Natural Remedies

Dealing with Depression Naturally

Apple Cider Vinegar

13 User Reviews
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Posted by Suzi (Dayton, Ohio) on 11/19/2006

Apple Cider Vinegar cured my sore throat, sinus infection, loose stools, gas, lack of energy, depression, decreased my appetite, cleared up a dermatological problem. My sister got me started taking _______'s organic ACV 1 tsp in 8 oz spring water 3 times a day. At first I tried it because I had a sore throat that was immediately gone, my sinus infection went away within 24 hours or so. I have IBS and have been battling foul-smelling loose stools for years. Within a couple of days my stools were formed with almost no odor. I feel 100% better. My appetite just dropped and I'm not getting fatty food cravings like I used to and I've lost 22 pounds so far. Also, I have had big painful butt boils off and on for years and my hindquarters cleared up within a couple of days.

Replied by Raquelle
(Auckland, NZ)

Man this is the ultimate website! thankyou for your story. It always inspires me!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jen (Ann Arbor, MI) on 12/29/2005

For several months, I have been taking apple cider vinegar in the morning (2tsps w/a glass of water) and I have seen a HUGE change in mood swings and down periods. I exercise regularly and done so for years to help my mental health. But my mood swings were really in the way. I would experience irritability and then despair and on several mornings each month, I would not want to get out of bed. Not so anymore. I started taking apple cider vinegar to get rid of parasites and then realized from reading that it has all kinds of other positive effects. The disappearance of mood swings was a pleasant surprise for me. Also, I think it may work for seasonally related depression. I usually experience melancholy when fall comes and then have a strong down period in the winter. I have experienced none of this for this year and I live in Ann Arbor which is super gray in the winter time. And--one more thing--my skin is much much better with apple cider vinegar!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tawnya (Ogden, Utah) on 11/23/2005

I have been using ACV for about 2 years. It was around the time I was told that I had cancer. I had suffered a long time with depression, headaches, and 2 premature babies. When I started taking ACV, within weeks I could feel a difference in the way I felt. My headaches were gone, and 5 months later my cancer was in remission. I believe ACV has made a large impact in my life. I now give it to my children and husband, and we are very healthy and happy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Berry (Washington,DC) on 08/29/2005

a tablespoon of vinegar in a half glass of warm water is good for calming my emotions. if i drink it when something has gotten on my nerves. It takes effect immediately. Try it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Connie (Portland, OR)

I suffered from depression and anxiety for many years. I tried at least six or seven medications over a five year period but nothing worked. They all were just expensive and had bad side effects. A naturopathic biologist told me to take ACV and after a couple of days I felt much better for the first time. I believe there are people who need the prescription medications -and counseling is a great help to most of us- but for those of us suffering from occasional recurrent depression/anxiety I believe it is a fantastic cure. I have only taken it when my depression pops up and found relief every time. After reading the benefits for weight loss though, I believe I will begin taking it daily - and brushing my teeth afterward!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lila (London, England) on 02/18/2007

Hi ... I started taking 2 tablespoons of acv mixed with about a quarter of a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda mixed in about 8 floz of wa ter(250 mls) for about a week now.I do not suffer from any illnesses so I'm just taking it for general well being. Verdict: I have a lot more energy and feel less tired towards the end of the day, and I have more regular bowel movements, I have increased saliva production(is this something good?). Also I feel that it has improved my mood as I feel much happier and cheerful now.I dont know maybe its all psychological or maybe it's the acv working.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Fish Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Martin (Ireland) on 07/28/2023

For depression, take 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar braggs in a glass of water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, wait half an hour before you have your breakfast. Fish oil 1000mg after breakfast. Magnesium citrate in the evening 2 hours before bed.stop drinking sodas coke etc and eating sugary foods they mess up the much sugar in the stomach is posion.

If your tiredness has to do with depression, take vitamin C 1000mg after breakfast and also take b complex. The vinegar is to control the candidias in the stomach if you have that, your stomach will be depressed. The fish oil is for a depressed brain. It takes 3 weeks for the fish oil and vinegar to work. I still take all my prescription medication. But I was depressed on it, these vitamins saved me.i have been cured for 2 years now since taking all of this stuff.I still have to figure out something for sleep. I will edit later if I find something. Thank you god and earthclinic.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Anon (US) on 09/04/2014

I've had depression since grade school. Some years ago I got a virus or something and was given three big azithromyacin pills to take, one a day for three days. The depression went completely away for three days. I had a ton of energy, I felt happy, cheerful, outgoing, I could think clearly and remember much better. Much more relaxed and optimistic. Like everything was fixed.

The third day I took some psyllium fiber and it all came creeping back.

B Complex

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Anon (USA) on 02/15/2013

For severe depression, you might need b50 or 100 or at least b3. You could get a hair mineral test and see exactly what you are deficient in.

B Complex
Posted by Ellen (New Canaan, CT) on 09/20/2008

I was at Trader Joe's last week and was browsing through their line of supplements. One supplement in particular caught my eye - sublingual folic acid, b6 and b12. I had been seeing some good information on the web about the b vits, so I decided to buy it. (cheap by the way.) The one thing I noticed immediately is I am in such a darn good mood after I take it! I forgot to take one pill 2 days ago and some pms irritability set in. Took my vitamin and within half an hour, my mood improved. I think this may be a great supplement for those with depression or anxiety.

B Complex
Posted by Dee (USA) on 02/24/2006

I have found that taking B complex vitamins work very well for depression and anxiety. Also repeating positive affirmations like "I am healing" while imagining a white light covering your entire body has worked very well for me! Much peace to you all!


3 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Alicia319 (Seattle, Wa) on 10/28/2014

I have been taking the carbomazapine for depression and anxiety for 9 years. The doctors arent sure if I am bi polar or not the therapist both have said no. I have suffered with major depression for many years over 35 now. I decided to try b12 500 mg it is working great with my medication 250 mg at bedroom and the b12 in the am. they wanted to change my med but I don't want to. Why is the b12 working so well? I feel so much better, I am allergic to many anti depressants.

Replied by Sandhya
(Maui, Hawaii)

Depression can happen as a result of concussions. Have you hit your head ever? Good luck with the B 12.... you might even try B 12 shots.......

Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 10/19/2011

Hi Seekthetruth ; I'm an example of a person that's had depression long term. I remember it as far back as pre-school. I remember feeling an utter sadness even watching children's programs on television. It was particularly confusing as a child, but it remained throughout my teens and adulthood. It didn't seem to follow any pattern or even a situation, although negative stressors certainly worsened it. I did feel it throughout my body, though, especially in my chest and gut, along with my psyche. I agree that depression needs to be treated with the full gamut of procedures including, mind, body, and spirit.

But, I have found that the most effective treatment for me has been B12 therapy. I know that it doesn't work alone, but it does work! The rest of the B-complex is just as important for treating depression as well, of course, as amino acids and minerals in good proportion. B12 even aids in making certain amino acids available to the body. Now I feel that my gloomy times are more a part of the natural waves rather than the endless downward spirals. Even the medical community understands depression as a symptom of B12 deficiency, but only to a degree, and they assume that it's only true for elder folks. But it occurs in all ages, even infancy, and it does run in families. I see it my family, both sides. I have responded very well with sublingual lozenges of methylcobalamin, an active form of B12. Some people may respond better to injections. Also, with the other B's, some people respond better by varying the amounts of some of them. Some people increase B3, B5, B6, and Folate for depression. I recommend trying a low dose B-complex daily with extra subs. Of B12 for a few months or less, then try small increases of other B's to find a good proportion. I generally recommend between 1000-5000 mcg. Daily. The other B's may be felt more quickly, but B12 may take a while to be felt, so there could be some frustration with the healing process time.

B12, Folic Acid, 5-HTP

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Justin (Port St. Lucie) on 08/22/2006

I was under constant attack from anxiety, and depression was setting in because of it. I saw a therapist who taught me about positive thinking and ways to get myself out of a panic attack. It kinda worked but was a constant effort to always be managing my moods and still fighting random panic attacks. I started self medicating with a popular narcotic made to ease anxiety. We all know it as a small white rectangular pill. I became dependant and my tolerance built up way to high. I lost my job, and almost my wife and kid because of that stupid pill! I checked myself into a rehab ...mainly to get it out of my system while in a secure, stable environment. My mind was definitely set on getting that pill out of my life so it was easy to kick. When I got out I was so scared of my anxiety coming back...and it did! I then remembered someone telling me about B-12 and Folic Acid as a natural cure for anxiety. I went to the store found the vitamins and saw it was like $6 for a 3 months supply and said "what the heck, I'll try it".....2 years later only one ten minute panic attack! The one I did have was after a night of drinking and did not take my def. my own fault. I take 500mcgs of B-12 and 400 mcgs of Folic Acid twice a day (i'm a big guy) I rarely, very rarely even think of my anxiety.

I have also, overtime, added a supplement called 5-htp and always carry around Altoids. I take the 5-htp when it just feels like things aren't going my way, and within an hour I am as giddy as a 3yr old watching blues clues! The Altoids help me out just whenever, they give me my own personal break from everything. The freshness it gives just puts everything back on a balanced level. The extreme peppermint taste relaxes me. I pop one in before any stressful meeting, event, issue and it's like my own personal shield from stress!

As a side note since taking these new vitamins I have only been sick with a cold for one day out of 2 years! I have not gotten a single sore throat, flu, ear ache ...Everyone in my family can be sick and I get nothing! I feel invincible! Smiling more,

Bach Flower Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Bob (London, U.K.) on 01/13/2010

The Bach Flower Remedies have worked wonders on my depression. I have been in and out of depression for the last 3-4 years, and only a few months ago I discovered the flower remedies and was amazed by the results. I use them still, whenever I feel I need to. Deciding which remedies to take is not easy. It takes alot of looking into yourself and understanding yourself and your emotions. You need to think about what you feel at that specific time, not what you might have felt at previous phases in your life. I hope this helps.

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