Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

General Feedback
Posted by Sandy55 (White Pine, Tennessee, Usa) on 06/15/2013

I have several questions that are related to Morgellons. First off I see black things all over my house some of these are outdoors and I am a country person living on a small farm but never saw anything like these and can't get my floors clean.

There is a another smaller speck that I think is what I have seen coming out of my skin. These I have seen in a batch attached to my facets and I see them when I dust.

They have embedded in some dishes and I know this because I took a cup to a university and I saw it and the profession said it looks like a bug it has antenneas and legs then all of a sudden she said it could be a piece of fabric.

I have gone through four sets of dishes due to seeing this small pitting. Where can I buy the EDTA Ted talks about for morgellons?

Also when I take a bath there is so much black that starts coming off my skin the only way I can get it off is just use my finger nails. The tub is awful after I finish.

My skin is darker with some white patches that Drs think I have dug at but I have not. Is there anyway to remove this black skin a lofa would not last for a partial bath. I have tried using dull knife and still can't get if off it is in layers. I get so tired of doing this. I get is off every day. Please answer me and help.

Sandy 55 in TN

General Feedback
Posted by Lea (Nsw, Australia) on 02/12/2013

Hi, just recently my family had a worm infestation, I think pin worm and then something quite different which I think is Morgellons. I have small white threads like cotton coming out of skin especially my hands and arms. My right hand is extremely red and itchy. Both myself my 7 yr old have experienced intense itchying of the head and body. Especially the head and back. I have taken many samples to the doctor who has not been able to provide us with any answers and at first when seeing a fibre on my hand thought it was a tape worm.

I am not sure how to proceed, I have left my house but do need to return soon. I don't want to infect anyone else and am tired of this been constantly on my mind, stressing me out.

My son has had the strands in his faeces.

This has been happening for approximately 6 weeks, since we moved into a different rental property. Can you let me know how I can treat the family and the house? I don't think we can get Borax in Australia, is there other alternatives? Thanks

General Feedback
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/12/2013

Lea, read up on wormwood, cloves etc. right here on EC, but the easiest thing to start with are pumpkin seeds. Yummy and effective at least for a start.

General Feedback
Posted by Roec (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/12/2013

So sorry to hear what you are going through. I don't know for sure if de-worming medications can help but you may want to look into them like ivermectin or others. I have mentioned a few of these substances in the morgellons posts just 2 weeks ago. Please refer there for more info. Also try using clove oil mixed with castor oil. It will kill parasites and their eggs. About 6 drops added to one table spoon of castor oil is very strong. Do a skin test to see if it is too strong then cut back 2 drops. Apply head to toe and leave on. This will have to be done twice a day for 3 days and once a day for about a month. Will feel a slight burning but it will go away after 10 to 15 minutes.

Be sure you are saturated in the oil mix rubbing it in at first but then scanning the surface of your skin for anything that should not be there. You should start seeing things emerge. Wipe off with tissue and toss in the toilet and flush. Do this in sun light as its far better light source to scan the surface of your skin for things.

Look in to the "Bob Beck" or Dr Hulda Clarck, protocol for dealing with parasites internally. Learn to make your own colloidal silver and take internally for as long as needed. Please do more research on these protocols to see if it's right for you.

You are going to have to wash your cloths in extremely hot water to kill any eggs left behind. Also patting diatom powder into clothing and bedding woks too but over the long run. Vacuum daily and change filters and bags with gloves and breathing mask as parasite eggs can become airborne.

These will help.

General Feedback
Posted by Lea (Nsw, Australia) on 02/12/2013

We also have found on our carpet, clothes and outside lawn lots of the white fibre things - that move when held. Do you think this home is where we could have got the problem from, and are we able to kill them? what do we use to kill them in the house and on the lawn? Thanks

General Feedback
Posted by Roec (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/13/2013

Clothes are to be washed in extra hot water using a baking soda based detergent like Arm & Hammer and then the use of Borax will also help over time. Get a steam iron that burst out a lot of steam and iron your cloths to kill remaining parasites. You are going to have to find a sanitary clothing storage system.

For now it may just have to be when taking the clothes out of the dryer they go directly into big plastic trash bags. If so, wash all your pants in one load, shirts in another, blankets separate so you are not constantly reaching in every bag for every item you come to need. You can get big plastic storage bins and do the same thing that can be sanitized repeatedly and sealed when not in use.

Please read the morgellons post as I mentioned this and a few other things there as well.

Diatomaceous earth powder that is food grade can also be mixed into olive oil and rubbed on after a shower. One 16 ounce jar with a lid. Pour half with pure extra virgin olive and one heaping tablespoon of diatom powder. Apply like you would a lotion. Keep on all day.

I can't tell you how to rid them from the lawn as I have not encountered instances where that was needed.

General Feedback
Posted by Sharon (Tampa, FL) on 12/06/2014

In Australia, they use rotenone with sulfur to kill these bugs in the lawn and around their houses and chicken pens.

General Feedback
Posted by Tunnelman (Wenatchee, Wa) on 12/22/2012

Hello Ted -We have been doing the borax/peroxide, along with baking soda... I have noticed good results, except my wife still has flutterings in her hair and especially in her eyes.

My question is two fold: We take borax/ vinegar baths and she noticed that the threads start coming out more vigorously after the baths. With a little coconut oil they come up in doves. Firstly, is it the vinegar that stirs them up? And secondly, once they start coming out is it good to keep purging them? It seems that you'd want them out but it does stir them up. thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Fiona (London, England Uk) on 11/08/2012

Hi, I only have a few minutes so please forgive me if this has already been covered but, did anyone try bentonite clay for morgellons? Also organic food grade Castor Oil? I got to this page whilst looking for some other information and hope that maybe either of these 2 wonderful substances may help any morgellons sufferers. Best wishes, Fiona

General Feedback
Posted by Scabiesonscalp (Redondo Beach, Ca) on 11/05/2012

1. Can Morgellon's nanoinsect eat brain cells? I have been experiencing brain fog - loss of short term memory and lower iq. I read from Ted from Bangkok that the mycoplasms eat internal organs such as stomach, liver, lungs, heart etc.

2. If I am cured of morgellons will I ever recover my brain cells?

3. Can I mix juice with the borax/h202 water? I am having a difficult time swallowing the water for days without juice. The borax and hydrogen peroxide tastes like laundry detergent and I just feel like there's no way I can continue this regimen without mixing juice.

General Feedback
Posted by Vera (Desert, Ca Usa) on 09/25/2012

Hi Ted, For morgellons and maybe some other ailments what do you think of sodium percarbonate... its breaks down into soda ash and h202 in the body, right? It is sorta like the borax/ h202 mixture.

I tried the borax/ h202 without much success. I also think that my h202 was not good.

General Feedback
Posted by Sam (Caldwell, Idaho) on 08/13/2012

Over the summer I worked in Alaska for a while. The first week I was up there (around June 20th) I was hiking around and looked at my arm because I felt a strange sensation and noticed a fly on my arm. I instinctively swatted at it and it flew off, and I didn't think anything of it. Later I looked at my arm where the fly has been sitting and doing whatever it was doing and it was very slightly red and raised but not really too noticeable. But there was a dark colored hair-like thing protruding out, it in fact looked like a dark colored hair. I was alarmed and pulled at it an it came out with a little pop.

A month later, the week I was leaving Alaska, I looked at it again, an surprised that another one of those hair like structures were protruding from it, again. I quickly ripped it out, alarmed again.

As of writing this, I just used my finger nails and squeezed at the spot, and saw a little splinter looking thing, so I scraped with my nails a bit more and it became more exposed. Another hair-like thing!! It took a little time to pinch and pull out because it was buried under the skin, but I hope I got the root. I am now slightly more alarmed than before and thought I would do what any lazy American would do: go to the Internet for answers. Any idea what could be going on here? I would be grateful if you could answer or even read this. Thank you for your time, Sam

General Feedback
Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh/usa) on 08/14/2012

You should definitely make an appointment with a doctor or dermatologist!

In the meantime, I googled "skin reaction to fly bites", and found a ton of links. Try googling on "skin reaction to fly bites", and look at the pics and descriptions on the links to see if any look like what you've got.

Good luck!

Yucca Root, Deodorant
Posted by Vena (Kansas City, Mo/us) on 08/08/2012

Morgellons disease is the human equvillant to Mange. I found two remedies to relieve you of the symptoms. One is: Yucca root. The second is: deodorant.

Let me explain: First of all never exfoliate or use exfoliation items if you feel you have Morgellons. Second: Yucca root decreases swelling in the skin. Third and most important Morgellons is a disease that thrives on moisture and air and it needs both in order to stay alive in the skin. When you are sleeping or wear multipule layers of clothing (regardless of the weather conditions. Although most Morgellons sufferers suffer more before it rains because of the increased moisture in the atmosphere) your body perspires. Deoderant allows the body to breath but, does not allow the body to perspire which is vital for the disease to maintain. Deoderant surpresses the body to perspire if the disease cannot have moisture.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Doug (MINNESOTA) on 08/02/2021

I contracted md in April. Can you contact me via email? I am going to start with treatment towards these things and want to know more.


Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Mary (Usa) on 11/26/2015


How did you contract morgellons?

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Darlene (Parkland FL) on 04/20/2021

Neutragena Tar shampoo 10 minutes makes them move out of hair follicles but they might move to more uncomfortable places.

I just submitted a long post for approval called Morgellons-= parasite
It's long so I can't write it all - but the bottom line is what happens in the skin is a manifestation of the inside. The “fibers “ - they are the immune system trying to attack the parasite making fibrins . Get the best parasite cleanse you can afford - plus Reese pinworm for 3 days . I'm not a dr . I'm only saying what worked for me and this is just part of it so you need to read the whole post .
Any parasite must be 90 days cleanse . No shortcuts or they come back because you didn't kill the whole life cycle.

Best of luck for a speedy recovery.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Doug (MINNESOTA) on 08/02/2021

I bought a log house April first of this year. I didn't know it at the time, but the place is infested with these bugs. I assume I have contracted Morgellons because after looking into what was going on it led me here and confirmed the issue. Tomorrow I'll get some yukka and start that daily as well as getting some tetrasodium edta to kill the bug. That's my first approach. If anybody has any suggestions, feel free. Thanks.


Morgellons Commentary
Posted by June (NY) on 08/30/2021

How fo u dig them out of ur eyes

Zapper, MMS, Baking Soda
Posted by Jennifer (Cave Junction, OR ) on 05/01/2024 5 posts

Try adding vitamin c either 4 hours or more before or after the baking soda. Baking soda depletes the body of vitamin c which is important in order to transport oxygen to the blood somehow or it helps the body utilize the oxygen. But this step is important.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Pat (Baton Rouge, La) on 12/05/2016

Hi, Claire I also live in Baton Rouge, LA and am fighting morgellons a horrible thing that has invaded our bodies I suffer horribly with lesions and burning even water burns me would love to communicate with someone in my area going through this.

General Feedback
Posted by Slimpauli (Baltimore, Maryland) on 12/27/2011

Hi Ted, Was in Bangkok in late march of 2004, and apparently contracted a mycoplasma bathing in a local brothel. I went to at least a dozen urologists on returning to the states over a 7 year period, and was flabergasted by the poor care I recieved. Had 1 broad spectrum myco test-neg. The burning and pain from genital to anus was overwhelming. I read your myco-cure of apple cider vin and alum-free baking soda and was miraculously cured within 1 week. Frequency of urination went fron 10-12 times a day to 3 or 4 (fairly normal). Picked up morgellons in California in 06, and am now battling another war. The Borax-Hydro-perxoide and Baking soda is my next protocol. Your articles and advise are a true Godsend, Get back to you on the efficacy of your morg treatment. Eternally grateful, Slimpauli.

General Feedback
Posted by Rvdw (Groningen, Netherlands) on 11/20/2011

Morgellons is, like many diseases, caused by the intervention of deceased parts (meridians) in physical bodies. This happens by the horizontal network of moving parts of people who are wandering after an out of body experience or after death. They get into the networks because they are not held together by their own souls. This is the result of reincarnation: A reincarnation soul is added to a newborn soul during pregnancy. The reincarnation soul grows into the body of another baby or toddler. The deferral of the soul of a deceased into a fetus happens automatically because to be impregnated women are part of the network. All types of radiation and other improper business penetrate bodies in the network. This could be broken by regularly bathing or steaming. Other methods to separate flesh and blood and deceased parts are required (magnetic fields?). By a mass approach (maybe a system that can be incorporated into automatic doors) the incomplete persons will end up with the carrier of their own souls. With sufficient diaphragm meridians they can take their own soul out of the physical carrier. Once in direct contact with the soul, the person is complete and forever out of the evil reincarnation process.

General Feedback
Posted by Nicole (Wesley Chapel, Fl) on 11/21/2012

I would LOVE to talk to you more about your statements. This is the first I've read of something so acutely accurate as to how I am feeling. I even have noticed that my very distinct birthmarks have become substantially darker- and they are all in the exact areas of my worst problem areas! Coincidence??? I think NOT. Not sure how this site works exactly, but this is my attemp to get in contact with you, way after you posted your comment. Thank you! Nicole

General Feedback
Posted by Joanne (FL) on 01/19/2021

I also would like to know more about this post. And Leslie's reply- I live in Sarasota, FL.

Borax and H2O2
Posted by Roxie (Shreveport) on 07/28/2013

I've been dealing with this for well over 6 months I have tried everything and I'm exhausted. I do know that borax showers help whats worked the best so far the colloidal silver, oil of oregano, Lemon, oil of rosemary, oil of red tyme can't say for sure but I've heard the sulfur makes them worse. I have used sulfur a couple of times but discontinued just for fear of making it worse. To clean around the house borax and I like to spray hydrogen peroxide and go back and spray alcohol rubbing over the top of it seems to be too much for them. With the laundry the best thing is to use a lot of borax and a lot of dryer sheets I've discovered that dryer sheets get them off of you much like they do static. But from what I hear I have yet to try electro magnetic pulser supposably will kill them but your body can become overheated so you have to take a cold shower and follow with cider vinegar to help aid in extraction. Also around the house if you don't mind the smell of mothballs that one out in the corner of every room and just the common vacuum cleaner vacuum some up but from what I've discovered so far the only way with the house is to stay on top of it every day vacuum every day Spray walls baseboards laundry and lint rollers invest in a lot of Lint rollers everyday

General Feedback
Posted by Annesco (Amsterdam, New York, Usa) on 10/17/2011

Since I first became infected with bird mites, which I believe has now morphed into Morgellons, I have been receiving acupuncture treatments weekly, and taking Chinese herbs to help me sleep. Does anyone have any opinions/research on whether acupuncture is beneficial, or might be harmful?

General Feedback
Posted by Arm (Brooklyn, New York) on 01/01/2012

Annesco, I am NYC. I was born and raised here, but never was bothered by any type of mite until about 2005. I seem to be the only one around me except a professor where I had gone back to school. There was a flood in this very old college building and immediately this person and myself were being eaten alive by mites when no one else in the class was. Ever since I have been having problems with some kind of mite bothering; everwhere I go. My first impression was maybe I caught them on the subway; then I thought our apartment house landscaper was spreading them around where I live. Now I am just not suer I just want it gone. I believe it has morphed into Morgellons I have just within the last 8 months started finding the black specks. I have the horrible crawling sensation on and under my scalp and under the legions elsewhere and never find anything but black specks. I will feel something of a sharp burning pin prick and when I reached to see if it is an insect biting me I find these black specks. When these areas get itchy and I scratch I sometime will see something mite like fly off. These things jump into my ears and nose and the worse is my eyes where they force their way into my tear ducts then into my sinuses. I have probably swallowed thousands of them and wonder what they are doing to my insides including the brain. Now I am starting to develop joint pain and brain fog ( I forget simple words in the middle of a conversation-very scary). I have been to several doctors including an allergist and a few dermatologists. The allergist just refused any kind of help and referred me to the dermatologist who in turn told me I have eczema. One doctor told me I have a combination of eczema and psoraisis. If I am put on a steroid like prednisone the legions will clear up quickly but return just as quickly when the medicine is finished. I haven't slept in months and have been in denial thinking I had some kind of mite infestation. I am at my wits end. I have tried some of the less quackish remedies I have read online. The best that I have found is tea tree oil and menthol foot powder but the relief doesn't last long. I also shower in water as hot as I can stand it getting some relief from that. Unfortunately, I don't think accupuncture can help you. Good Luck.

General Feedback
Posted by Marcia (Scappoose, Oregon) on 03/12/2018

Well, I'm 75 years old, and I know what you mean by energy loss! Here's what I've experienced:
An itchy rash on the back of my neck.

Wild hairs growing out of my head and face

Ears are very sore and I have a discharge coming from each. Discharge solidifies into a crust that covers the skin.

Other: Dizziness, blurred vision, muted hearing, and bumps (sores) all over my scalp.

I need to find someone who can grant me a way to rid myself of this or I'm soon to be a goner.

Family doesn't care/doesn't listen

One son had same symptoms (sores on the back of his neck and itching. He washed his neck twice a day and followed that with a dose of Bacitracin. Worked for him. Worked briefly for me then ceased to work.

We get a lot of aerial spraying here on the west coast.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rj (Tyler, Texas) on 03/31/2012

Thanks, Many good suggestion I am looking forward to trying. Comment that red wine is OK is very interesting. I was under believe all alcohol was off limits and have not touched the stuff for over a year. However what I miss the most besides a trip to the pub with a glass of beer is a glass of red wine. Is this possibly an isolated data point for which one person does not experience problems?

Thanks, RJ

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sara (Somewhere, Minnesota) on 06/09/2011

I have tried over 20 things... This is what I found most effective and helpful.

#1. PH balance seems to be most important. To achieve this-follow Ted's baking soda/vinegar remedy. Watch sugars.

#2. Drink sea salt in water when itchy. I continue to to this every 3 days, to keep it at bay and away.

#3. I use Verilux UVC for 10-15 seconds on remaining sores and they dry up. 2-3 times of this throughout the week and it takes care of the sores and itchies. (This is only around $30-40.00)

#4. Limit yeasty foods. If I eat items with high yeast content, usually within the hour I will start to get itchy. For example, if I make homemade bread or pizza, I will get "bites". One day I ate 3 donuts and got spots within the hour-it came on so quickly. So of course I quickly drank sea salt water.

#5. Don't itch. I feel that once I start to itch, more start to come. It is crazy. I am not crazy, but these remedies have helped me a ton to be normal living.

Dietary Changes, Oil Pulling, Wormwood
Posted by Jeanne (Phoenix, Arizona) on 05/30/2011

I have only had this for a few months. I have tried tea tree oil, eucalyptis wormwood and oil pulling. Has anyone tried any of these? Granted I am new at this and have only had it a short time (maybe 4 or 5 months). I thought I had everything from fleas to bedbugs to scabies and also thought it was in my head. I've seen the black dots, red oblong things, white things, round things and once I did see stringlike fibers coming out of one of my toes. The oil pulling seems to be helping along with about 40 drops of wormwood in about 3 or 4 TBS of water right before I eat anything. Also staying away from sugar and MSG (which is what I lived on since moving). I recently moved from cold PA to warm AZ and believe that was the beginning for me. I do believe staying cleansed and sugar and MSG free helps lots. Thanks for letting me sound and I will continue to stay tuned.

Dietary Changes, Oil Pulling, Wormwood
Posted by Vinny (Atlanta, Georgia) on 06/05/2012

I would tell everyone to be careful with Cloves, Cinnamon, and Wormwood as these three contain a toxic chemical called Eugenol and Morgellon victims may be allergic to and not even know it!

This was one of the few chemicals Dr Omar Amin's patients were allergic to when he diagnosed them with Neuro-Cutaneous Syndrome (aka Morgellons).

I used to take this stuff but stopped immediately. I rather not risk it. Dr Amin states that if one takes things that contain this chemical (or others on his list), it could very possibly delay the healing process.

He proves this condition is not caused by Parasites. Please read his publications; He has cured many who had extremely high levels of mercury and allergies to certain chemicals that then brought up the common symptoms of Morgellons (including fibers)

Dietary Changes, Oil Pulling, Wormwood
Posted by Carolynne (Collierville, Tn./usa) on 04/22/2013

For anyone that has a form of fungus in their body.... Use Oregano oil. I like the oil capsules. It is considered the only thing that will get rid of fungus in the body.

Dietary Changes, Oil Pulling, Wormwood
Posted by Anthony (Tucson) on 10/05/2016

I believe that it is one of many types of biofilms of ubiquitous bacteria that has been engineered by oil companies by altering the bacteria's genome so as to easily consume oil and solvents spilled in the environment. Oil company spokes-people however refrain from calling these organisms "unpredictable, chemical-eating monster bacteria" and refer to them as merely "natural dispersants for bio-remediation.") Whether any of the original mutated forms survived naturally after being used or tested on chemical spills as early as the 1970's, many hybrids actually have U.S. patents and continue to be engineered while simultaneously evolving and directly transferring genes to their offspring eventually and unethically creating something that is more harmful than it is useful. Keratinocytes, especially at the hair root matrix can be modified in any number of ways so that what once grew into hair, now grows into mutant insect-like things that fly away from the human scalp. Very few researches actually understand that as organisms grow, cells begin to lyse and release eDNA and vesicle membranes in a chain reaction cloning process. This runaway gene transfer may be like the HIV virus whereby AIDS can be delayed with various treatment agents and strategies. However, once infected, you're unfortunately infected for life unless your immune system suddenly recognizes the biofilm material as something menacing that creates unwanted and harmful genetic changes to basal skin cells and keratinocytes and a strong immune responses then ensue in order to try to reverse the infection which is now not an infection but rather your genetically modified self.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Deb (Michigan, US) on 01/23/2015 12 posts

How are you now? Still trying to combat this.

Posted by Roec (Los Angeles, Ca) on 10/23/2012

Hi there, What the original post left out was "the Bob Beck Protocol" or "Dr Hulda Clark Zapper" where a small 9 volt battery (the one most often used in smoke alarms) is put into a device that has a circuit board that pulses electric currents at a pre set frequency.

Some of these devices have two (positive and Negative) grip handles you hold in the palm of each hand. Others are as small or smaller than a garage door opener that has 2 copper or silver discs (poz and neg) on the same side side. You then place that anywhere on the body to introduce the electric currents into the body. Some even have wrist bands to attach to the wrists.

I bought one cheap on Amazon. I was skeptical at 1st because, the electric currents are so low, how do you know if its really working other than the little flashing red light that indicates its in use?

Well, I got out of the shower one day and put allot of olive oil on my scalp. Then later I sprayed a magnesium salt oil on my scalp. I dug out the small zapper out of the junk drawer, cheaply made with 2 pennies for the poz and neg outlets. I placed it on my scalp and undeniably felt the electric charge pulsing the muscle on my scalp. I put it on the side of my head and it flexed my eyebrow. It was funny but amazing that this thing sends currents into the body. Oh, and the battery was brand new.

I had this thing for 3 years and never felt anything like that. I was worried I got conned as it was only 30 bucks and usually they go for over a hundred. This thing works and was worth every cent! Is it effective for Morgellons? I watched a youtube vid saying so. You have to wear it non stop (as much as possible -and over night) for 3 months.

Posted by Bishop (Ca, US) on 07/25/2014

Bob Beck, warns not to use garlic if you do blood electrification. It's a good idea to read his protocol, before using any electrical devices. I read that they grow with red wine.

Posted by Umran (Halifax) on 09/18/2018

You make sense brother. 7 years on from your comment. I see light emitting from them. Can you help me brother

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Poorboyskid1 (Yucca Valley, United States) on 10/16/2011

I have the same problem with my husband. I have it, He don't, and he does not belive no matter what I show him. Hang in there,


Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Kristi (Fairfield, Maine) on 03/09/2011

How to move, without taking this with me? My son is still in transitional housing, waiting for me to move to another apartment. He has autism, and he very clearly communicated to me on the phone last night that he wants to come home. This is breaking his heart and mine. I KNOW I have to leave this place to heal. I know he cannot come here. Moving into this place in December is how I got infected. For the first couple of weeks after I moved in, I had opened many boxes, and was putting things away; but I have way too much stuff to fit into this tiny apt. , and so the black specks, etc. , are on and in everything. I have already decided to throw away all cotton clothing, as the things really love to cling to it. I am on a supplement and diet protocol now that I feel confident will heal me enough to have my son come "home", AFTER I move from this place. I will put all important papers in ziplock bags; and I am willing to throw away most of my stuff! I am concerned, though, that people will find and go through the stuff, and will get infected. Is there an agency I can call to pick up and dispose of what might be termed "hazardous waste"?

Please give me any suggestions you may have about how to safely move... Safe for me, and for others, too; so I can move and let my son come home to me ASAP.

Thank you, Kristi

Concord Grape Juice, Garlic
Posted by Wildfoxfreedomfighter (Le Mars, Ia) on 10/08/2012

I am thinking trying this, it is a blood stream cleaner! Anyone else try this or shungite yet??? I think it needs a looking into shungite is a 2 billion year old rock that purifies water, and way more!!!!! Only found in Russia and than charcoal...

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Kristi (Fairfield, Maine) on 02/26/2011

I would love to see all of Ted's remedies/suggestions in one place, regarding Morgellons dis-ease. Perhaps Ted would be kind enough to post his advice on this subject all together, or others in the community could please respond. Also, If anyone has actually found a cure or a way to put this thing into remission, please, could these be put into one category???

Thank you, Kristi
