Natural Remedies

Dealing with Depression Naturally


16 User Reviews
5 star (15) 

Posted by Karin (Arlington) on 08/29/2005

5HTP has been one great discovery for me and several of my friends. We used to all take Valerian root which worked great but smelled awful. St. Johns wort wasn't bad either, but there was concerns about taking before surgeries. We've been taking 5HTP for over a year now and there is always this significant sense of calm.

Posted by Charlotte (Richboro, PA)

My 6 year old grandson was diagnosed with "Select Mutism" 2 years ago and rather than put him on "Prozac", my daughter did some research and learned about 5HTP and chose to try it first. He started on 50mg every night. His psychologist saw the same results with the 5HTP as children on prescribed drugs. It's been a miracle for him. I have since then also taken it since our family seems to have anxiety problems and ADD runs in the family and it has helped very much with these problems. I usually take 100mg to 200mg daily depending on my stress levels at the time. We are so grateful our little grandson did not have to take Prozac or a similar drug. I would highly recommend it as a first choice to try at least.

5-HTP and Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tim (Perth, Western Australia) on 03/13/2009

I am a 46 year old male who has suffered from regular bouts of depression for most of my adult life. These depressed episodes were not usually linked to any situational cause and indeed could be very difficult to understand for my family because there was no obvious trigger or reason why I was depressed. The symptoms presented as physical as well as mental and I would suffer from joint pain, lethargy and extreme nausea and in severe bouts even cold sweats and shivering that would last for days and sometimes a week. I have tried prescription anti-depressants but the side effects were almost as bad as the ailment so I resolved to put up with the ups and downs (I only probably had episodes bad enough to take off work maybe twice a year).

About 2 years ago someone put me on to 5 Hydroxy Tryptophan or 5-HTP as a precursor to serotonin production and I decided to give it a try (the potential for weight loss was an added incentive) and I found the results somewhat hit and miss until after some research and experimentation I hit on the combination of 5-HTP (100mg) combined with Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate (15mg) (the active enzyme version of vitamin B6 and assists in the conversion of the 5-HTP to serotonin) taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (I avoid eating for at least half an hour). The theory from my research into taking it on an empty stomach is that this avoids the 5-htp metabolising into serotonin in the stomach before it can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Further, I have found that the active version of B6 is more effective than the common variety version (pyridoxine) because I think I struggle to metabolise the pyridoxine variety into the active enzyme and therefore have a natural B6 deficiency (probably why I don't produce enough serotonin).

I haven't had a bout of depression for over 12 months now despite the fact that I have experienced (as many others have over the past 4 months) the most stressful and extreme anxiety creating environment of my professional life.

Acetyl L-Carnitine

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Paul (Saint Louis, Mo) on 05/19/2013

Acetyl L-Carnitine has changed my life as well. I have suffered from depression since I was a child, have tried every medication out there and nothing seemed to work. Also, I found out I had candida, and everything I have done to bring my GI tract back into balance has helped the depression, OCD, worry, and ADHD. I take probiotics before bed, which has made a huge difference. L-tyrosine has helped me a lot. My biggest help was finding out that I was low in stomach acid. Treating that with Betaine HCL has changed my life and enabled me to actually "absorb" vitamins and nutrients from food that I couldn't before, this has changed my life.

Acetyl L-Carnitine
Posted by Sveta (Des Plaines, IL) on 07/28/2009

Editor's Choice

Having been suffering from bipolar, bulimia, anxiety disorder and depression for 5 years. Tried ACETYL L-CARNITINE. Have one thing to say, it's freaking amazing! I'm surprised you don't hear about it much. It helps my anxiety better than cold showers, antidepressants, and even Xanax! I'm so happy that that i found out about it. It's like the hell I've been living in for years is over. This supplement has the strength of a prescription drug. I advise everyone who has anxiety problem to give a try. Though I need like 50 mg a day instead of 5000 the way they recommend. 5000 is too much for me to tolerate. Find your dosage. And never give up. Try every supplement for depression and anxiety out there, one by one. Some will do nothing, some will make you feel worse, but there'll be one, two, or even more that will help you and make your life a beautiful and joyful thing to have. Good luck everyone.

Acetyl L-Carnitine
Posted by Robin (Minneapolis, MN) on 06/06/2009

I have had depression most of my life. Everyone's body chemistry and brain make-up is different and that is why dr's have a hard time finding the right meds for people with emotional problems. Anyway, I have just put up with it all these years as I don't like taking Rx. By accident, in taking some acetyl-l-carnitine, I finally realized I wasn't depressed anymore. Not happy, just not down in the pits for a change.

I think Americans are having to eat such nutrient deficient foods that synthetic supplements can't completely cover as good as Mother Nature can; that whole populations are having subclinical and even clinical deficiencies that are being labeled as 'this or that problem' instead of what it really is!

Anyway, I was taking 500mg/day on empty stomach. Another thing it is good for is the heart. L-carnitine is better, but this other helps some with the pressure on the chest also.

Acetyl L-Carnitine
Posted by Molly (Madison, USA) on 04/11/2008

Editor's Choice

One time I purchased a bottle of 5-htp, and after taking one capsule morning & evening, just twice, I threw the bottle away. My reaction to 5-htp was horrific; upon further research I learned that high levels of serotonin are associated with SEVERE ANXIETY. I also read that the spice ginger is a serotonin antagonist, so I have a bottle on hand, just in case I ever feel so anxious ever again.

Then I read somewhere online that there is a set of people whose depression responds to Acetyl L-Carnitine, they said the depression lifted in these people when using 3-4 grams a day, and to take two grams of acetylcarnitine on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning.

This amino acid is the most amazing substance; I've never been able to take more than 2 grams per day - there is such great mental clarity, there is utter inability to be depressed, but there simultaneously is no euphoria - just calm lucid clarity. I've read that it assists the brain in making many different neurotransmitters - so it is not anything, not anything at all like 5-htp which floods the brain with serotonin - which, if you don't need it, might create severe anxiety.

Apple Cider Vinegar

13 User Reviews
5 star (11) 
4 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Jason (Peoria, Az United States) on 06/30/2011

Editor's Choice

Wow, I'm totally shocked how well this works. I have been dealing with depression for 18 years and have tried medications, supplements, everything except for this. Last Sunday I was feeling down in the dumps and I thought I would just go for it and drank a whole shot down. Within 15 minutes, I was full of energy and ready to do things. I would exercise caution and reccomend only doing a tablespoon and chase it down with water and don't drink too much apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach your first time. The shot I drank got me out of the dumps but it was way too much and too strong, I couldn't fall asleep and felt a little hyper on the edge. I was extremely productive with my work over the next couple days, so I decided I wait wait till I felt depressed again and only do a little bit before trying the ACV again.

Well now it is 4 days later and I was feeling pretty hopeless, depressed, and no motivation to do anything. I took a tablespoon of ACV and drank a bottle of water right afterwords. This is truely magical, I can't believe how good I feel, this is not placebo. I'm going to go to the gym and get some work done, and work on some music, something I did not feel like doing all day until I had the 2nd dose of ACV. I reccomend this with all my heart. Who would have known? Be sure to get the raw, unfiltered kind with mother!

Replied by Seekthetruth
(Wisconsin, Usa)

I am wondering - for those who have suffered a long time with depression (years and years) - and not just the basic 'blues' from time to time - but true depression, if someone can provide me with some advice on how to best proceed. I have a situation where a friend has a child (young adult under 30) that has been depressed and battling it for 10 years. My friend is not open to alternative remedies, but her child is - to a degree. He has been in and out of 'treatment' for depression (at facilities) a few times over the years and always tries to eat healthy, stopped drinking, etc. And still battles with it - he doesn't want to do drugs, and wants to live more simply, with less chaos in his life, but it seems his parents don't agree with that method - (no meds). He is stressed by this as well but would never say so to them. So what my question or need is - do I tell him about these wonderful remedies and offer my personal advice on his situation to him - and risk his parents friendship - or stay out of it. (I have experience with depression in a relative who committed suicide - we didn't know he was depressed until it was too late. ) I was forbidden to tell this friends son about my relative, by his parents.

If those of you who suffered with this depression for years - would let me know - if someone had the sort of info that is offered here and knew it would help you - would you want them to tell you about it - or stay out of it? I am not suffering from depression so I can't know what people who do feel about those who give them advice or tell them what to do - I don't want to be simply 'heard out' and not have it be of benefit because it was unsolicited or unwanted advice.

Let me know how you would want someone in my situation to proceed if you were the one who I wanted to tell about this. I am desparate to know - I feel like time could be short for him - and I want to help this family so much.

Thanks in advance for any help. I'll check back for posts in response to this. I'd also like to hear follow ups on those who have been taking ACV for depression for long periods of time and how it has been going. God bless!

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Seekthetruth - It's unfortunate that your friends don't believe in alternative medicine for their son's depression (especially since the conventional methods don't seem to be working for him). However, since he is an adult (you mentioned he was an adult male, under 30), he can decide for himself. By all means, share whatever you can with him. If his parents forbid you to do this, then they don't value your friendship. Their son's health is more important especially since you feel time is running out.

My sister-in-law has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals, had counselling, threatened suicide, took every medication ever made for depression (and endured the serious side effects) for years (she is in her 60s now). What has made a huge difference was cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and a change in her diet. She lived on processed food, artificial sweeteners (didn't want to gain weight) and a host of quick and easy meals that you just pop in the microwave (another evil - microwaved food).

Taking responsibility for what she put in her mouth was a huge challenge (and still is) but as long as she stayed away from junk, ate healthy, nutritious food (as in home cooked and not that frozen stuff with a million additives), NO sweeteners (even natural ones), took fish oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin B Complex (with extra Vitamin B12 - Connie is so right about Vitamin B12), drank enough water, exercised moderately, her depression lessened and her coping skills grew. She was able to be weaned off her pills by her doctor, with help from the cognitive behaviour therapist.

She also went to and typed in depression in the search field. She then went through the list of books and read the customer reviews. This is important feedback. When she found a book (tape, whatever) that had overwhelmingly good reviews, she got it from the library (she's on a limited budget). This reinforces for her that she's on the right track. When she cheats and doesn't eat properly, becomes dehydrated and just sits in front of the TV (another depressive - especially the news), she starts sliding back into a depression. It isn't easy for her - she really has to work at it but the outcome is worth it.

A Web site that may give you "ammunition" for a nutrition-based lifestyle for someone who is depressed is search for antidepressants and you will find many articles on how NOT to get on them in the first place and, if you already on them, how to get off of them. Also of interest are the comments from people who read the article. They have a lot to offer - many of them have suffered from depression.

The young man has a chance when someone like you guides him in the right direction. His desire to "live simply, without the chaos" may help him make that decision. Good luck.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Seekthetruth, from reading about Earthing, maybe your friend's child could go outside and walk barefoot on the grass. There is science that goes along with this that it has a lot of healthy effects. Youtube has a lot of info on the benefits for the body.

Also vitamin D is good for getting endorphins and also for health, so sitting outside in the sun is very beneficial.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Denny (Clarksville, Tennessee) on 06/25/2011

Tried apple cider vinegar for depression and did it not help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angelealaahna (Navarre, Fl) on 08/02/2009

Well I'm back my depression has 65% gone since taken Acv June 10-09..update as of today I lost 1 more pound making it a total of 8pounds since june...WTG ACV

hips was a 40 now they are a 39
leg was a 24 1/2 now they are a 24
waist was a 34 1/2 now they are a 34

I'm still eatting the same food and excerise only thing changes is that I found out about ACV

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by AngeleAlAahna (Navarre, FL) on 06/25/2009

I guess I been depress all my life but always can snap out of it quickly But for going on 2 yrs now I been deeply depress more than I ever had in my life, I didn't want to take pills so I just left it in God's Hands WELL I been reading this site for a couple of months and last month I decided to try ACV for weight 181 pound 5ft6 but with a stomach left from surgery ..I NOTICE JUST LAST WEEK I HAVEN"T FELT DEPRESS ANY LONGER..I make A Hugh jug of AVC with honey and mix it with juice and I sip it the whole day, I will be updated on my weight. THANKS EARTHCLInic

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nicole (Laguna Niguel, California, usa) on 03/25/2009

Hi, I had been suffering from depression ever since my parents got divorced 3 years ago; as an only child I had no one to talk to I had counseling, I exercised, but nothing seemed to work until I came across earth clinic. I decided to try the apple cider vinegar and it's been great I feel SO MUCH BETTER I SERIOSLY CAN'T BELIVE IT!!! I have been drinking 2 teaspoons of ACV 3x a day and my moods are so much better I'm almost as I used to be my mom can't believe it! I hope this continues to work... I find it less awfull if I drink the AVC with a cup of lemonade the taste is so much better thank you Earth Clinic =]

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gr8ful Gal in Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio) on 12/07/2008

I just want to thank Earth Clinic for such helpful health advice. I was already using ACV. (*1/2 cup in the morning). But I noticed my depression worsening I was thinking of going to a therapist. When one night I was internet surfing and found this site. I also kept having migraine headaches. (of course) no doctor, or medicines helped. I ran across the oil pulling remedies. So, I tried it. The results are great!!!! The oil pulling (first thing in the morning) *1/2 a cup its the BEST THING I could have done. Its healthy for me and has no negative side effects. My depression has gone away!!! I sleep better, I am not restless, my mood swings have diminished. I have so much energy its ridiculous!!! I can feel and see the difference. I have also tried the BSS (Baking Soda Scrub) I add honey and a little water until it thickens to my liken. (I have oily/combo skin). I used ACV as a toner,(diluted with water on a cotton ball). VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) as a moisturizer. (very thin amount) My face glowed. I only do it 3x a week. It is so great to have all these resources at hand. And they are so inexpensive. Thank You so much!!! Earth Clinic.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Orlando, FL) on 12/06/2007

About 6 months ago, I suddenly woke up with severe nausea and constant burping. Everything I ate and drank made me feel sick. I woke up nautious and went to bed nat ious every day. My quality of life started changing. I did not want to go out anymore and do things because I constantly felt sick. Being newly engaged, this really put a damper on my relationship. Who wants to be around someone that feels sick everyday and to be honest..when you are sick everyday you reach a point where you just want to be alone. I am only 27 years old and I felt like I had put on 10 years or more in the last 6 months. I even told my mother if I had to live the rest of my life like this I might kill myself. Everything made me sick. Even riding in a car. I had a colonoscopy which came back fine. I then had a scope done and showed that I had erosions all in my stomach, throat, and esophogas. I have been on prevacid and aciphex, which did not seem to help at all and the constant burping was just nasty and embarrassing. I got online and found this site and figured I would give the ACV a chance. This is only my 4th day and oh my goodness thank you god!!! I am not nauseous anymore. Riding in a car no longer makes me sick. If I burp it is one good one instead of a million tiny ones and I have energy like I haven't had in years. I have lost 3 pounds in a few days and I am not having bad cravings. I also notice my skin looks better. I also have battled depression for a long time and I actually feel happy. I woke up at 4a.m smiling thinking why am I so happy. This is truley amazing and I can't wait to keep taking it and see what else it does. If you have battled acid reflux believe me I know how horrible it is. Please just try this and you will not regret it!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathal (Canberra, Australia) on 10/01/2007

On Friday 14 September 2007 I went to the doctor. I'm 63. While there I asked him to take a look at my Knuckles on my left hand, which have had a rough dry scaly bumpy patch with a yellow white crust, which I have had for several years making my hand look pretty ugly. Nothing that I have tried could ever shift it. He said that it was Solar Keratosis (also known as an actinic keratosis) and gave me a computer print out article. He said that there was a slight chance that it could eventually turn into a skin Cancer called squamous cell carceinoma. I asked how to get rid of it and he listed: freezing it with liquid nitrogen, cutting it out or scraping it off under a local anesthetic, or using a creme or gel that could take up to three months to work and which may cause inflammation and blistering, or I could have Laser surgery or he could cauterize it with a searing hot iron or an electric current or use caustic burning substance. Uh-oh! When I got home I hit the internet quick smart and looked it up the malady on this and other sites. I then looked through my cupboards and found some Apple Cider Vinegar that my deceased wife had bought over 12 years ago. I tried some right away topically and went to the Health Food store and got some "fresh" ACV (imported from the USA) with the "Mother" in it. Today is the first of October (about two weeks later) and with 2 or 3 glasses a day of a 'splash' of ACV, bit of local honey and spring water from the supermarket plus a cotton bud tip as a device to put some of the old ACV on the knuckles, they are now completely clear! The skin is smooth, there's no roughness and some other assorted skin irritations have cleared up as well. My usual 'aches and pains' are far less prevalent. I am also less "Down" and feel generally quite a bit more positive. Sleep is deeper and less disturbed with getting up in the night reduced to once or twice a night with some nights being slept all the way through. I also seem to have more energy and less appetitie (which is good as I am getting more girth with age)! I also have far less indigestion. The only "side effect" was a few whitehead pimples at the beginning few days, which I took to be my skin generally throwing off some bodily toxins. If I am having a so-called "placebo effect" or if some learned academic says that this is really only "mind over matter" or the "power of suggestive thinking", or if someone says that my doctor "mis-diagnosed" me, well, I don't care! The damn unsightly thing has disappeared, leaving me feeling much better all 'round! It is the cheapest and most effective alternative I have ever tried and I am pleased that I don't have to undergo any painful or expensive chemical or surgical procedure (even though medical care is free for everyone in Australia). The ACV works for me! And for only a few cents a day of natural healthful ingredients. I can now gladly put my hand up as a happy ACV customer!

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