Genital Herpes
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Genital Herpes Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar

22 User Reviews
5 star (17) 
4 star (3) 

Posted by John (USA) on 01/30/2006


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jake (Chapel Hill NC) on 01/09/2006

i tried the apple cider vinegar cure i take (drink) 2 to 3 shots a day, and also rub it on my privates when I take baths every day. Now its been 2 months and no symptoms sores or anything i still take the shots and rub down in it in the shower but if that's what it takes to never have another outbreak that's Ok with me it can be a little strong so if its to much just add a little water and hopefully you too can feel relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Lake Panasoffkeem, FL)

Over last 90 days taking apple cider vinegar not one itch or outbreak and the arthritis in my fingers, arms, and back is 99% gone. It works!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Olwen (Snowy Mountains, Nsw, Australia) on 05/21/2013

I've been alkalizing with ACV and baking soda for at least 5 months and in that time have had outbreaks of herpes almost reduced to zero (I think just one outbreak in the whole time). Before that I was having outbreaks on the least exertion every few weeks. Twice a day I take 2 dessertspoons of ACV in water with baking soda to neutralize as per Ted's instructions.

Replied by Mad In Montgomery
(Montgomery, Al)

So, you mix the ACV and BS together and drink it? How much BS do you put in the ACV?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Whaddup (Usa) on 05/19/2016

Yo! I got diagnosed with genital herpes on Tuesday (it's Thursday) and dude I was buggin but I it will be okay!!! Okay I'll start with the details on finding out I have herpes.

So obviously this is my first outbreak. About a week and a half ago I started having flu like symptoms (fever, chills, fatigue) and eventually my tonsils started swelling. I went to a walk in clinic two days ago and they just said I had a virus and sent me away! A couple days before that I noticed some discomfort between my vagina and bumhole, I assumed it was tearing which has happened before but after I went to the walk in clinic I still just felt like something was I checked down there and noticed three or four whitish, round blisters, they didn't even really look like blisters! Then I googled herpes symptoms and read that the first time can give you flu like symptoms so I immediately went to planned parenthood and learned that I do indeed have herpes.

So up until I went to planned parenthood I really hadn't experienced much pain, but I think the gynoi saw popped my blisters to test the fluid so after this I started hurting pretty bad...I didn't take any painkillers or put anything on the sores. I was too afraid to even look at them and usually when I have any kind of sore I feel it's best to leave it alone and let it do its work, but the next day was so horrible. I couldn't go pee unless I was in the shower, I was working as a nanny and just couldn't even move. I thought I must have a horrible case of herpes, I didn't realize it was so painful. I decided to take some ibuprofen which helped a little...but I was still in horrifying pain. I had to do something! So...

I have used coconut oil and apple cider vinegar for several things in my life, especially skin care so I already felt confident in its abilities, but I was in so much pain I just didn't want to make things worse, but I was desperate. I took a shower and rinsed everything with water. Then I mixed about 5 parts water with on part Apple Cider Vinegar and spiked a wash cloth with the solution. I laid in on my whole crotch for about 20 seconds. YES IT STUNG, it did not feel good but it also didn't feel any worse than when I pee. After that I let everything air dry for about 10 minutes. I still felt stinging, I was so worried I have made things worse! Then I coated one side of a wash cloth with coconut oil and laid that on my crotch for about 5 minutes, then took it off and left the coconut oil on the sores. I did all of this right before bed. After it all I was still in a lot of pain, but it felt different than what I had been felt like somethings was happening hat wasn't before of that makes sense...

Anyways, I fell asleep and didn't wake up for six hours! I hadn't slept that long in like two weeks. And oh my goodness I fell a lot better. I took a quick shower to rinse everything off and letting the water ribbon the sores didn't hurt as much as the day before, neither did peeing. So I went through the same acv/coconut ops process as the night before and the Apple Cider Vinegar barely stung at all!!! I was so happy, it was a lot easier to move around. I'm at work right now and I just feel so much more comfortable than yesterday. This is my first outbreak which is supposed to be the worst and I've only had visible sores for 4-5 days and I feel like they're getting so much better. I'm so glad I went through with the Apple Cider Vinegar and coconut oil! The oil really soothes the pain and itching.

So I would totally recommend both products for anyone with herpes. I would suggest heavily diluting the vinegar to see how your skin reacts. If you're nervous/skeptical I would at least try the coconut oil, it's so soothing!

Good luck all, I know this sucks :( but it happens! I have been reading about how to prevent future outbreaks and basically you just have to live a healthy life! Eat well, sleep exercise, stress management! These are all things I should be doing anyways but now I have a lot more motivation to keep up with it. You can get through this guys!!! You're not alone, and it does get better. You will feel better soon I promise. Peace and love.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil
Posted by Ron (Flint, Mi) on 08/22/2012

I have had undiagnosed Genital Herpes for almost 4 years now. It should be diagnosed, but the "Doctor" said I wasn't affected. I didn't have insurance was the real problem. I never really cared for perscription/non-perscription drugs anyways. I usually always sought out a more natural way if possible. For the most part I was able to keep the sores under control, however, recently the sores got worse and I was in need of a cure! Not a temporary fix! For the most part I have a great understanding of how I could cure all of my aliments, and be illness free, BUT it was all out of reach for me at the time financially.

So, I started doing more and more research until I finally fell upon this website. I am aware of other websites similiar to this one, such as but you had to pay for its services. I was hoping I could find something inexpensive and just as powerful and I did! I started using Apple Cider Vineger (____) and Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. What I did was heat up 2 cups of purified water on the stove-top and removed it before it could boil. Then I added 2 Tbsp of ACV. I then took some cotton balls and dabbed this mixture on affected areas. I let it air dry and then applied Coco Oil to the same areas. I allowed the Coco Oil to be absorbed into my skin before coming in contact with clothing. After just 3 days of this my sores had practically disappeared! I hope this helps you as well! Please keep in good faith, you are not alone! Together, we can heal! ;)

Apple Cider Vinegar, L-Lysine

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Melissa J. (Thomasville, Georgia) on 11/29/2007

Hello My name is Melissa J. I am from the south georgia area. I have had herpes type I since i was a kid and got herpes type II in 1985. Back then there was not much help even the doctors were not effective in treatment. I was going to take what they prescribed i started reading about the drug and i didn't like what the side effects were. So i set out in what would help me. This is what i use as a combination it may not work for you its a matter of trying something until you find what works for you. I highly recommend L-lysine it also works in case you have you HVW that is herpes viral warts PPV i mean. So my recommendation is L-lysine, B-12, apple cider vinegar, vitamin E, stay away from artificial sweetners, reduce stress and get enough sleep. Also i use mind over matter if i feel that i am getting any kind of outbreak i will mentally make it go away and it does. However this method takes practice. The main thing is to not focus on that you have herpes. I don't mind and herpes doesnt matter. I had to tell myself that over and over again. When i stopped focusing on what i had i became much better. Its not easy dealing with it and when you meet someone new you know the risk if you tell them they walk away but i would tell them hey you might have something worse than me. How do you tell someone you have it just be honest if they walk away oh well someone will understand one day just dont give up hope ever of finding the right one....Good luck

Replied by Grant
(Sydney, NSW Australia)

hey thanks for the positive comments. it's hard to get used to the idea of having this problem. i'll be giving your remedy a go for sure. i take valtrex at the moment as a supression therapy, but i will use it in combination with yours. i hope they come up with a life long cure soon, i wil pay anything.


Add to Lysine, Lauricidin Monlaurin supplement. You can ever buy a combo thru Solaray. The only time I had a new outbreak was when I took a break from them. I now also take a shot of ACV daily... and going to try Essaic tea (with the sheep sorrel root, not just leaves).

Replied by Blumeaniandglove
(Phoenix, Arizona)

Thank you so much for the encouragement. I'm suffering from my first outbreak, and the past few days have been so stressful. The physcial aspect of it isn't so bad, but the emotional has been really hard for me. What you said helped more than any pill or remedy I could take.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Mario (Jaragua Do Sul, Brasil) on 05/07/2012

I have been using ACV and Tea tree oil, (every time a have a recurrent of Genital Herpes), for more than 4 years, and I am happy to say is wonderful. I have recurrents, sometimes, when I have my immune system low, that happens when I get a cold in winter time. Every time I have a itchy bum, I simply pass a drop of Tea Tree Oil, and drink some ACV or put it on top and that's it. Wonderfull tip of EC, and I am so grateful. Thank you so much.

Avoid Meat Injected With Msg

2 User Reviews

Posted by Ines (Long Beach, CA) on 04/24/2005

My friend is a nurse and she said that people with the herpes virus should not eat chicken.

Replied by Lsiggy
(Naperville, Il)

I have learned this fact thru trial and error. They inject MSG into the chicken for tenderness, etc... And it is made with glutamate, a nerve stimulator. Hence it stimulates and over activates your nerves and herpes. For me, it happens almost right away. If I eat non- injected, organic or kosher chicken, this does not happen. The same goes with turkey. I have to buy the fresh turkey that is not injected. Almost all frozen turkey is injected with a MSG or yeast extract broth.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Why on earth are chicken injected with MSG? I try to avoid it like the plague, not only because I am allergic as well but because it is bad for your health. I have bought a book about MSG which I will read soon. A while ago, while on a trip we didn't have time to stop at restaurants for lunch and there are not a lot in the countryside here so we started buying some bites to eat in the supermarket, kind of crisps and so. After a while I noticed that I had a big allergic reaction everyday at the end of the afternoon and realized that it must have been the MSG because other than that I don't see what it could have been. But inject it in chicken?... It seems to be everywhere and it is even sprayed on fruit. I check everything we buy for MSG but of course only if it comes on the label, other than that I can't do anything. I am not sure but I think that even supplements can have MSG.

Replied by Aloe Vera And Acv
(Kingston, Kingston, Jamaica)

Hey, I've been suffering from GH for 4 yrs. After first being diagnosed my doctor prescribed a topical cream to treat my legions which worked well with the outbreaks, but I had to discontinue because I ran out and was too embarrassed to buy some more at the pharmacy luckily my mom is a doctor and I would just take some from her office (embarassed) upon reading more about the topical cream I realized that the virus can develop immunity to it. So I discontinued and tried to find natural remedies. I have just been stacking up on vitamins and making sure that I kept the area clean. I was using hand sanitizers for a while, it helped a little but then I realized my the area of my genitals became discoloured and damaged due to overuse. At that point I was stressing out and what have you, and ive been suffering from a constant mild breakout ever since. I couldnt remember the last time I was completely break out free.

A couple weeks ago I stumbled on this site and I saw that hydrogen peroxide 3% helped. So I tried that for a little, it helped but not 100%. Then I Stumbled across eating the raw aloe vera leaf and drinking ACV. I frist started eating a tsp of the aloe vera pulp about two weeks ago and within TWO DAYS I strted seeing a significant difference. So I added the ACV regiment; 2 tsp of ACV with 8oz of distilled water once a day. Ive beeing drinking the ACV for three days and the outbreak was COMPLETELY GONE. I felt a HUGE weight off my shoulders this was the first time in a while since ive been aboutbreak free for more than a week. Ive been outbreak free for two weeks strt. Bare in mind I havent made any drastic change to my diet. Ive cut out certain foods like peanuts and sugary drinks. But nothing too drastic becasue I still drink alcohol occasionally etc. But ive been outbreak free after taking the Aleo vera and ACV. Nothing but positve results so far and im hoping it stays that way. THERE IS HOPE!!! This site has helped me sooo much and im so grateful!

Replied by Mary
(Argentina, Buenos Aires)

for Gh, you may want to read up on neem leaves.

B5, Lysine

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ellie (Washington) on 05/30/2021

In reply to Jordan from Memphis's post on 11/21/20, who wrote: "My life is controlled by this horrendous disease. I just ordered hypericum from Biogetica. Can you tell me exactly what (else) you took? Were you on a certain diet? I would pay good money to speak with either of you guys. I've been trying for 4 years to get rid of this stupid disease. I am so desperate. Thank you for your reply!"

Hello, I'm sorry for your suffering. I used to break out every month with herpes. I've cleaned up my diet a lot, and quit drinking alcohol. But I would still get an outbreak. I started taking vitamin b5 (pantothenic acid) in high doses, as well as lysine every day. I haven't had an outbreak in probably 6 months or so. I think these two things have helped me. It also cleared up acne problems.

I hope that helps.

Bach Flower Remedies

8 User Reviews
5 star (8) 

Posted by Angel (San Juan, Puerto Rico) on 07/25/2007

re: bach flowers for herpes outbreaks -- it's my personal belief that the reason the flower remedy works for the herpes outbreaks is more because the preservative used with the drops is brandy which is alcohol...i have treated many patients and they have all have found relief with diff. types of bacterial otc therefore a strong antibacterial lotion with alcohol will do the same work...the flower essence drops work thru the psychological channels for they are excellent calming and relaxing tools,,,which is good to reduce the outbreaks of herpes... Angel, holistic healer

Bach Flower Remedies
Posted by Maggie (Reading, PA) on 03/23/2007

I had noticed blisters and was tested for genital herpes. I was put on Valtrax immediately. I waited three days for the results, in excrutiating pain. I found out that I had genital herpes, and asked the doctor if there was anything that could take the lesions away. She said I needed to wait between 1-3 weeks for the lesions to scab and fall off! I found your website that same night, and the next morning went to the health food store. I bought L-lysine and Bach's holly and Bach's walnut. By the end of the day, I noticed a difference. The next morning, all but two of my lesions were gone, and those were drastically reduced in size. I attacked them with peroxide, and the next morning I woke up herpes free! NO SCABS, NO WAITING! Thank you, earthclinic!!

Bach Flower Remedies
Posted by Allison (USA) on 03/12/2007

Okay, I wanted to update from the last message I sent on 1/10/07: I had one outbreak but it didn't last long in Feb. (about 3 days). This past Friday (3/9/07) I had one lesion (triggered by a urinary tract infecton) that is gone as of today (3/12/2007). This has never happened to me before. I think the flower therapy is working. Some may read this and think differently but being that I've suffered from this since 1988, with each outbreak lasting 7 days, this is progress!! Further, all of the telltale signs of an outbreak (pain in the leg, extreme itching and pain during the outbreak) have diminished at least 75%. I think I will stick with the Bach Flower Therapy for good. It's certainly much cheaper. I take 2000 mg (a safe dosage to take everyday from what I've researched) of lysine daily and up the dosage when I've had an outbreak. I'm not sure if this is helping but I'm going to stick with the regimen I'm on. I will definitely update you again. Thank you so much! What a relief after 19 years!

Replied by Molke
(Durban, South Africa)

It is interesting that no one mentions wheat. I had my last GH outbreak 10 years ago, literally. I learnt that glutten, and all related products promote a favorable habitat for all kinds of viruses, especially GH. Innitially I would take L-Lysine to stabilise my immunity, but staying away from fried foods, even veggies, did not necessitate this Lysine regimen. Almost all forms of ailments are diet related, diet induced and can be diet remedied. God bless, who is the source of all light, blessing, joy and peace. I have come that they may have peace, and have it more abundantly.


Molke, Grains are high in amino acid Arginine which feeds the virus. Check online the ratio of amino acid Lysine vs Arginine of everything you ingest. Lysine helps to starve virus.

Bach Flower Remedies
Posted by Allison (NY, NY) on 01/10/2007

re: holly and walnut bach flower therapy -- I think this is working. I don't want to speak to soon but I was having outbreaks in the past year sometimes twice a month. I haven't had one in a month since I started. thanks!

Bach Flower Remedies
Posted by G (USA) on 06/28/2006

I tried your flower remedy suggestion for g herpes. I have had constant outbreaks for the last 2 years, but have not had one in 2 months since taking holly & walnut internally since April. I do occasionally experience a "twinge" down there when hiking, but find that if I dab the formula on the spot, the twinges cease immediately. I tried all sorts of remedies to no avail. I don't know why these work, but they're amazing.

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