Genital Herpes
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Genital Herpes Relief

Hydrogen Peroxide, ACV, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Louisa (Austin, Texas) on 09/19/2009

So, here I am, a 45 year old woman who has just had my first herpes outbreak (OB). I was humiliated and in denial for about an hour when I came across this website and found hope and inspiration here. Based on hundreds of letters of good advice, this is the protocol I used to alleviate all the symptoms of the OB within 5 days. (Day 1)The first night I packed organic ACV soaked cotton balls in the folds of my privates. This stung initially, but I just waited it out. I slept this way for over 8 hours. When I woke, the affected spots were bright white. (Days 2-3) I started dabbing 3% hydrogen peroxide (HP) cotton balls liberally to affected area multiple times during the day, as well as "packing" the area with HP cotton balls at night. The "tickling" sensation lasted only three days and each day was significantly less than the day before. (Days 4-5) I continued using HP at least twice daily for a total of 5 days. On the 5th day following the initial symptom OB I saw my Nurse Practitioner and she was unable to even find evidence of the outbreak and said that I had done "a good job at drying it out." (Oh, I also drank about 3 Tbsp. ACV daily, and large doses of homemade colloidal silver 5/ppm, maybe 2 cups over 5 days.)

Good Luck, you're not alone.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ali (Jacksonville, Fl) on 09/13/2009

Adding diluted Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to a pitcher of ice tea has been a God Send. I was devasted when I tested positive about 7 yrs. ago. I never had a severe case and outbreaks were pretty infrequent but it was more the embarrassment than the discomfort that lead me to find a solution. The lysine did not work at all for me. But to my utter amazement and relief the FGHP did! It has been about 3 years since I started adding it and I have not had an "occurrence" since...not one full blown outbreak!!! Although I have felt like it was going to happen due to fatigue or sore legs or a pain in my stomach but then I would make an effort to ingest more of the FDHP than normal which seemed to stop the potential onset in its tracks. Please try this and be the directions and dilute properly. All I can say is it REALLY worked. I think I might get tested during my next wellness visit to see if it's gone....fingers crossed!

DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 09/05/2009 495 posts

Hi EC, Looks like this correspondent from the UK is saying to apply the above to the lower spine for herpes simplex, type 2 and to apply it to the nape of the neck for herpes, type 1.

Remember to cleanse the area where you will be applying it thoroughly just before using and I suggest cleansing with H202, not alcohol or soap. Remember DMSO is the most absorbable stuff known and it is also known to carry anything on the skin inside with it when it is absorbed.

DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anon (Birmingham, Uk) on 09/04/2009

If using DMSO for herpes hs2, mix a little 3% h202 and place on lower part of spine or for hs1 base of neck and let sit for 30 sign of outbreak do once a day for 3 consecutive works a treat...

EC: Do you mean mix a little DMSO with 3% peroxide and apply to the spine or neck? Thanks for clarifying!

Prunella Vulgaris
Posted by Dana (Miami, Florida) on 09/02/2009

Forgot to mention it is 3 caps Prunella and 2 caps of monolaurin 3 times a day for a few weeks

General Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/29/2009 495 posts

Hello David,

Since L-lysine 2 grams with 2 grams Vitamin C 4 times per day (suggest mealtime & bedtime) works to rid one of HSV-l, it should work on HSV-2 also. That is what I would be trying first off for any viral infection because I know it works on chicken pox (therefore should work for shingles or Herpes Zoster), mononucleosis (kissing fever) and several other viruses as well.

Prunella Vulgaris
Posted by Dana (Miami, Fl) on 08/28/2009

I took 3 caps of Prunella Vulgaris and 2 caps of Monolaurin and drank 1 glass of red wine a day for a few weeks. Have not had OB in 9 months.

General Feedback
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 08/27/2009

sorry to be a downer but this sounds like a spam post.. at least don't mention the product name... He is asking specifically from someone who cured themselves...not for a vague remedy.

EC: Thank you for pointing it out! Product name removed!

Red Marine Algae
Posted by Thereishope (Granby, Ma) on 08/24/2009

I was diagnosed with Herpes over 3 years ago and like most newly diagnosed people, I thought my life was over. I believed the doctors when they told me there was no cure, I took their drugs and didn't ask questions. That is until I became fed up with having an outbreak every month. I started researching, getting the facts and the truth about this virus. Through my research I came across Red Marine Algae. All I can tell you is that I stopped taking Valtrex, (which actually made me feel more sick and sluggish) and started taking RMA. At the first sign of an outbreak, I took 4 pills daily on an empty stomach with plenty of water and continued this for 60 days, even after the outbreak was gone. The first time I tried RMA I was happy with how quickly I healed and the outbreak was less severe than the outbreaks I had on Valtrex. I only had one more outbreak and did the same thing...took the pills (which you're supposed to take for at least two months after your intial sign of an outbreak to help wipe it out). Since then I haven't had an outbreak. I have been outbreak free for two years and two months! Along with that I also changed my eating habits, eliminating soda, fast food, processed sugars and flours, trans-fats, high-fructose corn syrup and beef. Exercise also helps, even if it is just walking 20 minutes a day. All I have to say is that RMA has worked for me and I have tried a lot of things. For the first year I took Valtrex and suffered every month, the past two and a half years I tried RMA twice and have seen incredible results. My advice is to do your own research, use common sense and keep your body happy and healthy!! There is hope, don't give up!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Chad (Tampa, Fl) on 08/19/2009

Hi I have questions regarding Ted's Remedies. Where do you get the Zinc Acetate and Magnesium and also how do you make sure its only 5 % concentration levels? Any help is very much appreciated!


Aloe Vera
Posted by Jimi50 (Surabaya, Indonesia) on 08/18/2009

I have had GH for many years,but usually an outbreak only 2 or 3 times a decade. Upon moving to Indonesia, my outbreaks increased to 5 or 6 a year. After racking my little brain, the only thing I do different here is use SOY OIL for cooking.

Any imput or ideas,from anyone?

I have found that fresh Aloe Vera, both orally and topigraphicaly, seem to have an immediate effect, healing sores, burning, and the funky overall feeling.

I will change my cooking oil,but again, any ideas would be welcome.

Thanks and good luck to ALL.!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Liz (Boulder, Co) on 08/17/2009

I have just starting taking Oregano oil everyday, so I don't know if it is working yet but I am hoping for the best. I heard about it through my stepfather he lives by the stuff (for everything). My brother also takes if to boost his immune system. He has been taking it everyday for the last 4 years and hasn't gotten sick. Therefore, I think is is safe to take on a daily base. I take 4 drops of it in the morning and 4 drops at night. I also rub it on the base of my spine since that is where the virus lives and the oil will seep in through the skin.

General Feedback
Posted by Steve (Bryan, Texas) on 08/09/2009

too many abbreviations, too much dancing circles

ok i havnt tried anything yet, except zovirax, it works ok most of the time. i usully breakout one my back side top of my butt cheek, usually on the left, i have been reading your articles here im confused. please tell me what to get to cure my genital herpes or greatly suppress it. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!. I have had this for 23 years, i would give my left nut to get rid of it. I tend to break out now if i get too hot. Like riding in a hot car if the seat is hot. It seems the heat causes me to break out, cause my butt is right against the hot seat.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vera (Nashville, Tn) on 08/03/2009

ACV and Genital Herpes Outbreak: I tried ACV topically on a whim for a few lesions by my labia.. it did sting some, however after 2 days, the lesions went away.. amazing.. i LOVE ACV...

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tavora (Brooklyn, NY) on 07/21/2009

Both lemon and ACV are acidic in nature but have an alkalizing effect when absorbed into the body. I eat lemon all the time (and take it w/ baking soda) and ALWAYS my pH level increases right after.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anne (Richmond, VA) on 07/20/2009

Hi my name is Anne and I was dignosed with GH last April. I hadn't been sexualy active in quite a few years, so I was kinda alarmed. I didn't realize nor did I know that GH can lay dormat in your body for years. I had went to a accupunturist and we had discussed seveal different things to eat and not to eat. She told me NO artificial sweetners.. She got me drinking the ACV and several other things. I had been on this diet for quite awhile and hadn't had any problems until last friday. I kept thinking what did I do differently? The only thing I could think of was I was at a friend's house and I drank a sugerfree drink. Within about 5 hours I had a small blister. On a whim I looked up the health benefits of ACV and found this website. I am soooo glad that I did. It is awesome.. It confirmed the artificial sweetners.. Who knew? No more for me.. I will also not only drink the ACV, but use it if I were to get a sore. Thank God for this website.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Badboy (Regina, Sask) on 07/19/2009

Lemon is high in acid no? Also ACV is high in acid but ppl say it works. Im confused.

Posted by Esther (NYC, NY) on 07/01/2009

I hope you're not talking about the usual vaginal discharge that every woman has just before she's ovulating. Don't think that you have an infection or you're dirty. I certainly hope that your doctors haven't lead you on a goose chase for 7 years. I've been reading a book which thoroughly explains the "normal" patterns of monthly cervical fluids for women, in fact it's used as a means of birth control or pregnancy planning. I hope this helps you!

Diaper Rash Cream
Posted by Krista (Columbus , OH) on 06/30/2009

___ Diaper Rash cream works excellent for Genital Herpes! It has zinc in it and it has ingredients in it that heal the skin. At the first sign of a tingle put the cream in the area and it heals so fast. This along with Lysine works better than prescription medication.

General Feedback
Posted by Ozena (Newyork, Newyork) on 06/16/2009

I was diagnosed with GH almost 6 years ago I tell u it was the worst thing that could happen to me,because the person knew he had it and infected me on purpose, yeh sure I should have let him give me oral, but I was caught up in the moment like many of you,This bastard ruined my life,I tried to get the health dept to stop him,who knows how many women he infected? I was too embarassed to call the police, I will never forget that outbreak, sores itching,being mesirable,I was on Valtrex but that made me sick do I stopped,6 years later no outbreaks at all,everbody is different, not a sore or lesion, some stings sometimes, but I go about my buisness, I think mentally Im coming along, Im 39 so at 33 when this happens and my baby was almost 3 then it was HARD to deal with,clinic visits, the doctors treated me like a leper, I would never think to give this to anyone, NEVER, I was seeing someone who knew, it was good at first but it didnt work out, oh well, if someone comes along I will always be honest, its my disease not theirs,That creep who gave it to me will get his whereever the Coward is, keep your heads up it will be ok!!!

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 06/06/2009 495 posts

Hello Mary,

I have no personal experience with using MMS for shingles (Herpes Zoster), but shingles is caused by a virus and MMS is said to kill out bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi, and others.

My thinking is that if MMS can kill out the genetically engineered virus (HIV+) causing AIDS, it should find killing out an unaltered virus like Herpes Zoster. it would certainly be worth the trial since current thinking is that Herpes Zoster is the same virus that caused chicken pox in youth, just sitting there in your nerve endings all those years to create havoc with shingles. If MMS kills the virus, you shouldn't get shingles again unless you are re-exposed to it.

Posted by Mary (Phoenix, Arizona) on 06/06/2009

I have read through all of these testimonials, but have not read anything to support the use of MMS for herpes. Can any of you give some feedback on that? I know a number of people that are plagued with this and want to know if anyone feels 'cured' by using MMS.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sac (Columbia, MO) on 06/04/2009

ACV for Herpes (genital)

I'm a believer! I have suffered from herpes for over 15 years now and I think I am one of the lucky ones. My outbreaks are few and far between but when they come on, the come on strong. I was on Valtrex for a while but my outbreaks are so infrequent I did not see the point. Also, Valtrex did not stop outbreaks and when I had to double up during an outbreak, I felt ill to my stomach and did not see the length of outbreak get any shorter. So, I quit. I have tried several things since then (Zorivex, tea tree oil). I have had 2 outbreaks in the past 18 months. I came here yesterday (this is the second outbreak) to look for some options.The tea tree seemed to help but I wanted something to shorten the duration. Started applying ACV last night via cotton swab, slept with a cotton swab on infected area last night. OH MY GOSH! I can tell it is almost gone. Soreness is almost completely gone from lesion and the swollen lymph node is noticeably less sore. I will continue to use for another few days but, at this rate, I am looking at a recovery time of 2 maybe 3 days as opposed to 7 maybe 10 days. I also plan to try Ted's solution. I do believe there is a cure for this and I am tired of being at the mercy of this virus. Thank you to Earth Clinic and all who contribute. Thanks to this site, I see light in the darkness that is herpes.

Posted by Christian (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) on 06/04/2009



L-Lysine, Zinc, Pau De Arco Tea
Posted by Veronica (Houston, Texas ) on 05/29/2009

I have used 2500mg of L-Lysine a day, 50mg - 100mg of zinc a day and I haven't had a outbreak since I was told I had it 1 year ago. If I feel a outbreak coming on I drink Pau De Arco Tea and put 20 drops of Pau'De Arco in there. Also if you have an outbreak if you put 3 cap fulls of bleach in some warm water in soak sores will disappear in 2 days.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by J. (Costa Mesa, CA) on 05/25/2009

Genital Herpes - Rubbing Alcohol - Yeah!

I've had outbreaks for 10 years now of GH. I swear by Rubbing Alcohol topically. At the first sign of a funny feeling I grab a cotton ball soak it in Rubbing Alcohol 91% and swipe both labia.

GH likes warm and moist. It doesn't like cool and dry - the rubbing alcohol creates an inhospitable environment. I also use it during an outbreak to dry up the lesions quicker. It hurts when there is a sore but I've found lightly spanking my leg helps me distract until the burning is gone and the treatment helps speed recovery by quite a bit.

Use as many times a day as needed - also very discrete as rubbing alcohol can be used for lots of household things.
