Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Vena (Kansas City, Mo/us) on 08/08/2012

I feel I need to be more specific about Morgellons. Yes, again it is the human equvialint to Mange but, in actuality what is it-

Morgellons defined: is a bacterial disease that effects the sweat glands in the epadermus layer of the skin.

In acctuallity what is happening is the bacterial gets in the skin threw a bacterial thread and then from there rests in the sweat gland and starts to mutate. From there it needs air... So it surfaces. When it does this it starts to sting and tingle and feels like bug bites But it is surfacing because one it needs to stay moist in order to survive but two it needs air also. When it surfaces and you scratch it it then transfers the bacteria to other sweat glands in the surface of the skin and it in turn repeats it's pattern. A few days before rain the body or epadermus layer acts like a cloud and collects exterier moister and oxygen in turns feeding the bacteria. This will also effect you when the humidity levels change because again the body needs two types of moisture: Externall and inturnal

You know how I figured this all out. Because I never have suffered from Morgellons in the arm pit area Why? Because by using deoderant I repress it from intaking and realeasing moisture.

My advice again... Never ever exfoliate or use exfoliation products you are only spreading the problem and making it worse. Boil Yukka root 30 min Let it cool. Shower... Turn off water and pour Yukka on you. Air dry... Apply any kind of deoderant over entire body Take an asprin and do not scratch. Rub gently if stinging sentations accure, adding more deoderant if needed. Going to feel a little discomfort as it is taking effect but trust me I've suffered from this problem for 13 years I know where the bacteria originates from and I am learning how to kill it and I feel better than I have in a long time with this remedy combination

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Tammy (Delaware) on 11/26/2015

I contracted this MD a year ago, I've done every protocol suggested, it seems that eating grapefruit, and the seeds, along with completely avoiding sugar and carbs (bread especially) quickly helps, curad has a silver gel that draws them out, then bath in baking soda borax mix. I use bifen, spray my home, borrelia attractss insects, and I soak my bed In it, and let it dry, wash bedding weekly, because it seems they can live off you, and not sure why but the bifen kills instant. Wash clothes in borax 20 mule, and ammonia (they can't breath) kills them instant. I'm nearly rid if it. Hope someone finds this helpful? This affects different people differently. What works for one may not work for another, though I have never had them in armpits either so I surmise deoderant is helpful? I'm going to try the yucca because I'd like to sleep without bifen in my bed. Also they do not like silver gel, I apply before bed to face, otherwise I have to dig them out of eyes, as getting them off head is the most difficult for me.

Neurocutaneous Syndrome
Posted by Vinny (Atlanta, Georgia) on 06/05/2012

Hi Guys! I would like to inform you of Dr Omar Amin, a Parasite Specialist based in Scottsdale AZ, who has been working with many patients who show signs of Morgellons Disease. Dr Amin has submitted many publications and my guess is due to the negativity and silly conspiracy theories, he has labeled this Neurocutaneous Syndrome. He published a PPT during a conference in front of many doctors illustrating similarity in symptoms of NCS/Morgellons (including Fibers) and states it is not caused by parasites! That's right, not parasites but he states toxins that then brings about fungi, bacteria, severe nerve damage that causes nerves to misfire, which causes the lesions leaving the person a victim of Arthorpod Infestation! Though many of his patients have had dental work, it still should be relevant to you.

His patients either ingested high levels of mercury (Heavy Metal) and/or were allergic to certain chemcials; They were Zinc Oxide (found in many skin creams), Sulfa based drugs - sulfanomides (Please watch out for Bactrim as its a sulfa drug - There's a website advertising using this - it really did a number on me and my crawling sensations went on overdrive and I went from 7. 2 Urine PH to 6.2 in one day! ), Sulfites (Dont worry, MSM & DMSO are derived from sulfur, natural mineral so you can still use these), Titanium Dioxide (be careful if you shop at GNC, they lots of products now with T. D), Eugenol (Cloves, Cinnamon, and Wormwood have Eugenol so if I were you, say goodbye to Dr Clark Parasite Cleanse), and Calcium Hydroxide.

Dr Amin has a protocol available that comprises of Vitamins/minerals, Homeopathy, and Lymph Drainage Massage and has cured close to 60 people.

Please be advised a lot of the symptoms for NCS/Morgellons are due to Vitamin B Deficiency! Yes, that's right! .. The sensitivity to light, brain fog/loss of memory, crawling/tingling sensations, muscle spasms.. Etc are due to Vit B deficiency (though not the root cause). As soon as I took Vitamin B12 (form of Methylcobalamin, dont take another type of form - this one is the best one), crawling/tingling sensations drastically decreased. I have at least 4-5mg/day plus Vit B Complex (Dont waste your money on synthetic vitamins) Vit B1 that you should consider is Benfotiamine; This way its properly absorbed by your system

Magnetic Pulsing cured my joint pain I had within 2 days of pulsing 1-2min/day. Good magnetic pulsers are on eBay by Zapper Barney output at 17k gause.

My diet is low-carb vegetarian diet and no sugar (only when its a negligable amount I will take like in soups... but no more than 6g/day). My avg Urine PH is about 7.2-7.3 and my Salvia PH is about 7.3

Also if you are sensitive to Electro-magnetic fields (i. e microwaves, computers, or TVs), consider ePendant from eWater.

Also one thing that is working for me is Ted's recommendation of Sodium Bicarbonate. I take it everyday (dont add lime/lemon juice as it Sulfite) and 3x/week with 1/2 Borax 30 drops of H2H20 (be careful on your in take of Borax, start off slow as Ted advises).

It's too early to tell but I use Sea Buckthorn. Please consider if you are tired of spending money on those Borax/Epsom salt baths. It got to a point where I just had to stop wasting money on useless crap like this for bathing (though I recommend it for the first 4-6 weeks). Also please consider Far Infrared treatment (i.e. Far Infrared Sauna by Therasage that offers very low EMF output, no chemicals, and superb quality). I really hope this information is helpful! I am healing quite rapidly I feel. It seems I have had the nerve damage ever since I was small - Because it wasnt intense and because I got it at a small age (I am 27 now), I thought this was a normal thing to experience (tingling/crawling). I only found out 10 weeks ago what I had when I put essential oils on my body and bugs came out. It freaked me out!

Please be sure to research Dr Omar Amin's publications and try what you feel goes with your intuition re the above advice. Again I am rapidly healing from this. I wish you the very best!

General Feedback
Posted by Emu Lady (Mcclure, Pa Usa ) on 04/05/2012

I hope to add somethnig that will be of some benefit through this post to someone suffering with Morgellons. I became aware about five years ago I had Morgellons through extensive suffering and research. I came to Earth Clinic many tmes hoping to find anything that might give some relief. You did have some very good thingsI found here plus things I formulated myself. I liked the Borax information connected with Nano. I tried it all as many other sufferers have. I was diligent for three years and finally after almost gonig on two years I am still in remission. I know it is almost as if one has died and gone to Hell. I bathed in Habernaros which was horrifyng and I could not endure long. But since I was an Herbalist for 15 years before I got ill I had a head start. Natural worked, stay away from processed foods, eat Organic as often as you can. Possible connection to Lyme so I treated it that way. Parasites seem to be in control, and deefinitely work on the immune system. I made my own skin cremes whic healed even the scars from the past. I also stay on a protocol as a maintanance. I never ever want to go back there again. When I go out in the commnuity I get myself ready so I do not get a back set. Gas pump handles I use gloves. I try to open doors with my sleeve. I do parasite cleanses and always will. I believe you must get the head under control. They thrive there and seem to go from there somewhat. I no longer live in fear because I can feel secure if I do get a back set I can get it under control quickly.

General Feedback
Posted by D (Us, Usa) on 04/16/2012

The most "quackish" remedies will be found in a mainstream doc's office. Any unusual remedy (one that doesn't walk and talk like a pharmaceutical) you find elsewhere will likely be at least somewhat effective, and at best no where near as harmful (or deadly) or costly (health and otherwise) as the quackery of mainstream docs. It's spelled "acupuncture" and I'm wondering how you know it's not effective. Ever tried this kind of, um, quacky therapy? I have, and I found it was pretty potent. It may or may not be effective for this type of condition, but it's definitely a worthy healing practice.

Posted by Morg Fighter (Auckland, New Zealand) on 06/08/2011

I have morgs - and yes all the terrifying symptoms including unexplained bruising that wouldn't go away. I've read most of the posts here and agree that it seems to adapt to treatments. Anyway, I was desperate -had nothing to lose as conventional medicine had failed me miserably (I had gone though all the horrors of being told I was delusional etc); gone through herbal medicines 'routines'... and so I decided to try MMS. It got rid of the bruising almost immediately. I did suffer side effects -vomiting & diarrhea - so as recommended ceased the protocol. It cleared up most symptoms and the only sores I had were on my scalp. I (naturally) had reservations about continuing with MMS. Went back to the diet thingï. And since I was getting some relief from topical antibiotics - started using that on my scalp. Initially it healed the surface sores but I found that the antibiotic cream seemed to actually feed 'something', creating hard lumps under the scalp... Where I believe this 'thing' enters some kind of secondary breeding cycle. I stopped the antibiotics and went back to diet and herbs (hates chilli and cayenne) and topically eucalyptus oil and lavendar oil... Improved to a certain point.. Anyway sick and tired of the whole damn thing, and aware of the success I had with MMS I decided to start the MMS protocol again (and throw away the antibiotic cream)... 1 month later and I think I am so close to beating this thing. Read up on MMS. Do your homework. It's hit and miss - I know how terrifyingly frustrating this thing is - I'm still fearful of 'giving' it to my loved ones. Keep strong everyone. xxx I'll post again in a month or so with an update.

Posted by Michael (Houston, Texas) on 04/07/2011

Morgellons is a bio-electrical organism. Microscopic evidence shows tiny light emitting organisms.

You can see their electrical nature in these videos;

Because of the electrical nature of these creatures they are resistant to chemicals. Chemicals have a limited effect because the body is always cleansing itself by eliminating foreign substances through the liver and bladder. The effectiveness of chemicals is temporary and mediocre. The reason for the difficulty in finding a cure is that everyone is trying to fight an electrical problem with chemicals. We must fight these organisms by attacking their electrical metabolism. Therefore electricity is the logical solution for a cure. Electrical circuits are affected by electrical signals and magnetism. This effect can be seen in AM radios or in older TVs when a powerful CB operator is nearby. Interference is caused affecting their performance. This concept is used by the military to knock out enemy communications through destructive interference. A very powerful signal is transmitted which is picked up by the enemy stopping their ability to communicate. The basis for my theory are established scientific principles of signal propagation. Morgellons lives in a non-electrical environment, the blood stream. If a very small amount of electrical energy is introduced into the blood stream, a disruption of the organism's life processes results. The organism dies and it eliminated out of the body. As a sufferer of Morgellons for eight years, on March 24, 2011 I tested this theory on myself using a device. I am now cured.

Even though I have explained the theory behind the disruption of electrical circuitry and its relation to this organism, there will always be those that doubt. There will always be those that search for a medical miracle from some form of medicine. So far, modern pharmacology doesn't have the answer. People are suffering needlessly and some are even dying. This problem is unique so we must think outside of the box by putting away old ideas which don't work and be willing to accept new concepts if we are to survive. This is a challenge which we cannot lose because our lives depend on it.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Annesco (Amsterdam, Ny, Usa) on 10/15/2011


I was wondering how you are doing now? I hope things have continued to improve and that you are perhaps healed, or close to healed. I have contracted this disease as well, from a bird mite infestation, and am battling it the best I can.

The only problem is that my husband, with whom I live, is completely unaffected, and doesn't believe me, since I don't have a lot of lesions at this point, just the fibers and specks coming out of mostly my scalp, and the occasional rash and bites. But I do have the crawly feeling, and the annoying bugs in my eyes and ears. So I am fighting this battle alone here at home, and have found this site to be so much more helpful and comforting than many of the others out there, which seem to try to leave us without hope.

Anyhow, I am in complete agreement with your last post, and have also come to the conclusion that I will have to live with this condition until there is a cure, but that I will also continue to fight it in the best way that I can, through continued research, etc. Luckily for me, my children and their families don't appear to be affected at all, which I know is common. I keep my house very clean, vacuum all the time, spray regularly with Lysol, enzyme sprays, borax and water, and I think that maybe this is why.

I also have gone through the phases where I feel like giving up, and have wished that I had cancer or something comparable which the medical world would know and want to treat. I also have reminded myself that everything happens for a reason, and am now just trying to wait for that reason to be revealed. I also believe that this is a serious wake-up call to stop abusing myself physically, change my lifestyle and diet, and to also renew my spiritual life and awareness. And I also know without a doubt that if/when this is over, I will probably be one of the happiest people alive, just being able to live and appreciate the simplest things in life like an undisturbed night's sleep, no crawling sensations or bites, etc.

God bless you and keep you and your son!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Darla (Reno, Nevada) on 03/01/2011

I am tired very tired..... After suffering for almost 18 years with this affliction makes one wonder how many more years before it finally kills you. Anyhow I decided to remove all of my teeth and dental implants after four surgerys later came the dentures and adhesives.....

One day I put some zinc free super poligrip on a lesion that was bothering me and you would not believe how much stuff I rubbed out- amazing how when I covered an open sore with the cream and let it dry and did remove it for a couple days or more, then pelled the dry adhesive away the spot had started to heal. Also, I have found that by rubbing grape seed oil is very very good at helping clear out some of the crap thats found in the open sores. Baby shampoo from the dollar store for washing my skin inside of eyes, ears and nose any product with lavender in it help to wash away biofilm and fibers from skin. I swear by the Sun color safe laundry soap and 25 al-fal-fa tabs in hot bath soaks along with removing all of body hair with hair removing cream by Sally Hanson. Paper towels for drying skin then blow drying after showers and baths. Putting all dirty laundry in plastic bags and washing clothes with 1-2 dryer sheets grabs the fibers from the clothes and wash water. Never wearing dirty clothes more than once. A sponge and liquid laundry soap for dusting by rinsing sponge cuts down the "spreading" of fibers when dusting and a good bagless vaccuum with good filters makes a big big difference.

Garlic Paste
Posted by Kristi (Fairfield, Maine) on 02/15/2011

I was so upset when I wrote my earlier post today, as one can easily tell by reading it. I was having suicidal thoughts, but I won't kill myself, and I knew that. So I searched the index in the "Morgellons Cures" section, looking for ingredients I had here at "home". I saw and read the first or second post involving garlic and grape seed oil. I searched around for grape seed oil I thought I had someplace, but couldn't find it. I came up with an idea of my own, anyway:

I peeled all the cloves of a fresh bulb of garlic, then put them into my small food processor, and they ground up into very tiny bits, just about a paste. I decided to try this as I don't have a juicer, which the person writing the post did... Anyway, then I added about 4 heaping tablespoons of virgin coconut oil and a splash of olive oil, and blended it all up to a nice looking cream, although still with tiny, tiny bits of garlic. So I took some and rubbed my right arm (the one with several lesions) with it. After a few moments, rubbing more, some black specks came out and I put them in the sink and kept rubbing for awhile. Well, I've been wondering and agonizing lately as to whether or not I really had this morgellons syndrome, because, even though I had most of the symtoms for sure, and even though I had been finding ball-like bundles of soft fiber around the house, I did NOT have any coming out of my skin. Well, after the procedure above, I didn't have an especially dramatic experience with all kinds of junk and fibers coming out at once, BUT... I held my arm up to the window and saw what looked almost like hairs, but longer than my arm hair. I pulled on the first one I saw, and it kept coming out (weird feeling)... It was 2 or 3 inches long, very fine and almost transparent against the light from the window. Then I pulled one out maybe half that size, and definitely RED. I placed it on the notebook paper I use to tape weird stuff to, trying to get them identified... And it seemed to wiggle a bit, so I wasn't sure I'd be able to capture it with the tape, but I did. I am now sure I have Morgellons. I am still creeped-out, worried and afraid. Somehow though, there is a certain sence of relief, knowing. I now KNOW what I have, as horrifying as it is... But I know I am not alone. God bless this site, and all of you. Let us find peace and a cure. Atedinua winston


Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Anonymous (Muskego, Wi) on 05/20/2011

Hi Kristi from Maine,

I have read all your posts and I too, suffer from Morgellons Disease and it is absolutely HORRIBLE! You mentioned that you have a son, 11years old, in Assisted Living due, to you not wanting to infect him... Now please don't take this wrong but, wouldn't you rather have your son with you (infected or not), than to lose him or just hardly ever see him? In most cases, Morgellons isn't suppossed to be contagious (whole families do contract this disease yet, that COULD be from same exposure @ the time, one was first infected). My son does have this, but, if he did not, I could never break our relationship, due to this (he is my world)... I don't know what your entire situation is... And like I asked, please don't take this wrong way! It really is only being said, for the simple fact, that your son I am sure loves you and wants to be with you, Morgies or not... Please think about it... Good Luck to you and your son...

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Baylieann (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 01/27/2011

An update to my last posting. I continue with the Willard water daily, drinking, and applying to my skin. I continue to get better ever day. My energy has increased, my mind is clearer, and some large areas of morgellons crap, that have caused me trouble almost from the beginning have been dying off, flaking off, and allowing my skin to take it's pre morgellons shape! I highly recommend:

1: using a Willard as recommended on the bottle, and as recommended with the healing grapvine web site.

2:I also have added willard water (dark or clear) to grape seed oil and coconut oil (about 1 teaspoon of willard to 2 oz of grape seed oil and 1 oz of coconut oil) and apply nightly. I also put it on whenever I bathe, and when ever I think of it or skin feels dry. This seems to really help the dry skin, as well as help along the dying of the bugs.

3:I keep my head shaved, and my arms and legs, where I have had the morgellons, since they use the hair folicle as a "home" (at least) I figure I am not going to provide ANY amenities for these buggars!

4: I continue using a pumace stone (sharp one) and regular soap during each shower, after shaving. This loosens any bugs that are on their way out, it also roughs up any bugs that are attached, and it removes bug parts that stick around wounds. It cleans up infected areas so they can heal faster. I really actually look forward to this part now. Use it very gently at first, with lots of soap. You will build up to a bit more vigirous scrubbing, and it pays off. I use this from top to bottom (all over! ).

5: I continue with the dry oxygen, but much less. I found that it upsets my stomache when used daily for a long time. I use it topically on spots.

There were 3 really really bad areas on my face, my left chin, my middle and left forehead, and my right temple. These areas are ALMOST gone! They have been sluffing off stuff, leaving the tell tale 1/2 circle dead bug print, and still sluffing. The worst area, on my left chin (which actually extends to the left cheek) has really been active in flaking, scabbing, long filaments breaking and my skin moving back to normal position etc. I am finding it harder and harder to find morgellons bugs/parts etc with my microscope in areas that appear to be healed. The only areas I can find some stuff is in the healing areas on my face. The activity on my legs and arms appears to have stopped, the spots are nearly healed. I have no spots left on my head, and very very few hair foliciles appear infected. I used to have quite a bit of pain in my right wrist, where bugs were certianly nesting/eating whatever, but that has totally stopped too. I firmly believe in using an internal and external combination of treatment.

I wash my clothes after every wear, and sheets about 1 time a week. With using the Willard Water and dry oxygen, I have found that the bugs die, or are dying when they come out or off, and there does not appear to be any reinfection. The bugs look awful under the microscope, they are withering, have dying spots on them, and it appears the internal drinking of the Willard Water really has helped my body attack these bugs. I wonder if I have/had a limited amount of "types" of morgellons as I never had all of the sypmtoms many others have reported. Also I do not live in one of the hot zones, nor had I traveled there. I did have times pre Willard Water when I reinfected myself after pulling out infected hair and skin. I have not had this problem since, however, remember how important it is to get any hairs, skin, or bug parts away from you when removing them. For example, after using the pumace stone, I rinse and rinse, and sometimes use a washable scrubby or scrubby towel, to make sure all junk is off. My showers usually use ALL the hot water if you want to know how long it takes.

Again, IF you are feeling hopeless, PLEASE try the WILLARD WATER and DRY OXYGEN, or go to the Healing Grapvine Web site. There are people out there who are sincerely trying to find ways to get rid of this awful menace. I am getting better all the time, and can only hope that you find the same, however, wherever you find it. I have been reading about the homeopathic remedies, which sound quite promising, and am thinking of adding some of these to my protocol as a last punch to finally get cleansed of this nightmare.

From my readings I have gathered that it should take about a year and maybe a month or two to truly rid myself of morgellons bugs. I have suffered for about 10 years, maybe 11 in looking back at my sypmtoms. (about 1 mo for every year) I am in the 6th month of healing, and continue to progress. A year of healing is a small price to pay for the total devistation this crap has done to my life, I lost my career, relationships, family relationships, my home, my identity, my looks, my mind at times, and my sense of security in my country, world. I have a masters degree, post masters education, and it all goes now to my recovery, not the career I was in the middle of. I do, however, stand up, every day, and get through it, and feel better every day now. At one point, I could not even finish speaking a sentence! Thats when you find out who really loves you! You WILL GET BETTER, KEEP SEEKING HELP!

I now use Earth Clinic website for every ailment that comes up with my family or friends. I cured my daughters urinary tract "infection" with the sea salt and apple cider vinegar, another daughter cleared her sore throat with acv, honey and cayanne. I keep acv, cayanne, lemon and honey on had for any type emergency!

Best of wishes to all people suffering from this stuff. My prayers are with you!!

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Lizzy (Tennessee) on 06/18/2016

Baylieann, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your post. I, too, suffer from Morgellons, and like you, have had my life turned upside down. I had to shut down a lucrative home business, stop caring for a sick family member for fear of infecting them, and just stop life in general. My entire head had become a Morgellons nest, they had laid eggs in my eyes and tongue, they got in my ears and drove me halfway to insanity with that high pitched noise. I had crazy fibers coming out of every pore on my body, it seemed. Not to mention the horrible sores and creepy crawlies EVERYWHERE. After spending literally thousands of dollars on products that didn't work, I purchased some Willard's Water and started drinking it, on your recommendation. I also started following Earth Clinic Ted's Morgellons protocol by adding 1/8th tsp of Borax in a liter of water a day. And let me tell you, these remedies started working almost immediately. I'm only one month into treatment, but can already tell that I'm "turning the corner" and getting better. Yay!! I just wanted to thank you, and vouch for you on the Willard's Water and let everyone else know that this stuff is VERY effective on Morgellons. I also use it topically, and it heals up those awful sores almost before your very eyes. I've never seen anything like this. I wish I had discovered this product a long time ago. Oh, and also, I read that it helps keep your body alkaline, which is so important when fighting Morgellons. Thank you again. I hope you are healed by now and have regained your life. Lizzy

Articles of Interest
Posted by Kathryn (MA) on 07/23/2022

I believe I have this. I do not get the fibers and other detritis as described by Morgellons sufferers. Just biting, crawling, stinging, and bites that do not heal. I am finding clear and white and dark specks, on clothes surfaces and bedding. Years ago I found research from China (which I no longer can find online) about a human endoparasitic mite that infests workers in silk, poultry and grain agriculture mainly. It has successfully learned how to live not just on but in the human body. The researchers found all stages, egg, pupae, nymph, and adult in feces, sputum, nasal discharge, eyes, ears as well as skin and scalp. Those on the board where I found it had speculated that the many textiles we are importing from China could present vectors for bringing in this mite to the US. I can no longer find this post (advice to archive offline is indeed wise! ) I may have got it from a comforter and pillows made in China I bought around 2002. I'm not sure that it's a mite because after a detox bath (I've tried so many suggested on this thread) I did find 2 tiny winged insects. It's also entirely within the realm of possibility that these bugs are not a natural organism but have been genetically engineered and escaped or released into the wild. The epidemic and the cover up of these skin diseases would make sense, look what we've just been through with an apparently engineered organism! When I first started getting the itchy bites I would feel them while sitting in front of a window at night in summer. I thought it was No See'ums, tiny biting flies that can get through screens, which we have here in New England. But the bites stayed and created hard tiny, itchy scabs. This lasted for months, perhaps over a year. My skin there also felt numb to the touch. Not cold, but like I'd lost sensation. Months later, suddenly this area was covered with hives. I know now this is how they spread under the skin. I had a ring, a leading edge of red bumps that later turn into itchy non-healing scabs around the first group. It took many months but it has spread again and again.

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by Mary (Madison, Wi) on 10/19/2010

Been dealing with Morgellons for 4 years now... And this is what I have discovered over that time... I think it might be a mistake to drive the morgies under the skin with the application of the tea tree and other harsh elements that just chase this monster deeper into the system... If you must use these skin solutions you must first take something orally so they don't drive deeper into your body.... like garlic or black walnut/wormwwood/clove. I regretted starting the TTO/alcohol solutions which ended up being a nightly event and got nuts after awhile... I put that stuff on my skin for 2-3 yrs and I can't tell you how much $$$ I spent on TTO and the damage to my health due to such strong oils on my skin all night. Recently I decided I had to change. I switched off the nightly skin wraps and now am using homeopathic "waters" that I make by putting 1-2 cups of water in a shatterproof bottle - add 4-8 tablets of the homeo into the bottle and then pound hard 7x as many times as you like each round bumps the power of the homeo up.... Lately I tried Teucrium which is a great worm remedy.... I put the water solution on my skin and was surprised... It seemed to actually kill the worms... I have found nothing that worked this well in 4 years... Literally a white creamy substance came out of the bottom of my feet... Dead worm material I believe... In fact the first time I ever picked up a Teucrium vile I could feel the worms rearing up in my feet in resonse to that remedy...

Homeopathy is an amazing thing - the right remedy can work better than anything your doctor has... I used 200ck Teucrium... I also got Cina (considered one of best worm homeos) after I read that someone was curing filarial disease w/it - they stated that 30x Cina was better than the 200 or greater potencies... So I think a cure could be attained between these two remedies... I got the Cina in 30, 200, 1M, 10M and 50M... I think the 50M killed many but not all... I have not dared to take any of these orally yet, just testing on skin... If you ever have a reaction to homeos you can counterract them with coffee, camphor/ menthol or mint which stop their effects or look online for the antidote remedy for that particular homeopathic. But again the Teucrium responded better and quicker than anything else so far and directly killed worms on the spot that were under the skin upon contact... I do believe this remedy may be the cure... I would love to try it in 1M, 10M or larger but my local store has only the 200. If you can't find locally in your area, order online. Remember to pound the remedy probably 30 times when you first are making this remedy.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Sarah (Tyler, Texas) on 04/08/2010

Ted's Morgellons Remedies

Just wanted to give some feedback on Ted's Lemon and Baking Soda. I started the lemon baking soda 6 days ago after I viewed my mites under a microscope for the first time. They were not mites but, crystal looking things with black and red threads.

I started the 1/8 teaspoon Borax to 1 liter of water the next day (did this 2 days then raised borax to 1/4 teaspoon).

In 6 days my itching has been greatly reduced during the day time. I have lots of white specks coming out of my skin but they are not stinging me and most have no colored threads.

I have started my dogs on 1/8 teaspoon borax in their drinking water and each gets 1 teaspoon of lemon juice 2 times per day. I still have itching at night. Is there anything else that Ted recommends that I have missed?

Thanks Ted!

Vitamin C, B5, and Magnets
Posted by Kim (Lubbock, Tx) on 08/03/2010

I've tried a few new things recently with good results. A combination of peppermint essential oil and lavender oil on problem areas.... Really clears skin on face of mites and all... But also works on the worms... They don't like and I think it's killing some of them. I also found something called SPK Formula (Kroeger Herbs)it is supposedly for Lymes and the lady said someone told them they had results with it they won't enjoy it so much)... Think one with a lot of allicin is the best. Also taking a homeopathic for fungal/ candida for the fungal aspect. I still believe that if someone could figure out the right homeopathic or create a homeopathic remedy from actual findings of Morgellons... We might be able to kill these things. The mites are easy to kill I find... But killing them all for good is the challenge... They are woven in your face and likely other parts of the body in layers so can't reach all of them at once... One can spend an entire day pulling them off of the face... Homeopathic Psorinum killed loads of them quickly because it vibrates thru the skin... Probably the most effective so far... Although lavender and peppermint is a close 2nd. Echinacea is said to kill insects/bugs so I think that works to kill off the flies and bugs quite well.... Super Echinacea (tincture) would work well. Olive Leaf is another good herb... Works on many things at many levels. I also found homeopathic Parasite drops "Newton Homeopathic" it has loads of different anti-parasitic homeo remedies and probably over time could kill, but not sure.

Alkaline Vs Acidic pH
Posted by Nm (Iowa) on 02/22/2014

Be careful not to upset your electrolyte balance w/too much baking soda... your body needs a balanced amount of salt, potassium, etc... if you overdue it it can be bad... somehow I ended up dehydrated and it was worse than the morgellons... lots of bad things come from that... still trying to normalize.

Alkaline Vs Acidic pH
Posted by Sofi (Sweden) on 07/12/2017

An alkaline body will heal ANYTHING. An acidic body will kill you, one way or another.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kingrew (Raleigh, Nc) on 11/09/2009

morgellons and lymes treatments

white vinegar and water spray helps stop the itching and joint pain of what is called morgellons. Also Selsun Blue medicated shampoo with menthol used regularly on hair and body. Washing sheets every few days, using mattress cover, using different pillow case every night, different towels every day. Spray the vinegar on sheets furniture, into shoes,etc. Sulfur soap, and taking msm which is a sulphur supplement helps as well. Also wash clothes with peppermint soap. All these are antiparasitic. I take the protocol with samento, cumanda, quina, banderol, enula, mora, serrapeptase and magnesium malate also.

Borax and H2O2
Posted by Amanda (Walla Walla, Wa) on 10/22/2011

Here is my story: I got infested with this bug over 3 months ago, from my own blanket that I was using and I put it away for 2 months and never touched it, until one day I used it and it started to sting me so bad. It led to the huge infestation in my house, stupid me, washed that blanket with the rest of my clohts next day I activated this huge infestation machin. Anyways, after one month I moved to another place, sealed everything that I had, I took literally nothing with me. Had a shower with borax and put new cloths on me, until a day after I realized that was on me already. I tried ivermectin and others, I am allergic to sulfa antibiotics unfortunately, I think that would help me. I did not bother to go to the doctors since I heard about morgellons 2 years ago, I knew what was going on. I had this weird worm looking things under my skin, and the crawl would not stop at all. I supposed they lay eggs in our skin or something. Anyways, I used borax in showers which helps, sometimes I would feel so unberable that I would put it in my clohts and wear it like that, it would keep them away for a while. I was so terrible and close to suicide and helpless untill one day I tried this. I mixed sulfur powder with vaseline (make sure u are not allergic to that ) and I would wrap my entire body in a plastic wrap for over night to sleep like that. It helped me so much, I even spent days like that not going out of home and it calms down al the skin and I think kills them. I am not sure how long do they take to hatch, but I would cout 7 - 10 days. I was so much better. I took all the pills possible including antibiotics and I did not feel any difference only skin application would help me get them out. I was sleep deprived one month in a row before I started to use sulfur applications on my skin. Now I am so much better, I am almost there I would say 90% got the off. All my new cloths got easily infested, I do this. To tell you I moved to a house with no carpet and I seat on plastic chairs only, before getting into my friend's car I lay plastic bag on it and seat on the plastic bag, then toss it. I do the same in the office, I dont care, I say I am allergic to cotton of the fabric.

Washing. I put my cloths to soak, I have several buckets I use epsom salt to soak my cloths in for days. To make it efficent, I took plastic coca cola bottles or detergent bottles for weights. Put sand in it and it will become heavy. Put it in the bucket with the water and cloths, keep the cloths like that for days. You can have sepereta buckets for different colors and towels. Try to have them soaked for 3 days at least and on the last day add detergent. Try to remember the date of your soaked cloths. By the time you reach the new batch you will have a new one to wash. Right after I have the cloths washed I put each seperate pieace of clothing in a seperate ziploc bag (i buy from dollar tree) and I seal it and leave a bit of space to squeese the air out and then close it tight. All that goes to my drawers. Sometimes I use latex gloves to touch my new clean laundry. When I take my cloths off, I immediately put them in the water or seal in a plastic bag until the time comes for that to soak. I have no pieace of clothing left in open air, period and that is the rule.

During the day at work, I have sprays with lavander and peppermint I keep in my bag, when I feel a slight crawl I go to the bathroom spray myself with that and it calms down. I bought those products on, expensive stuff and I am broke, but I need this out of my life. Last night I had to pull out a sealed bag of cloths and guess it was contaminated, and they spread all over me again, it was 2 days after I was feeling great and not a single crawl, now I have to kill them again. This seems a never ending problem, but let me tell you I dont care, if I need to kill them by sitting in a bathtub for one entire day in epsom salt I will do that, I dont know the circumstances, but I may live a short life, but a quality life. I know for sure, they dont like peppermint, lavander, sulfur mixed with vaseline, epsom salt helps a lot. Soaking helps, because it smothers them. Regarding my landry I am thinking to change my strategy. I am going to keep all my cloths in water with weights, until the moment comes I will take them out, wash, dry and wear, fresh. I also bought first aid blanket I use it sometimes to sleep in and I put another blanket on top not to infest it fast. I sleep on the airmatress and I still have it encased. If you have any suggestions let me know. I also think that those black specks are the mites themselves, did anyone see those on the microscope. I think they come out and bite us when they dont like something. I almost have no black specks anymore, one may be per day.

Leisions and rash. I put a pinch of sulfur with vaseline on top of those and seal wth duct tape for a dew days, if you seal well it doesnt come off in the shower.

Sulfur: Be careful you will get very dry skin, try to use good moisturizer right after shower, it will help during the day.

Hope some of my tips help anyone out there to kill these bugs once and for all. Be positive, it will keep you going and dont give up.

Borax and H2O2
Posted by FellowSuffer (Harrisburg, PA) on 05/09/2021

Have you tried an enzyme cleaner like Kleen Green? I think this would help simplify your laundry routine. I use it along with detergent and Borax to do colored laundry. My whites are washed with bleach. Every load is hot water.

Vinegar, Orange Oil
Posted by London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 05/25/2012

Why dont u guys look into "Thieves Oil". Google it!!! Im order some next month, its supposed to be great. Im just now discovering the awesomeness of essential oils, and YOU CAN take them internally. One or two drops in a gelcap, just be mindful of poisoning yourself, as that is a possibility. Just be careful.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gwen (Richmond, Texas) on 08/05/2009

After dealing with seborrheic dermatitis/morgellons for over twenty years, I have discovered a few techniques for controlling the organisms. Much information has been shared as to symptoms but any sufferer can testify to the stinging, itching, fibers, and attraction of insects,etc. For relief of total body symptoms, CVS Pharmacy's foot soak (used externally) is very effective. Two packages in a tub of very warm water for at least 20 minutes will remove unwanted organisms. Instructions on the box indicate that it can be used for bathing. It is so effective that it will work once. (These organisms have keen survival instincts). Acne Free Purifying Cleaner will remove residue from skin for any itchy areas on the body. It can be purchased at CVS, Walgreen's, Walmart, etc. Simply rub Acne Free briskly over itchy areas and rinse with running water. Neosporin Cream and Cortaid Cream can be used together to rid areas of organisms. Success of eradicating organisms from the scalp involving thick crusty dandruff is strictly "mechanical". By that I mean it must be physically lifted using a mixture of T-Sal Shampoo, olive oil and pure glycerin.(One part olive oil to two parts glycerin) and Benedryl Gel. (Do not substitute store brands for Benedryl). Use a blow dryer to dry until dry to the touch. Gently comb off Benedryl and dandruff particles that will stick to it. Clean a second time to remove more flakes. Benedryl will remove crust where there is crust to be removed. There will not be any particles removed where crust has not accumulated. A nit comb can also be used to remove scales. Avon's Skin So Soft oil can be used with Benedryl Gel effectively also by drying and combing. Lanacane and Cortaid along with Cocoa Butter oil, baby oil, and heavier hair preparations may be used after shampooing. Shampoo using Dawn Antibacterial Soap to cut oil. Use facial scrubs with shampoo. Target's Apricut Scrub works best. Condition hair with St. Ives Body wash added to the shampoo or White Rain's Coconut Conditioner. For active areas, use Mary Kay's 3 in 1 face cleanser with shampoo. The scalp will become very tight and dry and will need to be cleaned with Benedryl Gel and oil as described above. Acne Free may also be used in place of the Mary Kay cleanser. Gylcerin and Olive oil combined 2 to 1 can be used to soften crust before shampooing. Apply one hour prior to shampooing. Do not cover with a cap. (Use a night cap or scarf to prevent water from forming.) Am Lactin Lotion may be used to soften skin, scalp, and heels. Doctor's medicines that work fairly well are Lydex Solution (early on), Lydex Cream, Betamethasone DP (Comes in liquid, lotion and cream), Clotrimazone and Betamethasone. The drug "Orap" works after three weeks but will slow metabolism and require monitoring by a doctor. It will stop working three weeks after it is discontinued. Other hints: Kleen Green Enzyme Cleaner by Natural Ginesis can be used on furnishings, bedding etc. Avoid getting into eyes. Avon's Skin So Soft repells insects. Borax can be used with detergents to remove residue or fibers from clothing. Lint rollers are helpful in removing particles that cause discomfort on clothing or bedding and cloth furnishings. Vacuum daily. Change sheets daily. Use vinyl mattress covers and vinyl pillow covers. Stay away from water-based and alcohol-based products as much as possible. Cautions: Go slowly in removing scales. Only one "layer" at a time. Use all products in small amounts on small areas of the body until you know how your body will react to each product. Do not shampoo in the shower when using any oils listed. I am sure that the organisms we are dealing with are parasites driven by fungus. Therefore, it is important to include a good fungal shampoo and cream. Colloidal Silver mixed with Eucerin Lotion or Cream can be helpful. Organisms including mites, knats, fleas,etc. may be involved. Food chains and food webs are possible on humans as in nature. Hopefully, you will be helped by the suggestions above. The Center for Disease Control is investigating, finally. There may soon be answers from the medical community.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by cara (Seattle, Washington) on 06/07/2009

help for morgellons I am so happy to find this site! I started my first week with the salt (1/4 tsp 2 times a day,borax 1/8 a tsp 2times a day in water) and my lesions are almost cured! No one seems to have posted yet about citrus mouthwash, I soak cotten pads in it and tie to my face with a bandana, it pulls the surface critters out. I don't find a difference in the different brands and haven't tried regular mouthwash. This alone is a godsend. I really use a lot of bag balm on my skin. The first time I used it, it made them start crawrling horribly and I had to jump in the shower, it was horrible, so be careful. Also, be careful with raw garlic, the first time I used it I had 911 abdominal pain. How do you access the weekly prayer meeting? Thanks to all contributers to this site, I'm the new kid on the block!

EC: One of the options when you sign up for our newsletter is the weekly prayer/meditation group: An email goes out every Friday or Saturday for that particular group...

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nan (Austin, Texas) on 03/19/2009

In the neverending search for a cure from this "thing", I've done a little checking on some of the cures. All evidence points to the fact that ionic silver is the new standard in silver...Phd's and researchers have found that it works far better than particular (colloidal) silver and that particularly in the stomach when it runs into hydrochloric acid...the ionic works much better. So I'm going to continue on with the seems to help. I also used some aloe vera gel on my face it worked really great and then put on scalp too. Seemed to kill most things or at least bring to surface so I could get rid of them. Try this. I also broke down and bought [cats claw]...had been using Cats Claw for a couple weeks and it helped but not enough. I did notice a difference with the [cats claw], seemed to slow these critters down quite a bit more than the cats claw and generally feel pretty good on has so many health benefits it can't hurt when we have all this garbage going on in our body dropping who knows what toxins inside of us. I started with 5 drops in a small glass of water half hour before meal. We are suppose to have [cats claw] for 12 days and then 12 days off, etc. with something else inbetween. I also take garlic with any food I shouldn't be eating just so they can't enjoy it. Am also back to taking a wormwood, black walnut, clove combo. Thing is this...this isn't going away in two weeks. Most people don't give any particular protocol long enough to work. It may take 6 mos to a year to get rid of this. So don't give up too early, if you see improvement keep at it.

EC: Sorry, had to remove a brand name from this post...

Multiple Remedies
Posted by NN (Dallas, Tx) on 02/07/2009

In frustration I've decided to attack these buggers with all I have...they do seem to fight back even harder when you attack them though...kind of scary! But here goes, what seems to work...

Cats Claw...saw definite improvement when I started using this the other day, they were becoming quite strong and I needed to try something so this definately pushed them back....they say the alcohol tincture is stronger and that the Samento (Cats Claw w/the TOA taken out which makes it better but much more expensive)...

They say Echinacea works well with Cats Claw and it is an insecticide may kill those bugs...I'm taking Super Echinacea (has all 3 Echinaceas in one tincture)

Also taking Apple Cider Vinegar tabs daily

Black Walnut & Clove & Wormwood wormer...available everywhere

Neem also kills lots of bugs

Olive Leaf Extr or Pau d'Arco are both great antifungals, antivirals and more

Colloidal Silver

Salt/Peroxide Baths I also add some aromatherapy to bubble bath and throw in: Lemon, Eucalyptus, a little clove, lavendar and there are others that are good for parasites

Ginger, Ginsent, Green Tea

Also Garlic tabs...Im taking 1500 mg daily

Silica homeopathic is good for clearing things out of the skin

Nat Phos homeopathic is good for alkalinity worms thrive in acid states

Eat lots of eggs...has sulphur in and is good for adrenals (stress)

Arsenicum Alba homeopathic I have read will cure cutaneous larva migrans, skin maggots and other similar parasites so might work in right dose

Take good quality vitamin I use Vitamin Worlds Green Multi pretty good...keep you healthy while your body is under this attack

Magnesium 500 mg daily

Also taking Sulphur homeopathic 6C 2x daily

1/4 tsp baking soda in glass of water 2x day

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 11/15/2015

Hello Rebel (somewhere USA)---

If you visit Tony Pantalleresco on youtube, he has some vids on this and has had them, and a lot of experience. Perhaps this is helpful?

Namaste, Om

Infrared Therapy
Posted by Nan (Minneapolis, Mn) on 12/27/2010

I have received much comfort from homeopathy and herbals with this disease... I agree with you it is an ugly thing we have... But you can ease the misery with herbals like: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Garlic stops them for a time for relief.... Blk Walnut/Wormwood caps slow them down... I have no skin lesions... Saltwater baths aid this I put a whole canister of salt in bath... Heals skin...

Diet is the best weapon you have... If you don't give them foods they want to eat they will go dormant... you can actually kill this disease w/diet. Eat only meat, vegetables, oils, apple cider vinegar and I find pineapple is detrimental to them (bromelain eats them) fresh pineapple the best. I can actually hold a homeopathic and they will stop in their tracks... Try Cina & Teurcrium I believe one of these is the cure... But diet is a must... No sugar no carbs and you will be fine... It's worth it.

Infrared Therapy
Posted by Cynthia (Anacortes, Washington ) on 02/12/2021

I have the sores on my scalp, I have tried SO many things and have been dealing with it for years now. Today I learn it's Morgelens and I am ready to LEARN more!! I looked at the scabs under a magnifying glass and saw those “Black threads) and yes when I am under any stress it does FLARE..Someone else said the heat, like from a hairdryer made it worse? Your saying the sauna helps? I'm open to suggestions, omg I long for some good old fashion home cure. I always felt this was connected to Chem Trails, you?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Casey (Denver, CO/USA) on 12/21/2008


I am not cured. I am better on some things. I tried the salt and C with regular salt and nothing happened. I have not found salt tablets, the company apparently went belly up. I got rid of the sores with peroxide and salt. I can't stay on the diet, but it does improve things for the few weeks I can do it. For a number of symptoms I use chuan xin lian, 4.00 at the vietnamese herbal store. Just chuan xin lian, not the mixture with other herbs. 4 pills 3x daily. It is an antiviral,antibiotic. The Chinese use it for spirochete diseses like leptospirosis and syphilis. Peroxide baths:1 large Wal-Mart peroxide plus 1salt container full. I think both are roughly 32 ounces. I had large sores that wouldn't heal and joint pain; vision problems, respiratory problems, fatigue,bouts of violence,depression, problems thinking,concentrating, memory,and I get lost in places I should know. I use coconut oil to moisturize after the baths, and black specs come out of my skin. Once whole black threads and tarry gunk came out after a bath; I wiped this off with paper towel and threw it away. I am pretty sure I got this from bedding.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Pam (Waco, TX) on 02/01/2009

How much is a "vile"?

EC: Nan probably meant to write: "half a vial", not "have a vile".

"A vial (also phial) is a relatively small glass vessel or bottle, especially used to store medication as liquids, powders or in other forms like capsules. They can also be sample vessels e.g. for use in autosampler devices in analytical chromatography."

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Barbara (Memphis, Tn) on 08/28/2011

Latest development in the fight against this evil affliction.... boiled a bunch or two of parsley in 1-2 quarts water... Bring to boil and then simmer 3 mins... Wring water out of parsley into pot and throw away.... Then refrigerate water and take 1 tsp per 10 lbs in AM & PM.... It really weakened them and I believed killed even some of larger ones... Great improvement... Clears out your system too (on two occasions found lrg dead worm in toilet).... Also Cina 30 seems the most effective homeopathic so far (200 seems to make worse)... And Teucrium 200... These are definately two key remedies... Also Vermi Fuge (homeopathic you can find online) and VER (homeopathic)... I have this on the way - could really work... It actually has the nosode of many worms in it which could kill them straight away if it has the right worms in it! Nat Phos cell salt creates more alkaline environment which helps, Belladonna (homeopathic only) will kill agrobacterium component, and I have some strong Allicin/Garlic tablets on the way.... Garlic will always help you when you're having a tough day.... It does diminish the influence of homeopathics so take hours apart.... but definately drives them into submission at least as long as its in your systemj, may need to increase intake w/time...make sure the garlic has lots of allicin it though.... Also helps heart and cholesterol as well as many things in the body... Garlic is great for good health! Crushed garlic on the skin kills whatever it touches straight away... Also take thuja for fungal aspect, which many think is part of morgellons.... Homeopathic ear and eye drops availabale at Walmart.... I also use multipurpose eye solutions (for contacts) in eyes as boric acid content helps kill them in eyes. It is unbelievable that the medical industry has left us all to twist in the wind with this one.... But we're definately on our own w/it..... Herbs that have helped are Olive Leaf, Cats Claw (TOA-free better), Echinacea, some say Gota Kola helps.... These are the best of what I've tried so far and believe me I've tried lots of things and spent thousands and thousands of $$$'s trying to rid myself of this plague... No thanks to the AMA! Saltwater & hydrogen peroxide baths help too... Good Luck!

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Kansas (Florida, FL) on 12/30/2014

A New Year, life with Morgellons/ Lyme.

I am on year 4 since the full blown attack. At first the biting, ears ringing near water faucet (that's a weird symptom, but I have seen others ask about it), losing hair, sounding crazy ( Morgellons has hosed out my lists of friends and family), not completely a bad time I guess. But now I have hideous hurting sores. I am going to try laser facials. Anyone tried this yet? Please try vinegar and equal water mix, over your head after shampoo, massage in a leave in a few minutes. It does stop the crawling/ itching. I have had four years and many doctors looking stupid to me to realize. People, this is Lyme on steroids. The sores, Bartonela den deep research on FDA or CDC - it stated if patient had Lyme symptoms, they should be retested multiple times if test was negitive. Haha, how about telling that to the AMA and our sweet insurance companies. I also found one brave soul that wrote the gov. about Morgellons. We need to all write! This is a ridiculous way to live. I can say yes to pulling and touching these sores, because our instinct is to remove vectors! I would appreciate any help on healing sores. Thanks, and lets all start writing the gov and get some help for a change!

Posted by Connieishere (Lapeer, Michigan) on 11/03/2009

Whenever I start to feel 'sick', actually SO tired, and NO MATTER WHAT I HARD I STRY TO STAY AWAKE, I STILL FALL ASLEEP - I KNOW the 'bugs' are working. So, I start to eat eggs like they are CANDY! Just a saying, I try not to eat sugar. But . . . they WORK!!! They are NOT a cure, but they help!


Posted by Angela (Smalltown, Bc) on 02/04/2010

I read somewhere else on this site that you can cover your dog in mayonnaise to kill mange mites, (for as long as possible) then rinse with vinegar water. I had mites and tried it on myself. It helped. Not sure if it would help with Morgellon's, but hey, if eggs help, it might be worth a try. (Pure mayo is just eggs, oil, and vinegar, you can make it at home or just use any brand) Just a thought anyways. At least it won't hurt you.
