Genital Herpes
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Genital Herpes Relief

| Modified on May 23, 2024
Red Marine Algae
Posted by Bruco (Wa) on 05/23/2024

Red Marine Algae for Herpes

Get red Marine algae to take faithfully for 3 or 4 months every day and enough quantities and you won't ever have another outbreak.

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Magee (Sunnyvale) on 05/02/2024

The EMF's from my laptop on my lap is a huge trigger for a herpes outbreak for me. The heat doesn't help either, but it's the EMF's that sets it off, deeply. I'd been too heads down on some work stuff to pay attention to my health for a while and neglected taking my normal supplements for quite a while. I gave myself some really deep and difficult outbreaks. As soon as I started taking my Black Seed Oil again (internally), almost immediate relief. I do 1-3 teaspoons a day depending. Spread out or all at once. Topically, Castor Oil helps along with the DMSO/Aloe with rose-scented lotion.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Diana (Biloxi, Mississippi ) on 04/10/2024

How do I use the peroxide. Do I drink it or bath in it…please help me please

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ellen (Columbus, OH) on 01/20/2024

Karen in MI, Herpes is not in the blood, that's why we can donate blood. It's a viral disease in the nerves and lives within cells of our spinal nervous system. You acquired it thru the friction of nerves to nerves while rubbing skin with an infected partner. When trying something new to find relief from HSV, please get a fresh IgG test before starting and after so as to measure your immune system's antigens response. There are affordable online sources in lieu of your Doctor that will place the blood draw order to your local Lab and then privately email you the results the next day. No appointment needed, No Doctors fees, you pay directly.

Stabilized Oxygen
Posted by ray (bk, ny) on 08/18/2023

Hi what is the site for the drops please, thank you

Black Walnut Hull
Posted by Mary (Austin, TX) on 08/02/2023

Fascinating. What dosage and what type of tincture? Alcohol based or pure extract?

Posted by Jay (Canada) on 07/13/2023

TO Evo63 (Australia ) on 07/11/2023 re lecithin....

In 2009 the lecithin they used was soy lecithin. This was the only lecithin available at that time as sunflower based lecithin was only made available commercially much more recently.

Posted by Evo63 (Australia ) on 07/11/2023

Can someone please tell me/us which Lecithin they think he used in 2009?

Soy or Sunflower?

Posted by Klk (ID) on 07/03/2023 1 posts

Hello. I have a couple of questions. Did you happen to experience any "die off" symptoms during this process? Which brand/kind of magnesium did you use? Did you continue to have outbreaks during this process?
Thank you

Onion Family (Onions, Garlic, Celery, Thyme)
Posted by Kathleen (Qld) on 06/22/2023

Hi does anyone know if you just boil it and drink it?

Posted by Lynn (Union mo) on 06/07/2023

This is in response to the thread regarding lecithin for herpes. Last fall I had read every remedy for genital herpes on this website because I was having one outbreak after another. I found the one that said lecithin cures herpes and it gave me hope. I bought soy lecithin and started taking two 1200 mg a day. It has been 9 months and I have not had one outbreak. I only take one 1200mg capsule a day now.

Posted by Tara (NY) on 06/07/2023

Hey Suzanne, Great post! Would you say 2 a day is enough or 3 caps 3x a day to start, like previously mentioned? Thanks!!!

Monolaurin, L-Lysine
Posted by malaika (karachi) on 05/31/2023

Please tell me does it prevents and kill the virus???

Build Immunity
Posted by Dena L. (New Orleans, Louisiana ) on 05/26/2023

Build your immune system up

If you are suffering from herpes one or two you need to build your immune system with vitamins. I currently take a women's gummy multivitamin by nature bounty and 2000 iU of vitamin d which are gummy from Walmart. I take this daily and so far I haven't had any issues. I eat a regular diet ( must eat meat)but I try to stay away from sugary foods. I take salt baths a few times a week and avoid using fragrance soaps and washing powder.

Posted by JillyBean (Cleveland, OH) on 05/03/2023

Yes, lauricidin worked great for me, too. But just plain monolaurin did nothing for me. Only lauricidin made a difference for me, too. No outbreaks when I'm taking it and I used to get them regularly.

Posted by JillyBean (Cleveland, OH) on 05/03/2023

Lauricidin Monolaurin

So far it has kept my outbreaks 100% at bay as long as I'm consistent about taking it and don't miss any doses. I take 2 to 3 scoops a day along with a high quality multi vitamin. Another person I saw posted not to drink hot liquids with it. I can testify to that. I took it with some hot coffee and it made me really nauseous. Before taking it, I would get outbreaks at least every couple of months. But when taking the Lauricidin consistently, I get have any. It works great. I've also noticed more energy, and my candidate symptoms have started to disappear. My digestion seems to be way better, too.

Hypericum Mysorense
Posted by JORDAN (Memphis) on 04/12/2023 is where I got mine!

Ozone Therapy
Posted by Paul (London) on 03/22/2023

Have you tried MMS?

Posted by Elizabeth (NM) on 03/17/2023

I was averaging 1-2 outbreaks a month of HSV 2 for many years (maybe 20 years). Acyclovir stopped them if started early enough, but only temporarily. I started taking BHT 300 mg, 5 months ago and I have not had even one outbreak. I am in heaven. SO grateful

Hypericum Mysorense
Posted by malaika (karachi, sindh) on 03/10/2023

Did you try hypericum mysorense? did that worked too? where can I get all of these thinks im in severe need I need to get rid of herpes asap can u please guide it easily how and where to get all of this amazon does not ship in my country pakistan

Posted by Malaika (karachi, pakistan ) on 03/10/2023

Hey there did u ever get an outbreak again? I get it every single day im so tired are u sure anyone u know or have seem that this supplement worked for them did they get cured? im so curious

Posted by %u0130ha (Istanbul ) on 03/05/2023

Is it still working?

Edgar Cayce's Remedy
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/02/2023 489 posts

If you're acidic, you need to hydrate. And, yes, that will simply dilute the acid but that's water's primary job.

Edgar Cayce's Remedy
Posted by Joe (Maine) on 03/01/2023

After dealing with herpes for several decades now myself, I can tell you that outbreaks occur when your system is too acidic (re: ph balance). Cayce was right. The apple cider vinegar and the glyco thymoline help you to be less acidic.

If you are getting outbreaks more than 1-2 year, you really need to look at your overall health: diet, exercise, emotional health.

Once you have an outbreak...there are lots of different ideas. I take lysine pills, vitamin C, and experiment with applying different things to the site. Currently using DMSO and iodine. But generally speaking, once an outbreak starts and you have a blister, it's too late. All you can do is shorten it.

Posted by Aleeah (Birmingham, AL) on 02/23/2023

​Lauricidin has not been a cure thus far, but when I take it regularly, at least a scoop twice a day, I do not get any genital herpes outbreaks. If I stop taking it, I will eventually get one. And if I start to get money, I start taking it again and it quickly goes away, most of the time without even scabbing (if I take it soon enough). So I am interested in the back window schedule of two to three scoops a day. It has been a lifesaver. Monolaurin tablets did not work this well for me. Make sure to read the instructions for lauricidin. If you take too much to begin with, you can have a strong reaction to toxins dying off rapidly. Don't take with hot liquid (coffee, hot tea, etc) or you'll get a stomach ache. I take it with half a teaspoon of coconut oil.

Stabilized Oxygen
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 02/22/2023 489 posts

I neglected to mention that the process via which it kills bad guys is oxidation and the byproduct of that oxidizing death of the bad guys is elemental oxygen. Hence, "stabilized oxygen". As stabilized oxygen, it is bound to the sodium from which it is released, upon the oxidation of the bad guy.

Stabilized Oxygen
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, UA) on 02/22/2023 489 posts

"Stabilized oxygen" is the "magical" half of MMS - the sodium chlorite solution part.

It seems like a scam because it's super simple but when the sodium chlorite meets the acid in the stomach or the acid in a virus or some diabolical microbe, it turns into MMS, on the spot, and kamikaze's the acidic bad guys. It kills them and, itself, dies in the process.

It's the water-purifying part of 2-part water purifiers.

Stabilized Oxygen
Posted by Mike (Cali ) on 02/21/2023

What is the brand and is it still working because I've heard it was a scam.

Posted by Adam (Uk) on 02/19/2023

Did you take soy lecithin or sunflower lecithin?

Magnesium Citrate
Posted by Ellen (Cleveland, OH) on 02/15/2023

Magnesium Citrate for which strain of HSV? How long have you had it? What was your IgG index score prior to using Magnesium Citrate?

No shedding? How did you measure that?
As you posted your comment nearly a year ago, what has been your latest IgG score?

I've used a minimum of 400mg of Magnesium Citrate everyday in my line up of supplements the entire length of time I've had HSV-2 to no effect on my outbreaks. Magnesium Citrate is a calming mineral. It affects one's bowels as an aid to relieve constipation.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Felipe (Colombia) on 02/13/2023

its your Colloidal silver of an amber tone?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by M.M (Denver, CO) on 02/09/2023

Would you give me more information on how exactly you beat it and what you did?

Posted by Adam (United Kingdom ) on 02/03/2023

Hi there, I'm glad you've finally found a solution to this horrible virus, how do you take the iodine? I thought it just absorbed through the skin? and can you recommend an effective one that you can buy online? Kind regards Adam.

Posted by Andy (United Kingdom ) on 02/03/2023

Hi do you take soy lecithin or sunflower lecithin? as I've heard the soy comes with a lot of bad side effects. regards Andy

Hypericum Mysorense
Posted by Jordan (Memphis) on 01/26/2023

I am not. I stopped this protocol. I do believe in it though. It's the only thing that I have seen work for me. I should have stayed on it another 6 months. I am not too sure about Synergy as lots of people have told me it didn't work for them. Their numbers did go down with Synergy though. One friend said his numbers went down but he stopped taking it after 6 months because he thought 6 months was the magical number of months. There are no magical number of months. You go until it becomes routine and you forget about it being a timed thing.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tina (Virginia Beach Virginia ) on 01/23/2023

I am dealing with your exact same situation. I do not want to tell my primary care due to being military and I feel everyone will know because people I work with have access to my medical records. Did you only use the HP topically or orally and how long did it take to get rid of the visual effects? Did your PC know when you got a PAP? Please help with any information

Posted by renee (NE) on 01/22/2023

Do u continue to take the iodine at same dose for rest of your life?

Lemon Water
Posted by Sandra (Omaha, NE) on 01/19/2023

Can u tell me if u boiled the entire lemon along with the peel for the lemon water?

EC: Probably just the juice from a squeezed lemon.

Posted by Andy (Uk) on 01/18/2023

Hi do you take soy lecithin? Or sunflower lecithin? As I've been taking the sunflower lecithin for a week now and still have symptoms. regards Andy

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rabbit (AL) on 01/15/2023

Hi did you take a igg test and change your diet?

Hypericum Mysorense
Posted by Nick (Michigan) on 01/11/2023

Reply to Jordan, are you still negative and herpes free?

Posted by Josh (Somewhere in the Caribbean ) on 01/09/2023

What brand type of iodine did you buy??

Posted by Cj (Oregon ) on 01/05/2023

I suffered with herpes outbreaks both genital and on my lips for over a decade. After coming to the devastating realization I had to stay away from nuts, seeds, gelatin etc to help prevent an outbreak I have avoided them completely. I started taking high dose iodine. With iodine you need to start relatively small and work your way up also taking companion supplements like zinc selenium magnesium. After some terrible detox from the bromine / fluoride getting detox from your brain you'll start to feel fantastic and I worked my way up to 100 mg of iodine a day after about 3 months I felt fantastic; my hormones balanced, my vaginal dryness completely disappeared, and it felt like I was 20 again. I started eating a few raw almonds here and there just testing the waters. That said I can eat all the peanut butter Brazil nuts walnuts that I want for the first time in over a decade. I'm using sesame oil and eating peanut butter by the spoonful not even a hint of an outbreak high dose iodine isn't really high dose it's really what your body needs.

Iodine cures over 180 common diseases from yes you guessed it viruses to breast and cervical cancer to prostate cancer I believe a big part of all of that is not having enough iodine in our system. It is truly given me so many precious parts of my life back ❤️ Look up his Iodine article. I believe all of God's cures are simple. Between apple cider vinegar, borax, blackstrap molasses, baking soda and all of the herbs he has given us what a true blessing.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California) on 12/07/2022 2226 posts


Your information about colloidal silver is incorrect. Too low of a dose will have no positive effect and is likely to create bacterial resistance to the silver.


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sarah (Auburn ) on 12/07/2022

Where did you find the food grade peroxide? Will you give me the link and help me too? Please

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Denaynay (Buffalo, mn. ) on 12/07/2022

Looking for help curing Herpes virus 2. Been using colloidal silver 500ppm. For 6 months, 1 tsp every day like directions on bottle say. It's not working. Was told the lower the ppm, the more effective it would be. Do you know of any truth to this? Or what I can do to cure Hsv2? I'm desperate. Please help

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Dena (Buffalo, mn.) on 12/07/2022

I heard colloidal silver can cure herpes 2. So I took 500 ppm cs for 6 months. I got retested and nothing had worked. BUT I just found out that the lower the # ppm, the more coverage it has. Should I try possibly 45ppm or something smaller? I really want this to go away 4ever. I could really use some advice please... thank you.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Cured1012 (Los Angeles ca ) on 12/04/2022

Hello I have been experiencing genital herpes since since 2007. I have had one ob after another. My md put me on valtrex since 2008 and took valtrex for about ten years. I started taking 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in 2018 for about one month, when I was diagnosed with colon cancer. My outbreaks stopped for about three months. I was not on valtrex for those three months. Because I had a foot removed from my colon my healer and I decided for me not to go on the fghp. After three months of I began to experience ob again. I decided not to go back on valtrex and went two years having back to back ob. It was very taxing to my ego and self esteem.

During this two years I was on a plant based diet and tried everything. Lysine, monosaurin, olive leaf, ozone, tea tree oil, Dr.Robert Morse, oregano oil. After about two years I stayed on some of the supplements and got back on 1/8 of a dose of valtrex that I used to take and I had very infrequent obs. I have purchased fghp and want to circle back to ingest it and follow the one minute cure book protocol. I promise to report back on whether my body responds. I'm pretty hopeful. Anyone have any tips they may want to share I'm all ears. We're all in this together and know once I'm cured will be there to help others as much as I can to help them get past their herpes.

Hypericum Mysorense
Posted by Jordan (Memphis, TN) on 11/30/2022

I actually tested negative for HSV after 8 months. HOWEVER, it came back. The reason it came back is that I stopped this protocol and didn't finish it for another 6 months, which is what you should do. But I did test negative for HSV 2. Follow this protocol for a YEAR and you will be free I believe.

I am actually getting on the Synergy protocol now. I did Hekma protocol and a bunch of other ones.

I tried EVERYTHING for 4 years and spend $15,000 USD trying to get a negative test and nothing worked. I tried:

-DIV Ozone for 6 months 3 times a week
-35% hydrogen peroxide for 5 months-more than 3 times
-Oregano Oil with a raw diet for 6 months
-I did SIXTEEN 10 passes in Colombia and here in the states


I never gave up UNTIL ONE DAY I discovered nosode therapy.

I saw my symptoms drop almost immediately and stayed on it, then tested negative after an 8 month protocol.

You HAVE to stay on this for a year. The virus can come back.

Here's why:
When you take an IGM test, you get a reading of under .90 and that just means the virus is no longer a threat to your body. It means you aren't having any more outbreaks.
You need to stay on it and keep crushing it down to close to zero.
This is going to take you 8 months, maybe for some more, maybe for some less.

Here are a couple of rules I would say follow: Do not stop the protocol, If you miss a dose, keep going. Breakouts are good. That means the virus is leaving your body. See rule number one. Do not stop. Keep your body alkaline if you can. I think if I were to have taken alkaline drops, and lysine multiple times daily, I would have tested negative faster.

Here is what I did:

One pill each 3 x DAILY

Take these 3x daily on empty stomach:

I recommend getting the 6 month supply of all of these (minus the Herpesyl) here:

I also took these drops with a full vial twice daily:

You need probiotics daily. You also need Spiralina and Chlorella daily if you can get it.

Get this spray for breakouts: It actually kills the herpes virus and will heal your skin: (they aka the gov has a patent on this for herpes believe it or not) but it works AMAZINGLY well at killing active breakouts. It is just Hypochlorous Acid.

Food to remove:


Sugar, canola oil or fried foods, alcohol, limit caffeine (I drank Pique Tea Pu'er tea daily though) or anything else that causes inflammation in your body. Caffeine will slow your healing down. If you are addicted to caffeine, understand this will prolong the healing process, I believe.

Listen to your body.

Things I did eat:

Veggies (all) fruits, (all), all lean meats, grilled /baked potatoes, sugar free ketchup, vegan ranch dressing, salads, smoothies, dairy free milk (coconut milk), and basically getting any food you want, as long as it's sugar and inflammation free.

Wishing you guys the best! Don't give up!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Jared (Seattle ) on 11/28/2022

I read the book also, did it really work for you?

Posted by Suzanne (Indiana) on 11/26/2022

Lecithin will stop a herpes breakout and, if taken regularly, prevent a breakout. I tried everything and lecithin is the only thing that works. It has been years since I have had an outbreak. Lecithin is also cheap. My granddaughter takes it and no longer has psoriasis.

There are a few old posts here on earthclinic you could read or you could just buy a bottle do the happy dance. Lol

Magnesium Citrate
Posted by Anonymous (Somewhere, u.s.) on 11/11/2022

Been taking a quality magnesium citrate supplement. 400 mg every night. Hasn't stopped the occasional outbreaks. Curious as to if anyone has tried magnesium l-threonate? Or hearing thoughts on it. Supposedly it's the most effective magnesium for crossing the blood brain barrier. Since the virus hides in the spine I was hoping maybe adding magnesium threonate to my nighttime dose would be more effective. I searched the internet about magnesium threonate as related to herpes but there's not much information about it concerning the virus. Thoughts questions comments would be appreciated from the community. If I have any success I will come back and post.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Erny (Edo state ) on 10/18/2022

Please can someone recommend the type of oregano oil to use for this condition? Thank you.

Magnesium Citrate
Posted by Eric (Detroit, Michigan ) on 10/09/2022

My friend tried this and got an outbreak. This virus affects everyone differently.

Gentian Violet
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/18/2022

Gentian Violet and Infrared Light Therapy for Genital Herpes

Back in the 1980's I remember Gentian Violet used for herpes. I was 19 in the military when a GF (nothing sexual between us) had a genital herpes outbreak. I didn't know what it was, but there had been news reports about the new STD genital herpes. Her OB/GYN treated her with gentian violet 1% painting her private parts and shinning a red infared light, lighting her girly part. I doubt that the treatment was going to have any effect; but in seven days, her outbreak was over.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 09/06/2022 52 posts

What is the protocol you used.... anyone?

Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 09/06/2022 52 posts

Take zinc with food. I learned the hard way. Once, I took it on an empty stomach and after a short while I suddenly and violently started vomiting. Barely made it to the bathroom. My face was crimson red (freaky) and it was one of the worst vomiting episodes I've ever had in my life. It was short spell but extreme. Don't think I could have remained in this state long or you'd be thinking you need to call an ambulance. Yeah it was that bad. Felt like I'd been poisoned. Pretty awful and don't recommend making this mistake.

Black Walnut Hull
Posted by Barry (Dallas, TX) on 09/01/2022

Did you take a blood test?

Posted by JOSEF (IL) on 08/11/2022 4 posts

You may want to try BHT as it will damage and suppress the herpes virus, but you will never completely get rid of the virus as once you have it, you will have it for life. But BHT will suppress it sometimes for a long time. Start with a dosage for the first few days with up to 900 mg and then taper off to about 400 mg. BHT works best when first dissolved in oil as it is only soluble in oil or alcohol, but alcohol is not recommended. This way it is better absorbed in your system. In addition, you may want to use Lysine about 1500 mg/ day as it helps to prevent the spread of the virus. Hope it helps.

Posted by Jimi (Ghana) on 08/10/2022

I saw your message on Earth clinic regarding the treatment of Herpes. I have ocular herpes and my daughter of 3 years caught it as well. I hope Cimetidine works for us when we use it as she is always in pain.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sara (UK) on 08/07/2022

Hi Ellanor, thank you for sharing this information, it's such a big help.
Could you tell me, did you take all the supplements only when you had an outbreak? or regularly everyday for a while?
Do you think I should attack it only when it's out breaking?
Could you also share if you maintained a special diet during these times?

Thank you!!


ACV, Flower Remedies, Diet, Tea Tree Soap
Posted by Raphael (TX) on 08/03/2022

Yeah, I forgot peanuts can frequent GH, so I eat a big bag of salted roasted peanuts, it gave me 2 flare ups. This site's revisit reminds me of nuts are no no.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Raphael (TX) on 08/03/2022

Peanut sauce for satay .... peanut is nuts that is a no no for herpes flare up.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Elle (Atlanta, GA) on 07/09/2022

You have to take daily for at least 3 months.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 07/08/2022 52 posts

Heard about 'The Cure is in the Cupboard' from Christian Green (Nature Heals Us) on YT. He has a strategy and many ppl report in testimonials of having got rid of their virus. He says it's a parasite and recommends a multi-level approach whereby the use of herbs, supplements, 35% Food grade hydrogen peroxide, distilled water only, and super clean eating (zero processed foods) is used to attack and neutralize the virus.

Magnesium Citrate
Posted by Pluton (California) on 07/08/2022

Magnesium citrate can make u constipated. It's not safe for long term.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Keeker (Sterling Height, MI) on 06/21/2022

Hi, any ideas what strength peroxide Happy from AZ used in 2016?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Andrew (Kingston, Jamaica ) on 05/30/2022

For me so far I can, I've been having outbreaks almost every 2 weeks sometimes once a month based on if I'm on meds like lysine or prescription meds. I've had herpes for almost 4 years I think I got it from a partner but I don't know which one.

I've tried so many experiments like herbal remedies and even home remedies but none helped me like how I see HP does it even stops my genital herpes outbreaks. I hope when I get the food grade one it stops it completely for sure. I recently started using HP oral topically and I'm seeing great results. I notice it blocks the genital outbreaks but the oral ones still come I'm confused as to why but I'll be purchasing the Food grade HP to experiment again.

I hope this helps anyone struggling with this pest of a virus

Posted by Linda (Tyler, TX) on 05/14/2022

Thanks for sharing about the digestive issues. With this recent outbreak, I've had a loss of appetite, diarrhea, indigestion, some nausea and nothing food-wise appeals to me. Generally, when having a breakout, I feel literally sick and extremely fatigued. This time the symptoms are worse so I'm wondering if it's the BHT. I've stopped all supplements to see if I feel better and if some of the digestive symptoms leave. This is a horrible disease.

Magnesium Citrate
Posted by Adam (Uk) on 05/14/2022

Hi, could you recommend a brand that I can buy online? And does this work on hsv2? Regards Adam.

Posted by Adam (Uk) on 05/14/2022

Hi Suzanne, did you have hsv2 or cold sores?

Ivermectin, Neosporin
Posted by Chris (Florida) on 05/10/2022

I have heard herpes was healed by putting on a bandaid with a mix of ivermectin and Neosporin for 2 days. Supposedly the blisters cleared up within a week to 10 days.

Posted by Serena (Dublin, CA) on 05/08/2022

Hello. Is it the sunflower lecithin I need to take?

Magnesium Citrate
Posted by Jenny (Phoenix, Arizona ) on 04/11/2022

I tried so many other suggestions from people on earth clinic. None of them worked. I would get regular outbreaks every couple of weeks no matter what I did or took.

The magnesium citrate has been nothing short of a miracle! It's been over a month and I've been outbreak free! Thank you so much! I feel like I have my life back again!

Posted by JLR (Memphis) on 04/07/2022

Thanks for this! Have you been re-tested? Do you think it has been suppressed or eradicated/cured?

Magnesium Citrate
Posted by JesusLives! (CA) on 03/08/2022

No more herpes outbreaks or shedding

High quality magnesium citrate supplement. I guarantee you will never get another outbreak again. Puts the virus completely to sleep. Men take 400mg per day women take 300mg per day. This is not an if or maybe, it will work. It 100% works for everyone. No more guessing or hoping something will work.

Synergy Protocol
Posted by Ellen (USA) on 02/14/2022

I just retested Feb ‘22: 5 mos since my last IgG test for HSV-2: 13.3.

Posted by Suzanne (IN) on 02/10/2022

Lecithin cures herpes. There is an old post on Earth-clinic about lecithin. I tried everything to get rid of herpes, like I imagine other sufferers have. Lecithin works. Take it and you will never have an outbreak again. Yes, you continue to take it.

I buy the Now brand and take two a day. I started with two in the am and two in the pm. Now just two a day and I even miss days. Lecithin works and it's cheap.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ellen (USA) on 02/06/2022

And I'm curious as to which form of HSV she had: oral or genital?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mikael (Canada-Vancouver) on 02/06/2022


Vitamin C in ascorbic acid turns into oxalates crystals that damage the kidneys.

Oxalate toxicity can do a lot of harm to the body. It can damage not just the kidneys, but the intestines, soft tissues, and even the brain. Through its damage to the gut it may lead to certain autoimmune diseases and since oxalates can bind to T3 it may even disrupt thyroid function!Trying a low oxalate diet and any of the supplements suggested may be just what is needed for your body to thrive.

Renal Failure

Over time, oxalates can damage the kidney enough to cause renal failure. The kidney is the main organ focused on excretion, and the stress and inflammation from oxalates can overwhelm it. Patients with kidney stones have been shown to have decreased mitochondrial function in their white blood cells.


When oxalates are deposited into your organ tissues, they trigger inflammation. Specifically the NLPR-3 inflammasome .NLPR-3 has been implicated in numerous chronic diseases, including cancer .AutismThis study found that patients with Autism had 3x the levels of oxalates in their blood than normal individuals.

Skin and Eye Issues

High circulating oxalate levels leads to deposits in numerous organs throughout the body. Two of the most common are the skin and eyes .Oxalates are abrasive causing skin and eye issues when deposited there.

Beet greens and beetroots, spinach all have veru high oxalates... have high levels of oxalates, which have been linked to kidney stones, joint pain, and chronic disease.
Vitamin C supplementation – will metabolise to oxalate. The effect may be delayed as much as 2 weeks.

Synergy Protocol
Posted by Ellen (USA) on 02/05/2022


I did use the Synergy protocol - Dec ‘18- Sept ‘19. My IgG score started at 14.5 and was 17.8 nine months later. I noticed after a month a huge lessening in symptoms and that continued the whole time such that I felt ‘cured' until I got my test results. I took some months off for my liver to rest and later started my own protocol using their suggested products but from different supplement providers as the company was shut down for a bit due to shipping and new ownership issues.

A year later, this past September, my IgG score was 12.5. I believe I've been symptom free since November and need to test again. I will give Synergy praise for their excellent customer service. You don't need to be a paying customer for them to help you tweak your diet and supplements. I learned from them that Vitamin C is high in Arginine - I was daily taking a few thousand grams of it. I feel truly cared for. The price is the same whether you use theirs or buy the listed products locally. In my break period I met a young lady that had been cured by their protocol but her starting IgG score was less than 3 and she started it right away. That may be critical in the cure as any score 5> is high. Sadly, she has since gotten reinfected and is back on their protocol. Her asymptomatic partner's IgG score had come down from 9 to 6 in two months on Synergy. In lieu of their mystery amino acids, I am using 500mg Glutamine on an empty stomach both morning and night, 500mg Glycine at bedtime on an empty stomach, and 500mg Methionine with food in the morning along with 45mg Zinc Gluconate and 200mcg Selenium. I take 500mg Lysine 4x/day on an empty stomach. They have approved of my added Vitamin D3, Ubiquinol, Magnesium, Vitamin B Complex, Green Tea Extract and ApoLactoferrin. Their website also suggests, and I take apart from the amino acids, Melatonin and Monolaurin. Rhodiola Rosea, Tribulus, and Astragulas in 750mg dosages are also included in their protocol and taken away from my personal protocol. They emphasize staying away from Arginine foods as the body processes it differently from Lysine and Herpes will make a little go a long way for replication. A guy I know also used it and it didn't work for him but he wouldn't give up high Arginine beer nor make any needed dietary or lifestyle changes otherwise. You may glean something from their user friendly website.

Antiviral Cleanse
Posted by Ellen (USA) on 02/05/2022


Have you had a recent IgG test? I wish more would post the results of their testing. It does not have to involve a costly Doctors visit. There are a few online testing companies that are affordable and will send a prescription for your HSV testing to your local LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics. You get your results privately online. I've used ‘Request a Test' here in North America the last 2yrs. My next option is ‘' or ‘UltaLab'. This allows me to affordably self-monitor what is or isnt working.

Bach Flower Remedies
Posted by Ellen (USA ) on 02/05/2022

Molke, Grains are high in amino acid Arginine which feeds the virus. Check online the ratio of amino acid Lysine vs Arginine of everything you ingest. Lysine helps to starve virus.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ellen (USA) on 02/05/2022

The Baking Soda is a quick way to alkaline ones body.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ellen (USA) on 02/05/2022

Eleanor, have you had an IgG test done to see if your method affects that? I wish more would test prior and after their experiences for reference.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ellen (USA) on 02/05/2022

Weeping, I used Oregano Oil every which as prescribed on the internet for 18mos to no avail of my HSV-2. Though my HSV-1 was eradicated in less than 9mos. My starting IgG score for HSV-1 was 2.45. My last IgG score for HSV-2 at the end of the Oregano Oil experience had gone up to 14.5! I've found anyone eradicated of Herpes had an IgG score of <3. A score of 5> is high.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ellen (USA) on 02/05/2022

Maryland, you don't need to take coconut oil by mouth. It's the Lauric Acid in it that works against viruses ie Herpes. Monolaurin is a dry product from coconut oil that is made of the Lauric Acid. I order my monolaurin from Lauricidin. Google it.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ellen (USA) on 02/05/2022


Coconut meat is high in Arginine and feeds the virus. Coconut Oil is the only part that folks with Herpes can use - an example from Coconut Oil is monolaurin which is an antiviral. Antivirals ie Astragalus fight viruses, antibacterials fight bacteria; antibiotics kill bacteria not viruses.

Kevin Trudeau's Protocol
Posted by Ellen (USA) on 02/05/2022

Coconut water and onions are both high in Arginine and feed the virus. A diet higher in Lysine vs Arginine will starve the virus. It's important to check online the Lysine vs Arginine ratio of everything you ingest. Even Vitamin C supplements are high in Arginine. We know Herpes is a protein based virus and reacts to Amino Acids which are the building blocks of protein.

And as Lyn has pointed out, regular blood tests of your liver and kidneys along with your IgG score for your Herpes is important to monitor your health.

Acetone Nail Polish Remover
Posted by Vince (Oklahoma ) on 01/20/2022

Please let me know how your treatment plan went. Thank you.
