Genital Herpes
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Genital Herpes Relief

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Maris (Paris, Ile de France) on 05/21/2009

i use a phototherapie-stick for labial herpes, works really well!

for genital herpes, though, it is not strong enough, but contributes to the healing.
i got rid of my last OB really quickly thanks to a combination of remedies found on this wonderful website :
i put on a cotton swabbed with ACV for a few hours, then 4 min of photo-therapie.
afterwords i applied a mixture of teatree-oil & gelee royale before going to bed.
the next day the herpes was gone, there was only a red spot, on which i applied again teatree-oil & gelee royale.
now i'm taking lecithin and ACV (2 TS in a glass of water, over the day), stayed OB-free when i got my period and throughout a bad cold.
thanks to everyone!!!

Vitamin C
Posted by Cesar (Panama) on 05/17/2009

I was diagnose with genital herpes around 1996, from that time I had to take medicine for that every 3 repetitions by year. In 2001 I started to take a daily dose of 500mg of Vit C, and after 9 years my genital herpes never returned. I continue taking Vit C without any side effects.

Apple Cider Vinegar, L-Lysine
Posted by Grant (Sydney, NSW Australia) on 05/12/2009

hey thanks for the positive comments. it's hard to get used to the idea of having this problem. i'll be giving your remedy a go for sure. i take valtrex at the moment as a supression therapy, but i will use it in combination with yours. i hope they come up with a life long cure soon, i wil pay anything.

Posted by Michele C (Waterbury, CT) on 05/05/2009

I read here about taking BHT for genital herpes. I tried it and it worked great. I had been managing it for years with just L-Lysine, 500 mg, but increased to 3,000 for the occasional outbreak. But it wasn't working any more. In desperation, I checked out your site for a new remedy and found the BHT. I simply take one 250 mg. capsule per day, every day, and it started to work immediately! It has be two weeks and I have not had an outbreak. I can highly recommend this remedy. I am looking forward to good health for the future. Thank you so much for all that you do.


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tim (LA, USA) on 05/03/2009

Warning: Hey guys hold your horses- you MUST tell people what strength of HP you are using for different treatments. As you know HP comes typically from 3% to 60% and these stronger ones can cause serious damage if used undiluted. So before you use HP Google about the dilution of it. Usually 3% is safe for most uses except you don't want to let it get into your eyes. 6% can be use for some treatments. Also you never want to digest any drug store brands, because they have other chemicals in them. If you for some reason try eating or drinking it; use food grade HP, which is 30 or 60 %, so you must dilute it a lot. So do be careful. And don't ask me where to get the food grade, because I don't know. Google it.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by That Guy (Raleigh, NC) on 05/03/2009

I read that the virus has to have a warm and moist environment to REPLICATE, or go extremely active. I soak my fingers in HP initially to dry out the infected area and the COOL (not warm) sensation eases the itch. I then soak a cotton ball in HP and place it on the infected area and keep it in place with a fabric band aid b/c they don't loose adhesion when wet. I then resoak that whole finger (2 soaks and a cotton ball so far) while it's wrapped and remove the band aid about an hour later. This also removes any tiny blisters that tried to form during the first few hours of prodrone. (I believe the prodrone sensation is the actual SKIN seperating from it's lower layers trying to form a blister, which becomes itchy) MAKES SENSE TO ME. After any dead skin is peeled away from the bandage I keep it dry with HP as uaual until it's said and done. Within ONE day I am able to rid myself of any and most all discomfort AND by the next day I'm WELL on my way into the healing stage. NO BLISTERS, NO DISCOMFORT, INFECTED SKIN REMOVED, NO ITCH, JUST HEALING. IDK how or why it works other than it DRIES the area which is GREAT FOR YOU vs. BAD FOR VIRUS...AND it REMOVES the infected top layer of skin even if any blisters are barely visible, the skin is peeled away, and recleaned/redried with HP until it just naturally heals on it's own. For me it takes about half or less of a day to rid myself of discomfort and maybe two days to get it feeling back to normal and WELL into the healing stages. My first outbreak with the VIRUS lasted almost two weeks..and it wasn't pretty. With DRYING and REMOVAL and CLEANLINESS I am able to shorten two weeks into a mere day or two and the discomfort is gone is half a day. GOOD LUCK!! BTW I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT CAUSED MY OUTBREAK b/c IT DID IT TO ME BEFORE. NEVER... EVER... EVER... EVER.... EVER, TAKE ANY BARBITUATES BECAUSE IT PLACES THE NERVOUS SYSTEM INTO A SLEEP STATE AND YOU GUESSED IT. THAT'S WHERE THE VIRUS LIES DORMANT ;) IF SOMEONE PAYS ME I'll KEEP My outbreaks are so minmimal I would get paid to go through one again just to prove that my process works for me. It doesn't cure anything but it goes from onset to AGHHHHH in a mere day as I said before if not two. Give it a shot if you have the same problem and I WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK b/c this has to be one of the most UNFAIR VIRUS' ever to plaque humans. REMEMBER....KEEP IT DRY and COOL!! AGHHHHH is the KEY.

Herpes and Sex Lube
Posted by Kathleen (San Antonio, Texas) on 04/24/2009

Latex and oils shouldn't be used together. The oil will break down the latex. My understanding is that non latex male condoms are not as effective. Female condoms are not latex and have a higher success rate so might be a good choice to use with coconut oil. Drawback is that they are more expensive.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by ANONYMOUS (ANYWHERE, FL) on 04/13/2009


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by D (Pines, NJ) on 04/13/2009

Seriously, try 20% cream Hydrogen Peroxide on a cotton ball and lightly press it on the area. Apply everyday until it's completely gone. I'm on Valtrex and Zovirax but hydrogen peroxide has done more for me and my symptoms are gone (for now I expect). This is my 1st outbreak so we'll see. I still need to convince my bf that he's got it. He has no symptoms and doesn't believe that he gave it to me, but he had tender lymph nodes on both sides. My doctor confirmed that this is a primary breakout for me.

My bf has been in Iraq for the past 6 mos. and he was here 3 weeks ago for leave. Two weeks after he left I developed symptoms. During a routine exam my doc saw a tiny pinhead sized bump (looked like a goosebump) and asked me if I had oral sex with anyone in the past few weeks. He did a swab of the area and five days later told me it wasn't the cold sore variety but genital herpes. This f---- sucks because I didn't get anything from my bf before. He probably got it in Iraq. lol WTF

Genital Herpes Advice
Posted by James (Albuquerque, New Mexico) on 03/29/2009

After 25 years of herpes, doctors, and drugs, I found what works best the hard way, by experience. And I later found it best summed up here in two short lines:

"-Avoid sugars (that creates dampness), caffeine, alcohol, spicy, greasy foods. -Keep immune system strong -Avoid stress and anger -Get adequate sleep"

Of course, we all learn about Lysine, extra Vit. C, and to avoid chocolate, nuts, too much garlic, too many berries & grapes, Arginine, etc, but the above quote is very important. I learned about sugar, caffeine, and alcohol the hard way.

1. Sugar habit = more frequent outbreaks

2. Caffeine habit = more frequent outbreaks (& hardest to quit, takes great willpower. Use 1/4 tsp of Cinnamon in coffee to lesson outbreaks due to coffee addiction. Use Honey or Agave, NO sugar)

3. Alcohol habit (especially wine) = more frequent outbreaks

4. Spicy or greasy food habit = more frequent outbreaks

5. Long held anger = more frequent outbreaks

6. Six hours or less sleep = more frequent outbreaks

7. Eating within 3 hours of sleeptime = more frequent outbreaks (because Liver can't detox blood during sleeptime if it has to deal with a long and slow digestive operation. Then your undetoxed blood is now even more toxic the next day, soon a viral overload occurs & bam, another outbreak)

* Combine any three of the above and you should expect another outbreak.

* If you drink a bitter herb tea (dandelion, burdock, yellow dock, google for more. I also use Chinese herbs that have strange names I can't recall) before you do the evil deeds, you may escape an outbreak, but the body is now weakened so these evil deeds shouldn't be repeated again the next day. Take a break from all the stimulating action.

* Mushroom extracts (liquid/alcohol) have impressive results on strengthening immune system. (When you are to the point of having a continuous outbreak, try Mushroom extracts, and PLENTY of sleep, at least 8 hours/day) How did I do it: Use 2x or 3x per day for 3 months, then off 1 month, then repeat cycle. Works best by putting 1 dropper full in mouth with about 1 tablespoon of good pure water. Swish around in mouth or hold in mouth for 1 minute or more if you can. Best absorption occurs in mouth, then swallow.

* Licorice herb tea, or extract, for 2 weeks seems to really improve immune system also. Don't use for more than 2 weeks, then take 2 weeks off, then use again if needed.

* Force yourself to go to bed early as a regular habit. And avoid the late eating.

Posted by Elisha (Austin, Texas) on 03/29/2009

I have had herpes for several years and finally found an ointment that really helps with itching and heals lesions in a couple of days. It's call Lemon Balm for Wise Ways. I apply it with a q-tip to each lesion or with a cotton ball and the itching will automatically go away and stops the pain. I also use Olive Leaf Extract in capusle form and found this to work very well and L-lysine capsules as well. I am now going to try to use the APV directly and internally.

Coconut Oil
Posted by James (Seattle, Wa) on 03/26/2009

I believe that should be lauric acid rather than luric, yes?

Extra Rinse Your Underwear
Posted by TIM (BRISBANE, QLD AUSTRALIA) on 03/18/2009

I have found that putting my underwear through an extra rinse cycle, I haven't had an H2 outbreak for over a year. Previously I suffered for 2 years from monthly, bi-monthly and sometimes non stop out-breaks for months on end. I believe that the laundry detergent residue left on my underwear was the trigger for all of my outbreaks. I found that rinsing my underwear again got rid of the left over detergent and the cause of my outbreaks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ash (London, UK) on 03/10/2009

hi there, after using acv and your skin burn and became like burger that's normal ... keep doing throw out the day ( every time acv dries) to help your skin helling and scar free use honey ( has to be pure :manuka honey is the best) befor you go to bed for 1 or 2 weeks then you will see the defirance ... offcoures god created all this stuff and he's the healler you have to bear that in mind and thank him .trust me that the secret of the remedey... wich you all the best and sorry about my writting ,english is my third lingo

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Anonymous (La Costa, CA) on 02/24/2009


1. Do you think using rubbing alcohol to fight herpes is a good idea or do you feel that it is a harmful chemical for the body?

2. I have continuous breakouts...FOR YEARS. I mean I pretty much NEVER go without some sign of a break out (Genital herpes...and it breaks out only on my lower back and buttocks region). This is driving me crazy. Do you feel that I cannot use honey or black strap molasses for remedies. Also, when a new breakout occurs, it screws up my digestive system and causes me to have constipation.

3. Also, recently, I have been having a burning feeling in my right breast and under my rib case. Do I need a liver gall bladder cleanse? I eat quite well--lots of salads, fruits, veggies, no processed foods (however, up until a couple of years ago, I ate lots of ice cream and some other sweets--even though it made me break out.) I can't eat nuts--that really aggravates a break out--especially if combined with chocolate. I haven't been eating any sweets now--except for a little honey (up to 1 TBSP) and a little Black Strap Molasses (1-2 TBSP). It seems like if I eat the black strap molasses, I break out--which makes me mad because I like the energy from BSM and honey. I am so sick of this! I was diagnosed with this in 1998, but had a lot of nerve pain on since 1980 (primarily on one side of my body). One thing I will say is that I have less pain and flu symptoms, especially since taking the ACV.

So again, my questions are: 1. Rubbing Alcohol--good or bad? 2. Honey and BSM? 3. The burning in my right breast plate/rib area.

Thank you in advance.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Anonymous (La Costa, CA) on 02/21/2009

I am on my second day of trying this and I feel quite hopeful. I will report back in a while with my results.

Posted by Freddie (Buckeye, AZ, USA) on 02/17/2009

I tried Lecithin. A Bechtel engineer who worked at a laboratory when he was younger told me that they grew the herpes virus. They used Lecithin to control and kill the herpes virus. He saw the herpes breakout on my face one day at work. He told me to take 2500 mg each day for a month. I asked him why he hasn't come forward with this information. He said that the FDA was too powerful to fight.

It worked for me. I haven't had a breakout in 20 years.

As I understand it, hospitals use Lecithin based baby formulas on new born babies born to women with genital herpes.

Lecithin 2500 mg a day for a month

Oral Pain Reliever
Posted by Karra (Jacksonville, FL) on 02/13/2009

Instant pain remedy for Herpes! I found a quick remedy for the pain associated with genital/oral herpes. Being in so much pain, I racked my brain for something that would help. I thought of Orajel aka Ambesol, tooth ache gel. IT WORKED GREAT! I have genital herpes. It halts the pain instantly. Any oral pain reliever works. Just apply a dab to the areas in pain. Within seconds the pain is gone. wears off after a while, but just re-apply. I also found that helps to keep the area extra clean! Soap & water at least three times a day and the the application of the orajel shortens the outbreak to less than 3 days.

Prunella Vulgaris
Posted by VICTORY (NEW JERSEY, NJ) on 02/07/2009


Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Danny (Singapore) on 02/07/2009

Marilyn from Calgary ...Please do not use rubbing alcohol although it may help. According to Dr Hulda Reghr Clark rubbing alcohol , which is propyl alcohol, together with an intestinal fluke called fasciolopsis buskii, are two factors invariably implicated in cancer cases. Stabilized Oxygen and an extract of garlic called allicin (available for both internal and external use), among other natural remedies, would be be preferable. 'First of all do no harm'!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kass (Phoenix, AZ) on 01/31/2009

yeah, try diluting it. vinegar is very acidic, and applied to skin directly and undiluted can cause irritant reactions :)

Lemon Balm
Posted by Meg (Grafton, WI) on 01/24/2009

Grow some lemon balm (melissa officianalis) in your garden. It is easy and prolific in a sunny spot. Just before it flowers, cut down about 1/3 of the plant and hang it upside down in a dry, out-of-the-sun place. When it is really dry (crumbles in you hand), crumble the leaves into a bag or dish. Discard the stems (makes good compost.)

Further chop/mince the lemon balm using a food chopper to as small as you can... this should be the consistency of ground spices or as small as you can go. If you can find gelatin capsules, get some and stuff the ground lemon balm into the capsules. You will get 1/2 to 1 teaspoon into a capsule. If you can't find capsules, take a teaspoon in some yogurt - let it soften a bit first.

At the first sign of a herpes outbreak, take one or two capsules 2 or 3 times during the day for a day or two. It will avoid or greatly minimize the outbreak. For an extra boost, take 3 to 4 garlic tablets at the same time. Both lemon balm and garlic seem to stop herpes in its tracks. Lemon balm is most effective. It helps to become attuned to your body so you can detect the subtle signs before they become a problem.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Michelle (Baltimore, MD, USA) on 01/23/2009

I am responding to the previous posting on Coconut Oil, and my question is: Does anyone know what BOL and DMSO stand for? She mentions this as additional treatments for herpes. Thank you. This is a great website!

EC: Michelle, DMSO is dimethyl sulfoxide and you can learn more about it here.

Stabilized Oxygen
Posted by Anonymous (U.S.) on 01/19/2009

what's the brand you guys are using?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mario (Jaragua do sul- SC, Brazil) on 01/16/2009

Searching on net one year ago, desperate to find something that could help me to fight Herpes, I saw EarthClinic, and started using ACV ever since and never have recurrents anymore, thanks God for this website and thank you very much for your help.xx

EC: Thank you so much for updating us after one year!

Topical Application of Vodka, Zinc
Posted by C Johnnie (New York City, NY) on 01/11/2009

genital herpes: as per info I accessed on your site, i tried Vodka as a topical application and yes it worked! It stung a bit but dried up the lesions in 24-48 hrs AND I took zinc tablets orally which also has helped and may have some curative value/relief for some...

General Feedback
Posted by Darcy (Patong, Phuket, Thailand) on 12/31/2008

Hi David from Atlanta. I was tested positive for HSV-2 just last July 2008. I have experienced a day or 2 rest for a 5 month long continuous outbreaks and I was so desperate and looked everywhere for relief, remedy and cure. I have tried a lot of suggested medicines, home remedies etc., that was listed in this very helpul site. But as weeks go by, I have discovered a herbal drink from Philippines that was a very big help to this disease. For your info, I have a very weak immune system and I think if someone with a normal or much stronger immune system than mine, I guess taking this drink would be more effective. I saw the changes and progress of my immune system after i drank the first 2 sachets. It's called _____, it's quite known now in the Philippines, for it has cured a lot of sickness and diseases, and as for my HSV-2... i don't know if it has cured me, but it did gave me hope and still think strong of my future. I have a friend who sells this in Thailand, and in Manila.

To support more for my body's defenses, I drink 2 cups of GreenTea everyday, as this is equivalent to 8 apples, which has more vitamin C than citrus. I take Centrum, 1000mgs VitC, 400IU VitE.. yeah! it's not hard, it's just that my immune system is very weak so I just have to find more support. Of course, nothing is possible without the help of God, a prayer full of faith.

God bless!

More power Earthclinic!!

General Feedback
Posted by David (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/30/2008

I just found out last week that I tested positive for HSV-2. I have been looking at internet information for a cure. I do believe there is actually a cure out there because all things are possible. I am looking for a cure not a outback treatment. The doctor says it is a life time disease but I don't believe such a thing. 1) Is there someone that has actually re-tested with negative result? 2) What was you cure regiment? 3) How long did it take you to rid yourself from the disease? I understand that diet, exercise, and herbs, low stress, spiritual balance will help in immune system health. I have heard of people being cured AIDS, so I know herpes can be cure. If anybody can actually help let me know. Remember responses for cures not just outbreak treatments. I know there are real people that have been actually cured out there. Please and thank you for your help.

David, Atlanta, GA

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Marilyn (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 12/29/2008

I have heard of different remedies to supress the herpes virus and I have tried them all. Recently on one of the sites I read about how a guy tried rubbing alcohol and put it on his genitals and it stung quite a bit for a short period of time but supressed his herpes. Well I was desperate and so I decided to try the same thing. I am female so I knew it would have to hurt a bit but the discomfort I was feeling every day could not be any worse then a bit of stinging from rubbing alcohol. I put some in my hand and then rubbed it on my genitals. It burned for about 30 seconds and then instant relief!!! I continued to use it twice a day for two weeks and each time the burning sensation was less and less. My herpes was supressed almost immediately and now i use the rubbing alcohol once a day in the am. I have no signs of herpes and feel great. I continue to use it even though i have no symptoms and recommend it to everyone. When i use it now it does not bother me one bit. It is only in the beginning that you get a bit of stinging but was well worth it because now i have no signs of the herpes virus. Also before I had to be careful of what I ate. I could not eat chocolate or i would have an outbreak. Now i can eat chocolate and peas and anything else and I don't have an outbreak!!! I feel this is a real cure or great supression for the virus. I hope others will try this therapy as it works.

Coconut Oil and MMS
Posted by Anonymous (SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA) on 12/27/2008

