Mite Infestation
Natural Remedies

Effective Mite Infestation Treatment: Top Natural Remedies

Posted by Beablessing111 (Napili, Hawaii, Usa) on 09/30/2011

Hello Earth Clinic,

Thank you for the info on using Borax for mites. I'm on day 4 of drinking 1/8 tsp in liter of water & 1/8 tsp baking soda sipping thruout day. Wow, what a difference!

But could you give some additional information? How do you deal with the actual mites that come crawling out of your skin. ? Whats the proper protocol? None of the posts I read, mentions anything about this important step. Some were coming out of my left tear duct yesterday - what a weird sensation. I didn't know what to do: leave them alone & try not to itch; wipe with some solution; rinse with water, what? I also have some coming out in various areas on my face as boils. I've been spritzing a borax/peroxide/water solution directly on my body at night then shower in the morning. That seems to help a lot.

Thank you for your response I await anxiously!

Posted by Kelly (Catawissa, Mo, Usa) on 10/01/2011

Great question. I think this one is for Ted. I personally keep his borax solution in a spray bottle, and when I feel the itching or crawling or feel the sandy feeling, I spray the area thoroughly!

General Feedback
Posted by Jean (Denver, Co) on 04/25/2011

Tried about everything. Going on 2 yrs. boyfriend, dog, daughter, her boyfriend and soon 2 b newborn (really scary). Damn docs think your crazy even though I have the sores. Now really bad sores everywhere. Will try borax again. Want 2 order terpinen online. So sick and tired. At times just resolve to have this forever, as I refer to "them" as my coffin bugs. My scalp all over, face/jaw line, arms, buttocks, upper legs. Moved 4 times. Lost everything.

General Feedback
Posted by L.S. (Cape Cod, Usa) on 02/05/2013

OMG! I am not crazy... Everything y'all gave as symptoms/actions/remedies/isolation/expenses are dead on. Have had for 7 years. Can this cause brain/muscle/nervous system/blindness/loss of hearing? Death? Has anyone had trouble w/ food going down? Had to have minor surgery to open passage to stomache and have a repeated feeling of butterfly flutter (not thyroid) in esophagus? Do you know the life cycle? Thank you!

General Feedback
Posted by Kent (Louisiana) on 06/13/2017

Be strong... Keep researching done key it drive you crazy or make you kill yourself, that's what they want... Remember it's just another attack there are a lot of us experiencing it, I don't have all the answers yet try pulsed magnetism... Rotate inner and outer treat ments.. Be strong

General Feedback
Posted by John (Ok) on 09/23/2017

Have you tried MMS??

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Julian (Toronto, Ontario) on 04/08/2011

Hi Guys,

I have a very interesting story I want to share with all of you who are suffering from a mite problem.

About 9 months ago I was doing a yoga session at a friend's house, in his attic to be precise and I lay my head on the carpet floor for about five minutes...

That evening I felt a strong "bite" or "pinch" on my scalp. At the time it didn't worry me too much because I had no idea and had never heard of scabies, bird mites or any type of mite that could be a problem for humans…. Boy was I ignorant. The bites got worse and more frequent and a few days later I felt like a "popping" feeling and the spreading of little insects all over my head they spread down to my shoulders, arms, legs, in short all over my body. I could actually feel them walking down my cheek and could catch them with my fingers. These little buggers felt like a grain of sand and they would bite me everywhere!!

The problem was mainly in my scalp but after a few months it spread to the webbing in my toes too and they would then come up my legs as well!!

Despite washing my hair every night with anti nit shampoo the problem had gotten out of control and my small apartment got totally infested.

At first to keep them at bay I would blow dry my hair and body after showering with anti nit shampoo, 1% permethrin. During this period I tried everything I could and in different combinations and strengths until I got a handle on the problem.

My first real discovery was citronella essential oil mixed with alcohol and a touch of eurax lotion. This combination I would spray on my hair and it would kill or stun the mites for about 4 hours…

I then elaborated on this by adding to the citronella: peppermint, eucaliptus, clove, neem, tee tree, oregano essential olis as well as a bit of regular olive oil…. I mixed aproximately 10 drops of each, maybe more peppermint and eucalyptus and then added rubbing alcohol and put in a mini sprayer of 60cc. I sprayed my head and feet throughout the day…. This was really working but I didn't feel it was killing the female below the skin…. How could I get to her??

The answer to this many of you may not believe but it is worth a try because it is totally free!!

I used my own body energy, that's right I used my own bio-electricity to zap them. This idea came about by a chance meeting with a friend on a bus ride. He told me he had been in a terrible health about a year ago with liver problems, prostate and back pain and that a therapist who used energy healing had cured him of all his problems and had then taught him how to do it to himself. I asked him how it was done and he taught me. I started to do it immediately on the bus!! And I was amazed to see that the problem started to decrease at once!! It is very simple so here it is:

Sitting (you can do this while driving btw) imagine an energy beam of white light coming down through the crown of the head. Take this energy and concentrate it more on more in the chest area or the belly which ever you feel is better. Then exhale and try to feel that you are pushing the energy down to your feet. You WILL feel this it is not imaginary by the way then keep playing with it and try directing the energy to the problem areas of your body.

I am not an expert in this so don't ask me to be more specific just inhale through the nose and visualize, feel and direct the energy.

I now believe that when the body is at its full potential of energy all the little buggers just can't handle it and leave you alone.

By the way other bits of info that might help:

1. Take showers and then rinse the tub clean!! I thought that taking long soaks would help. Wrong! These buggers just float and the hot water doesn't kill them so when you get out of the water they just land back on you. If you use bleach that does kill them but it screws up your skin.

2. Tumble dry clothes on high heat or bleach with water soaks to cleaned my clothes.

3. Gave up sugar, soda and chocolate.. this really helped!! The bugs got slower and less aggressive.

Good luck to you all and may God bless us all.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Christine (Bellingham, Wa, Usa) on 04/10/2011

You might try fresh mugwort, it grows alongside trails and roads in sandy soils and smells lovely. I know it kills fleas, I got rid of cat fleas that had come aboard and got into the bed last summer, and it killed the fleas on a sick wild rabbit I rescued when I put the rabbit into a box with newspaper and mugwort for bedding. It probably won't get the scabies mites under the skin but it could get rid of them in the soft furnishings if you pick bunches of mugwort and place it around the carpet and in corners for a few days. Gotta be worth a try.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 12/10/2012

Not only should you launder the sheets in hot water, but you should vacuum the mattress and pillows.

General Feedback
Posted by Misdiagnosed (Dayton, Oh/usa) on 03/29/2011

Hi there, I was glad to read your post, because I too became suicidal and delusional. I ALMOST lost my job too. This condition is awful, isn't it? I am near the end; only have a few bites a day, but there was a time a few months ago, when I was getting bit 100x per hour. Couldn't focus, couldn't concentrate. My house was a mess and I'm typically a neat freak! I started spraying the furniture, clothes, car, and office with a mixture of about 12 drops of peppermint oil to a large spray bottle of water. This helped tremendously. I now know if I can just get this spray in contact with them, they die. The trick is they hide in crevices and tiny cracks. I took apart my office chair and sprayed it this morning - HUGE relief!

General Feedback
Posted by Brenda (Fayetteville, North Carolina) on 07/07/2011

Hi Brandy, what was the name of the products you bought from the pet store that got rid of them? I have tryed it all to kill these things they said to do on and none worked for me. I have suffered for seven years with theses things.

General Feedback
Posted by Heather (Az) on 10/09/2020

I had my house tented and fumigated with the vikane gas. It didn't totally get rid of them. I'm pretty sure it didn't kill the eggs. It's really hit or miss with the fumigation so don't think it'll definitely work. I had a positive result of dermanyssus genus mites on the test. They used 10 times the concentration level for bird mites. If you could get a company to fumigate it and leave it tented for at least a week it would probably work because all the eggs would hatch and it would then hopefully kill all the new bugs. Just my thought.

Posted by Brendan (Adelaide, South Australia) on 12/12/2010

Hi Guys, I started taking 1/8 teaspoon of borax in one litre of water to try to cure my skin problem which someone suggested might be caused by demodex mites. I had red, flaky, and sometimes stinging, and itchy skin on my forehead, cheeks below my eyes, and around my ears. When I started taking the borax it seemed that the redness of my skin calmed down on about the second day and so I continued even though it felt to be a bit dry.

Its now day 5 and I have stopped taking it. Yesterday it had become so dry and felt really raw so that I couldn't stand it. It stung like I had sunburn. Im wondering if anyone has any idea what could be going on. Also how can I direct a question directly to ted, he seems to have helped a lot of people. I was hoping I could send him a photo and some background info and see if he can shed some light on whats going on. I cant say how much it would mean to me to get this problem under control. Thanks everyone and I wish you all good luck in treating your conditions.

Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 10/15/2012

Shouldn't lavendar oil be put in a carrier oil, like say, sesame oil because the lavendar oil burns, doesn't it?

Posted by Kate (Dublin, Ireland) on 12/11/2010

I bought borax in the chemist to see if it would help me to kill the demodex mite. I haven't taken it yet because on the container it states that its only for external use. Is it okay to use, say small amounts-a quarter teaspoon to a litre of water or do I need to get a special type of borax powder? Also would it work on its own or do I need to mix hydrogen peroxide with it? I could only get 6% hydrogen peroxide. Unfortunately I couldn't source the food grade type. Please help as I'm going insane with skin and eye problems. Tea tree has made a small difference with my skin but not my eyes :( Any advice on eliminating this horrible condition would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Kate

Posted by Self (Ny) on 12/11/2010

Yes, the container does say that but in small amounts, it is ok. As long as it is borax and not boric acid. Well with 6% H2O2, you can dilute it down to 3% by mixing equal parts of each H2O2 and water (half each). Yes, you can mix the borax with H2O2 to make it even more effective (men can take 1/4 teaspoon and women can take 1/8 teaspoon of borax and one cap (use the H2O2 bottle cap) of 3% H2O2 in one liter of drinking water and drink a cup every hour. When it runs out, drink regular water. Also take 1, 000 mg of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) a day to counteract H2O2 oxidation (e.g. Helps prevent detox headaches)

You can also wet some borax in 1% H2O2 and apply the paste to the area and leave it on, don't rinse. If the skin gets dry, use aloe vera or some natural oil to moisturize it. To dilute H2O2 down to 1.5%, just mix one part 6% H2O2 and 4 parts water (e.g. 1 oz H2O2 and 4 oz water).

Posted by Brenda (Fayetteville, North Carolina) on 07/07/2011

Would this be ok to give to my Jack Russell dog? She has these things too.

Posted by Maddog/chemist (Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.s.a.) on 01/02/2012

For skin itching, I had a Texas M.D. who rec. a self made solution of Sulfur flowers and petroleum jelly.

It has the acid mileu to kill mites, and the smothering effect of the jelly. Has anyone else used this? Must be left on the body for more than say 20 minutes.

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Van (Houston, Texas) on 11/28/2014


Got mites and really need help? just got bit! Jst wondering if you know how I can get permethrin cream 10 %. Went to doctor got one 5% cream but refuse to give more. Also want to get info on Fir Sauna. I am a substitute teacher and really need help. Went to 2 dermatologist spent over $800. and no relief. Sincerely, Van

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Van (Houston, TX) on 12/03/2014

I appreciate all the information. These thing are worst thing morning after trying several remedies. If fact I think I may be poisoning my self by drinking borax water, I have found several blister on several of my fingers? At its end almost cannot function. I have scars like someone has scratched me up. I have a mite in my face driving me crazy because it is around my eye. Do you know if a rife machine can be ordered from Mexico? Where can I find a zapper? How can I find a farm coop? Need to purchase items suggested?

I'm sorry I have so many questions, but what is a farm coop and what is H202. I know what H20 is.

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Leanne (Maine) on 03/11/2016

For the mites on my face I use a thick gob of Vaseline with some camphur and tea tree oil. Slather this on thick I think it suffocates them. I put a thick gob of plain Vaseline in the corner of my eye and within 20 minutes the nasty things backed out. Kleen green everything and lysol spray. Don't forget to treat ur pets I am using a lime sulfur dip for the cat. I keep a jar of Vaseline and a spray bottle of alcohol, Apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil and camphur oil with me all the time to slather or spray any spots if I feel them crawling. I am also trying to build up my immune system as a weak immune system can let mites get out of control. In the morning I eat two raw cloves of garlic. Afternoon I take probiotics and evening I drink emergen-c and add apple cider vinegar to it. I think I am winning but won't feel safe for a few more weeks.

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 12/03/2014

HI U VAN, , , , , , , , , , , first thing is not to hit the panic button. Keep a cool tool. Me and this site will get you through yo troubles. Forget the Rife Machine unless someone in Houston that has one will take you on. They cost almost $ 5000 and it takes awhile to learn how to use it.

It took me a minute to learn that there are three Tractor Supply Stores near Houston that have the 10% Permethin or go on line and order it.

With this, I have concluded that you are lazy and I'm not doing your work for you. I have told you what to do, so do it. Won't tell you what I really think because the bosses on this site have me on probation. Get off your dead ass and help your self. You have been told what to do, now do it. Once you gather your supplies and get started on what this site tells you, then we will help you. I have had enough of your pity party , especially as a substitute school teacher.


Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Jimbo (Idaho) on 11/20/2015

I did it! After 4 yr.s I"m finally free of mites! OH how good it feels to be normal again. I used just about all the things suggested on this site, but what I did different was to stay on antibiotics for the last year. I could"nt tell the doctors what I needed them for because they"ll think ur parapsychotic. I followed the protocol (vanderbilt university) as closely as possible.Find a way to get antibiotics. At the end of it I wore a zapper& magnetic bracelets too. Also very low carb diet, lost 20 lb.s almost killed me, but relocated again and they"re gone. Clove, peppermint, lavender, camphor, tea tree, neem oils neem tablets. Teds Borax and hp blend for spot treatment. Used borax and lysol laundry treatment for clothes. Just don"t tell ur doc what you want the anti biotics for. If you do they"ll withhold them from you. I had a derm plus another doc, I figured it out by accident. The antibiotics are a also a colon cleanse.I paid attention to my immune system too. I did"nt find neem tabs until the final few months, I think that may have been the final blow for them. My trick was to treat it internally as well as externally. I don't care what anybody tells you it is a blood and internal malady as well as external/skin. Cleanse inside and it will die off. Don"t give up! You can beat this, I did, it destroyed my life as I knew it but I"m still alive. You are not crazy! Do yourself a favor, don"t tell doctors what ur doing, and if you want to keep your friends don"t tell them either if you do you"ll soon find yourself abandoned. I hate to say that but it"s true. Just keep it to yourself! Your better off, when you do get better, you"ll hopefully still have a normal life to go back to.

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by KT (Usa) on 04/10/2016

I had two fiber-like protrusions coming out of the top of one thigh and at a later time, one on the back of my arm between my elbow and shoulder. I scratched/pinched them off and they bled profusely for such tiny "nicks". I don't know if they were morgellons or not but thought I would mention this. Because our food has changed, I have had to change the way I eat so I cannot give an accurate report of how I was eating or what I was eating at the time of those discoveries. I also found two small areas on my mid-section that appeared to resemble clogged pores but did not heal after squeezing several times, like a blemish would.

I started to eat more yellow onions and garlic. I take ACV everyday. I put ginger, turmeric, garlic and cayenne on just about everything I eat and/or make teas. I also take tincture of Black Walnut. I don't know if it is the combination of all or any one that must have killed those "things" or prevented anymore from erupting. I previously had four "raised" areas, two on my neck, one on my shoulder and one on my shin removed in my PCP's office. They were removed years ago before the protrusions appeared. When those "raised" areas erupted, we were drinking whole milk that was not homogenized from free range dairy cows. I experienced neck and facial clogged pores that appeared to be tiny cysts. I called the dairy to see if they were feeding the cows corn. I was told they did. We then tried the homogenized whole but there was no change in my complexion. That's when my trial of switching to 2% milk proved beneficial because the "cysts" went away.

I no longer eat raw fruits/vegetables. My personal opinion is, since everything has been genetically modified in one way or another, assimilation is difficult. On a video done in the early 90's it was reported that our food has been engineered to last longer. This film started out by reporting that our food had been changing for over fifty years. I am alleging GMO's cannot be avoided just due to wind and bird droppings.

My husband and I found the free range, grass-fed animals we eat or get milk and eggs from was causing us more indigestion, constipation, kidney/bladder pain and incontinence. My husband was in so much pain, he told me not to buy anymore of that meat. Organics caused problems with yeast. We only tried eating free range and organic for several months. It was fortunate we discovered what was happening to us because that food was so expensive I was borrowing money from our CU to pay for it.

I think it's been over three years since we tried eating free range and organic but returned to what is more affordable. This is what happened to us.

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Wa ) on 04/11/2016

KT, What you have is probably not morgellons but skin tags. Non bleeding dark colored fibers come out by the hundreds if not thousands in morgellons patients. Often the bathtub becomes filled with tiny particles resembling sand in the bottom of bathtub plus many more work out after toweling off .

Skin tags which are due to virus such as HPV are slow growing but well vascularised they bleed like crazy when disturbed or cut off

Acv seems to work ok for them.

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by L. (92688) on 03/01/2017 1 posts

Hi there, what is the ration to your borax, tea tree oil, h20 and vitamin E? Thanks so much!, L.

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Cathi (Alabama) on 07/06/2017

Did the zapper and rife machines work?

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Xoxom (Vta Ca) on 07/10/2017

How long do you sit in sauna?

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Mertle (Pembine, Wi) on 05/28/2013

Food Grade DE can be ordered online from Home Depot for one.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Borax
Posted by Niki (Dallas, Tx) on 08/29/2010

I tried the hydrogen peroxide and borax solution on my hair for dust mites. I kept the solution on for a little while. When I washed my hair normally very dark brown) turned blondish orange. Now my hair is falling in clumps. It is literally melting in my fingers. I use to have a head full of extremely healthy thick and long hair. I can't recognize myself in the mirror. Any suggestions? Please help this is very frightening.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Borax
Posted by Lynn (Seattle, Washington, Us) on 02/21/2012

Won't reverse the orange because peroxide acts as a bleach, but I use extra virgin coconut oil about once a week on my hair to help prevent nits and mites. I emulsify it in some hot water (don't mircrowave, it changes the integrity, cover my hair with it and sleep in it overnight... Simply shampoo in the morning. Works great on skin too... And my cats love it... I rub it on their fur and they like to lick it off. Not only kills fleas and mites, but helps with hairballs and a natural antimicrobial agent.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Borax
Posted by Mindy (Ky) on 12/18/2020

Both hydrogen peroxide and borax are serious bleachers. They're not meant for the hair. It can be used on the scalp for short. Of time. Your hair has been over bleached and that is why it is melting. Cut it off and let it grow out. It will come back. I believe the the peroxide and borax is meant for the body.

Jan's Recipe
Posted by Mike (Southern Cal., US) on 03/19/2015

I saw a post from a lady who said she used some kind of vitamin or supplament cocktail to change her "scent". I believe that's what my problem is but I can"t find her post now. I"m not sure but I thimnk she mentioned hormone therapy. Does anybody remember it?

EC: This might be what you were looking for.  It was posted by Janet, Salem, OR.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Heather (Az) on 10/11/2020

go to there's a section in the pest control tab called what's biting me. You order swabs to collect dna around your environment and you can choose what to test for.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sherrie (Tampa, Fl) on 01/06/2013

Dear Ron, my mother trapped some of the mites on clear packing tape and sent it to the University of Texas entomology dept. They identified it as a rat mite. Some people purchase their own microscopes. Even a low power one enables you to see the tiny insects. Most of readers are so blown away by the attack and their family doc hasn't helped, that just reading the symptoms of other earthclinic people that matches their own exactly is enough. Many of the different types of mites are immune to poisons, so the Earthclinic letters help keep your sanity. Best Wishes, Sherrie

Posted by Diane (Berkeley, Ca) on 07/15/2010

Fran: Those sound very much like bed bug bites. They typically come in groups of 2's to 4's, and when irritated can have a "ring" around them like you mention. You may have an infestation. I don't have advice as to a cure, but it's worth looking into this as a possible cause, because if so you will need to treat the home to remove them, and any internal treatments, while soothing may not be sufficient.

Posted by RB (CA) on 10/15/2020

Were you dealing with demodex mites? or some other type of mite?

Posted by Linda (Missouri) on 03/13/2017

Don't get rid of your couch. Mites cannot live more than two days outside of a human or animal host, so cover it temporarily and let the mites die and then your couch will be fine.

Posted by Mike (Ontario) on 01/07/2018

I'm currently going through the same issues that you're experiencing too! My question to you is, how much hydrogen peroxide was used in your spray bottle?

This technique seems like it's worth a try!

Posted by J (San Antonio, Tx) on 02/20/2018

I just wanted to say that I get how stressful having to blow family off is, when they just refuse to get what you're going through. That was so tough for me, to just realize that my daughter was never going to get anything about me, or want to hear about anything. Oddly, I don't totally think that she doesn't care, but that she works hard not to care.But to get well, sometimes we just have to avoid all that stress. I can't believe I essentially have to abandon much of a hope of a relationship with her, to take care of me, but I've worked hard to make things right there, and maybe at some point you just have to recognize it for being the very real health drain that it is. One comfort, though. My sister seemed to think that we must really be close, that she was actually less close to her children. It made me realize that I suppose it's all relative. My sister thinks it's perfectly normal to have almost no relationship with her children, the way our mother was with us.

Posted by Eve (Nv) on 06/12/2018 22 posts

If you have purchased Ivermectin from Amazon, what brand did you choose and how much and how often did you take it. Is it according to age, weight? Thanks so much and good luck to you

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Susan (Dallas, Tx) on 06/10/2011

Are you still free of mites? I am going out right now to get some kerosene. Our cat brought in a dead bird and some rats and now we have mites too. I really, really don't want our 6 year old to be affected. My husband and I are already being attacked mostly at night from unseen bugs.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 04/02/2012

I had a case of hives and thought it was mites. I took some 1% peroxide (2 parts water, 1 part H202) and 2 T. Borax and rinsed off with it (got this off of E.C.). Then, I used citrus dead sea salts and citrus exfoliating scrub. Seems to have worked a bit. Went to the doctor and she thought it was hives. Changed meds to dye-free. Will just have to wait now!

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Almostcrazy (Lampkin, Al) on 11/01/2012

Sharon from Wesley Chapel, FL After we apply the Lamp Oil, how long do we leave it on our hair and body before washing it off? Also I do not have a dries so I have been waiting 7 days before washing our clothes, then washing it twice with hot water. Do you know if this is good enough? It has been 7 days so all the scabies should be died in the garbages bags. We bag all our clothes each day and set them out side so we do not have them in the house, hoping this will also help relieve the scabie infestation on the house. Any advice will help! My family has had these too long!

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Phil (Henderson, Nv) on 11/02/2012

Please which of the many cures did you try ? We just talked the Dr into giving us Permethiam or what ever the stuff is, they called it Elimite but they gave me per stuff. My wife are at each others throat cause she thinks there not on her. Getting her to use anything is pure Hell. So What about clothing in drawers and closets also Dog.! Help please we need some prayer too. Thank you Phil.

What is the dosage and how often how long after they are gone to you keep doing iy does it kill the larvae ??

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Diane (Baltimore, Maryland) on 04/14/2013

Hi Sharon, Thank you so much for your post and feedback. I just did one treatment of the lamp oil and I left it on my head for about an hour. I was just wandering if you or anyone else who has tried this could clarify how long it is left on the scalp? It sounds like some have left it on the body overnight. I massaged the oil into my scalp and then in about an hour my head started to redden and I could feel a burning sensation, so I went on and washed it out. Due to the thickness and density of my hair I can only do it once a week at least until I cut my hair, which I'm planning to do soon (for the summer). Really appreciate any additional feedback that is offered. Best wishes to everyone.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Teresa (Ontario) on 01/29/2017


How long did it take them to die with the kerosene? Obviously not on the first day or you would not have needed to do it for 3 days?

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Shannon (Michigan) on 08/14/2017

The quick spray you refer to is the oil to take care additional bites later??

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Dee (Waltham, Ma) on 12/04/2017

I've been a suffer of mites for the past 4.5 years. I used borax in my laundry but please tell me the mixture for the borax remedy.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Mary (Oh) on 02/18/2018

Thank you for the great advice. Trying to find what works.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Michelle (Sussex, Uk) on 05/14/2018

Hi there - can you confirm that you are still mite free, several years later? I am trying the kerosene tonight. My only concern is that you stated that you did this for the best part of a year - I was really hoping to get rid of them quicker. They have severely scarred my face. I don't here any other reports of people with scarring so wondering if it's just me?

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Bryan (Indiana) on 07/07/2021

What did you do about your cars. That is where it starts every time I go anywhere.

Yogurt With Cinnamon
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan) on 05/07/2010

Hi: Sounds like your apartment, not you, has the issue. And your issue is solving itself. Good thing you are not brainwashed into thinking doctors have all the answers! Anyway i think you need to borax your whole aparment often. Buy boxes of it. Drive it into the carpet with a broom all along baseboards. sprinkle it all over your mattress. If you leave it for a day before you vacuum that is better and do it often.
when you treat yourself and your environment they will go away.

I hope you post again, would like to hear how you do.

Yogurt With Cinnamon
Posted by Hope (Us) on 02/19/2017

I'm trying ginger, garlic, cayenne and toasted sesame seeds as a supplement with cleansing baths/shower scrubs. Thanks for the cinnamon tip, I was thinking of trying this.

Yogurt With Cinnamon
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/15/2017 233 posts

Absolutely sounds like morgellons. Fortunately what you are using is working. You could also be ingesting the borax and I wanted to mention an ec'er got rid of bed bugs by INGESTING the cinnamon. Took 3 months.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cayita (Welland, Canada) on 05/04/2010

I have tried Ted's mite remedies of baking soda (1 tsp in a glass of water/ day)for six months now and the borax topically (and as shampoo). I started drinking a liter of water with 1/8 tsp of Borax 4 days ago. My scalp is getting worse: very painful and itchy lumps. I used to have a couple at a time that would come and go in different parts of my scalp, but now I have close to twenty. I was hoping this would be a healing crisis, but I don't think it would take that long to get better. I have also tried the ACV, tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide, garlic, coconut oil, plain yogurt, turmeric, cloves, cayenne in vodka, grapefruit oil, etc, but nothing seems to cure this disorder that appeared for the first time when I was 12 (30 years ago). My hair is falling. I don't use regular shampoo anymore. I don't take any medication. Please, I need help.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Amie (Coopersville, Michigan Us) on 05/04/2010

I don't know if this will help, but I once treated a cat successfully for mange (hair loss caused by mites) by feeding it brewers yeast tablets. Not sure on the dose or why it worked; I saw it in a magazine. The hair just started growing back on the cat and it came in really soft! Good luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Peggy (Somewhere, Us) on 05/27/2010

was this mms or msm?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sharonq (Wesley Chapel, Fl) on 06/16/2010

Sorry guys, must be old-timers disease here. I bought MSM at the feed store last year, cleared up my falling hair and skin issues. Recently, I purchased mms mix and started taking the mms mix baths at 4 times the recommended dose to help heal the skin. It did kill the mites in their larval stage, but didnt kill the adult mites in the baths. Extremely soothing and calming. Great for the skin. I had success using 1 tbl mms mix in my portable steamer on the furniture and car seats. I took the MSM orally for 6 months and watched a whole lot of scars go away. It tastes terrible. You have to drink a lot of water with that dose. The mms mix has no flavor and is easier to take. I am currently taking 1 Tbl diatomaceous earth daily and love how it heals the scars. Been on it for a week. I am going to double the dose as I have much to heal. No flavor to it either and no side effects, unless shiny hair and clear skin, and no more arthritis in my knee is a side effect. :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 04/02/2012

Wouldn't the paper bag with clothes in the oven be a fire hazard? I don't think I would do this. Also, I couldn't see spraying my new couch with Windex. It would ruin it.

Bleach in Bath Water
Posted by Jenn (Valley, Nebraska, Usa) on 08/24/2011

I have been infected with mites for weeks now with no relief. I raise mice and rats outside my house and believe thats where they are coming from. I put cedar and cloves on the floor of the rodent structure hoping this will help. Does anyone know if this will work? I am definately going to try the bleach bath cuz I can't stand the constant itching and bleeding from these mites. I have scabs all over me and itch to death. What kind of remedy do you spray on carpet and furniture that is safe? I have cats and dogs as well as snakes. I don't want to harm them. Jenn

Bleach in Bath Water
Posted by Mevina (Ransom Canyon, Texas, Us) on 09/10/2011

'... What kind of remedy do you spray on carpet and furniture that is safe? I have cats and dogs as well as snakes. I don't want to harm them. Jenn'

Jenn, you might try cat flea spray with a 3-4 month insect-growth regulator. First try it diluted with water, even as little as 4:1; that is 4 parts water.

Not that I like any of this stuff. But a few drops in a couple tsps of water cured earmites in one of our indoor-outdoor hunting cats after olive oil failed to do the job. An hour or so later I rinsed his ears with OTC sterile ear cleaner.

The mites have not returned in over a year.

Cat insecticide products are said to be safe for dogs but not the other way around. I'd keep the snakes off the rugs for a few days.

Bleach in Bath Water
Posted by Meeya (Sunnyvale, Ca) on 11/30/2013

This question is in reply to "Mama In 'bama from Al, Usa" 's post" (we took 100% submersed baths using A SNORKEL. Yep, a diving snorkel we found at a national retail store for just a couple of dollars. Worked PERFECTLY! "

Mama, what did you put in your bath water? Or was it just a regular soap and water bath?

Bleach in Bath Water
Posted by Dana (Ontario, Ca) on 05/03/2018

I've been reading everyone's various post and all good ideas and do help for a bit, I've been infested for 3+ months with a new breed of bird mites and I'm at my wits end. So I've been studying these things and learned they get used to whatever you use very quickly, so you have to change it constantly.

I was completely covered head to toe at the start, now it's just my ankles and we all know vacuuming and washing are givens but what I found to help the most is borax and Windex as a spray, lint roll your sheets, buy some repellant it changes your smell and this I stumbled across but it helps oatmeal baths it suffocates them you will feel them popping out than tea tree lotion add some neem oil it helps against the breeding.

Hope this helps some of you to find a little relief.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nm (Dallas, Tx) on 01/19/2010

I've been having a lot of luck recently w/raw pineapple. I've been eating lots of's great to be able to eat sweets again...I guess the bromelain eats worms...when I rub it on my face it kills the little black demodex like things (lots of things do kill them, it's killing all of them that's difficult)... I've stuck with the diet, meat, eggs, veggies and not much else... Have been taking garlic, a black walnut/wormwood/clove combo and a good antioxidant complex. I expecially take the blk walnut/wrmwd/clove at bedtime and then I apply a skin tonic which I make out of 1 oz. tea tree oil w/2 capfulls of 91% alcohol and 1 capfull of hydrogen peroxide w/25 drops oregano oil, 15 drops grapefruit seed extract a little olive oil and a drop of dishwash soap to make it all blend together well and put it all over my body at bedtime (I mean all over...except head) and then I wrap Glad Wrap all over my body to keep it in place til morning ... and I've noticed a real loss of activity with every day... And I can tell you this thing got real scarey w/me... these horrid worms can literally punch or dig into your muscles and likely organs and tissue so are potentially dangerous I'm sure. No doctor has helped me one bit. I have a hard time believing they are nanos or genetically modified things...but I have to say they are weird and when I go after one in my upper body sometimes one in lower body reacts so maybe they are somehow connected. But the black walnut definately is a key component and TTO is effective...I think they have to be fought exteriorially as well as interiorially at the same time or they just move from one area to another with ease. You can also take Silica & Nat phos homeopathics, they help too and Bryonia is good if you have cysts.Sulphur homeo would help can open cysts so they can't hide from your attack on them. I take ionic colloidal silver too (very safe in this form) just to avoid infections or viral/bacterial troubles from all this nonsense. Cats Claw (TOA free) is very good too for most things. They do get in your eyes and Walmart sells homeopathic eye drops too or saline eye solutions help, I mix a small amount of colloidal silver with it. If this gets to you mentally, take homeopathic kali phos or ignatia or a general homeo nerve remedy. The TTO wrap lets you sleep through the night. I don't have any sores. Saltwater baths are good too...just plain salt or Epsom.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sandy (Monroe, Washinton, usa) on 11/29/2012

I am so glad to see your post. I totally agree about the worms, I can feel them under my scalp at night when I use either olive oil or mayo... I had one in my eye muscle but was lucky enough to get Ivermectin( if you want to call it lucky) Sometime during the night it came out and I found it on my nightclothes.. Ugh! Your so right about the doctors, my regular one almost ran out of the room... I have been too 2 dermatologist, my optometrist numerous times, 2 internists, and 2 other physicians. Not one had done a skin scrapeing or taken a eyelash or a strand of my hair, and I had asked for it.. I was lucky enough to find one arachnid mite on my face and the eye doc. Thought he might have seen a couple of egg sacks on my eye lashes. I am learning that this is internal and external. I might try grinding some cloves( a tsp) and eating that once a day. I saw it on you tube, how to fight intestinal parasites. Stay strong! I am so glad for this website!

Posted by Ruth (Hobart, Tasmania) on 01/17/2010

Yes, that makes sense to me I've found that as soon as a dab them with saliva from my finger they stop crawling, it's the invisible perpetually hatching eggs that I wish I could dissolve...I hadnt thought to collect saliva holus bolus! I will have a go at regularly cleaning around my ears more consciously with saliva and see. Anything that works! I tried a USA product for a long time that is an insect enzyme source, with relief but like I said gotto get those eggs.

Posted by Antonio (Santiago, Reg. Metropolitana, Chile) on 01/27/2010

Hello Ruth,

Regarding your comment on the USA product you tried. I understand we can not post the name here, but if we are talking on the same I would like to comment that as discussed with them, they have improvement their mixing, so you may want to try another new bottled from them. Talk to them before purchasing.

Posted by Antonio (Santiago, Chile) on 04/25/2011

Hello, Fast solution for clothing mite cleaning:

Just put them into the microwave oven, always with a cup of water (so you prevent a fire! ), this for 1min 30 or 45 seconds.

Posted by Alva Myrdall (Nashua Nh) on 06/01/2015

Antonio this is such a brilliant idea. It's almost 3 months that I am being consumed by them. I am to the point of losing my mind here. All I have done is comb my head every 3-4 hours everyday that I see the same structures all the time. My head hurts its like digging into my skull. Worst is the thought that I have these worms in my head makes anxiety goes to the roof.I have phobia of worms.Thanks for Xanax I can control it. Like everyone me too have done this almost second career of researching & experimenting to see what would work for me.No luck. I think my condition is in severe stage.I am a researcher by profession so I combed the internet & I am an avid reader here .I even tried peanut butter. Sort of cemented my head which is the point is to suffocate , immobilized & starve & dehydrate them & prevent them from mating. But they managed to move by coz I can feel them. This is all made sense that saliva is the answer to this. Saliva have about 300+ types of enzymes secreted by our own immune system. Maybe more. Saliva is the most potent immunoglobulin that our body produces to act as the first line of defense mechanism Mother Nature have protected us.

Now to add to your idea I wonder if glycerin would kill them too.The most challenging is how to prevent them from mating.The eggs are incredibly strong to dissolve. I was combing using a flea comb in front of the stove as I wanted to see if there is an odor that will elicited while they are burnt. I have a stove that is able to do this & it is on the highest setting but the eggs would not burn or pop.

To add to this idea I tend to believe that glycerin might be an adjunct to saliva to quell the enzymes that these mites feeds on.
I am not fully convinced that they are just parasitic in nature but of course nothing is exact science that is not subject to change.

General Feedback
Posted by Ruth (Hobart, Tasmania) on 01/14/2010

Hi I' ve only just found this site. I have an chronic unidentifiable mite infestation. My sister, my son and I still have them. (4 other people managed to get rid of them as I was able to get them to act fast-but with greaaat difficulty. And they dont live/ bed with a small child!)I' ve lived with the mitets 4 years now! No medical people can find anything or believe me. They live in my ears as well as head/face mostly-travel over my body,bite like a sand fly armpits groin too,arms, legs! I feel them hatching and the larvae stage is different in crawling sensation to the adult. They mostly lay eggs behind ears but elsewhere on top. I know this as I spent months shaving our heads and the popping sounds behind my ears and crawling around from there(!)-they like to run for cover when so exposed-or after treatment they move around to get away-hence migration into ears.A night I distinctly feel them crawl over my face into eyelashes and eyes brows cheeks. from within ears and nearby external ears. Yes I have gone completely insane, washing and poisoning us and avoiding others. Ive tried a huge range of natural products of course. Mega bucks. I will look into the baking soda and borax mix thank you. You dont say how to have it, please? And I' ll try the ACV. Ive begun using 5% Coal tar shampoo,some relief but just read it's banned in higher doses as coal tar is a well known carcenogenic. Sigh!

General Feedback
Posted by Kim (St. Paul, Mn) on 08/08/2010

Check out Morgellons online and make sure it's mites and not Morgellons...

General Feedback
Posted by Aj (Tulsa, Oklahoma) on 06/01/2012

Finally got a term that confirms the "bugs" or the "hosts" are not delusional! DEMODICIDOSIS!

Dermatology Online Journal says this treatment will get rid of them in 3 weeks! I've tried the topical metronidzole, but not at the same time as the oral metronidzole and oral prednisolone.

"The diagnosis of demodicidosis was made by finding extrafollicular mites in the perifollicular inflammatory infiltrate. The papules resolved after 3 weeks of systemic and topical metronidazole, and low-dose oral prednisolone therapy. In summary, demodex granuloma may be mistaken for granulomatous rosacea-like papules. Correct diagnosis can be facilitated by finding extrafollicular demodex mites in skin biopsy specimens."

General Feedback
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 10/17/2012

I found this post on another site (hope that's OK):

Sounds like we have all been there. Have use the various sulfur preps, home preps, hair preps and so on. And, got paranoid to stop using as well. At some point, though - it is time to 'pamper' your skin and let it strengthen and do what it was designed to do -- protect you and your innards. Use emu oil to 'heal' and then vitamins daily with C, A and B included (don't OD on the fat soluable ones, though - like E and A).
Working out and working up a very good salty sweat is quite good for cleansing the skin and killing mites - even those that normally live in your hair folicles, such as the demodex - which are dead skin scavengers and don't bother you.
If you are particularly prone to being a mite haven -- you can resort to your sulfur home remedies once a week or get down to every other week for one washing interval - 24 hour to 48 hours at most.
BUT, eventually, -- think about using essential oils or Citrus oils for skin soothing and repealling properties (they're not great in a curative mode -- we just can't take the weeks on end treatment regimens in America required for essential oil and enzyme treatments-- just isn't practical. I laughed when I read - apply 3 to 6 times daily for 3 weeks).
Shore up your skin defenses (and its immunity)with vitamins A, C, E (among all the rest you should have daily) AND add mega amounts of zinc 200 to 300 mg for a week and then at least 100 mg daily (never mind the RDA - blah). Used in my HIV patients in even higher doses to help them reconstitute their immune systems.
But, get healed and use Citrus oils - as they are a fabulous repelling agent and nice for the skin. Don't forget those sea salt hot bathes too -- dump lots of sea salt in the water and just soak.

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Ruth (Hobart, Tasmania) on 01/14/2010

Oh this is the remedy including borax, didnt see it earlier, thank you!

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Ruth (Hobart, Tasmania) on 01/19/2010

Thanks Tricia, I'm concerned at ingesting Borax after pharmacist warning that it accumulates as poison in body?

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 01/19/2010 84 posts

I honestly can't say whether the borax was dangerous or not. I'd love to have the chemical background that some of the other posters have to be able to know for certain but I can tell you that it didn't adversely affect me. I still continue to use it 2 days a week in a litre of water. Somewhere on this site a poster mentions the LD50(the amount it will take to kill you) of borax but I can't remember where it is.

My worry at the start was "did the borax or peroxide have stabilisers added that would be harmful". So I rang the company and said I was doing an educational project to find out what was added. The answer was nothing so I guessed that with the amount of posters that had successfully ingested and knowing what to watch out for thanks to the warnings pages I would jump in with both feet.

I imagine that most people start a borax regime with trepidation.

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Eden (Mesa, Az) on 05/04/2010

What about the hair?

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Dud (The Woods Of, Wv, Usa) on 12/19/2011

David from Dublin,

[this is a re-post, the 1st post got into the wrong thread]

You're doin good.

I downloaded the peroxide book, thanks for the tip.

Here is another easy protocol to add to your regimen, that may help your skin itches immensely:

Use the borax powder in a hot tub of water to soak in for 30 to 60 minutes. Soak in it every day, or every othe day. Use the time to relax. Most people get the bathtub water comfortably hot. The hot water alone helps the fibromyalgia symptoms [soreness]. The borax in the water will kill the mites externally, and under the skin. It is a fungicide & a bacteria-cide. Some people report seeing black specs, etc. , floating in the bath tub, coming out of their skin. Also add epsom salts [magnesium sulphate] to the soak water, to get it's benefits also. It has a drawing power to it. It is used by sports teams for sore mucles and bruises. Bangkok Ted recommends using the borax externally for mites in this manner. You should feel much better for a couple of hours after soaking in this. You mite kill off the biotics crawling on your skin.

possible amounts: borax: 4 tablesoons epsom salts: 1 quart

cost: about 50 cents U. S. For the borax, about $2 U. S. Dollars for the epsom salts. [in the USA]

Also; You may want to change the way you are using the vinegar internally. Do some Research on on how to use it. Maybe switch to taking it 1 hour away from meals, instead of with meals. In general; taking it with meals is usually not recommended, because of it interfering with your food digestion. Mix it with about 6 ounces of water, adding 1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to it, to reduce the acidity of the vinegar, and to improve it's ability to alkalize the blood. Take this mixture about 1 hour away from meals.

However, if taking it with meals seems to help you, then go ahead and continue taking it that way.

Read more about the why & how of it by searching the earhclinic website for older messages. Bangkok Ted has explained this alkalizing method in great detail in past messages.

good luck."

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Dud (The Woods Of, Wv, Usa) on 12/25/2011

In reply to - David from Dublin, Co. Dublin, :


I have come across a free 28 page report on the internet, which mite [no pun intended] explain several of your symptoms, and how to fix them. This includes

1. sleeping problems

2. mind racing, & brain fog

3. nervous system problems, anxiety, being hyper-active, etc.

4. immune system destruction and all the symptoms that follow that

5. headaches , etc etc

The causation maybe radio-frequency emmissions from inside and outside your home. Microwaves from cell phone towers, etc etc etc. Read the full report at:

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Linda (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 12/28/2011

To Dave from Dublin,

Sorry to hear of your trouble, I have an idea which may help with the skin drying and mite problem.

If you were to use Castor Oil as a moisturizer, I am thinking that the natural Ricin in it may help to kill off those mites, as well as to moisturize your skin and prevent them from having a field day crawling around on you.

I don't know how your grocery markets are in Ireland, but here there are varying thicknesses of Castor oil available in grocery and health food stores, some are very thin in consistency which would be easy to spread onto your skin, and some are very thick and sticky like runny tar. For this, if it were me, I'd try the thin stuff first. The people who sell Edgar Cayce products also have it for sale on the web. They call it Palma Cristi.

I am wondering if it might not be a good idea to mix in a small amount of Borax into the Castor oil, if you can get any there. Only a small amount I am thinking, not enough to be unsightly on your skin.

If it were me, I'd also study other *nontoxic and natural* miticides, like the folks would use who have birds or other mite-challenged pets, to see which of them, if any, are safe for human topical use.

And set out Borax all over the floors, under mattresses, etc to kill off any adventurers.

My belief is that for every problem lifeform on earth, there is a naturally-occurring herb or substance which is safe, and which they will want to get away from. IMO you now get to create an environment on yourself where they would rather be somewhere else.

Might even be good to trap some of the mites off your skin, if that is possible, to test which human-safe substance might be of use in wiping them out.

I hope this helps.


Diagnosing Mites
Posted by David (Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland) on 12/29/2011

@Linda from San Francisco: many thanks for the castor oil idea. I haven't heard of that dreaded stuff since I was a child a hundred years ago! But I've just done some preliminary research and it seems that castor oil is unusual in that it's able to readily penetrate the outer layer of skin due to its low molecular mass (whatever that means).

I'm not sure that adding borax would work since I don't know if there would be any molecular binding with the oil in order to carry it into the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide does this readily since the extra oxygen atom in it reacts with almost anything and brings it into your skin. The whitening of your skin when splashed with 3% hydrogen peroxide is due to those extra oxygen atoms that have just been delivered under the skin. It disappears in about 20 minutes or less as the oxygen is absorbed by the cells.

An unusual idea to use a powerful laxative on your skin, but I'll try anything within reason to be rid of these mites as quickly as possible. You can't buy stuff like this in Irish supermarkets but I'll ask my pharmacist about its availability and report back.

I've also found what seems to be a brand new way to kill these mites instantly apparently discovered by a member at the Lymebusters forum. It involves making a topical solution using dried mustard powder. I have more research to do before I try putting a known irritant like this into the skin all over my body.

Thank you again for the tip.

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by David (Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland) on 12/30/2011

OK, the proportions of borax to water for the topical mange remedy I wrote above is wrong. I originally took it from a dog owner's blog who found most of it here but couldn't find the correct proportions as recommended by Ted, so she made up her own.

After searching this site for almost a week, I finally found Ted's recipe buried somewhere obscure here.

According to this, you use between 2-4 tablespoons of borax powder in one litre of 1% hydrogen peroxide solution made using distilled water (1 litre is almost 34 US fluid ounces or slightly more than 35 UK fluid ounces). According to Ted, "the borax need not be precise, it is always a saturated amount of borax until it no longer dissolves itself."

Using 8oz of borax, as I originally wrote, won't do any harm - it's just wasteful and the large amount of undissolved powder clogs up the spray bottle.

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 02/16/2013

@David from Dublin You might want to read the book Use Your Brain to Change Your Age (Amazon). I just got the book, but haven't read it yet. There was a couple hour long special on our public TV station and the author did a presentation showing how some people's brains have actual pockets or holes in them. He tells how to improve your brain and make it healthy again. I too am up all night long and can't sleep at times. My mind races terribly. I sleep with the TV on. I have been setting the timer for 90 minutes so it shuts off and I can get some quiet time. It's a bad habit, I know. Hope the books helps. You may want to try a small glass of tart cherry juice at dinner time. Then power down your electronics at 8 p.m. or so.

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Mimi (Maine, US) on 03/22/2015

To Dave in Dublin, I think I might have found a trick that"ll help you. I'm gonna have to mention a brand name because I don't know if it's available in Ireland. I believe I was experiencing what you call the tickles (under the skin). I put these pain patches which are trans dermal on the two spots where I had the "tickles" for three or four days constantly & they"re gone! These things (salonpas) are $4 for a box of 40 (10 cents each! ) @ walmart. They recently started making them in larger sizes as well. I hope this helps you! Happy belated St. Patricks Day!

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Xoxom (Vta ) on 07/12/2017

Tried the Ted recipe and I started bruising easily...

I guess its not for everybody. Now looking for something else that may work along with good clean diet and supplements

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Izzy3 (Sebastian, Florida) on 10/15/2009

I am a sufferer for 1 year now of some invisible biting mite, or so I thought, now I feel it might be the Sticktight Flea which also can't be seen without magnification, I noticed the things coming off my body are things exactly like the 3 stages of this biting Burrowing blood sucking creature, it also loves to live in peoples ears ! Which has been my distress for 9 months now in the left ear, however by chance I stumbled upon a site staing that fleas do not like Brewers Yeast, it's used for fleas and other bugs on dogs cats and livstock, so I'm giving it a try, you can find the tablets in grocery stores usually in vitamin section, don't take more than reccomended doseage, especially if on other meds. If you walk in a room and suddenly feel them on your calves or upper body, think about it, fleas are able to jump, mites can't ! we might have some of them too but I am getting reaction from the yeast with the ones in my ears, they are not happy . I'm also on ph drops to build my alkaline and immune booster caps.Good Luck to all fellow sufferers.

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Nancymastella (Nj) on 08/12/2016

You need to call your doctor tell him you need selenium sulfide shampoo 2.25 percent prescription use it for 7 days all over your body hair two let it sit for 10 minutes and rinse it off. After the 7th Day, shampoo twice a week until they're gone. Do not drink any alcohol has something to do with dehydration of your body you can have a beer if if you drink it but no alcohol liquor. Meanwhile clean your house steam your floors spray with Permethirn.

General Feedback
Posted by Izzy (Vero Beach, Florida U.s.a) on 10/11/2009

Maybe a flea ?

I have discovered after a year of battleing these invisible biting creatures, that there also is a flea called the Sticktight Flea, which is just as small as the bird-rat mites, and it loves humans, likes to live in crotch area, scalp, face and ears, and i do mean it lives in the ears, and burrows into the flesh there, when you use remedies in your ears it goes under the flesh, very hard to kill, I got suspicious when I saw one I got from between my cats toes, and they cause dogs- cats to do the head shaking also, I have been pulling stuff off my body for a year now, and they have been things that are the same as all 3 stages of this creature, they come off wildlife, including wild birds !! I am going to start battleing with products for fleas and see what happens, along with my zapper which helps.

EC: Another name for a sticktight flea is Echidnophaga gallinacea: gallinacea.htm

General Feedback
Posted by Izzy (Vero Beach, Florida) on 11/01/2009

Invisible biting mites?

I have posted here before,but just want to add a couple tips to help in this ongoing battle against these Mites? Using sprinkled talc with Menthol in it on your sheets keeps them off you so you can sleep,not allowed to say the name of product but it's in a green shaker bottle with holes in the cap, has Zinc Oxide and Menthol as ingredients,also get Pets on a topical, that covers mites & fleas, this stopped the misery my pets were going through.Dealing with the ones in my ears is a different story though, have thrown everything safe at them but can't kill them there, keep using borax in wash ,and I add 1 teaspoon of Euclyptus Oil to each load, if you have pets it's a good idea to wash the oil out of the clothes after soaking them in the borax & Euc. Be careful with essential oils of any kind around pets, I research any new remedies I try first due to my pets. An Immune booster supplement is a must ! And if your a long time remedy user it's a real good idea to buy a Liver Detoxifier from your health food store, trust me you will feel a lot better once your liver starts to rejuvinate itself.If you want to make your blood more Alkaline you can buy PH drops to make it more alkaline than acidic, this helps in the battle also, I am a senior citizen and am in pretty good shape due to following my tips, however until the CDC stops dragging their feet we'll never get to the bottom of this, my bugs are able to burrow under the flesh, hence I can't kill them in my ears but any feedback will be appreciated!

General Feedback
Posted by Gaynor (Manaton, Uk) on 01/27/2010


For 9 days I have been using my saliva to clear the last of the dermodex mites causing my rosacea- and it has worked! All clear no more spots or redness, calm pale smooth skin- I can hardly believe it. I stopped doing the borax and H202 remedy as I realised that the saliva was making such a difference. Quite remarkable for something so simple a remedy as applying your own saliva to your skin.

Thank you Antonio and Earth Clinic!

General Feedback
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 10/17/2012

@ K - Lysol may contain phenols, which can be dangerous to the thyroid. I read that lemon juice is very effective to kill the mites.

General Feedback
Posted by Sandy (Monroe, Washinton) on 01/22/2013

Yea to Lou from Tyler, Texas!! You are right about the saliva on your face! Ty so much! When I get all ready for bed, olive oil or mayonaisse my hair, shower cap. Then use my dry eye ointment and head for my bed. The last step I do is( After brushing my Teeth and rinsing my mouth well) is to apply my saliva to my face and over my eyes. It works very well, I have felt them run off my face! :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Achilles (Everett, Wa) on 10/02/2009

Ok folks,

My dogs got the Cheyletiella mite and subsequently gave it to me. I will go over what has worked so far, and some extrapalations of some remedies here and how they are working.

1. Window Cleaner with Ammonia ( almost any blue window cleaner), this stuff really works, I've used Raid, tick sprays, foggers, everything...this stuff is the best and it's not even close. Buy yourself a $20 sprayer from Lowe's and get a couple large $7 jugs of Windex, spray down your carpet and the walls, the couches under cushions, everything, and especially your bed and pillows. Keep a couple bottles of spray to use afterwards on couches and such on a daily basis. Spray carpet occassionaly with a borax/ epsomj salts solution as well, just like the dip recipe, minus hydrogen peroxide.

2. Wash dogs bedding daily, use dawn dish soap for detergent, 1 cup of borax per load, and bleach heavily. With all loads use hot water, and let sit for 30 minutes after it fills and mixes well, this is crucial, hot water and chemicals alone will not get everything in the fabric, the little guys have to stew for a while to get everything.

3. Your own clothes, huge pain in the butt. This, other than the carpets will be your main reinfestation possibility. Once again, hot water, 1 cup borax per load, dawn dishsoap, bleach if applicable. Important!- buy a bunch of hangers and hang everything, even socks or sheets. If you put in drawers when the infestation is still current, you wont get rid of them, hang everything, and leaving your clothes in piles is the worst, both clean or dirty, wash dirty clothes quickly and hang the clean ones.

4. Your poor pup- experimenting on a dip right now, will see how it goes. 1 part hydrogen peroxide, 2 parts epsom salts water(1=1 solution (ie. 1 cup epsom salts, 1 cup water, ect.), 1 cup borax per 64 oz. Going to add Tea tree oil to next batch as well, will see how it goes. Or optionally, can use a tea tree condtioner before the dip, Paul Mitchell has one with strong tea tree content and peppermint content, both of which critters really dislike. Spray with your espsom salt solution on body every day or 2 as well. Bag balm on belly is nice if their skin is getting irritated.

Yourself- Ok buy Cetafil, this is what you will bathe with, rub yourself down, let stand 10min, rinse off, use tea tree conditioner on skin if you want, rinse again. Have a small spray bottle with 1-1 epsom salts/water solution, and spray body with it liberally. If you are going in public, avoid face and neck or anyplace showing, as the salt will leave a white dust all over your skin when it dries. Make sure to shower every night before bed, and spray heavily everywhere...I mean everywhere. If you have a tub, use epsom salt(a bunch in n tub with borax), I don't have one, wish I did. If your scalp needs extra attention, use petroleum jelly on your scalp or mineral oil. I have gone so far to cover my entire body in it, I don't recommend it for long periods though. A good one is a hair conditioner you can find in Walmart, called Blue Magic, its petroleum jelly and coconut oil, both of which suffocates the bugs

5. Your car- Same as #1, clean and spray heavily with windex, keep spray bottle in there to douse every couple days.

6. One thing will not beat this- Your job is to make yourself and your pups as univiting as humanly possible to these things, use everything you can in conjuction, I know the things listed above work, but it's going to be a process, and not a quick fix.

7. Buy a push sweeper, dont use vaccum unless its a bag HEPA vaccuum, even the try to use push sweeper. The air and critters hiding in your vaccuum go everywhere when its turned on, making your cleaning a misery to yourself by respreading them everywhere.

This has made wonderful progress from when I first realised what was going on, and I'll post later to show any progress or failures, good luck folks.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Merryanne (Orange City, Florida, USA) on 10/03/2009 115 posts

Did you try washing evering, and everbody with Borax?? did you try DE (diamatreous earth) that left on ever body and everthing might kill the little buggers,,maybe. Merryanne

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Overwhelmed (Chicago, Il) on 07/20/2010

Did it work? I'm completely overwhelmed here. . . Dealing with the same thing.

Steam and Vacuum
Posted by Misty (West New York, NJ) on 08/02/2009

For the past several months I've had unexplained itching sensations on my arms, legs and trunk and it was absolutely driving me crazy. When I looked with the naked eye, I couldn't see anything, but felt ceratin it was some type of mite. I started to apply blue painter's tape to any area that itched and then examined the tape with a magnifying glass and saw minute red specks. The only thing I could find on the internet was that it could possibly be bird mites. We do have a lot of pigeons and sparrows around my building and I have noticed tiny white moving lice-like bugs on the cement sill outside my window. These are the steps I have since taken: 1.vacuuming the whole house a minimum of three times a week, in addition to vacuuming my own body when I just feel itchy all over. 2. Spraying the carpets and upholstery with alcohol and Eucy oil. Bought a hot floor steamer to apply super hot steam to all carpets. 4. bought a hand held steamer for mattress and bedding. 5. Sprayed entire house with a popular residual insecticide that is nontoxic to humans and is orderless . 6.Increased my hot water temp. to 140 degrees for laundry. I'm going to try the vinegar solution tomorrow! Hope some of my ideas help.

EC: Eucy oil is (Australian) slang for eucalpytus oil.

Steam and Vacuum
Posted by Theestarseed (Bradenton, Fl) on 03/07/2015

hi, I was wondering the nontoxic residual pesticide that you used for your house? Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 01/24/2013

I read a post on another site that someone got a burning rash from emu oil. Please use care next to your brain.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Andrea (Lufkin, Tx) on 06/26/2016

Look up "Flushing", I have this problem too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sunnie (Santa Clara, Ca) on 08/01/2016

The apple cider vinegar, gives me a "flush" as well! It is because AVC is highly acidic. I too have Candida Albicans, and it takes awhile of constant use for a "reaction" to happen. At least one that you would notice. I personally, have just ordered DE. Diatomaceous earth. I will use this both externally for bird mites, and internally, for the candida! DE breaks down the "exoskeleton" of these parasites, and then immediately dehydrated them!!! Here's to hoping! -Sunnie

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dmoore (Ten) on 08/31/2016

Do you think defusing the oils you mentioned will help? I think my dogs contracted mites and were kind enough to share with me. I bought the neem, cedar oil, and peppermint and want to use them in the best way possible. I have GOT to get rid of this stuff before mid september because I have a vacation scheduled!!!!

Walking Dandruff Remedies
Posted by Lin (Chicago, IL) on 02/24/2009

Walking Dandruff: I am going crazy with this. I have been ( myself to a derm) I am so allergic! Covered in bites. My cats have never left my home...or been in contact woth anyone new. Totally indoor. Can a human who has them on them spread them to my cats???? How can this happen. Since I raise them........I need help.We have applied Revolution......... just had one girl dipped at the Vet... I spent over $1000! The furniture spray the Vet wants me to use is a bit scary! Please explain the products you are talking about.What can I do???? Desperate. Thank you

EC: "Cheyletiellosis, commonly known as "walking dandruff," is a very contagious, leach like ailment incited by assorted species of Cheyletiella, a breed of big mites. The different species of Cheyletiella are able to infect the skin surface of dogs, cats, rabbits, and humans."


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 03/12/2022 44 posts

Thank you for the Chang Sheng soap recommendation. I've ordered the tea tree oil eyelid wipes and am waiting for them.

Have had itchy eyelids/lash line on and off for too long. Dr sent me to an ophthalmologist who told me to get the wipes and use them twice daily. AND why would they stay contained on your eyelids. They must travel to your brows, hair and wherever else. Going to also add Teds 50/50 Borax Peroxide solution, including baths/shampoo etc. I already drink Apple Cider Vinegar daily. BUT... if they're in the bedding, all that is for not unless bedding/clothing is aggressively treated. Changing bedding daily, or at least every 2 days, would be essential. Or at the very least, putting the sheets and pillowcases into a hot dryer daily for 20-30 minutes to fry those creatures. Otherwise it's a viscous cycle of reinfection each time you get into bed. Not wearing the same clothes two days running is key. Using a disposable garbage bag as a laundry bag so as not to get that infected too. Gosh it makes your skin crawl just thinking about it.

Essential Oils
Posted by Manamana (Dallas, Tx) on 07/25/2011

We've been bathing 3x daily and used tree oil, vinegar, eucaleptis(ms I'm sure.. ) to no avail. I'm ready to try the Borax!

Essential Oils
Posted by Jobugged (Los Angeles, Ca USA) on 03/04/2013

best stuff I know is Nature's ERADICATOR, Multi-Purpose cleaner. I tried kleen free and kleen green and this is more potent and costs less.. Same enzyme cleaner that melts the mites, scabies, bedbugs etc.. You must ask for directions on application though! they act at a warmer temperature.

my only issue is getting them out of clothes etc.. I have been able to get them out of me, and then all my bedding is fine, but clothes?? I seem to be ready to start over on my wardrobe!!

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Tina (Toledo, Ohio, Usa) on 09/02/2010

Can you tell me where to get Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth? thanks

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Ann (Lubbock, TX) on 10/19/2022

I got diatomaceous earth on Amazon.

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Michelle (East Sussex) on 05/10/2016

How long have you been doing this? I am using DE at the moment - I used it about 2 weeks ago and then stopped because the symptoms stopped. Now they are crawling and biting again with a vengence! From your comment it appears that you haven't got rid of them yet?

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Totally Frustrated (Canada) on 12/08/2016

Well the only thing I can tell you is that the food grade DE is available online.I bought it from Amazon a few years ago, but now I buy it right from the company.I live in ca, but I am sure you can but it straight from the company depending where you live.

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Anya (San Francisco) on 10/06/2017


When you applied this diatomaceous earth to your body did you get an increase in bumps? I work in sales and constantly interact with public so worsening of painful bumps is an issue.

Posted by Ruth (Easley, SC) on 10/09/2008


Boiling menthol rub for colds seems to make these critters settle, or else it soothes the skin. Sulfur type products seem to cool and soothe the skin also.

EC: Menthol Rub = Vicks Vapor Rub or generic version... You can find sulfur type products in the eczema/psoriasis section of a pharmacy.
