Posted by Hopeful (Stockton, Ca) on 06/19/2018
I've started the ACV regimen by soaking a cotton ball in it 3-4 times a day also pouring a little when I bathe.. I'm also using tea tree oil as well. I felt a lesion bear rectum. Now the right side of inner cheek is raw and when I wipe I see as if a scab has peeled. I'm in a lot of pain I'm currently trying the cornstarch method. I'm just scared and confused and will I see any results? The medication for HSV 2 is too costly. I need some relief and once or if this is going away will I still need the medicine? Any help is appreciated
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Won'tbackdown (Fl) on 07/20/2016
I have to agree. I am currently suffering an outbreak and have tried several of these remedies in hope of some relief. I applied ACV on a cotton ball to my sores. It has burned the skin and it looks awful!!! It has definitely made it a lot worse for me. I do, however, believe in ACV. I drink 2 table spoons in distilled water twice a day for my allergies and is helped there. Just don't put it on your skin!! Or at least use caution!!!