanted to give them to doctors. Guess what they refused and one said, " I fear for my life. " Weaponized mycroplasma is a good thing to read about. I found an article online about how the GMO grains crossed over into the horses cells and Sulfa drugs was used. There is many good sites about GMO and the affects on us. The American Academy of Envirionmenatal Medicine , May 19, 2009 is a very good article to read. Then ask yourself what could be wrong with your skin? I finally got smart and made my own cream which does help heal sores. The Borax and Food Grade Peroxide works. I also added L Iodine and dribbled it on my head rubbing with my fingers. I of course added water to the Peroxide but also put a drop of pur on places where a pimple was starting. Awesome stuff. You know it works or FDA would not be trying to get rid of it. Morgellons is parasites which are the base of most diseases. Did you know that every 63 minutes someone dies from cancer> Did you know that more die from parasites? Yes, it is true. So go to work and start gettng rid of them. I do alot of natural parasite cleanses including yes, it is gory but worth it; enemas. Doctors do not give antibiotics long enough to help us and most of them do not work for transgenic parasites/man made diseases. The research I have done is in the natural products. Tetracyline seems to help internally. I was going to try Grae Fruit Seed extract but could not find one pure enough. Does anyone know of one? Keep up the good work Ted. We depend on you since everyone else is afraid to cross the barriers to help those suffernig and dying daily.

Posted by Robert (Martinez, Ca) on 09/02/2010

I am in contact with a biochemist who is experimenting with remedies for morgellons, the type that include sores w/fibers that are actually a type of nano polymer. Last contact info was using grated fresh horseradish root which contains an enzyme to break down the fibers. This enzyme can be searched as it has been isolated & concentrated by certain labs & it is very expensive to purchase. As this is in the experimental stage, I will update to advise progress, however, I thought that this info should be posted as in theory it appears to be beneficial. I would start with grating small amounts & to offset the burn, I would add some honey & take 2-3 times a day. I don't think that adding to foods would be a problem. Please post any results you may have & I will contact my source who is also trying this on themself. Horseradish is in a family botanical group that happens to have more of this enzyme than its other members. As always, go easy & let your body be your guide.

Posted by A (Arizona) on 06/09/2016

Forced myself to eat horseradish in water. Couldn't do it for many days and didn't notice if it was curing me. Soak clothing 2 days in salt water, airdry and wear to bed .Kills it through skill along spine.You get used to it. Wear magnet over the spine, wrist to kill it in blood. Nothing works as well as magnets. Sprayed by others so I constantly have to purge the crap.

Posted by Pip (Uk) on 01/11/2018

Hi, please could you tell me what strength of magnet is best one to use?


Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Izzy3 (Vero Beach, Florida) on 03/25/2010

Right on the Welcome screen this morning they are talking about how they are putting nanotech in our food supply, cosmetics, gas etc. It even shows the fibers wrapping around human hair, exactly like the fibers people are experiancing with Morgellons, see what the great scientific secture is doing to us, in order to create a name for themselves, wake up people, their doing in mankind, and the planet, we need to get back to natural ways.

EC: Can you send us a link to the article or show that you saw this morning? Thanks!

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Haycee (Gauteng, Sa) on 03/25/2010

Here's a link to nano particles in food:
Not very appetising news!

EC: Thanks!

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Izzy3 (Vero Beach, Fl.) on 01/03/2010

Am a long time sufferer of Morgellons, if they are in your ears try a dab of Peppermint oil on the outer ear, never put down in the ear and keep off your fingers, should you rub your eye it can sting badly, use Qtip or cotton ball, I also buy the Peppermint extract in the baking section and use a capful in my wash with the borax. Be very careful using Pantothenic Acid ( B 5 ) I may have done permenant damage to myself overdosing on it, research it first online and you will see that the body needs very little, and they sell it in high doses, high mg. It can cause wheezing and shortness of breath, which if your lucky goes away, but you are left with tingling in the feet etc.Cats Claw needs to be researched well also, we all want to get well , but self medicating can be lethal be careful and if possible talk to a doctor about doses of anything your not sure of. Mentholated body powders are a great help on the sheets in order to sleep, they do not like it ! God Bless and remember to share safe remedies.

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Sue (Vermillion, Ohio) on 03/14/2011

I have the morgellons on my eyelids and have found chapstick a relief, for some reason it is so thick they can't move too much, and the tried the peppermint burt bees chapstick and it stings for 1 minute then gave me good relief. It works for a time but if I stop using it they come back.

Lemon Soaks
Posted by Izzy3 (Vero Beach, Florida) on 12/29/2009

Lemon Soaks for Morgellons

I have spent thousands on remedies for Morgellons , ( I have the insect or nanosect kind ) Yesterday I tried something just on a whim and got a surprise with wonderful results but before I get to that I want to say I don't have lesions so keep that in mind should you want to try this, I took 1 cup of concentrated lemon juice I bought cheap at a dollar type store, put it in my bath water and got my ears down under the water and kept them there for ten minutes and stayed soaking for 30 minutes, I saw bugs in the water ! After my ear soak I put dandruff shampoo on my head continued my soak, then washed my hair and rinsed off, I have not had one crawly or biting feeling anywhere on my body except in my left ear ! I feel whatever is in there can't be killed as I have exausted my efforts trying to kill it. I'm going on the second day now and feeling pretty good, but I will alternate my soaks between Borax, then Hydro Peroxide & sea salt , then back to the lemon, these things seem to become resistant to just one remedy. Sipping 1/2 tsp of lemon in a bottle of water a couple bottles a day, also seems to help. Good Luck n God bless

Alkaline Vs Acidic pH
Posted by Sue (Denver, Co) on 10/02/2011

I've read that cancer and disease can't survive in an alkaline state - they say Morgellons has a bacterial component so I have to believe Alkaline is better...

Alkaline Vs Acidic pH
Posted by Joseph (CA) on 06/22/2021

Cream tartar baking ingredient will raise your pH to an alkaline level instantly without having to worry about assessing over Foods. Acid always causes inflammation and diseases so I can imagine high acid would not be good also sugar and gluten creates high acid which are the worst things you can do for morgellons.

Xylitol substitute for sugar eliminate sugar from your diet it kills Morgellons and tricks it. It has been an amazing substance to combat biofilm.

Vinegar, Orange Oil
Posted by Abbie (Monrovia, Ca) on 08/26/2009

I posted my findings yesterday, I want to add more. I found that the gloves I have used and the vinyl matress cover and my washing maching and dryer and the chair I have been sitting on all infected by the black tiny dots of mold ( I believe it's mold) that is very hard to remove. Again most on the area I frequently touch. I did some research and they said that all the people with morgellons have direct contact with plant dirt or earth. I myself did touch a plant without using gloves about 6-8 months ago, and that plant (a indoor tree) is dead now. I inspected that dried stem or trunk of the tree and found the same tiny black dots all over it. Is this a coincidence? I believe morgellon is caused by this type of mold or fungus. If this is true, we may try to detox with those thing that can get rid of mold or fungus. Maybe this is why many morgellons sufferers found relief. But this is really tough, as I found them growing on the inside of the dryer door. And I have been using the dryer many times a day for over 8 months, because I thought I got scabies. Please check this site for mold and fungus remedy. Hope all get relief!

Posted by Lance Gumtz (National City, California) on 06/29/2009

Morgellons is not a disease it is a parasite, round worm it effects people in poor health and a high fungal load in the body. It really likes fungus so you need to wash with neem soap, or any other soap that removes bacteria. Then you need to take neem leaf it stops people dogs and cats and blood sucking bugs like scabies, body lice fleas and round worm from reproducing no more eggs.......If it cant produce then it wont spread. It takes a while for the neem leaf to get into your blood. Then you need to take msm (sulfur) it keeps parasites from being able to cling to your intesines walls. Then you need to take humana worm parasite killing herbs. Then i would also add worm wood it is known for killing parasites. Then you need to take clove it kills any eggs dead. You should really look into neem and all the wonderful things it can do its amazing...... some people use it as birth control.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 06/09/2009 495 posts

Hi Gina and all others with the problem of Morgellon's,

Have any of you ever tried boiling poke root and bathing in the water for Morgellon's?

Sounds like you have some sort of living organisms and bathing in poke sallet (pokeweed) water just might work to kill them off. If it works on scabies, it possibly can work on whatever you have also.

Another possibility to try is Sweet Annie weed (also known as Sweet wormwood, annual mugwort, annual wormwood, Qinghao), or by its botanical name Artemesia annua L (Asteraceae family).

Gather the whole above the ground plant and boil in water & bath in the sweet Annie weed water.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kara (Milwaukee, WI) on 02/16/2009

morgellons: Been trying the shotgun approach latelly and have seen some definite improvements...seems to be killing off the smaller ones...don't feel in eyes lately so vision improving...

Taking Cats Claw 2x per day, considering 3x per day at 500 mg ea...suppose to be working the best...want to try Samento though that is cCats Claw w/o TOA which improves its performance - but costs 2x as much. also 2 doses daily of Black Walnut Green Hull, Garlic 1500 mg considering going 2x daily on this...also taking Olive Leaf Extract 1-2x a day, Colloidal Silver AM & PM, considering adding a 3rd dose, 1/4 tsp baking soda in water 2x day w/tsp apple cider vinegar. Combination Green Tea, Goji and Ginger (Ginger is said to dissolve worm eggs) 2-3x daily, taking high quality vitamin/mineral I prefer Vitamin World's Green Vitamin, the best I've so far. Plain yogurt adds back flora to the digest tract...While these things haven't disappeared, they do seem weakened - have been on this protocol for less than a weak and feel there is a die-off, but the larger worms will take longer to kill. At night I use tea tree oil, a little oil and hydrogen peroxide with a dab of hand soap to mix these together. I put it all over my body and wrap with glad wrap to keep on all night long - I get good sleep w/this technique, but you need to take garlic before sleep so it drives them to the skin otherwise they just dig into the body to get away from it. Happy Hunting!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by K (Sacramento, Ca) on 11/09/2009

Christine from San Pedro, How are you today? Can you share your experience and how you got better. thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere Usa) on 11/14/2015

I don't know about the limestone? But I would love feedback from people on this. I have posted several times that I believe the cure or at least the control to this is Orange oil. Internally and externally. I also believe that these are related maybe to tick born disease.

Any way I may be off total or I might be right, but I think that the bacterial and these parasites or mites feed off of each other. Orange oil seems to kick their butts whatever they are, along with MSM. I believe they need the bacteria to live and then they try to spin webs out of any cloth that comes into contact with your skin.

I have felt webs at times and we know that ticks are in the spider family.

I been through a lot of trial and error, so this is just my 2 cents worth, Read my other post on this and see if it might help you. I need feed back, because all the stuff I have posted I never hear back from people.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere, Usa) on 11/16/2015

Yes I am very familiar with Tony. What I would like to know is how many others may have tried the Orange oil and MSM, along with some other stuff I have tried with great success. I am trying to find their weak spot, after much trial and error, I believe the Orange Oil and MSM helped me the most, along with alkalizing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 12/29/2020

Hydrochloric Acid Benefits, Uses, Supplements, Dosage, More - Dr. Axe

life has controversies, but as we age our hydrochloric acid levels tend to dip and we don't absorb minerals as well and our bones and teeth get weak and fail

Hydrochloric acid poisoning Information | Mount Sinai - New York

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pam (Waco, TX) on 01/31/2009

Have anyone on this site dealt with Morgellons? I can't find medical help and am getting more and more ill daily. I am using Oregano Oil, Tumeric, have tried MSM with no help, taking baths in peroxide and salt. If you have any other suggestions that have worked for you PLEASE reply. Thanks

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Debt (Tulsa, Ok) on 12/28/2014

Dealing with the same problem and have limited sugar and cut gluten out. I take ACV daily, drink water liberally, take vitamins, coconut oil, etc. still not much relief. The one thing that I do think helps is bathing in peroxide, sea salt, and borax. Sometimes use baking soda in the bath too. This helps dry it up. The dietary changes do help it just takes time I guess. its stressful for sure to see worms and bugs in your skin and it is no mistake. I wish it was. My husband and I are mortified! We can't talk about this because it's not cool at all, nobody would want to ever associate with a person with this. I've had it for a while snd it haven't seen anyone near me contract it. Not working now. But am an RN so I'm educated as to what is normal related to skin well this is not. All I can say us follow Teds protocols and pray. One last thing, build up your immune system, take probiotics.

Infrared Therapy
Posted by Julie (Port St Lucie, Florida) on 09/27/2009

I have the same problems with my lungs! I have Rhuematoid arthritis for the past three years and you lungs can become inflamed. I have complained about this for a long time to my Rhumatologists. I had several lung xrays taken over the last three years and all of them were unremarkable...but yet i could feel the heaviness. Two months ago my sister and kids developed Morgellons, them my mom and now me. So three different households...but me,my sister amd mom have become sick since we moved to Florida. My sister chronhs disease and my mom had two types of cancer...we have diseases from low immune systems.some associate these with morgellons (nano911 I like to call it)and we were all super healthy up North. I have studied infra red when I went to esthetician's school. It is a wonderful treatment and I am extremely interested in any info you could share as to where your drs could be purchased. R there any other tips you can give to a fellow suffer who lungs are weighed down. Oh reflexology on the foot-my right lung is super bad. I have the (rice crispies) in the ball of the foot and I massage it everyday. I have produced more suptum. Also I use a nettie pot for the sinus. I also do the peroxide and 1/3 wine or dark juice gargle. Sometimes it will actually pull up clear gel like slime. It is not for the light hearted. You will see nano fibers, black specks, larva, slime. just very disturbing. I also have had them in my urine, pass out vaginally ( I was spotting brown) and in my feces at times..but not always.I read our nano's anthropods whatever anyone wants to call them...thrive, breed in chocolate we eat. Please try to limit your chocolate :)

Infrared Therapy
Posted by Jennifer (Los Angeles, California) on 11/24/2009


It's been a year since i started the infrared therapy. I still have lung problems every so often but not severe like i had it in the beginning before i used the far infrared and herbs. What i have found to help was to take elderberry herb, olive leaf and to drink Essaic tea. I want to mention where i buy this stuff but i don't know if i can mention it here according to rules. But the place you buy the herbs makes a huge difference on whether they work or not. I buy them from a website run by dr. marijah mccain. Her herbs have helped my lungs tremendously. I first tried the herbs i bought in the grocery store..they didn't work. Also, i used whole food supplements from systemic formulas. They have one that repairs the lungs that helped. (I don't work for this company..but i so highly recommend their products after having a kinesioligist prescribe them for me) Their supplements are wonderful.

The rule says not to mention brands but i think this can really really help someone with specific organ problems. I also used colloidal silver. I know that morgellons is nano-technology. But what is not sure is whether there is a virus involved or not. My bloodtest showed that i had a man-made epstien bar virus. But not sure if that was part of morgellons or something i got exposed to in addition to morgellons. As far as infrared equipment. I purchased mine directly from dr. staninger. She says that most other equipment on the market has metal heating and can cause radiation. So i only wanted to buy her tested machine. She said that she will be selling them online soon. Or you can call her. Staninger also says that astragulus herb helps lungs too. But i found the elderberry and colloidal silver to help me the most. Dr. Staninger does not recommend colloidal silver though. So i went against her protocol. But i think it helped me. The lung problem could be fungal, viral, metal or it could be the silicone from the morgellons. That's why far infrared together with the herbs is probably your best bet. If it's heavy metals then you may need zeolite. All i know is i'm not cured yet. I still have thousands of black dots and little fiber plastic splinters coming from my skin. And if i use the pedifex soap together with endure 300 i have silicon oozing out of my skin like crazy. Dr. Staninger says it's good that the things are being eliminated from my body and coming out my skin. I still hate to look at my looks all scarred up and destroyed. The pedifix and endure 300 mixed together really helps to heal the lesions. Since the plastic in the lesions are keeping the soar from healing.

I'm not cured..but i'm slowly getting better. And i'm not suffocating to death anymore from something attacking my nerves and lungs. I've coughed up plastic and black dots. I hope that i will see more improvement over this year. I also want to mention that i drink fresh organic veggie juiced in a blender has helped. And also doing the Budwig flaxseed and cottage cheese protocol has helped my lungs as well. But the flaxseed and cottage cheese have to be blended in a very liquid like consistency for it to work. I'm also drinking fresh herb teas that i buy from dr. marijah mccain. I buy fresh herbs and boil water and let the herbs sit for 20 minutes and then drink. I buy herbs such as pau-d-arco, red clover, burdock root, st johns wart, dandelion. These help with detoxification.
This is a nightmare and i wish the people responsible for this man-made disease would get what they deserve. Right now i am so traumatized by this whole thing i have been suicidal knowing that doctors and our govt have turned their backs on us. I know who is responsible for this as i have studied this in depth. Research nanotechnology and you will see it's being used in everything. Someone got morgellons from using a popular brand of bubble bath. When the bubble bath was tested by staninger the product did infact have nanotechnology. Also, sodas and food where found to have nanotechnology in them as well. Now if this is a fact why is our govt saying that we are delusional when we are being fed products with nanotechnology fibers. The fibers are highly electrical and if you do the research and find out the goal of our govt is to have us all chipped then you know why this stuff is being put in our products. And you know why there is an intentional coverup of a large proportion going on here and we are the lab rats to some technological experimentation. The doctors who are brainwashed should be ashamed of themselves for turning their backs on suffering human beings. They are the ones who are completely Delusional for believing they have any knowledge on health and how to treat fellow human beings with dignity and kindess. What they fail to realize is that they are too being seeded with the nanotechnology and that one day they may look down to see fibers coming out of their skin as well. Anyway, i will provide updates to my progress. Currently it is better but not cured. I'll write back in 4 months to give updates for anyone who is interested. And i am highly suspicious that my prescription meds that i was on where seeded with this nanotechnology and urge anyone taking uneccessary prescriptions like diet pills to re-consider as they may be the carriers of this nanotechnology according to much research that you can find online.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere, Usa) on 09/22/2014

Boy someone sure doesn't want us to have this information on Morgellons. I was reading on page 5 and several of the links are not displaying now.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Patty (North east United states) on 12/13/2020

I don't know what is really wrong with me, but recently I have been having what I thought was pimples on my behind, but they do not respond to vinegar with essential oils, like pimples usually do, they don't itch, just painful at nights with the sensation of something crawling in my skin both around my eyes and on my legs and butt. So I tried something that I read in earth clinic that was meant for mites which is petroleum jelly -which would clog the pores of any insect- with one to two drops of an equal mix of tea tree oil and lavender oil per ounce of tea tree oil, applied both morning and evening. The pimples decreased in size significantly after 1 week and are now almost gone, and no new ones appear. I also dusted my furniture and rugs with Borax, and sprinkled Borax around the corners of rooms.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Ds (Us, Usa) on 08/30/2011

Is is just me or does anyone else think that all the Nan's and Carol's in this thread are the same person? It would help if testimonials from same person indicated such.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Gillian (Wales) on 12/24/2014

Can someone please tell me what TTO is as I believe I am in the early stages of Morgellons.

EC: TTO= Tea Tree Oil

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Honeybooboo (Germany) on 08/03/2015

This thing creates biofilms thats why I couldnt get the strange things from beneath the scalp out until I used an shampoo from loreal that enters the hair shafts as one of the componants mixed with real pure cayan cinnomin bark , I wore the cinnemon on my scalp first for 2 days, than I added the shampoo with hot water and let it sit in. Than I combed these yellow soft rock looking things that were under the scalp out by pressed on the scalp while brushing, they all came out, my scalp feels normal. The hairs were still alive, than I was reading someone had success with NAC n-acetyl an over the counter at the pharmacy. I took that today for the takes mucus out. If this is a bioinsecticed we dealing with that has bio films. bio films need to be opened inorder to attack them. But also most women seem to get this so maybe all of u have some low iron or something that triggered it. But either way, peppermint and a hairdryer also helps a ton, it kills many of them. This bioinsecticed I think has toxins which makes people itch even more.

Posted by Hannah (London, UK) on 01/06/2013

Yes, ever since I've had this I've been craving eggs. I'm eating loads of them, and I'm doing quite well. It's not just the eggs, I've also been avoiding wheat and dairy products. And taking multivitamins, digestive enzymes, N-acetyl cystein and amino acids. (On the advice of a friend with the same symptoms). I still have some exit and crawling but not much, and my life (at the moment at least), is pretty normal.

Posted by Debra (Tulsa, OK) on 01/08/2015

It's the sulphur in the eggs they don't like. I've read skin sulphur products are good as well.

Posted by Rhonda (Courtenay, Bc) on 01/08/2015

One and a half cups of Borax and add 4 tablespoons of antibacterial soap. This kills them.
But not all of them you have to keep doing it and be careful your skin will get really dry
After I'm done with that, I get to essential oils, sage and Teatree oil and be very careful with them; they can get hot and I mix them together and then I put that all over my body
But I also have Cayenne with oil soap to make sure my skin's getting the proper nutrients
I think all my vitamins plus vitamin C three times a day for magnesium is well and I also take glucosamine w/sulfur in it. Now I've made up my own cloves cinnamon tea and I drink that three times a day; it's very strong, clove kills things

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Tracy (Northern California ) on 07/08/2021

Well said! I agree with your entire comment! 😀

Essential Oils
Posted by Kathy (Ca) on 01/02/2017

I make a mixture of

6oz coconut oil (good for top half of body)
Or 6 oz almond oil (good for knees To feet)
3/4 oz oregano oil
1oz Melaluca oil
1/2 oz Cedar Oil

If it's really itchy I'll just put straight melaleuca oil on itchy spot. Also Oregano oil pills work well.

Olive Leaf and Pantothenic Acid
Posted by Jayne (London, Uk) on 10/05/2012

I know this is a very old post, but how much olive leaf extract did you take? I have ordered some of this, then noticed your post. I'm glad it worked for you. I don't have great hopes for it as nothing has worked well so far, but willing to try if I can find the correct dosage. Thanx.

Lemon Juice in Suave Shampoo
Posted by Elle (Baltimore, Maryland) on 11/21/2007

re: Help for mites in hair-- I belive that I have Morgellons, and this is what I do that has the greatest effect on getting it out of my hair. Suave coconut shampoo and conditioner (the conditioner is optional) every other day, and on the other days, spray hair until very damp and comb through with a solution of half reconstituted lemon juice and water. This is what I have been doing for over a month now, and my head hardly ever itches or gets sores.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Kathryn (MA) on 07/23/2022

To Chel and her reply to Better but with side effects. I second that. This is clearly a Herxheimer reaction to the die-off. I was diagnosed with Lyme and Epstein Barr after toxic mold exposure and some kind of skin parasite, maybe a mite, no fibers. During mold treatment I found Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker's Mold Warriors protocol. He discovered the cholesterol drug Cholestyramine would eliminate mold toxin by binding bile and helping it to be excreted in stool. His important discovery was that perhaps 40-60% of people are genetically less capable of breaking down the toxic aldehydes in mold biotoxins. Similar biotoxins are produced by many pathogens, candida, lyme, EBV, and presumably mites and morgs. People with less efficient liver enzymes dump excess biotoxins into the bile, which goes to the small intestine. During digestion the body conserves bile by resorbing it along with its toxic load. Shoemaker discovered that the cholestyramine locks onto the bile and its biotoxins and ensures it is excreted out of the body. My personal discovery was born out of being unable to find a doctor to prescribe the cholestyramine for the mold because I didn't have high cholesterol. I learned the drug is a synthetic resin so I went looking for natural resins, particularly those with trad use for high cholesterol and heart disease. And I found them in spades! Myrrh, Frankincense, Dragon's Blood, Propolis (resin collected by bees) and my favorite, Guggul. All of these are sacred, revered medicines in many cultures. I was helped immensely in my mold treatment by Guggul resin, taken with a meal containing fat (to stimulate bile release). What I also discovered during lyme treatment was that this same strategy of binding bile to relieve mold biotoxin illness was majorly helpful against Herx reactions after meds that kill lyme and epstein barr virus. The Herx is partly caused by massive release of the biotoxins from dying cells, pathogens and degraded biofilms. The liver is overwhelmed and dumps the toxins into bile. Using these resins, and psyllium or modified citrus pectin (fibers are also bile binders, though I found, less effective at I than resins) as well as activated charcoal as a toxin absorber is the best way to stop a Herx reaction. I take two caps of Guggul with each meal for several days whenever I am on any anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-microbial treatments such as silver, olive leaf, andrographis, oregano oil, H2O2, wormers, thuja, neem, black walnut, cloves etc. FYI: colloidal silver is a misnomer. The vast majority of silver products are actually ionic solutions made by electrophoresis. A colloid is a suspension of very tiny ground up particles, these particles are large so do not readily cross cell membranes. Most silver products today, call them what you will-colloidal or "hydrosol" (another misnomer), contain ions, charged particles in solution at the atomic level. Ions are very small, very easily absorbed, so use care in dosing. Anyway, I hope my trick for defusing a Herx reaction is helpful. It works quite well during any kind of an infection as well, helps with fever, malaise, fatigue.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Nan (Madison, Wi) on 12/27/2010

Homeopathic Silica is useful to help with the clearing out of the body of dead materials... It is a cell cleanser and very useful for this.

Oak Gallnuts
Posted by Medah (TN) on 12/25/2021

Woah! Thank you so much. My mind is blown. I can't believe I am just now stumbling across this and it was posted in 2007!!!!!!! I would love some updated info on this but either way - ★ MUCH GRATITUDE TO YOU ★

Molly's Remedies
Posted by Maggie (Shreveport, Louisiana United States) on 01/05/2011

I have been suffering with parasites as described here for over a year. I have tried nearly every "cure" or "treatment" I find on these sites. Reading all the stories and feeling the frustration of all those who suffer with this as I do, something occurred to me. All the stories I have read, like all those I could tell, are the same in the respect that we find varying levels of relief at the beginning of a new "treatment" but always end up dealing with it again. Is it possible that these parasites have the ability to create immunities against the "treatments" before the "treatment" has had time to eradicate them?

Posted by K (Sacramento, Ca) on 09/10/2009

You may want to look at the morgellons sanctum web site to get more treatment ideas. Sounds like you have it. I do, too. I can make stuff come out of my skin anytime I want to. Ted has a good suggestion, his lyme disease protocol. I am taking V-C and sea salt daily and it helps tone down symptoms.

Posted by Mary (Beverly, Ma) on 05/18/2010

Has anyone considered using Hulda Clarks method of killing parasites. Afterall, Morgellons is a parasite of some sort. Hulda Clark has written several books on all Disease being caused by parasites or toxins. She has instructions on how to create a zapper in her books and on the web. She used different frequencies of electricity to jolt the body and kill parasites effectively. In turn ridding people of various diseases. I know I've seen zappers for sale on Amazon and they are not that expensive.

Posted by Val (Barling, Arkansas) on 10/01/2011

Kathy from Lousiana: You stated that you had black insect vectors with wings that could actually fly.

Ditto with me. I thought I was the only one to experience these horrid little bugs. In April 2011, samples of these bugs were sent to a lab and were identified as "unknown tick anthropod".

They are gone now; they were a stage of Morgellons that gradually disappeared. Now I have the crawling sensations deep in my skin. My most recent lab results (last week) identified the samples I submitted as "plant and fabric fibers - no parasites".

There are apparently many, many stages that these little monsters go through.

Reader Theories
Posted by Brook (Knoxville, Tn) on 12/06/2009

She is correct -- these are NANO-bots created by man. It's like Godzilla -- except on a microscopic scale. These NANO bots have a hive intelligence -- which is why they fight back even harder when you try and get rid of them.

This is another man-made disaster the geniuses who casued it and approved it don't want to admit. It's time to lawyer-up and get legal, folks. This is a tobacco-sized lawsuit waiting to happen, and there are pleny of lawyers willing to take this on. Politicians and "officials" are doing nothing. Only money talks and a multi-billion dollar lawsuit will start getting some action.

Reader Theories
Posted by Deb (Valdosta, Ga) on 11/29/2010

I could not believe what I have been going through the past three years. It is like living a horror movie. Thank God I have a doctor that knew something about it. Together we are try to find a cure. I did however find out that using 20mule borax in a bowl with a wash cloth with little water as a scrub to wash with in the bath. After using pure glycerine all over except the hair, for it will make your hair fall out, was clearing up the skin part. It may be uncomfortable because the glycerine is like syrup, but it does seem to heal the lesions and sores.

The only thing is the inside needs to be healed. Drink Ionized water, do not drink spring water and only fresh food, eat like they ate 100 years ago. Do not eat any processed foods, I have heard and read that it is in these items as well. I started having symptoms in 2008. Thought that it was caused by the gastrographen I drink and the MRI. It started the day after. But I was told by my physician that Florida is loaded with Morgellons and I had been to Florida often before the MRI. I do know what you are going through, one comment that my physician said is that the cure for this is probably going to be found by the patient. Everyone trying different things, bound to hit the perfect solution. Keep your faith in God and a positive outlook the best you can, I wish all of you with this awful, nightmare will be cured soon. I pray for you all.

Reader Theories
Posted by Kk (Seattle, Wa) on 06/02/2012

I've had symptoms described before, like something crawling on my body, face, legs, hair, everywhere. It would happen all of the sudden and I would jerk to reach to scratch it and the sensation that something was still there would not disappear. I've had sores from scratches too. Some cloths would cause more itchiness then others. Of cause doctors I saw (dermatologist, infectious disease, internists) were useless. I started taking PARA 90 deworming course on my own. The crawling sensation on the skin disappeared with the course. Also I did zapper few times during the same time. I have other issues at the present time but no crawling sensations on the skin so far.

Reader Theories
Posted by Kk (Seattle, Wa) on 06/02/2012

I forgot to mention that I also did Hydrogen Peroxide baths (food grade or regular Hydrogen peroxide). It also gave me quite a relief in itchiness and crawling sensation. It probably killed all mites on my skin.

General Feedback
Posted by Queen Bee (Arkansas) on 12/01/2023 7 posts

I have had Morgellons for twelve years. Have controlled with remedies found on web. Would be very interested in the views from the Earth Clinic.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Tanya (Delaware ) on 02/28/2023

Hi . What's in the scrub that you make? I've been using it on the carpets before I vacuum and furniture . I considered adding it to the bath which is what I do with borax usually . Struggling lately

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Boo boo (London) on 03/31/2024

Yes Morgellons sprayed
