Natural Remedies

Dealing with Depression Naturally

B12, Folic Acid, 5-HTP
Posted by Justin (Port St. Lucie) on 08/22/2006

I was under constant attack from anxiety, and depression was setting in because of it. I saw a therapist who taught me about positive thinking and ways to get myself out of a panic attack. It kinda worked but was a constant effort to always be managing my moods and still fighting random panic attacks. I started self medicating with a popular narcotic made to ease anxiety. We all know it as a small white rectangular pill. I became dependant and my tolerance built up way to high. I lost my job, and almost my wife and kid because of that stupid pill! I checked myself into a rehab ...mainly to get it out of my system while in a secure, stable environment. My mind was definitely set on getting that pill out of my life so it was easy to kick. When I got out I was so scared of my anxiety coming back...and it did! I then remembered someone telling me about B-12 and Folic Acid as a natural cure for anxiety. I went to the store found the vitamins and saw it was like $6 for a 3 months supply and said "what the heck, I'll try it".....2 years later only one ten minute panic attack! The one I did have was after a night of drinking and did not take my def. my own fault. I take 500mcgs of B-12 and 400 mcgs of Folic Acid twice a day (i'm a big guy) I rarely, very rarely even think of my anxiety.

I have also, overtime, added a supplement called 5-htp and always carry around Altoids. I take the 5-htp when it just feels like things aren't going my way, and within an hour I am as giddy as a 3yr old watching blues clues! The Altoids help me out just whenever, they give me my own personal break from everything. The freshness it gives just puts everything back on a balanced level. The extreme peppermint taste relaxes me. I pop one in before any stressful meeting, event, issue and it's like my own personal shield from stress!

As a side note since taking these new vitamins I have only been sick with a cold for one day out of 2 years! I have not gotten a single sore throat, flu, ear ache ...Everyone in my family can be sick and I get nothing! I feel invincible! Smiling more,

Homeopathy, Nutrition, Yoga, Change
Posted by Noreen (Quincy, MA)

Homeopathy worked first and best for immediate relief, Nutrition worked second best to heal my body and make it better able to deal with stress (I eat at least 1 salad a day, and live food, hydrating vegetables or food), Yoga was miraculous and an instant success-after years of resistance to first try, I loved it and it has given me so much strength during the tough times- which are very infrequent now!!! Change was throughout my recovery, getting away from negative people, jobs, places, thoughts, things and replacing them with more positive, lively, lush, uplifting, happy alternatives. I focus on the good and only acknowledge the not so good as a learning point.

Posted by Lad (Maryland) on 04/09/2006

GH3 (I used a more complex type "GH7") is a mild, reversible MAO inhibitor. It does lift your mood. Sceletium, or "Kanna" herb is reputed to work faster and better than SJW, and I found it to be very useful too. Also, gotu kola is a good all around herb for depression and anxiety.

Gluten Free Diet
Posted by Anonymous (USA)

Depression can be a side effect of celiac disease, which I have. It is treated with a gluten free diet. If you feel you have had digestive problems that are very confusing, consider getting yourself checked for this. Or search "celiac" on the web for plenty of information.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Jamie (Albuquerque, NM) on 10/19/2006

I didn't know lemons treat the blues, but I found out accidentally one day when I was bummed out that I cannot live without lemons.

Water With Lemon, Music
Posted by Courtney (Caldwell, Idaho) on 03/08/2006

A tall cold glass of water with a slice of lemon and peter sterling's cd's cures depression and anxiety. i have not been diagnosed with depression, but it runs in my family and i get it often. it is always accompanied with anxiety. i have found that if you just put peter sterling's music on, and just sit back and SLOWLY sip a glass of lemon water, it will help you relax and brighten your mood.

B Complex
Posted by Dee (USA) on 02/24/2006

I have found that taking B complex vitamins work very well for depression and anxiety. Also repeating positive affirmations like "I am healing" while imagining a white light covering your entire body has worked very well for me! Much peace to you all!

Posted by Caroline (North Ireland) on 02/10/2007

Porriage oats boiled for 2 minutes on the lowest heat drain then eat good for depression and nervous disorders. multi vitamins and minerals (iron supplement) is good for acne and hair loss. you can get this supplement from the chemist boots

Day Light Lamp, Dietary Suggestions
Posted by Toma (Chicago, IL) on 01/23/2007

Day light lamp not only helps to relieve the symptoms of SAD, but it also works great for depression. Make sure the lamp has a filter that blocks UV rays. Also, the supplement Isocort helps to fight every day stress.This diet will help your mood swings and depression a big deal: avoiding diary products, sugar, caffeine, canned foods, red meat, roasted foods, and alcohol. Doing deep breathing exercise 3 times a day helps to fight anxiety, and, also, a good remedy for panic attacks. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day may help to relieve depression symptoms, too.

St John's Wort
Posted by Ines (Tel Aviv)

I'm taking Saint John's Wort and it is helping to feel better from mild depression -- being prescribed Paxil, Miro and Prozac -- decided to take first Saint John's Wort and so far so good !!!

St John's Wort
Posted by Chase (Las Vegas, NV) on 06/07/2007

I have been using St. John's Wort, a natural herb, to help my depression. I was diagnosed as clinically depressed a few weeks ago, and i soon decided that i would battle it naturally. Well, sure enough, the Lord has made a natural fix for it. After just a couple of days of using St John's Wort, I have been livelier, i've had motivation, and I am finally myself again! Thank the Lord! Chase

Posted by Shelly (Sioux City)

In the fall when the time changes, I often have a very difficult time with anxiety and depression, especially as the holiday season approaches. After being on Effexor for a couple of years, I decided I needed to find a natural solution as I was tired of always feeling 2 steps behind. I experimented with the supplement SAM-e and discovered that it worked wonders fairly quickly. I also realized that some brands are better than others as it is a very unstable molecule. I took the lower dosage 2x a day for about a month. At that point I had to stop taking it for a while because it appeared that my brain chemistry had corrected itself and I no longer needed supplementation. Now I take it as needed, which is about 1 pill every few months. I hope others coming off the anti-anxiety medication will give this supplement a try. It was a wonderful discovery! By the way, doctors in Europe prescribe this remedy more often than prescription meds.

Posted by Sharon (Boston, MA) on 02/04/2007

My husband had a habit of waking up at 2:00am in terrible anxiety every night. The rest of the night was toss and turn, toss and turn. I started him on SamE and overnight, the pattern ceased. Now he loves it and takes it every night. No more insomnia, no more anxiety, no more depression. Good stuff!!

Wiggle the Toe Method
Posted by Hazel (London, England) on 07/04/2007

I had psychotic depression after my childs birth. I didn't sleep for days. A reflexologist told me this. You wiggle one toe, then the next one, then the next one and so on. Over and over. It works brilliantly, try it tonight!

Posted by Sunni (Seattle, WA) on 06/24/2007

I have suffered from mild to moderate depression my whole life. I've tried many things over the years ... Zoloft, therapy, hypnosis, yoga, seminars ... you name it. Nothing helped much. I had also tried natural supplements like SAM-e, 5-HTP, etc. They help some but not a lot. When I started Rhodiola on the second day I felt transformed! Not only did it lift my depression but it actually made me happy! I wanted to do things, live life! I had enthusiam and energy, which I've never really had my whole life. This wonderful little herb has made me feel the best I've ever felt in my life.
