Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Magnesium Chloride
Posted by Self (Ny) on 11/08/2010

I bought some nigari at the health food store. Nigari is used as a tofu coagulant and is mainly magnesium chloride. I diluted it with an equal portion of boiling water and store it in a glass spray bottle. When my friend had a hemorrhoid, when there was a time he'd be resting, we sprayed and saturated a small square of paper towel and he applied it to his droid and repeated the next day. One droid was old and raw and it stung a lot Another was new and small. After two days they seemed gone, no longer bothered him.

Now he'll have to change his lifestyle, particular diet and exercise to stop the cause of the droids in the first place. Besides a processed food diet, he sits for long times in his work van and then a long time surfing the net and doing computer art in the evening. So he's going to adopt a more vegetable diet and take breaks to move and circulate his blood better. After all, the body was made to move so move it!

Posted by Joanne (Battle Ground, Wa) on 10/16/2010

I started taking turmeric for it's medicinal effects, and with great surprise and three weeks later, I no longer have hemorrhoids. I take 1160 mg a day in capsule form. I have tried everything, including ACV and other remedies. This works!

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Hmmm444 (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 09/05/2010

I know everyone out there isn't going to like this, but hemorrhoids are symptoms of CANDIDA overgrowth. That's the reason that cleansing the area with apple cider vinegar is often effective - it balances the pH because although it's an acid, it has an alkalizing effect. Drinking apple cider vinegar also helps to alkalize your blood, but you need to eat other alkalizing foods too (and minimize acid forming foods) to experience true alkalization. So, another effective remedy that will not burn the way apple cider vinegar does, is one that also works for women's yeast infections. It was given to me by a conventional doctor and I modified it. The doctor told me that filling a capsule (which you can purchase at a pharmacy or at a health food store) with BORIC ACID and then inserting the capsule into the vagina will balance the pH and stop yeast infections. He said to do it every day that a yeast infection is present, and then once a week afterwards. Tou can buy boric acid at a pharmacy without a prescription. It's a powder. Since I have done this many years ago, I haven't experienced a single yeast infection (touch wood) and I've stopped using the capsules. Later on, I discovered that mixing the boric acid in coconut oil can be used for treating yeast AND hemorrhoids (mix it into a paste and store it in a small glass jar - I use extra virgin, organic coconut oil). The hemorrhoids you are experiencing are really just a kind of yeast infection in your anus. So, if you have hemorrhoids, you need to first look at your diet. Eliminate the easier forms of sugar - stop eating white flour and processed foods - spelt is a DELICIOUS substitute for white flour, and increase your intake of vegetables, particularly fresh. They will add bulk to push food quickly through your system. Drink lots of water, cut out pop and sugary drinks, and add a bit of fresh lemon to your water. Lemon juice will help to alkalize your system too. For fiber, grind a couple of tablespoons of flax seeds in a coffee grinder (I have one dedicated just for flax seeds) and mix with water. You can add a tiny amount of psyllium for bulk, but make sure it's organic, because psyllium is very highly sprayed with pesticides. Take a good probiotic, such as Garden of Life, FAITHFULLY, to repopulate the good flora in your system. Consider doing a gentle cleanse - one where you work up to only green vegetable juices and water for a few days (along with ground flax seeds for fiber). Also, take a good magnesium supplement to soften and regulate your stools. You will know when you are taking enough magnesium when you go number two several times a day but it's not liquid. Prune juice is an excellent addition too. A great magnesium supplement is Calm by Peter Gillingham. Please let me know how this works for you!

Personal Care Products
Posted by Shary (Centennial, Co) on 07/04/2010

I have long known that my cleaning habits were irritating my hemorrhoids and making them bleed.

After some trial and error, this is what finally worked for me. After each bowel movement I clean myself with a medicated wipe (available at the drugstores) that I've further dampened with water. After gently removing as much residue as I can, I fold a single dry tissue into a manageable little pad and squirt some mild unscented hand lotion on it to finish wiping myself. This not only dries the area, it also lubricates it without tugging on tender irritated skin, therefore promoting healing. Presto! No more bleeding hemorrhoids.

As a side note, medicated wipes are supposed to be flushable, but it might be a good idea to give the toilet an extra flush or two, particularly if you have one of the newer low volume tanks.

Horse Chestnut
Posted by Kea (Austin,Tx, Us) on 06/30/2010

Horse chestnut tablets, 3 times a day for 3 days and no more hemorrhoids!!! Guaranteed. It worked for both my sisters and my mother. They tried all the OTC products and nothing worked. I knew that Horsechestnut tablets worked for vein health and also know that hemorrohoids are a cluster of veins so I did a few experiments with family and 100 percent success rate everytime. You can buy horse chestnut tablets at a health food store (not to be confused with horsetail tablets) Try it, it works!

Essential Oils
Posted by Isabelle (Garden Grove, Ca Usa) on 06/29/2010

I like to share this info: in Europe we use rutin in powder around four grammes, and here the dosage is only half a gramme it is not enough to make a difference in crisis. As per Adelle Davis (may her soul be blessed for she saved my life) vitamin c and vitamin e (natural mixed tocopherol) every hour at the beginning of the crisis shall reduce the pain in a few hours. The same for thrombosis. Unfortunately I don't remember the exact dosage of vitamin e but if one is not taking any, it has to be a small dosage to start with. As for vitamin c, increase the dosage up to 1/2 gr every hour but decrease the dosage if the stools becomes too loose. (best to use vitamin c as crystal ascorbic acid with bicarbonate to make ascorbate c as per Ted remedy). peace!

Essential Oils
Posted by Big Tuna (Park Ridge, Illinois, Usa) on 06/29/2010

I really enjoy EC & have used many of the remedies it contains. A few weeks ago I had a rare bout of constipation. When I finally did have a movement, it felt like I was passing broken glass. It took considerable effort (and tears) , but I was finally successful.

The problem is that now I have a bleeding hemorrhoid since that day. I am starting my 4th week of trying almost all of the remedies on this site for this ailment with no success or relief. It has gotten so bad the past 3 days that I can't sleep. Even OTC pain relievers have no effect on the pain. I have taken B6 & Rutin for 2 weeks; no effect. Last night, 6/28/10 I became desperate & took my bottle of tea tree oil & applied several drops to my finger tip & gently messaged it into the hemorrhoid & surrounding area. At first I felt nothing. In about 3 minutes I felt a warming sensation & possibly a little less pain.

I began watching TV & about ten minutes later I realized that I was actually sitting on the couch & I didn't have any pain. I was able to sleep from midnight to 10am this morning. When I arose from bed, no pain. About an hour later I had another BM. I wish I could say it was pain free, but it was NOT! This time I only had a slight trace of Blood. After I cleaned up I reapplied the tea tree oil & had to wait about 10 minutes & the pain subsided. In fact I went out & cut the grass! As I am writing this I am sitting on a regular chair without the dough nut!

I don't know if the tea tree oil will cure my hemorrhoid or not, but it made it much more bearable & I was able to sleep. Tea tree oil is a fantastic product that I have used for years on cuts & scrapes, hot spots on my dogs etc. It is fungicidal, antiseptic & a germicide. It can be purchased from almost any drug store, vitamin/health food store & many on-line vitamin sites. I got mine from swansonvitamins.com.

I know your pain my brothers & sisters.

Big Tuna

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/23/2010

Great results! I have advised rebounding here in my case for the eyes but it is true that it is a great exercise for all kinds of problems, even to keep young! I am guilty of not doing it enough even now my husband gave me a very good one on my birthday last year (I used to have a cheap one but this one is a completely different experience!). Anyway, even with a cheap one you can achieve great results. Tell me something, do you do any special kind of exercises or do you just jump? I do some exercises with music, I have two great DVD's and it is a lot of fun.

Posted by Sharrieff (Atlanta, Ga) on 05/23/2010

As of this posting I am 64 and have been a employing natural healing remedies for 40 years. I had my first juicer and water distiller back in 1971. For over 25 years I have been a vegetarian and workout regularly (3-6 days a week). However, over the last 10 months I have been experiencing hemorrhoid challenges. For about 4 months the pain threshold at times was at a 10 on a 1-10 scale. I tried nearly every "natural" remedy recommended on this and other sites. Nothing provided the relief that "rebounding" (small trampoline excerciser) has provided. After two days of rebounding for 30 minutes each day I noticed a significant reduction in the swelling. After a week I was practically back to normal; free of pain and with much more energy. Check the internet for the many benefits that rebounding offers. It is said to basically "knit" your body back to normal at the cellular level!


Aloe Vera
Posted by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio, Usa) on 02/27/2010

My ex-husband used aloe vera gel to cure his hemorrhoid. He was really sick and didn't have health insurance. I looked up a cure on the net and had aloe and gave him the gel which he inserted. He said the next day the pain was gone and he had been in pain for almost a week! Within a few days the hemorrhoid was gone!

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Otabek (Namangan, Uzbekistan) on 02/23/2010


First time my hemorrhoids started 2 months ago, because of constipation. Constipation resulted in fissure and blood. Then perhaps because of baktery invasion, constantly I had lots of mucus, it itched badly. I washed with soap very often, but it became worse by time(a month). I found your site and applied apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball at first. It became better, mucus and itching reduced by half, 1 week passed, but it stopped at that point and never improved. I thought my hem was an internal one and cotton ball was shallow. So I found a nose spray which is smooth, emptied it and filled with ACV, applied a zinc oxide cream to the tip, injected it to my hole and sprayed it 3 times. I repeated it 3 times a day first days. Result was very effective, after 2 days there was no mucus and itching any more. Now after 2 weeks I am almost completely cured, external part has almost disappeared, now still I am applying it once a day, especially after stooling.

IMPORTANT: apply some zinc oxide cream (baby cream) to the tip of your nose spray before inserting, otherwise you may hurt your hemorrhoids further.

Also, it is important to stool at least once in 24 hours even if you don't feel the urge, when you go to toilet and sit as muslim way (foots on toilet, and knees almost touching your chest) and wait a little, stool comes by itself easily.

Rutin, B6
Posted by Shari (Denver, Co) on 12/25/2009

I've read everything on this website from the bizarre and ridiculous to methods/products that might actually cure hemorrhoids. I personally have found that 500mg Rutin (which strengthens capillaries) and Vitamin B-Complex do help. Be patient; they can take a while to work

Also, avoid toilet paper. Use WET tissue to clean the area after a BM, the wetter the better. The idea is to rinse off residue without aggravating your sensitive bottom. Blot dry with dry tissue and finish with aloe vera or Witch Hazel. Mild soap is fine but antibacterial products are too harsh. I find that most commercial hemorrhoid preparations cause burning and discomfort. ACV might help but DILUTE it first with at least 50 percent water. Don't put harsh products on your hiney.

Avoid foods and/or drugs that you know make you bleed. OTC and prescription pain relievers are particularly bad. Finally, if you do bleed bright red blood once in a while and you're certain the cause is hemorrhoids, don't panic unless the bleeding becomes copious or you notice blood in your clothing long after a bowel movement. In that case, see your doctor.

Corn Starch
Posted by Robert (Wilmington, Delaware) on 12/03/2009

Home remedy hemorroid cream - corn starch; cuts out the burning and itchiness, use about 1 teaspoon

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Daniel (USA) on 11/23/2009

About twenty years ago, I got rid of my hemmoroids by applying hydrogen peroxide directly on them with a cloth. I only did it a few times before they were gone. There was a fabulous warm sensation when it touched the open sore. It felt wonderful.


Rutin, B6
Posted by Kelly (Dallas, Tx) on 10/08/2009

Hemorrhoids were something that I never thought would happen to someone in their 20's. I have had 5 children all in a short span of time. With my first, I did not have hemorroids. The 2nd child, I started to feel hemorroids coming on. By my 5th child, I was having hemorrhoid surgery when I was 6 months pregnant and then again right after the baby was born. The doctor told me they were larger than anything he had ever seen before, and this is his profession! After the last surgery, he told I didnt have any veins left there so I would not have a problem. Within a few weeks, I knew I had hemorroids again, even if he told me that was impossible. Over the years, I went to a TCM doctor who told me I had too much fire in my liver. A drain fire supplement always worked at making them go away. Now into my 30's, I am pregnant with my 6th child and it wasn't long before my hemorroids started to flair. By the time I was 6 months pregnant, I thought for sure I was going to have to have surgery again. I had about 4 and they were clotted and about the size of my thumb and fingers. OUCH! Being pregnant, I knew I had to be careful with what I took. I ended up taking 500 mg of Rutin and 200 mg of B-6 at night. I already take a B complex in my prenatal protocol. I do take 1-2 capsules of an oxygen cleanser every other night to make sure constipation doesn't make things worse. Within a week, those clotted, painful, horrible hemorrhoids were back under control. I eat a raw diet and have a poop stool by my toilet for natural squatting BMs. For some reason, the pressure of the baby during pregnancy gives me problems. I give a hearty YES to Rutin and B-6.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Mara (Portland, Usa) on 08/28/2009

Julasy makes a very good point. B-vitamins are indeed found in nature in a complex. However, unless someone has a health condition that contradicts this, they *can* be taken separately in *therapeutic* does for *therapeutic* reasons. Indeed, it's helpful to take even therapeutic doses along with a B-complex supplement. But this is not mandatory, especially in an emergency. Or if there is some reason a whole complex cannot be taken. If uncertain get at least 3 opinions from health care practitioners who are trained and have actual experience with this kind of therapy.

Mara, an RN from Oregon

Corn Starch
Posted by Lynne (Dayton, Oh) on 08/19/2009

I have tried every over the counter medication for hemorrhoids. Needless to say none work, some even made them worse. The best thing I have found is to gently spray your behind with a squirt hygiene bottle, dry the area gently but thoroughly, then apply corn starch all around the hemorrhoid. Sometimes I roll a few cotton balls in the corn starch and press right up against the hemorrhoid. I will wear this all day or night. It has never failed to bring me comfort. I hope it works for yo

Posted by Paul (Seattle, Wa) on 08/12/2009

Cured hemorrhoids with these simple steps

1) Walk 30 minutes per day
2) Drink a smoothie once per day with the following included: 1 tbl. spoon apple cyder vinegar, 1 tbl. spoon cold-milled flaxseed, 1 tbl. spoon psyllium husk fiber supplement.
3) Minimize meets and dairy, maximize fruits, veggies, fiber in general.
4) Very regular kegel exercises. Do this laying in bed and anytime during the day. Do it sitting at your desk at work or in your car, or while walking. Very beneficial and can be done anywhere, anytime.

Follow these steps and it will absolutely help alleviate hemorrhoids quickly and will address the root causes.
